Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3348: The Secret of Chang'e (Ghost line is very fun and I like it)

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There seems to be no end to the passage in front of you.

Under the dim light of the oil lamp, the three of them moved forward. The passage in front of them seemed to spiral downward. No matter how they walked, they could only see the ramp and stone wall in front of them.

"I said... let's go back."

Sayu felt a little uneasy.

"This is the secret place of the shrine. As outsiders, it's not good for us to come here..."

"What are you talking about, you've already come here. You said it's too late to go back now, isn't it?"

Hearing Sayu's words, Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders, while Asagiri was obviously a little hesitant. After all, she is different from these two people and lives here all the time. If Fangzheng and others were found to have trespassed into the secret passage of the shrine without authorization, they would at most be kicked out. But I want to live here, in case I get discovered... But this thought just turned around in Asagiri's head, and curiosity about the mysterious thing in front of me still prevailed.

"Mr. Fangzheng is right, Miss Sayou, we have already arrived here, and now we have no way to turn back!"


Is it so exaggerated? We're not going to fight the Demon King...

At this moment, the group seemed to finally reach the end of the passage, and then Fang Zheng pushed open the wooden door in front of him and walked in without hesitation. Sayu and Kazuki Asagiri hurriedly followed and walked into this secret place under the shrine.


After seeing everything in front of them, the girls suddenly widened their eyes and exclaimed.

What I saw behind the door was a huge mountain cave, and the sun shone from the hollow above, bringing light to the originally dark cave. A green grassland covers the earth, and dozens of red torii gates form a passage leading to the shrine deep in the cave.

"so beautiful……"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Sayu suddenly sighed with emotion. Kaoru also opened his eyes with excitement, and looked around curiously.

At this moment, suddenly, a voice sounded.

"Sure enough, you are still here."


Hearing the sudden sound, Sayu and Asagiri were both startled. They turned their heads to look, only to find a white-haired girl in a strange costume standing under the huge torii gate. , staring at them.

It was none other than Kushina Tian Mian.

"Little, Xiaomian?"

Seeing the purple-haired girl, Chao Wu felt a little guilty and took a few steps back. Sayu looked at her curiously and asked in a low voice.

"You know each other?"

"Well, she and I are classmates..."

Speaking of this, Asagiri felt a little embarrassed. Of course she knew the identity of Kushina Tian Mian, and now she sneaked here, and was discovered by her classmates... Well, even if Asagiri is full of curiosity about mysterious affairs Heart, I also feel a little embarrassed.

Here, Asagiri is whispering to Sayu, while Fang Zheng is looking at Kushinada in front of him with a calm expression.

"What are you doing here?"

"Of course you are to leave."

Kushina Tian Mian clenched the scythe in her hand tightly. Although her complexion was still pale, she was unshakable.

"You have invaded the realm of the Great God, this is not the place you should come."

"You should know that I want to lift the curse. As long as the curse is lifted, then the gods can be like ordinary people. Is there any problem?"

"...not everyone wants to do that."

Facing Fang Zheng's question, Kushina Tian Mian hesitated for a moment, and replied in a low voice.

"Do you know what we call humans?"


"We call ordinary people...the fallen man..."


Hearing Kushina Tian Mian's answer, Fang Zheng was not surprised. Indeed, the power possessed by Kamito, whether it is a curse or something, far exceeds that of a human being. So it is only natural that they will want to distinguish themselves from humans.

"So you should understand that not everyone is willing to lose this power. It is true that the cursed fate is the sad part of our family, but as long as there is Hassaku, you can endure it. Therefore, there are also many people who are unwilling to do so. lose that power."

"But from my perspective, it's my job."

Fang Zheng spread his hands.

"I'm here to investigate and deal with the problem, so I hope to be able to solve this problem in a relatively satisfactory way."

"This is a problem of our Chang'e City, and it should not be interfered by outsiders."

"This can't be done, how can a player take the task and not complete it?"


Facing Fang Zheng's answer, Kushina Tian Mian was obviously a little stunned, but Fang Zheng just waved his hand.

"All in all, there is no way to explain and solve this matter in the way that this is your problem. Moreover, we still don't know what the situation is, right? Is this a blessing or a curse? Don't know the truth...or do you know?"


Hearing this, Kushina Tian Mian gritted his teeth and lowered his head.

"This is a sealed place, no one is allowed to step in..."

"So you didn't go in, did you?"


"You don't know the truth yourself, do you plan to be like this for the rest of your life?"


I don't know if it was Fangzheng's words that moved Kushina Tian Mian, or whether she couldn't bear Fangzheng's breath. In the end, the girl put down the sickle and silently stepped aside to stop talking.

And Fang Zheng also continued to move forward.

The torii gate was blocked off by a huge rope, and it seemed that no one was allowed to enter. There is still a spell on it. To be honest, it is a little uncomfortable to see the rope square, because it reminds him of the ritual of dividing the body of five horses used to seal the gate of Huangquan in the spiritual world... It seems that this thing is used. Son.

However, there should be no people who were divided by five horses hanging on the stone to seal the gate of Huangquan.

Passing through the torii passage blocked by the talisman, the group finally came to the front of the shrine. This time Kushina Tian Mian also followed them far behind, but kept silent. Asagiri wanted to say hello to Kushina Tian Mian, but she was a little embarrassed—after all, she was illegally trespassing.

But soon, Asagiri's attention was focused on other things.

"really weird."

"What's up?"

"It's obviously the Chang'e wolf here, why are the sculptures next to it all rabbits?"

Asagiri pointed to the stone sculptures on both sides of the torii gate and asked in confusion. Indeed, generally speaking, Japanese shrines will put sculptures for whatever they worship. For example, Inari shrine will put a bunch of fox sculptures. According to reason, since the shrine worships Chang'e wolf, then the shrine will Sculptures with wolves are also normal.

