Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3314: Superpower bug swarm (a large flock of sheep is grazing outside)

Blizzard's headquarters has long been in ruins.

The Queen of Blades sat on the ruins, stretched out her hand, and stared at the figure in her hand - it was the statue of the Queen of Blades, but now that's all that's left.

"It's really boring."

With a cold snort, the Queen of Blades threw the figure aside and raised her head to look at the sky. The sky here was almost indistinguishable from the one she remembered. To be honest, when she first learned that this world caused her tragic fate, the Queen of Blades was full of anger. She wished to open the belly of the creator who created all this and let him feel his pain and anger.

But the reality disappointed the Queen of Blades unexpectedly.

There is no powerful force in this world, and her swarm has hardly encountered any decent resistance, and the humans here are far weaker than the humans in their own world.

In the view of the Queen of Blades, the humans in this world are almost like bugs.

However, it is they who have actually created a world with powerful power, and wantonly toyed with the applause?


Thinking of this, the Queen of Blades suddenly sneered, not knowing whether she was laughing at fate, or at herself being played with by such a fragile human being.

What to do next?

The Queen of Blades has also tried to let her creator create more powerful powers for herself, or to restore her to a human being, but I don't know why it was completely unsuccessful. This makes the Queen of Blades very disappointed. Could it be that their ability to create the world is only useful in their original world, and has no effect in this world?

But now, he can no longer return to his original world.


At this moment, the Queen of Blades suddenly stood up and looked up in surprise.

Because at this moment, she received a report from the swarm - they were attacked?

And the other party is... a swarm?

On the red wilderness, tens of thousands of insect swarms turned into a tide and rushed forward, rushing towards the enemy on the opposite side. In the sky, the pitch-black dragon flapped its wings, spewed flames from its mouth, and galloped forward.

On the opposite side of them, the same swarm rushed forward, and then the two sides collided heavily.

However, without even holding on for a second, the latter's defense line collapsed in front of the flood like a dam made in India, and the black swarm tore apart the bright red sea of ​​worms, as if a sharp knife pierced into it.

"……What exactly is this?"

When the Queen of Blades arrived, what she saw was the scene of her own swarm being completely defeated. I have to say that the Queen of Blades was completely shocked when she saw this scene in front of her.

The swarm opposite is a swarm, but it is not the same as your own. For example, the flying dragon in the sky is not in the form of the flying dragon on your own side, but is closer to the giant dragon in the fantasy story. Even other units gave the Queen of Blades a plausible feeling.

But it's not about looks, it's about power.

The Queen of Blades clearly saw that the attack launched by her own insect swarm did not cause any damage to the opponent at all. Whether it was the attack of the Hydralisk, the Zergling, or even the flying dragon, the attack on the opposite swarm did not cause any damage at all. She watched helplessly as a Zergling was hit by a Hydralisk's attack, but the Hydralisk's attack seemed to hit some kind of transparent barrier, and was blocked before it had time to work.

It's not just Zerglings, it seems that all of the other units have similar abilities, which also leads to their own side not having the upper hand in terms of quantity and quality.

But... so what?

With the thought of the Queen of Blades, the earth cracked, and then a thunder beast emerged from it, roaring and rushed towards the swarm in front of him - according to reason, in the face of such a huge unit as the thunder beast, whether it is a Zergling Or Hydralisks, there should be no way to resist...

However, just when the Queen of Blades turned her thoughts around, she saw that the other party suddenly sprang out a few hydralisks to block the thunder beast. Before the Queen of Blades could figure out what the other party was doing, she saw those few Hydralisks suddenly opened their mouths, and then, a small green light ball appeared in their mouths—then turned into beams of light and flew forward, and at the same time, the bodies of those Hydralisks also shattered and shattered.

But this is not important. What is important is that under Kerrigan's gaze, the beams of light directly penetrated the Thunder Beast's body, causing it to burn instantly and turn into a huge fireball. He fell to the ground with no response.


Seeing this scene, the Queen of Blades was stunned, with a black question mark on her face.

What kind of joke is this?

Can hydralisks strike thunder beasts?

Afraid not to live in a dream?

I still can't believe it!

At this time, the Queen of Blades was also angry from her heart and turned to courage. She raised her right hand and aimed at the brain worm floating on the battlefield not far away. This brain worm is not much different from the brain worm on his own side. The only difference is that the other party has a long tentacle that hangs to the ground like a spine.

"Let you see how good I am!"

