Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3273: Quiz (This cat is too fat to turn over)

The next day, Ellie came to the training ground with Captain Meld, and the high school students who had crossed over were gathering here, watching the surroundings anxiously. When they saw Ellie appear, most of them were stunned, and then someone hurriedly shouted.

"Ah, the girl who saved us in the maze that day!"

"is her!?"

"Why is she here??"

Because Ellie's dress was so special, the group of students recognized her almost at first sight, and when they saw Ellie's appearance, everyone seemed quite excited. And at this moment, suddenly, a voice sounded.

"She killed Shimizu!"

Hearing this sentence, the students were shocked, and then fell silent. Ellie, on the other hand, just sat leisurely on the broom, squinting her eyes and staring at the student in front of her, the corners of her mouth slightly raised. At this moment, a young man with blond hair came out. He glared at Ellie, stood up in front of her, and asked in a cold voice. .

"Did you kill Shimizu?"

"That's right."

"Why did you kill him!"

Hearing Ellie's answer, the blond boy clenched his fists and shouted.

"He's our comrade."

"Oh, so what?"

However, Ellie's tone was still flat, calm, and indifferent as if she was talking about a bug.

"He manipulated magical beasts, attacked towns, killed guards, and even became an accomplice of demons, so what's the problem with me killing him?"

Facing Ellie's answer, the blond boy was speechless for a while.

"Yes, but... it's not right to kill!"

"Oh, so what?"

"Don't you even have an apology?"

"How fresh, why should I apologize?"

Facing the blond boy's rebuttal, Ellie laughed, then she turned her head and looked at Captain Meld.

"Captain Meld, that's how you train these little boys?"

"…………terribly sorry."

Facing Ellie's taunting, Meld's face was also blue and white, and he lowered his head not knowing what to say.

"They're from different worlds after all, so..."

"Mr. Melder, why are you bowing your head to this woman!"

Seeing this scene, the blond boy shouted again.

"She's a murderer!"

Hearing this, Ellie raised her brows, and then the magic wand in her hand swiped lightly. The next moment, the blond boy was directly knocked out and slammed into the wall.

"Heavenly River!"

"Are you all right? The River of Heaven?!"

Seeing this scene, the other students were also greatly surprised, and hurried to the side of the blond boy, while a girl with a black single ponytail turned her head and stared at Ellie fiercely.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Listen up, brats."

Ellie didn't answer the ponytail girl's question, she just sat on the broom and stared coldly at the student in front of her. And just being watched by her eyes, these students felt an icy chill falling from the sky, making them feel as if they were naked in the ice and snow.

"I'm here to train you, but I'm not going to accompany you with kindness like Captain Meld... What you're going to do is real training. I'll let you know, you It's just a bunch of incompetent trash with no value at all."


Hearing Ellie's words, all the students' faces became extremely ugly, and another student shouted at this moment.

"Why do you say we are trash..."

However, before he could finish speaking, Ellie raised her magic wand again and pointed at him. The next moment, the student screamed and fell to the ground as if she had been beaten to the ground.


"You can't do that!"

Seeing this scene, the ponytail girl shouted again, while Ellie glanced at her silently.

"Of course I can do this. It seems that you are spoiled by the royal family and Captain Meld. Then, let me tell you what is reality."

As she spoke, Ellie slowly moved forward while sitting on the broom, and came to the front of the crowd. She just sat on the broom and looked down at the students in front of her.

"Listen, I don't care about the morals, values ​​and order of your world. Your ideas are meaningless and irrelevant to us. Remember, the value of your existence is to protect human beings and repel demons. If If you can't do it, then you're not even worth as much as the prostitutes on the street. As for what your world does, it doesn't make sense to me, because..."

Saying this, Ellie showed a sneer.

"This is not your world."


At this moment, the expressions of all the students became extremely stiff. Although it had been a while since she was summoned to this world, it was only now that Ellie coldly revealed the reality and cruelty of this world for them.

"Do you understand? The rules, laws, and moral concepts of your world have no value for this world. This world has its own system, and only the strong can define the rules, but unfortunately, you don't have such power yet. Come to make rules, you can only obey them obediently. After all, you are just a bunch of trash..."

"Then, let's show you our power!"

