Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3330: Really? (It's raining and snowing every day now)

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Hearing the girl's words, Fang Zheng's eyes lit up.



Facing Fang Zheng's question, the girl nodded vigorously, clasped her hands tightly, and Fang Zheng also laughed.

"Okay, come with me."

After speaking, Fangzheng turned around and walked forward, while the girl was stunned for a moment. In the end, she followed behind Fangzheng and came to Fangzheng's house.

"Just sit down."

Fangzheng put the food in his hand on the table, then opened a bottle of drink and handed it to the girl, and then sat across from her. The girl was obviously a little nervous, but she still took the drink that Fangzheng handed over.

"Are you a high school student? Show me your student ID."

"Okay, okay..."

The girl panicked and took out a student ID card from her pocket and handed it over. Fang Zheng took the student ID card and glanced at it.

"Second year of Asahikawa No. 6 Senior High School... You are from Hokkaido. When did you start running away from home?"

"...Three months ago, but my money has been spent, part-time work... I can't make enough money for accommodation..."

"So you're going to do this kind of thing? Doing PR... oh, you're not old enough."

For a moment, Fangzheng thought of the women soliciting customers in Kamurocho, but he soon realized that with the age of the girl in front of him, she couldn't do it even if she wanted to. In Japan, the custom industry is a legal industry, and it also represents the rules, which is why the custom shops in Kamurocho all use female college students as gimmicks.

Speaking of which, the Japanese customs industry is really a contradictory industry. On the one hand, they do not prohibit engaging in pornography, but on the other hand, they are very strict with restrictions on engaging in pornography.

For example, in a place like a PR club, you can drink, chat, dabble, and laugh with the lady, but you can't be real.

The same is true of small pornographic films. Mosaic must be played. If not, it is illegal. Even eliminating the mosaic is a crime.

But it is said that there are policies above and countermeasures below. Many people’s first reaction when they go to Japan is that the Japanese are super perverted, such as queen slaves, human bodies, etc., but in fact, many times this is also forced out. Because Japanese law strictly prohibits custom shops from carrying out normal X behavior.

Well, so abnormal X behavior is not within the scope of the law, and you can't control it, right?

This is also the reason why most of the Japanese customs industries are perverted, because normality is illegal, but perversion is not illegal...

The same goes for the public relations club. The girl in front of me is also very beautiful. If she is a public relations or a waiter, she is not incompetent, but even if she does go, people will not want it - the reason is that you are under the age of 18. This will be reported by competitors...

Of course, if Fangzheng said it was simply ridiculous.

"I see. In short, you ran away from home and didn't want to go home, right?"



Staring at the girl in front of him, Fang Zheng finally tried to find out, revealing his true purpose.

"Would you like to work with me?"


Hearing this unexpected answer, the girl stared blankly at Fangzheng.


"Yes, in simple terms, it is similar to a maid. I will provide you with accommodation, you are responsible for cleaning my room, doing laundry and cooking, and I will give you wages, how?"

What Fangzheng proposed is actually a very common nanny industry in China. After all, the nanny industry is like this. Women who come to work from rural areas live in the employer's house, and then look after the children, clean, do laundry and cook for the employer. Of course, a maid sounds better than a babysitter.

In fact, there are similar housekeeping jobs in Japan. Generally speaking, this kind of work is dispatched by professional companies, but Japanese housekeepers do not stay at the employer's house 24 hours a day like nanny. They are more of an occasional help.

Originally, Fangzheng was considering whether to find someone to come, but now that a girl took the initiative to bring it to the door, he would naturally not be polite. If you treat it like a babysitter, it will be fine.

"Can you do housework?"

"Ah, I, I will!"

Hearing Fang Zheng's question, the girl nodded vigorously.

"So, do you understand my request?"

Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and clicked on the table.

"I repeat, I provide you with accommodation, and you need to do housework for me. Of course, you can't say your profession to the outside world, you can say to others that you are my cousin, who came here from out of town to find me, So the two of us live together, and if the monthly salary...I think about it, 150,000 should be enough, and I will give this money as your pocket money every month...Is there any problem?"


The girl was stunned and stared at Fang Zheng in a daze, before jumping up after a while.

"No, that, I...this...is this really okay?"

"Perhaps you think this is strange, but in fact, in foreign countries, this kind of thing is not uncommon."

Fangzheng shrugged his shoulders. It was the same in China in the 1990s. In "I Love My Family", there was a babysitter from AH or Hunan who lived with the protagonist's family. He was about the same age as this girl. Of course, that family There are many children, and it is normal to hire a nanny. It's just that Fang is single, so there's not much to do to find a nanny.

"I think you have something to hide. I won't ask you about this. It should be said that your presence is a favor to me."

While speaking, Fang Zheng pointed to the convenience store bag next to him.

"At least I don't have to go to the convenience store alone in the middle of the night to buy fast food."

"Yes, but is this really okay?"

Fang Zheng looked calm, but the girl was a little flustered.

"If your girlfriend finds out..."

"I don't have a girlfriend, and I don't plan to date. Frankly speaking, I actually prefer this kind of clear determination of the relationship with money, but I have never been able to find such a person, but it is a good thing to meet you. items."

Although it is said that the public relations lady and the wine **** **** the Custom Street will not object if they give money, but it is very troublesome for women in that industry, and Fangzheng has no plans to find a woman with a long-term relationship in this prison. On the contrary, the girl in front of her just ran away from home and wanted a place to live. The requirements were very low, and she seemed to be doing her duty.

"And, you're not really against this kind of relationship, are you?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the girl lowered her head and remained silent.

