Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3301: You're killing yourself (the handle came and broke again)

Generally speaking, it is very difficult to fight in the opponent's territory, not to mention that the tree of imaginary numbers is also considered to be a kind of creation god, and if other people dare to rush into its domain, it will be destroyed in minutes.

But Ellie is different. She is the envoy of the **** of lust, and the **** of **** belongs to a powerful divine power. In addition, there is only one divine envoy of Ellie, so strictly speaking, Ellie is a subordinate **** and has a medium level of divine power. , enough to fight the tree of imaginary numbers.

This is also the biggest reason why Fangzheng chose Airi instead of Shizuku or Red Ponytail. Although he was reluctant, among his three priesthoods, the God of Lust was the most powerful.

In addition, Ellie's power is the strongest among the three clones.

And the two sides also launched a fierce battle in the realm of the gods.

【Order in the name of God... 】

"It's said that this trick doesn't work for me!"

At first, the tree of imaginary numbers tried to use divine coercion to force Ellie to submit, but unfortunately, just like Ellie couldn't kill Tianzhihe Guanghui and angels who were sheltered by gods, the attack of the tree of imaginary numbers did not affect Ellie either. The effect, after all, both sides are gods, and then we can only compare who is more powerful.

I have to say that the tree of imaginary numbers still has a few brushes. As the core of countless world bubbles, it has far more resources than Ellie, who is fighting alone. I saw that under the ball of light, countless strange-shaped souls were summoned and attacked Ellie. Among them, Ellie even saw Qijuzi and Herrscher from Sidonia... So you are behind these things, right?

Facing the large collection of villains summoned by the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, Ellie was not wrong at all, and directly opened the taboo [Quad Existence], and then launched various barrages like crazy without money. The colorful light bullets and the rays penetrating the sky intersected each other, illuminating the originally dim Divine Realm.

Although the opponent has the advantage of the home game, Ellie doesn't care at all. The advantage of the away game is that I won't feel bad if I tear it down!

It's not Lao Tzu's territory anyway!

For a time, the two sides fell into a stalemate stage.

The Tree of Imaginary Numbers couldn't use her divine power to subdue Ai Li, and could only constantly summon the Soul Envoy to help out, and Ai Li did not have the ability to destroy the Tree of Imaginary Numbers with one hit, so the two sides soon became a battle. war of attrition.

[Little girl, don't you really think that in the imaginary space, you can beat me]

"When you say this, it means that you are about to lose!"

Ellie clenched her magic wand and swung it forward, and saw the shimmering stellar energy explode in an instant, a huge shock wave that was enough to wipe out a galaxy sweeping across, turning all the enemies rushing in front of her into powder.

【Do you really think I am afraid of you? 】

"If you're not afraid of death, come up and deliver it!"

Along with Ellie's roar, tens of thousands of light bullets exploded and spread around her, just like fireworks set off during the Spring Festival. everything, then blast it to shreds again.

I don't know how long the stalemate was, and finally, the tree of imaginary numbers spoke again.

【Wait a minute, are you really going to destroy me? You know, if I die, all the worlds will die with it! 】

As if to verify what he said, while speaking, the tree of imaginary numbers unfolded an image outside. I saw in the picture, the world outside is crumbling, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes continue—this is only natural, after all, this is the core of the tree of imaginary numbers. At this moment, Ellie’s battle seems to be chopping down with an axe, which is on the verge of withering. Fruit trees, every time an axe is cut down, the impact will extend to the entire fruit tree, and some fruits may not be able to withstand it and fall directly.

But for Ellie...

"What's the matter with me!"

While giving the answer without caring, Ellie released a [Giga Flare] with her backhand, once again turning all the enemies in front of her into ashes.

【what? Don't you care about those people? Haven't you been protecting them all the time? Do you want to destroy all this, and let them be destroyed with it? 】

At this moment, the tone of the tree of imaginary numbers became more and more frightened. Although it sounded like a criminal who threatened the police with a hostage, of course Ellie would not be caught off guard.

"That's a pity, but I think you also know that I am a divine envoy, and I only act to obey the orders of the Lord God, so... some sacrifices are understandable, aren't they?"

【hateful……! 】

Seemingly judging that she could not convince Ellie, the tree of imaginary numbers also became anxious, while Ellie continued to attack recklessly, staring at the core of the tree of imaginary numbers, thinking about its next plan.

If the tree of imaginary numbers was in its prime, Ellie's actions would be tantamount to suicide. But fortunately, the current imaginary number tree itself is already dying and on the verge of dying, and it does not want to die, so it will do everything possible to continue its life. In this case, even if Ellie really didn't plan to stop, she wouldn't just watch her world collapse like this.

