Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3290: Stupid choice (the mere tree guard also wants to be stumped meow?)

Of course, the king would not be stupid enough to do what the elf girl said. In fact, even if Ellie didn't say it herself, he could guess what was going on.

The reason is very simple, because just not long ago, the territory of Garen in the north of the kingdom was attacked by an unknown force, the lord was killed, and the town was burnt down. Among the corpses, many traces of elves were found. Not only that, after comparing the traces, it can be confirmed that these elves killed the residents of the town, set fire to the town, and then were killed.

As for who killed it...does it even need to be asked? Although the members of the Adventurer's Association also died in the fire, according to the registration information of the Adventurer's Association, Airi and the others were registered as adventurers at the beginning, and they also got the endorsement of the lord.

From this, it can be seen that the relationship between the witch and the other party must be good, and in this way, you can almost guess what is going on.

Originally, the king also planned to question the elves about this matter, and ask them what happened to the elves—but now there is no need to ask, because the fairyland has been destroyed, and the main force of the elves has been completely annihilated, only Some elves outside were lucky enough to escape, and there were not many of them. It can be said that the elves in the past were still a force that could be on an equal footing with humans. Now... Hehehe, because of the existence of the elf cult, they are also Biya people. Be stronger.

In other words, it's time to get rid of this elf teacher...

Ellie didn't care and didn't care about what happened in the palace, but there was one thing she had to ask clearly.

"...Rimuru went to the site of the alliance of the kings??"

Hearing Mengmeng's report, Ellie was stunned.

"Yes, it heard that you need to explore the seven mazes, Sister Ellie, so it volunteered to go to the site of the Union of Kings to investigate... According to it, slimes are originally monsters, and they will not attract others' attention. and doubts..."

"That being said... well, I don't think it should be a problem."

Ellie thought for a while, and felt that there was no need to worry about Rimuru, after all, it has a system, and although it is a slime on the surface, its level is not low, and it can't be beaten to death - it was run over by Azisha before. The pressure is simply because of restraint.

After all, Azisha is a "Slime Killer".

There should be no such perversions on the monster side. .

On the contrary, there was another thing that made Ellie very puzzled.

After bringing those children to the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, Ellie also asked Xiaobai to appraise them. To Ellie's surprise, all these children were reincarnated, and they were all Xiaobai's classmates!

If this is a coincidence, how low is the probability!

In other words, the elves are consciously collecting reincarnators? In other words, the real goal of these elves is actually the reincarnated person who has the system, and they deliberately abduct and sell other children behind their backs because they want to confuse the public and let people not know what they are doing? This is also normal. After all, there are so many cases of kidnapping and selling children that the Kingdom cannot investigate. There are more missing children, and no one will find out that one of these children has a problem...

In other words, the elves in this world are too disgusting, I have never seen an elves more disgusting than this.

Having said that, what are these elves collecting reincarnators for?

...Forget it, it doesn't matter, after all, it doesn't solve the problem, and neither does the person who created it. The elves have been wiped out, and there is no point in what they want to do.

Xiaobai also talked to them and found that these children were all reincarnated in the last two or three years. Some were a little earlier, some were a little later, but Xiaobai was born the latest. Not only that, even the teacher in the class was reincarnated, the elf girl from before... But she didn't know where she went, anyway, Ellie didn't kill her, and the others probably didn't want to see her again.

After leaving those children behind, Ellie returned to the city again, because those children also asked her to find out about their parents, although as reincarnators, they didn't really think they were their parents in the strict sense. , but they are also people who raised themselves, and in addition to some parents who are obsessed with money, some parents are forced to sell their children out of desperation, so they also want to see how these parents are doing now .

Of course, it wasn't a difficult thing for Ellie, but as soon as she walked into the city, she was stopped by the adventurers' association.

"Oh, Lord Witch, you finally appeared, go to the palace, the king is looking for you in a hurry!"

"Find me?"

Looking at the members of the Adventurer's Association in front of her, Ellie tilted her head in confusion, while the latter nodded desperately.

"Go to the palace, I heard that it is very urgent."

Can it be urgent? The king personally issued a request to the Adventurers Association, asking to find Ellie and inform her of the news of her coming to the palace. The Adventurers Association actually distributed this kind of ordinary message to every branch, so that almost every town and village in the Kingdom of Barbania was guarded by adventurers... As a result, the hard work paid off, and it still They were really stared at.

So Ellie, who was caught, had no choice but to go to the palace again. When she entered the hall, she saw the king sitting on the throne. In the hall, not only ministers and guards, but even Kaori and the others were there. There was also an elf girl with red eyes, standing beside her, staring at her viciously.

"Uh... Your Majesty, do you have anything to do with me?"

Ellie glanced at the elf girl, then looked at the king, who nodded.

"Hello, Silver Witch, I'm not looking for you this time for anything else... As you can see, this Miss Philimes accuses you of destroying the Fairyland and killing all the fairies. That's why I I will come to you to ask about the situation."


Hearing the king's question, Ellie nodded, and then she glanced at the elf girl—well, the one she let go before.

So Ellie nodded lightly.

"Yes, I did it."