With the roar of the Queen of Blades, a huge psionic storm erupted in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, all the large swarms of worms centered on the brain worms were devoured.

According to reason, the psychic storm of the Queen of Blades' full blow is enough to completely destroy the brain worm and the swarm, and according to the Queen of Blades' understanding of the swarm, once the brain worm is eliminated, a large number of worms will be out of control. Brainworms are very important swarm nodes after all, but they are very vulnerable and not attacking - WTF? !

However, when the psionic storm dissipated, the scene in front of her directly caused the Queen of Blades to utter a national curse.

I saw that the cerebral worm was still floating in the air without any damage, and even the worms next to the cerebral worm seemed to have completely resisted the attack of the psionic storm. Not only that, but they all look shiny and shiny, as if the psionic storm was used to bathe them!

What the **** is this? !

And the attack of the Queen of Blades also attracted the attention of the brain worm. I saw it turned its head directly and stared at the Queen of Blades. The next moment, the Queen of Blades felt that the psychic power in her body was quickly absorbed, scaring her. She hurriedly backed away and distanced herself from the brain worm.

What the **** is going on with this swarm? !

The Queen of Blades could not have imagined that the swarm she faced was not the zerg in her impression, but the new zerg that combined the super power formula and the Tyranid swarm. Relying on the superpower formula and insect swarm network provided by Fangzheng, as long as the number is large enough, the insect swarm can exert a power that is comparable to that of LV5 superpowers. In fact, among the LV5 psychics in Academy City now, the insect swarms have been able to skillfully use Accelerator, Atomic Honkai and Railgun's ability formulas to attack.

On the contrary, the non-elemental matter and the psychological manipulation swarm cannot be used, the concept of non-elemental matter itself cannot be understood by the swarm, and the skill of psychological manipulation is also useless because the swarm cannot understand the way of human thinking.

After all, if the swarms were to manipulate humans according to their understanding, it would basically be to manipulate one and make one crazy.

In addition, because of the relationship between the devouring the Tyranids, the overall genetic structure of the zerg has also been greatly enhanced, like the brain worm. Fangzheng naturally knew that the cerebral worm was a relatively weak unit in the swarm, but fortunately there was a cerebral worm in the Tyranids, and it was absurdly strong. So he integrated the two grips, so that the brain worm could not only control other zerg, but also have enough power to protect himself.

The situation is not right!

At this moment, the Queen of Blades also noticed that something was wrong. This swarm was obviously not a swarm she was familiar with, so she wanted to turn around and leave. However, at this time, a warning sign suddenly emerged from the Queen of Blades' heart, and she suddenly opened her wings and left the place at a faster speed.

And almost at the same time, a flash of light suddenly appeared out of thin air, cutting off half of the Queen of Blades' wings, and then, a white-haired girl with a witch-like triangle hat and long braids appeared quietly in the thick fog. .

"This...you are the Dark Templar?"

Looking at the way the girl in front of her flashed like Zeratul, the Queen of Blades asked in a dignified low voice, although the girl in front of her looked like a human being, but the way she used nether energy was very different from that of the Dark Templar. similar.


Facing the question from the Queen of Blades, the girl did not answer, she just opened her right hand slightly, and then she saw that the nails on the girl's fingers suddenly stretched out like a cat.

"Sorry, I'm here to beat you."

"very good!"

Hearing the girl's timid words, the Queen of Blades laughed instead of anger.

"Then I want to see, what ability do you have!"

The voice fell, and then the Queen of Blades jumped up and rushed towards the girl in front of her!

The setting sun is like blood.

The bright red and dazzling sunlight shone on the ruined city. Sylvanas sat lazily on the chair, narrowed her eyes contemptuously, and stared at the two petite figures in front of her.

"So, even if you defeated my servants, you still dare to challenge me here?"

"Your doom is here, Banshee King!"

The black cat raised his scythe and pointed at Sylvanas in front of him with a smug look on his face.

"We will end your rule here and put your soul into eternal sleep! Under my dark power, there is no place for you!"


Hearing the black cat's complacent words, Fite, who was beside him, lowered his head with a blushing face.

After all, not everyone can play freely in front of a black cat with a secondary illness.

"very good………"

On the contrary, Sylvanas didn't feel embarrassed at all, she stood up slowly and picked up the longbow beside her.

"Then, let me see your power! Mortal!"

"I am the first dark paladin under my lord, the black cat who has fallen from the sky! Come on, King of Banshees!" (To be continued)

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