Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3345: Late Night Action (Ghostline starts tomorrow)

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The night in Chang'e City came very early.

Strictly speaking, from 7pm onwards, most of the people have been locked out, and the shops on the street have also been closed. To be honest, this was somewhat unaccustomed to Sayu and Fangzheng from a big city - after all, it was too early to fall into the night at seven o'clock.

However, according to the innkeeper, it seems that this generation of people was originally like this. Considering that Chang'e City was originally an isolated village, maybe the people here lived a life of sunrise and sunset. indefinite.

"But then again, this place is really nice."

Standing on the roof, Fang Zheng stretched and looked around. It's already September, and because of being surrounded by mountains, the wind blowing is somewhat cold.

Not only that……

"It's obviously called Chang'e City, but the moon in this place doesn't look like a moon palace at all."

As he spoke, Fangzheng raised his head and looked at the sky, only to see above the sky, a bright red moon was hidden in the clouds. Just like Yanan... well, that's not a good memory.

Then again, why is this place called Chang'e City?

Fangzheng also asked Asagiri about this question today. In fact, the biggest reason for his curiosity to come here in the first place was the name here. After all, he would be interested in hearing familiar terms in a foreign country.

But to his disappointment, although this place is called Chang'e City, it seems that nothing has anything to do with Chang'e. The most famous ones are Hassaku and the wolf——the latter is the natural enemy of rabbits.

So why is this place named Chang'e?

"Haha... It's a waste of time, in short, get it done as soon as possible and go back."

Fangzheng shook his head, and then withdrew his gaze, but at this moment, he heard a sound like a dog barking and a wolf howling from a distance.

"Ouch... woo woo..."

"Chang'e wolf?"

Staring at the direction of the sound, Fang Zheng frowned slightly. Japan has no native wolves now, and according to records, Japanese wolves are extinct. And something like the Chang'e wolf naturally couldn't exist either. Of course, for most people, the Chang'e wolf in Chang'e City is more like an ancient legend. Maybe a long, long time ago, a wolf lived here, and then it was regarded as a **** by the locals, and then it was passed down like this... This is the most normal view.

But Fang Zheng obviously didn't think things would be so simple.

Anyway, let's go take a look.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng's figure flashed, and he ran towards the place where the wolf howl came out.

Chang'e City at night is barely visible, which is no wonder, because this is a newly developed urban area, many places are still under construction, and most of the people have just moved in - just like Chaowu, According to the girl, it was because her parents moved here that she transferred to Chang'e City to study.

Therefore, Chang'e New District at night looks like an empty city without people. Such a place is indeed suitable for killing people. If someone is killed here, it is indeed difficult to have witnesses, let alone call the police.


Just as Fangzheng walked past the corner, he soon noticed that on the dim street on the other side, several bright red dots flashed by, although the blink of an eye looked like a firefly. But Fangzheng could see that they were actually people wrapped in black cloaks and wearing masks.

And in these people's eyes, there is a red brilliance.

If you say that, if you look at it from a distance, it does look like a red firefly.

"Remember that girl said that she will die when she sees red fireflies, right..."

The corners of Fangzheng's mouth twitched slightly.

It's just right, let me see what you are all about.

On the dark, dim street, a group of shadows are running forward, and in front of them is a very ordinary woman, she runs forward desperately, looking back from time to time, there, those The shadow wearing a mask and cloak followed closely, and the shadow at the head held a huge sickle in his hand.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like the cultists are hunting down their victims.

Except one point.

That is they are too fast.

Whether it was the woman galloping in front or the black-clothed group chasing her in the back, their speed was almost as fast as a speeding motorcycle, which was not the speed that a human being should have at all.

Finally, the group came to a remote open space in the new district, and the men in black robes surrounded the woman.

"You... do you want to kill me?!"

However, the woman who was forced to the corner did not show a terrified look. On the contrary, she was like a beast, staring fiercely at the petite figure with the sickle at the head among the men in black. It's like a wolf with bruises and bruises that has been cornered.


However, the other party did not speak, but silently raised the sickle in his hand. At the same time, the woman also roared angrily and landed on all fours, rushing towards the other party like a wolf.

And at the moment when the two sides are about to confront...