In fact, when they were outside, Fangzheng and the others saw wolf heads carved from wood on the gates of many people's houses, and there was Hassuo next to them. Asagiri didn't know what was going on, but thought it was a local custom to ask for the protection and blessing of the wolf god.

But in this shrine, there is no wolf sculpture at all. On the contrary, there are rabbits everywhere.

"So that's a lot of fun."

At this time, Fang Zheng's face also showed a meaningful smile. He first paid attention to Chang'e City because of its name. However, although there was Chang'e in the name, there was nothing related to Chang'e here. It also made Fang Zheng puzzled, but now it seems... this place does hide some kind of secret that even the locals may have forgotten.

The gate of the shrine in front of him was locked, and there was a seal on it, but because it was too long ago, the writing on the seal could not be seen clearly. Fangzheng stretched out his hand and pushed open the gate of the shrine. With a harsh sound, the heavy gate slowly opened, and the dust rushed towards him, causing Sayu and Kaori Kaori to cough and step back.

It wasn't until after a while and the dust dissipated that everyone entered the shrine.

In the huge shrine, most of the things have been corroded, and you can barely see a statue of a rabbit on the altar, and there are some book scrolls next to it. Asagiri took a book out of curiosity and opened it.

"Ugh... I don't understand what's written on it at all."

Looking at a lot of words in the book that look like ghosts and symbols, Chaowu is about to be stunned. Although she likes mysticism very much, the words on it are beyond the scope of her knowledge.

"let me see."

Fang Zheng took the book, then opened it and flipped through it, then he raised his brows.

"Oh, this is really interesting... The record on this is the history of Chang'e Village."

"Really? What did it say above?"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Chao Wu was about to get excited immediately, and Sayu also came over curiously.

"That's funny..."

While flipping through the records in his hand, Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes, showing a thoughtful expression.

According to records, this clan immigrated to Japan a long time ago, and they worshiped the Jade Rabbit, and it was rumored that they belonged to the Jade Rabbit bloodline. As for whether it is the Jade Rabbit in myths and legends, I will not mention it for the time being, but according to the above historical documents, the reason why this family left their hometown and came to Dongying at that time was to escape the disaster of war at that time.

According to the above-mentioned documents, this family was powerful and agile, and was regarded as a warrior by various countries at that time. However, their family likes peace and does not like fighting, so in order to avoid war and avoid disasters, these people crossed the ocean to Dongying, and then settled down in this isolated mountain forest.

However, the good times did not last long. Soon, they discovered that there was an evil and terrifying wolf god, who commanded the pack of wolves and traversed the mountains, forests and wilderness, and was almost unmatched.

At first, they also expected to communicate with the wolf god, but the other party obviously only regarded them as food, and even made a request that as long as this family is willing to dedicate young women as sacrifices to them every year, they can be safe.

Well... those monsters in Japan like to engage in this kind of crooked way, but unfortunately this family is from the mainland, so naturally they don't eat wolf gods. As a result, the talks between the two sides collapsed, and then the wolf **** led the pack of wolves to attack Chang'e Village. For a time, both sides suffered heavy casualties.

At the last moment, the ancestors of Chang'e Village lured the wolf **** here, and with the help of the power of the jade rabbit they believed in, they used the power of the moon to seal it in this cave forever.

The wolf **** is unbearable to be humiliated. When it was sealed, it also cursed the family who believed in the jade rabbit, and the cursed jade rabbit family would be forever eroded by the wolf soul and would not be peaceful.

The result of the curse is that in the future, people with the blood of the Jade Rabbit will change from their peaceful nature to beasts, and they will have the desire to attack others, so they will completely degenerate and become victims of the wolf soul.

"I see."

After reading these records, Fangzheng finally came to a realization. He felt strange at first, after all, even if it was some kind of curse, in the form of a curse, it would be too mild. After all, even if the curse broke out, the people of Chang'e Village would not kill or eat people, but simply violated each other. It doesn't look like something a werewolf would do, and vampires don't have such a low price.

But if it's a rabbit... um, it seems understandable?

After all, the rabbit itself is a very impure creature. If this family really has the blood of the jade rabbit, then it will naturally have similar characteristics. Thinking about it carefully, fast speed and great strength are all typical characteristics of rabbits. Moreover, Fangzheng had also seen Kushina Tian Mian and the others' eyes glow red when they were in action... The wolf's eyes are not red.

In this way, it is understandable that this place is called Chang'e Village. Obviously, the residents here should have believed in Jade Rabbit and Chang'e. Later, in the battle with the wolf god, both sides lost. Before the wolf **** was sealed, he cursed the jade rabbit. The clan was eroded by the wolf soul, so after this, the existence of gods and people appeared in Chang'e Village...

"how come………"

After listening to Fang Zheng's explanation, Sayu and Asagiri were both stunned, while Kushina Tian Mian opened his mouth wide and was speechless.

If the record here is true, then it means that the wolf **** that he and others worship is actually the culprit who caused the suffering of the people of Chang'e Village?

"But, but this wolf **** has clearly cursed them? Why do people in Chang'e worship the wolf **** now?"

Kaoru Asagiri was also incredulous, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com was completely incomprehensible.

"Because the time is too long, the original history has been distorted."

Fang Zheng closed the ancient book in his hand and put it aside.

"However, it is actually very simple to identify whether this ancient book is telling the truth or not."


"That's right."

As he spoke, Fang Zheng pointed to the sealed gate in front of the shrine.

"Didn't it say above that they used the power of the moon to seal the wolf **** behind it? Then, as long as we open the seal and see if there is a wolf **** in it, wouldn't it all be clear?"

"...Hey, hey, hey!!"

(End of this chapter)

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