At this moment, accompanied by a roar, the blond boy who had been knocked away by Ellie jumped up, holding the radiant holy sword in his hand and slashing hard at Ellie.

"Heavenly River!"

Seeing her companion's impulsive performance, the ponytail girl hurriedly shouted, but at this moment, the holy sword in the blond boy's hand had already swung down at Ellie, and then...


Just like that, Ellie was blocked.

"Is that so?"

Ellie stretched out her left hand, and the neatly trimmed nails of her pinky finger rested on the radiant blade of the holy sword, blocking the blond boy's attack. Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned and speechless.

"Your strength is too weak to even get a manicure."

"You... Damn!"

Hearing Ellie's ridicule, Tianzhihe Guanghui waved the holy sword in his hand angrily, launching a rainstorm-like attack on Ellie again and again, but Ellie just yawned and shook the fingers of her left hand boredly. It easily blocked the attack of Tianzhihe Glory.

And when Tianzhihe Guanghui attacked again, she also bent her index finger and flicked at the waving sword edge.


The next moment, the holy sword flew high, and the Tianzhihe Guanghui flew out again under the powerful impact, and after hitting a trace of more than ten meters on the ground, it stopped. .

"Heavenly River!"

"Cheer up, Glory!"

Seeing that the leader of their class was defeated so easily, the students couldn't believe their eyes. At this moment, another tall man turned his head and stared at Ellie.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"It's very simple, you are trash, so I am here to train you to be less trash."

Ellie smiled and spoke calmly.

"What if we don't want to?"

"That has nothing to do with me. It's not me who will die on the battlefield anyway."


Hearing the word "death", the students swallowed their saliva one after another. That day, the day they fell into a trap in the underground labyrinth, it was the first time they felt that death was so close to them. If it wasn't for the girl in front of them to help, I'm afraid they would already be dead.

"Everyone, cheer up!"

At this moment, a girl dressed like a priest's uniform opened her mouth to speak. She gave Ellie a complicated look, then pulled the students to the side and began to discuss in a low voice.

"What? Are you really going to train? Kaori?"

"That girl is terrible! I don't want it, she will definitely die!"

"Also, even Guanghui was beaten so badly by her... Can we endure this?"

"It doesn't matter, everyone."

The girl called Kaori shook her head and stared at everyone.

"Indeed, that Miss Ellie is terrible, but she also pointed out the fact... We are in this world without any support, and we were called here to protect human beings and destroy demons. If we can't do it, If we arrive, then we will eat and live here for nothing."

"Is not it good?"

"Do you think the king will let us live and eat for free?"


Hearing Kaori's rhetorical question, the student who refuted it stopped talking. In fact, after the near-annihilation of the group before, almost all of these students had a psychological shadow, and they were unwilling to fight again. But the king and the bishops kept urging them to return to the battle, much to the dismay of the students. But now after listening to Kaori's words, they have to admit... this is impossible.

"Miss Ellie is right, if we want to live, we want to control our own destiny, and we want to go home, we must become stronger. If we can't do this, then we can't defeat the devil, and we can't Returning to your hometown, you may also be abandoned!"

Saying this, Kaori deepened her tone.

"Think about Shimizu! He did make a mistake, but he was killed. And the person who killed him is now in front of us! Doesn't that explain the problem? We are indeed divine messengers, right? Wrong, but we are just ordinary people, if we make mistakes, we will be punished as well, or even...will be killed!"


A bit of a brain.

Hearing the words of the girl named Kaori, Ellie nodded in her heart. It seemed that some of the people who were summoned were also clear-headed. If everyone was like that golden-haired cockroach, Ellie really wouldn't mind watching them die.

It has nothing to do with you anyway, right?

After discussing for a while, a group of people looked at Fangzheng again, and then the priest girl spoke up.

"We're open to training."


Hearing this, Ellie chuckled lightly.

"It seems that you still haven't recognized your identity."

"what are you talking about……!"

Facing Ellie's mockery, Tianzhihe Guanghui wanted to go forward to argue, but was pulled by the people beside him. At the same time, Ellie chuckled and said.

"You don't even have the value of being trained by me now, because in my opinion, you are all a bunch of trash, so...I'm going to give you a quiz."


"That's right."

Seeing the priest girl staring at her, Ellie showed a meaningful smile.

"Let me think about it... By the way, let's go and destroy the goblins."

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