Suddenly, the dazzling flash tore through the darkness, which shocked everyone. They turned their heads and saw Fang Zheng holding the camera and walking out from the side.

"Yo, good evening, everyone. It's so late to play here? It's very professional."


Logically speaking, if someone discovers this mysterious ritual, they should be silenced immediately. But the moment they saw Fangzheng come out, everyone subconsciously stepped back - including the woman who was surrounded by this group of people before.

"No, don't come here! Don't!!"

The woman was not at all excited to be rescued. On the contrary, she screamed as if she had seen something terrifying, then turned around and jumped up, jumping over the three-meter-high wall, and just disappeared. trace.

And the scream of the woman seemed to be some kind of switch, and the next moment I saw those wearing masks also running away quickly, and in the blink of an eye, they all ran away, only the one with the scythe still standing there Looking at the dazed look of the other party, he obviously didn't expect his companion to sell his teammates so decisively.

"Okay, it just so happens that we can have a good talk."

Fang Zheng put down the camera and walked towards the person with the sickle in front of him. He was also very upset. Why did these people run so fast as if they saw a cat when they saw him? Where did he recruit them?

He wanted to ask these people what was wrong with him? scare you like this?


Seeing Fang Zheng approaching, the masked man was holding the sickle tightly, trembling all over - it was like watching a man-eating tiger approaching him. Then, I saw that the man's legs softened, he sat on the ground, and then he fell directly on the ground.

"...Isn't it? So exaggerated?"

Staring blankly at the man in black who passed out, Fang Zheng looked confused.

Are you kidding me? I haven't done anything yet, I haven't even said a single harsh word, and I actually passed out?

Am I that scary?

Anyway, it's a gain. All in all, take this guy back for interrogation.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng stretched out his hand to lift the man in black - and then he saw drops of water dripping down the cloak onto the ground.

...... No, are you scared to pee?

As for? !

After that, Fang Zheng took the man in black secretly back to the hotel, he stretched out his hand and knocked on the window, and Sayu opened the window.

"Welcome back, Mr. Fangzheng, uh... The one you are carrying is..."


Fang Zheng jumped into the room through the window, and then placed the person behind him on the carpet.

"Help her clean up."

"It's still a girl."

Seeing the unconscious girl lying on the ground, Sayu suddenly screamed.

"Mr. Fangzheng, what have you done to her?"

"I didn't do anything, she passed out by herself."

Fang Zheng was also speechless. He obviously didn't do anything, but this guy actually passed out. What can he do?

"Ugh...this smell is..."

"I repeat, it has nothing to do with me."

Sensing that Sayu was staring at him in dissatisfaction, Fang Zheng raised his hand.

Heaven and earth can learn from it, but I am innocent!

"Then ask Mr. Fangzheng to wait next door first. I want to change her clothes."

Whether Sayu believed it was another matter.

So Fang Zheng also returned to his room next door, and after a while, the knock on the door rang again. Then Sayu opened the door and walked in with a girl.

This girl looked about the same age as Sayu, with dark purple hair, fair skin and a straight face, she looked like a beauty. At this moment, the girl was wearing a set of Sayu's clothes for washing, so there was nothing she could do, after all, her own clothes were dirty.


Walking into the room, seeing Fang Zheng sitting on a chair, the girl suddenly let out a low moan and instinctively took a step back.

So why are you reacting so much, I will eat you?

"Hello, this lady."

Fang Zheng put down the teacup silently and stared at the purple-haired girl.

"You should understand why I want to talk to you. It's very simple. Just tell me who you are and what happened before."

"…………Who are you?"

The purple-haired girl listened to Fang Zheng's question, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com seemed to be somewhat calmer. Even so, she still looked at Fang Zheng uneasily and asked.

"I'm just a photographer and folklorist—well, at least for now."

"...This has nothing to do with you, this is..."

"I do not think so."

Fang Zheng waved his hand.

"You have to know that I will come to you, of course I have my purpose, and what happened today, I also saw it and took pictures."

As he spoke, Fang Zheng shook the camera in his hand. Seeing this, the girl's expression changed slightly.

"So, please answer my question, miss, otherwise... um, there's a good chance you're in trouble?"

(End of this chapter)

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