Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3327: Fangzheng's approach (it started to snow tonight meow)

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After that, the blindfolded man took Makimura out of the massage shop and came to the crowded Cantenbori street. But soon, they found that the danger was not over. The streets of Cantenbori were full of gang members in suits, searching for their traces everywhere.

"Damn, it's not easy to do now...!"

Seeing this, the blindfolded man couldn't help but click his tongue, but just as he was about to think of a way, an unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded from the walkie-talkie in his hand.

"Hey, did you hear me? Please answer if you hear me."

"Who are you?"

The blindfolded man picked up the walkie-talkie, lowered his voice and asked, but the walkie-talkie just chuckled.

"I am now the patron saint of that Miss Makimura... It seems that you all need a little help."

Hearing this voice, the blindfolded man suddenly recalled the mysterious sniper who blew up those underworld heads in the massage parlor.

"...what are you going to do?"

"Nothing to do, now you take Miss Makimura out of the alley and into the street."

"What are you kidding, their people are right in front, and they will be discovered as soon as they go out."

"Don't worry, even if they find out, they can't do anything."


Hearing this answer, the blindfolded man clicked his tongue, then he hesitated for a while, grabbed Makimura's hand and walked out of the alley to the street. At this time, the underworld who was looking around in front of them also noticed the two of them, and hurriedly shouted, and then watched the three of them gathered and walked quickly in the direction of the blindfolded man and Makimura.


Seeing this scene, the blindfolded man was also nervous. Just when he was about to take Maki Mura to escape again, suddenly, the neon sign on the tall building next to him suddenly broke, and then roared down from the sky, hitting the three underworld directly. on the body!


The huge neon signboard and the steel frame fell heavily, directly hitting the three of them. When they saw this scene, the people next to them also screamed and scattered. The blindfolded man also stayed where he was, but he couldn't return to his senses for a while. It wasn't until the voice on the walkie-talkie rang again that interrupted his thoughts.

"Okay, now you can leave Cantenbori with the crowd."

"Ah, oh..."

The blindfolded man nodded blankly, while Makimura looked around blankly.

"In the end, what happened? What was that huge noise just now?"

"...It's nothing, it's just an accident."

Hearing Makimura's question, the blindfolded man swallowed his saliva, looked at the three bloodied corpses smashed by the signboard with lingering fear, and replied casually. Then, without looking back, he pulled Makimura away from the chaotic street.

After that, the blindfolded man took Makimura to a warehouse where old furniture was put away, which was a sigh of relief.

"What the **** is this place, and who are you?"

However, Makimura, who was brought here in a daze, looked very nervous. After all, her eyes couldn't see, and she couldn't react for a while with so many things that happened just now. Only then did he regain his senses and questioned loudly.

"How do I know, I still want to ask you, why so many people want to kill you... Hey, Patronus, tell us."

Facing the blindfolded man's roar, the voice on the walkie-talkie paused.

"Sorry, I'm just taking money to do things. Someone gave me a lot of money to make sure that Makimura is not attacked, that's all. As for the reason... I never care about such trivial matters. After all, it has nothing to do with me. no?"


Hearing the answer on the walkie-talkie, the blindfolded man spat, and at this moment, Makimura asked anxiously again.

"What about Mr. Li? How is Mr. Li?"

"Mr. Li was taken away by the police for questioning. It is estimated that he will also be treated in the hospital. All in all, it is not a big problem."

"That's it..."

Hearing the answer on the walkie-talkie, Makimura breathed a sigh of relief. However, the blindfold man is obviously not so relaxed.

"So, who are you? Why are so many people coming to kill you? In fact, even I was ordered to kill Makimura! What did you do?"


Hearing the question from the blindfolded man, Makimura was taken aback and stepped back subconsciously.

"You, are you going to kill me too?"

At the same time, another voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Cough, should I remind you not to think that I don't exist? Although I do not exist."


Staring fiercely at the walkie-talkie, the blindfolded man sighed and sat down.

"If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't have brought you here."


Although the blindfolded man's tone was fierce, he did not really do anything to Makimura anymore, and now he is very puzzled, that is, what secret does this woman have.

"Why are you being hunted down? I heard that you are looking for a man with a bat tattoo. Is it related to that guy?!"


Hearing the question from the blindfolded man, Makimura was obviously very hesitant, but in the end, she still said that she did not want to discuss this topic, and just asked the blindfolded man to find Mr. Li. In the end, the blindfolded man had no choice but to leave the warehouse with a sigh—while taking the walkie-talkie.

"I said Patronus, you really don't know anything?"

"Sorry, I'm a professional, I do things with money, and I have nothing to do with other things."

"Are you...really human? Could it be a ghost?"

Staring at the pitch-black walkie-talkie in front of him, the blindfolded man's expression was a little stiff, especially now that he recalled the scenes where the underworld was killed, it made him shudder even more. Although the blindfolded man thinks he is also a vicious man, he never thought that someone would kill people so casually... To be honest, for a moment, he felt that behind this walkie-talkie was not a human at all, but a **** of death existence such as.