Hearing Ellie's admission, Kaori and the others were also shocked. They didn't know about it until they returned from exterminating the monsters outside. Knowing that the king was going to question Ellie, these students couldn't help but come over to see the end. what's going on. To be honest, they... well, they really thought that Ellie could do such a thing. After all, when Ellie trained them before, she had already made these people clearly understand how terrifying the beautiful and powerful witch in front of them was. , so if she completely wiped out the elf tribe without changing her face, then it is not impossible.

But why does Ellie do this?

"Oh? Why are you doing this?"

Just when everyone was wondering, the king also asked this question, and Ellie shrugged.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. I found that the elves attacked the human territory and killed the lord. I happened to be familiar with me and the lord, so I think..."

As she spoke, Ellie looked at the elf girl.

"Since you can come to our human territory to kill and set fire, it's not too much for me to kill and set fire on your elves' territory.

"You, you are talking nonsense...!"

Hearing this, the elf girl suddenly turned pale with anger, and at this moment, Tianzhihe Guanghui also jumped out again.

"Sure enough, you did it, you witch, I knew that you were a spy of the devil! You are trying to weaken the power of human beings, so you went to destroy the elves! No matter what kind of lies you use to cover up, you can't cover them up. your crime!"

However, the king was not as indignant as Tianzhihe Guanghui thought, he just pondered for a moment, and then said slowly.

"We did investigate the matter, and found the elf's body on the battlefield..."

"That must have been framed by her!"

Tianzhihe Guanghui spoke again, this time the others couldn't help but glance at him, while Tianzhihe Guanghui didn't care about everyone's eyes at all, just stared at Ellie, just like a prosecutor watching a heinous crime in court. the same as prisoners.

"But why didn't you report this to us?"

At this moment, a minister standing beside the king also spoke, but Ellie just gave him a faint look.

"It's just a little thing, why tell you? Besides... I'm not a citizen of this country, so I don't need to report it to you."


Facing Ellie's eyes, the minister subconsciously took a step back, and now the king spoke again.

"Since you have obtained our country's adventurer certification, you must abide by our country's laws."

"Oh... there is such a thing? Sorry, next time."


The king also nodded, with a look of "don't do it again next time".

"Then, thank you for your hard work."

"Are you okay? I'm leaving."

After saying this, Ellie turned around and left, and when they saw this scene, everyone was stunned, and they had no idea what was unfolding. They originally thought that there would be a war of words between the two sides, but Ellie happily said "yes, I did it", while the king said "don't do it again next time", and then... ...is this the end?

"Oh, yes, one more thing."

When she was about to leave the hall, Ellie seemed to remember something, patted her forehead, and turned to point at the elf girl.

"She was the mastermind behind the child abduction case that happened in the kingdom before. Although it was the elves who acted, the mastermind was herself. This is one of the reasons why I went to destroy the elves. You can decide the rest."

"Okay, I know."

The king nodded, then waved suddenly.

"Someone, arrest her for me!"


Following the king's order, the guards who were fully armed all around suddenly rushed up and directly pressed the elf girl.

Seeing this scene, the gods who were eating melons were completely stunned, including Kaori, no one thought that the final plot would turn around like this, and it was nothing to be accused of destroying Ellie in the fairyland. , On the contrary, the elf girl who is the survivor of the elf family was arrested?

"Wait, wait, why...!"

The elf girl obviously didn't expect that she would be caught, she screamed while struggling, and at the same time, Ellie's voice sounded again.

"Don't understand? No wonder you're in such a situation. In short, you're useless, Miss Elf. Besides, the things you've done are enough for you to be executed."

"I, I'm here to protect my students!"

"Well said, so you can understand that the parents who have lost their children outside want to smash you into thousands of pieces. They are only for their children."

Saying this, Ellie nodded to His Majesty the King.

"Then, Your Majesty the King, I will take my leave. The report on the child abduction incident involving elves has been submitted to the Adventurer's Association."

"Okay, trouble you, Miss Witch."

The king was also kind-hearted at the moment, and nodded to Ellie with a smile. Others might not understand why he was so kind to Ellie, but the king knew that the other party had helped him solve a big problem. You must know that the kidnapping and abduction cases of children that have occurred on the kingdom's land during this period of time have been endless, and the king is also very troubled. Although Foss's black market auction was destroyed by Ellie and others, the culprit behind it has never been caught.

But now, Ellie sent the prisoner directly in front of her, and she had already been exterminated, an elves without any power, and the king always wanted to find an opportunity to attack the elves. It can be said that this is simply a sleepy handing over a pillow, plus love Li handed the report to the Adventurer's Association, as long as it was announced in public that the elves were the mastermind behind the kidnapping of children, and then took this opportunity to vigorously attack the elves, then it would be perfect!

Not only can you catch the prisoner, but you can also restore your prestige. The only thing that needs to be sacrificed is the elves that have no value... Is there anything better than this?

Thinking of this, the king also smiled.

While others watched this scene, they didn't know how to react at all. At first, they were worried that Ellie would break up with the king because of this incident, but they didn't expect that instead of having a deadlock, they looked like they were working together. On the contrary, it was the poor elf girl, who was pressed on the ground as a criminal and bound, and it seemed that she would be sentenced to listen to their words?

What's going on?

Their brains are completely confused.

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