Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3324: This is not easy to mix up

After these days of "buying and selling" in Kamurocho, Fangzheng can be considered to have opened his reputation. Now he doesn't even need to deliberately touch porcelain or take a shot at injustice. For Fangzheng, it is more straightforward to ask the underworld for money now. .


Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and patted the long-haired man on the shoulder. When he turned around, he directly extended his hand.

"Hand over the money and the car, you can get out."

Yep, so arrogant.


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the long-haired man suddenly widened his eyes and stared at him viciously.

"How dare you talk to me like that? Do you know who I am?"

"The Dojima group, I wouldn't have robbed you if it wasn't for your badge. Come on, give me the money and the car keys."

"What did you say?!"

Hearing this, the long-haired man couldn't help clenching his fists, but at this moment, a low voice came from behind.

"Is that you? You're making trouble in Kamurocho these days."

Fangzheng turned his head and saw behind him, a man with an inch head, wearing a white suit, with frowning brows staring at him.

Oh, so it's a trap... not bad, better.

It's not the first time anyway.

Of course, the ending won't change.


The long-haired man was knocked to the ground heavily, groaning in pain, while the short-headed man in a suit was also leaning against the wall, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he didn't say a word.

"Then, I'll take the money and the car, thank you."

Fang Zheng waved the car keys and wallet in his hand, turned around and planned to leave.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

Just when Fang Zheng was about to turn around and leave, the inch-headed man stood up desperately and stared at him.

"Why do you do such a thing? Aren't you afraid to provoke the Dongcheng Club?"

"Huh? It's just underworld, who cares about you?"

Hearing the question from the inch-headed man, Fang Zheng turned his head to stare at him, and pouted at the same time. Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the inch-headed man was greatly shocked.

"Merely... underworld??"

"That's right, after all, aren't you parasites? Everyone else is working hard and earning money, but you are lying on top of them to **** blood. You are not even a wolf, you are more like a hyena, what the Dojima group? The Dongcheng Club is only used by hyenas to strengthen their courage, after all, if animals like you don't form a group, you can't survive at all, but it's just such a thing."

Speaking of this, Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders, he never looked down on underworld. Those who dare to blow up prosecutors like Italy, or those who are more powerful than the government like Mexico, are another matter for the time being, but in the final analysis, ordinary gangsters are just gangs of gangsters.

Especially in Japan, because it is a formal group, it is more scruples than some of the mouths when it comes to doing things. It is simply a model of easy bullying.

It's not that Fangzheng's clone has never crossed the modern world, and those worlds are not without gangsters, but he is not a bird at all. Whether it is the world of Conan or the spiritual world, Fangzheng can go directly to the upper-level route. For him, the underworld is this. This kind of thing, no matter how famous the reputation is, in the final analysis, it is nothing more than this level of stuff.

So Fang Zheng said that he basically ignored the underworld. This is also the reason why he dares to rob the underworld, because the underworld is afraid of making things worse, so no matter how Fangzheng bullies them, they can only solve the problem by themselves, and if they can't solve it...then they have to raise their hands and surrender. .

"Staying in this kind of place all day long, and seeing other people bowing down to you is delusional, right? Do you think it's awesome and honorable to be a gangster? Go out and see the world, and basically no one takes you back. All right."

Fang Zheng said that being a gangster might not even be better than being a killer. After all, if he is rich, he can even kill the president of the United States. Can a gangster do it?

The young man in front of him is just like the young man who was obsessed with Young and Dangerous when Fangzheng was in school. He thinks that Young and Dangerous is handsome and awesome. A group of people will be dragged to death when they go out on the street. For the sake of brothers and loyalty, but in fact, a police station at the police station can destroy you in minutes.

If the whole society is compared to a pyramid, then the social class of the underworld is basically a little bit above the bottom - to put it bluntly, it is a model of bullying.

So the gangs are a bit similar to martial arts, and the major sects wrote great bang bang, but after the imperial army was overwhelmed, all of them died. What Emei Shaolin Wudang Kunlun, dare to evade taxes, murder and set fire to all seized, I don't care what kind of **** you have, Shaolin abbot's position in the rivers and lakes, all dragged to the cell to eat.

Just like the few bald donkeys that Fang Zheng caught when he was the emperor, I heard that they were quite famous in the rivers and lakes, but they still obediently pressed them to the northwest to plant trees.