Maybe it doesn't have a body at all, so it uses the walkie-talkie to communicate with himself and others, because it can't appear in front of him at all.

"Do you think I'm a ghost?"

"I think you look like a **** of death."

"Well... this suggestion is good, I will consider it."


Arguing with the walkie-talkie was too stupid, so in the end the blindfolded man didn't communicate with it again.

Although the man with the blindfold wanted to find Mr. Li as soon as possible to clarify, the police were obviously very interested in what happened in the massage parlour, and asked Mr. Li carefully. It wasn't until the next day that he was released. By the way, the three corpses of the underworld were taken away by the underworld after Mr. Li left. It seems that they did not intend for the police to find out what happened on their side.

And Mr. Li, who received the treatment, was wrapped in a bandage and went straight to him - he was clearly shot yesterday, and he was in good spirits.

Then, the blindfolded man also found him and asked what was going on. In fact, the blindfolded man also received the task of killing Makimura. During his investigation, he found that the name Makimura appeared in many places, and many The intelligence shows that Makimura is really looking for a "man with a bat tattoo".

Could it be that the attack on Makimura this time was the result of that man? Who is that man?

However, the idea of ​​the blindfolded man was bluntly rejected by Mr. Li.

"No, that's not the case at all."

According to Mr. Li, Makimura is actually of mixed Chinese and Japanese blood. She came to Japan two years ago when she was 18 years old and worked and lived in Osaka. However, because Makimura is a beautiful girl, she was quickly targeted by the local underworld forces. A glib man approached Makimura. After deceiving her trust, he sold it to a local Korean gangsters.

After that, Makimura lived a cruel and inhuman life in that gang, and she lost her eyesight because of these tortures and abuses. It was not until half a year ago that the Korean gangster was wiped out, and Makimura met Mr. Li and finally returned to normal life. Mr. Li also regarded Makimura as his daughter.

The reason why he was looking for the "man with a bat tattoo" was that when Makimura was tortured and imprisoned, the only thing he remembered was the man who sold himself and abused himself. Of course... the reason for looking for him is even simpler, it must be that he has to pay for what he has done.

"So, what we are looking for is just a small gangster, and it is absolutely impossible to have the power to send such a gangster to work for him."

That's why Mr. Li thinks the two have nothing to do with each other.

Hearing this answer, the blindfolded man was also very depressed. So many underworld people came to find Maki Mura, which means Maki Mura definitely has some kind of secret. However, she herself didn't know about it, and other people around her didn't understand the situation at all, but now, Makimura's situation is very critical. After all, she has been targeted by the underworld. If she can't solve the problem, then Makimura will always live a frightened life in the pursuit of the underworld in the future.

Therefore, while Makimura was resting, Mr. Li also came up with a solution. He found a woman. This woman is a habitual criminal of marriage fraud. Many men who have been deceived have gone bankrupt, and some even lost their lives. And Mr. Li's idea is that this woman looks a lot like Makimura, as long as she kills her, then destroys her face and fingerprints, and then puts her in Makimura's work clothes, creating the illusion that Makimura is dead, then you can He deceived the organization that chased and killed Makimura.

But... the blindfolded man is firmly opposed to this plan, and he is not willing to kill people.

"If you want to do it, go directly to the **** of death over there to do it!"

"Feel sorry."

Listening to the blindfolded man throwing things to himself, a negative voice quickly came from the walkie-talkie.

"My commission is to protect Ms. Makimura's safety and kill everyone who threatens her safety. This plan is beyond the scope of my commission. Unless she appears here to attack Makimura, I will not do it. "

"You are so rigid..."

"Dedication is the basic requirement. After all, you have to do one line of work and love one line of work."


Hearing the answer on the walkie-talkie, both the blindfolded man and Mr. Li were speechless. However, soon after, the voice came from the walkie-talkie again.

"However, I have a solution."


"What can you do?"

Hearing the talk on the walkie-talkie, both Mr. Li and the blindfolded man's eyes lit up. After all, this was also an opportunity for the blindfolded man. The above ordered him to kill Makimura, but the other party was a blind and weak woman. The blindfolded man would definitely not attack such a woman, but if he did not kill the woman, then he would be killed - blindfolded man I don't want to die either.

"We can't solve the problem, we can solve the people who create the problem."

"…………what do you mean?"

Hearing what the walkie-talkie said, both of them were stunned for a moment, but the other side continued to talk. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Whether it's the blindfold brother or the underworld, the reason why they were ordered to kill Miss Makimura is because doing so will definitely bring some benefit to the people behind them. As long as we can make them understand that what they have suffered If the losses far outweigh the benefits, then they will naturally stop.”

"………you mean……"

"Blindfolded brother is behind the order from the Dongcheng Association, so as long as all the team leaders and senior management of the Dongcheng Association are killed, the Dongcheng Association will naturally collapse completely. At that time, no one will issue an order to kill Mucun. True."


Man, is this your way?

Hearing the voice from the walkie-talkie, both the blindfolded man and Mr. Li were stunned.

And this kind of operation?

(End of this chapter)

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