"The first is a one-month trial period. If you can get my approval this month, then you can continue to do it. If you can't, then I have to ask you to leave. Is there any problem?"


"Then it's decided. You can stay in the guest room. I will usually be in my own room. If you have anything, you can knock on the door and call me, and remember your home phone number. If I have anything, I will contact you."

After saying this, Fang Zheng stood up.

"It's very late, let's talk about the rest tomorrow. These things will be taken care of by you."

After saying this, Fang Zheng waved to the girl and walked into his bedroom, while the girl stared blankly at the closed bedroom door, but before she could speak, the door opened again. Then Fang Zheng stuck his head out.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to ask your name, I'm Fangzheng, how about you?"

"Sayu... just call me Sayu."

"Well, I see, please give me more advice from tomorrow."

After saying this, Fang Zheng closed the door again, while the girl named Sayu stared at the door blankly, then turned her head and looked at the plastic bag next to her.

"What the **** is this..."

Then, she muttered to herself.

In this way, Fangzheng's wonderful cohabitation life with this girl from a homely family, Sayu, began like this.

At the beginning, Fang Zheng thought that this kind of girl from the family was not good at doing housework, but what he didn't expect was that Sayu's housework was not bad, and the cooking was also decent, although not What a professional chef, but it can be called a delicious level.

However, for Sayu, this kind of life seems to make her a little uneasy.

"That...do you really need me to do something special?"

At the dining table, Sayu stared at Fang Zheng and asked.

"What, what's the problem?"

"Because, after I came here, I was just doing housework?"

"This is your job."

Fang Zheng replied casually while eating potato stew.

"You are responsible for cleaning the room, buying vegetables, and cooking. Isn't this all work? If you say it's not work, won't the housekeeper and maid cry?"

"That's what I said, but... Mr. Fangzheng, is it really okay for you to live with me?"

Sayu had also thought about using someone else's house before, but most people naturally refused to do so. After all, she was an unfamiliar female high school student. If she lived with her, it would cause all kinds of trouble if she was found out. It is precisely because of this that for ordinary people, taking in a strange girl is a "risk", so she wants to make up her mind and pay a "reward" that is enough for the risk.

"what is the problem?"

Fang Zheng sneered.

"This kind of thing is out of my focus. It's a problem for most people, not a problem for me. All in all, you don't have to worry about my thoughts. If it bothers me just because you stay overnight. , then I won't let you in in the first place."


"It's my choice."

Fang Zheng waved his hand and interrupted Sayu.

"You stayed with me, and then I agreed to your request, so this is my choice, then whether you will obediently work here for me, or take the opportunity to steal my things and slip away, both The result of my choice. Similarly, aren't you? Although I don't know the reason, but you chose to run away from home, and you have been here all the way from Hokkaido. Show that you are also mentally prepared to accept the choice."

"No...! Not...!"

However, upon hearing this, Sayu suddenly shook his head.

"I'm not as strong as you, Mr. Fangzheng. I'm just... just running away."

"Escape is also a choice. Faced with the same thing, some people will choose to fight, some people will choose to surrender, and some people will choose to escape. These are all choices."

Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders and stood up.

"Then, it's time for me to go to work, I'll ask you next."

After saying this, Fang Zheng nodded to Sha Yu, then put on his clothes and left the room, while Sha Yu stared at Fang Zheng in front of him and opened his mouth to say something, but in the end, she just sighed.

To be honest, Fangzheng can see the character of Sayu, although she has been disguising herself, but for Fangzheng, this kind of disguise is basically meaningless. In fact, a girl as beautiful as Sayu would run away from home, either because of a family problem or a school problem. After all, school bullying in Japan is quite serious. If a beautiful girl like Sayu is bullied at school and ignored by her family at home, it is not surprising that she will run away from home.

It should be said that adolescence is like that.

Speaking of which, Fangzheng had a similar life before, but his reason was not so sad because of being bullied, but a more practical reason.

Final exams are up.

Because he was afraid that his family would see the appalling numbers on the test paper and then be beaten, he simply chose to run away, but he had no money at the time. There was really nowhere to go at night, so I had to shamelessly find my relatives to call, and then my family picked me up.

After all, she is not a beautiful girl, and it is impossible for a kind stranger to sleep with her.

Of course, being beaten twice after going back is another story.

How should I put it, the benefits of boys are here, as long as Pi Shi grit his teeth, he will endure it.

But what about girls?

Forget it, this is not something you need to consider.

Fang Zheng shook his head, then raised the telescope and looked forward again.

This is his next goal, the president of a big company, of course, the reason why it fell into Fang Zheng's hands also did some shameful things, and now the retribution is coming... eh?

However, when Fang Zheng looked into the villa again, he frowned. I saw that in the living room of the villa, the president looked pale, sweating profusely, backed away desperately, shouting something, waving his hands desperately, probably shouting "don't come here" or something like that. .

Is someone robbing business?

This thought flashed in Fangzheng's mind. Then, he saw a young woman covered in blood approaching the president. Judging from the woman's dress, it should be a practitioner of the custom industry. It is estimated that she was brought to enjoy by the president, but her face was expressionless, her whole person looked like a zombie, her face was pale, and she stumbled while walking.

"It won't be Resident Evil... It doesn't look like it?"

Staring at this scene, Fang Zheng was extremely puzzled, but at this moment, he saw the woman stretch out her hand and hold the president's shoulder.

Then——her head suddenly split open from her mouth like a flower, and then suddenly jumped forward, directly swallowing the entire head of the president.

"...I rely on?!"

Seeing this scene, Fang Zheng was dumbfounded.

What the **** is he doing? !

(End of this chapter)

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