Of course, Fangzheng didn't plan to keep catching the underworld human flesh bank here. After all, the situation was too low. After the original capital was accumulated, he planned to change careers to refer to 47 to be a killer and start a dark brotherhood or something. Fangzheng's idea is basically the same as when he was on Meigan's side. As long as he fights enough times, he will definitely be able to find some clues - for example, when he was a bounty hunter, he found Eve, and then he also found a nano biochemical weapon , and then found the alien line.

However, there are no bounty hunters in this world, so I have to take the killer general.

Besides, he was already wanted, so it is not a big problem to be wanted dozens of times.

"You too, you are young, don't do a promising career like the underworld, go do something else."

While speaking, Fang Zheng patted the inch-headed man on the face with his hollowed out wallet, then turned and left. Only the one-inch man and the long-haired man looked at each other silently... not knowing what to say.

They were originally arrogant and arrogant, thinking that they should be able to catch the thief by relying on the two of them to join forces, but they didn't expect to be killed by the other party without saying anything, and they were beaten in a mess. ... This wave can be said to be blood loss.


Watching Fang Zheng's back disappear, the long-haired man smashed his fist on the ground angrily.

"Next time I see him, I won't forgive him!"

Although the long-haired man announced so, but unfortunately, there is no next time.

After disposing of the long-haired man's car, Fangzheng left Kamurocho. The environment of this place is dirty and chaotic, suitable for hunting but not suitable for living. There was no way before, but now that Fangzheng has money and fake identity, these are naturally not a problem.

And after finding a place to live, Fangzheng's "Dark Brotherhood" can be considered a good start.

Like 47, Fangzheng doesn't kill anyone as long as he pays, he only kills those who are extremely vicious but cannot be punished by the law. Well, to be honest, there are quite a few such people in Japan.

And there are a lot of people who are willing to pay for them to die.

For example...

"Is it underworld?"

Looking at the entrustment at hand, Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes, while the old man in front of him lowered his head.

"That's right, the goal is to directly organize the Dojima team leader Dojima Zongbing, as long as you can kill him, then money is not a problem."

So it is true that the underworld is not easy to mix.

If he had changed to another target, Fang Zheng might have investigated the reason why the other party killed him, but since the target was a high-level underworld, Fang Zheng would be too lazy to take care of it. Regardless of whether the reason is revenge, a struggle for power or profit, or conspiracy, in a word, if a guy like this dies, it will only benefit society and not harm it.

"Is this okay? If you do this, it means that you will be enemies with Dongcheng?"

"It doesn't matter, it's just gangsters, I want to see what they can do."

Indeed, if the high-level executives directly under the Dongcheng Association are killed, it will inevitably cause an uproar. Whether it is the police or the Dongcheng Association, they will make great efforts to arrest the murderer.

But the premise is that he was indeed murdered.

If it's an accidental death, then... it's not my own problem.

That's exactly what happened.

Two days later, Dojima Zongbing, the leader of the Dojima team of the Dongcheng Association, was found dead at home.

But Dongcheng Club obviously doesn't think so. These days, they have dispatched people to investigate everywhere, trying to catch the murderer.

However, their actions naturally attracted the attention of the police.

"During this period of time, Dongcheng Club seems to be doing things all the time."

Looking out the window, an old detective with gray hair snorted coldly, and when he heard his emotion, a man in a suit with a police-watching elite style beside him whispered.

"I heard that Dongcheng will think that Dojima did not die accidentally, but was killed by someone."

"Oh? Really? Where's the identification report?"

"The investigation team inspected the scene in great detail, and finally came to the conclusion that it was an accidental death. According to the final conclusion issued by the investigation team, Dojima Zongbing left the bathroom and went to the balcony to smoke after taking a shower, and then accidentally He slipped and lost his balance, then fell from the balcony and died with a violent blow to the head, without any external force, and we have no trace of a second person present at the time."

"Then the Dongcheng Association is trying to use the topic to play?"

Hearing the report of his subordinates, the old detective's complexion became more and more gloomy, while the latter was a little hesitant.

"This... I did get some strange news..."

"Strange news?"

"That's right, UU reading www.uukanshu.com heard that before the death of Dojima Zongbing, someone seemed to pay 10 million to buy his life. I think the Dongcheng Association started to take action based on this information. "

"I see."

The old detective nodded, then took a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

"Someone paid for the life of Dojima's sect soldier, and then Dojima died, and Dongcheng would naturally consider it a murder rather than an accidental death..."

Having said this, the old detective suddenly turned around and took his coat.

"let's go."

"Hey? Where to go? Principal?"

"We are also going to investigate. In any case, these guys can't be allowed to act recklessly here!"

(End of this chapter)

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