But how exactly?

Although she was ruthless, Ellie was also thinking quickly. The fight between the two sides has gone from a simple strength competition to a psychological warfare category. The tree of imaginary numbers used the safety of the world bubble as a shield to prevent Ellie from stopping, but if Ellie really stopped as it said, she would really be caught in the opponent's trap.

But if you don’t stop, you must come up with a way to solve the problem. It’s best to get it done without destroying the tree of imaginary numbers for the time being, but you must also make it impossible for the tree of imaginary numbers to see that it has kept its hands. ——Thinking of this, Ellie's eyes suddenly lit up, yes, there is still this trick!


Following Ellie's order, her three clones immediately rushed towards the tree of imaginary numbers, and seeing Ellie speeding up the attack, the tree of imaginary numbers was even more terrified. It is absolutely unwilling to die here, but now its own world is almost unable to withstand the terrifying offensive of the other party.

At first, the Tree of Imaginary Numbers tried to threaten the safety of everyone in the world. After all, it was also a creator god, and naturally he saw how Ellie took care of those people. Originally, it thought that the girl would hesitate to some extent, but it did not expect that his threat had no effect at all, and instead aroused the other party's murderous intention.

Does she really care about the lives of those people?

Taking advantage of the gap between the attacks, the tree of imaginary numbers was also secretly observing Ellie, trying to find clues from her expression, but the tree of imaginary numbers was disappointed. I saw Ellie smiling and looking like she didn't care at all, even if she caused huge damage to the entire imaginary space, she didn't frown.

You must know that every wave of attacks here will affect other worlds!

No, it's not surprising if you think about it carefully, it has detected Ellie and knows that it is the messenger of the **** of lust. Although I don't know what kind of **** this is, it can be seen from the priesthood that this **** is. Definitely not the kind of righteous and kind existence... Damn, how could I be so unlucky to provoke such a guy!

But I absolutely cannot die here!

While desperately resisting Ellie's attack, the Tree of Imaginary Numbers was speeding up its thinking—although it was a bit unexpected, but at this time, there was only another way to use it.

That is to look for opportunities to leave this world in the form of a soul body and go to other worlds!

Although this is also very risky, and the self who has lost his body will also encounter danger when crossing the world bubble.

Thinking of this, the tree of imaginary numbers suddenly made up his mind.

【Then, let me show you how good I am! 】

With the roar of the Imaginary Number Tree, the entire space began to tremble, and then, an incomparably huge monster that looked like a metal doll suddenly appeared. It made a sharp hissing sound and charged straight towards Ellie. Facing the metal monster that rushed towards her, Ellie raised her hands again, the huge magic power formed around her, and blasted directly at the metal monster in front of her.


Hundreds of thousands of light bullets hit the metal monster's body directly, shattering its body instantly, but the metal monster did not stop because of this. On the contrary, in the gap broken by the light bullet, strange and dark tentacles like tentacles sprang out from it, rushing towards Ellie quickly.


Seeing this scene, Ellie's expression changed slightly, and she hurriedly accelerated to try to distance herself from the tentacles, but she was still a step behind. The seemingly invisible tentacles passed through Ellie's barrier and entangled her tightly. Immediately afterwards, sharp white teeth popped out of the tentacles and pierced directly into the girl's weak body.

And at the moment when the tentacles blocked Ellie, a golden light suddenly flew out from the white ball of light, rushing far into the dark and invisible depths of the shadow.

Just get to that place, just get to that place...!

The golden light roared through the space, but just as it was about to leave the body, the entire golden light trembled as if it had hit something, and suddenly stopped. Immediately afterwards, I saw Ellie's figure appearing from the void, extending her right hand to block her path.

"Sorry, you can't go anywhere... this is the end."

【How can it be……? You... how could you...]

Seeing Ellie in front of her, the tree of imaginary numbers was extremely shocked. It turned its head and saw that Ellie in the back had disappeared without a trace.

"That's it."

Along with Ellie's voice, a huge magic circle swirled and formed in front of her, and the condensed white magic power formed a dazzling ball of light.

[No, you can't do this, if you kill me...! 】

At this moment, the golden beam turned into a human shape, and angrily stretched out her hand towards Ellie, and at this moment, Ellie clenched her right hand and slammed it down at the magic circle.


Then, a white torrent of magic power broke out completely, swallowing the golden human figure.

(End of this chapter)

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