Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3372: future king? (Today, this cat is still going to pick up the branches)

For Fangzheng, it doesn't take too long to meet Ye Wang, in fact, they will meet soon.

Just like now.

Looking at the bustling Hengcha Base in front of him, Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly and showed a sneer. This is the meeting place for all those who participated in the psychic war and advanced to the main competition, but...

"It really looks like some kind of festival is being held here."

Restia looked around and sighed, and Esther nodded silently. Just as they said, the entire base is now lit up with lights, as if a festival is being held. Not only that, but the priests of the Pachi tribe are still among them... as street vendors.

"...What are you doing? Mr. Sheba?"

Fang Zheng was also speechless when he saw the ten priests selling takoyaki in front of him. The reason why he knew him was very simple, because the man named Shiba suddenly found him and said that he should be responsible for him. The priest Krom was killed and he took over, and Fangzheng didn't care about it.

It's just... as the organizer of the psychic war, you guys are too cheap, right?

"Hahaha, we are raising operating funds for the psychic war."

Hearing Fang Zheng's question, Xiba smiled embarrassedly.

"After all, it's not easy for the Pachis."


Yes, it is the first time I have seen such a poor organizer to raise funds by selling takoyaki.

You must know that in many modern urban immortality-related online articles, there will also be competitions that are better than that. Generally, these organizers are rich and oily, or they have close relations with high-level officials. If you want to write this kind of web article, which organizer is so poor that he has to set up a street stall to raise funds, then he will not be scolded by readers.

"...Do you want me to sponsor you?"

Fangzheng couldn't stand it anymore. To be honest, the opening ceremony of this Pachi competition was actually very strange. They rented a sports venue, and then set up chairs at the venue. Then the Pachi patriarch, a The old lady came on stage to announce the official start of the game, and then it was gone.

The reason is very simple, they rented it for an hour, and they had no money to rent more time.

You are so poor, and you still hold a ghost meeting of psychics...

By the way, most of the psychics are poor ghosts, and they don't have the style of rich and noble families like in urban cultivators. Most of them are poor and can't open the pot to participate in the competition, and there are very few real rich second-generation.

If it wasn't for everyone who went to become a psychic king, and the Pachis possessed the great soul that is the key to becoming a psychic king, I'm afraid it would be such a poor thing that even the Tokyo Olympics can't match it. No one will come.

Hmm... Could it be that there are still people in the Pachi clan who swallowed money?

Of course, that's what Fangzheng thought. As for his suggestion to provide sponsorship, he was naturally rejected by Xiba with a wry smile. The Pachis are poor, but if the contestants are to be sponsored, the psychic war will be so different, right? ? And Fangzheng didn't force it, he just said a few words casually, and then bought three boxes of octopus **** for himself and Restia and Esther each, which can be regarded as supporting the Pachi family's fundraising plan.

"This is really lively. If I knew this earlier, I should bring Sayu and the others to see it."

Restia sighed while eating the octopus balls, and Fang Zheng smiled when he heard her words. After that, he naturally brought the two of them home. After the two woke up, Fang Zheng also explained the situation to Sayu and Hana, but it was just a psychic war or something, and the two girls were not very good. Understood, but they also knew that it was because Fangzheng participated in some game that others couldn't beat him, so they used this method to make him submit.

Of course, Fangzheng also comforted the two of them, and gave each of them a magic item as a talisman, so that they don't have to be afraid of any danger to their lives. Hana was still very angry about this, and shouted to call the police, but fortunately Sayu stopped her—after all, Sayu knew that once Fang Zheng was provoked, it would not be a problem that the police could solve.

The two girls were not without interest in what kind of conference Fang Zheng was participating in. After all, they were both kidnapped because of it. However, Anlegang Hanabi was still a good child after all, and did not dare to provoke those particularly dangerous things, not to mention that the previous "dinner party" also left a psychological shadow in her heart, so she did not dare to come. And although Sayu was very interested in this psychic conference, it was a pity that Hanahan didn't want to come, so she didn't come either. Now the two of them are busy reviewing and preparing for the final exam.

At the same time, in a corner of the Hengcha base, a group of people were chatting there. They are none other than the protagonist of the psychic king - Asakura Ye and his companions.

At the moment, they were discussing why they chose to meet here.

However, at this moment, a voice sounded.

"It's really small."

Hearing this voice, Ma Cangye and his party raised their heads and looked forward, only to see in front of them a young man wearing a cloak, about the same age as Ma Cangye, standing there, watching them with a smile on his face. .

"Are you still caring about such boring little things?"


Hearing the question from the young man in front of him, Asakuraha's companions also looked suspicious.

"Isn't this just chatting? You want to find fault?"


Facing the anger of one of them, the young man laughed.

"It's too much to say that I find fault, you talk to me in this way - that's called finding fault, Holo Holo."

Following the boy's speech, suddenly, a huge arm appeared out of thin air, punched the blue-haired boy who had spoken before, and knocked him out.

"Holo Holo!"

"What is that super big thing?!"

Facing this sudden change, Ma Cangye and the others were also shocked. They were stunned when they saw the huge fire spirit appearing behind the boy. In the face of everyone's gaze, the young man seemed quite calm.

"Its name is Fire Spirit. It's not like me. It's very grumpy. I advise you to be careful when you talk to me, Ye Wang... this future king."

However, just as the crowd confronted each other, suddenly, another voice sounded.

"Just you?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone looked at the self-proclaimed future king, Ye Wang, who was suddenly slapped and flew out. And the fire spirit behind him also hurriedly grabbed forward, but the next moment, accompanied by a scream, the fire spirit instantly shattered as if it was torn apart by something. And Ye Wang also fell heavily to the ground, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

"This is……!?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked again. They turned their heads and saw that Fang Zheng was eating octopus **** while walking over from the other side. By his side, Est and Restia naturally followed. side.

"A trash fish like you is also worthy of being a king? There must be a limit to the second grade, kid."

Staring at Ye Wang, Fang Zheng grinned, revealing a cold smile.

"You are………"

Ye Wang got up from the ground, he stretched out his hand, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then looked at Fangzheng.

"I'm Fangzheng. My girl is taken care of by your subordinates. I'm giving back and forth, and the one just now was interest."

At this time, Fang Zheng also finished eating the octopus balls, and threw the remaining garbage into the trash can next to him.

"As for the principal, don't worry, I will slowly let you feel it in the psychic war."


Ye Wang also looked gloomy at the moment, he stared at Fang Zheng, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said nothing.

He also discovered now that this man was indeed as weird as his subordinates said.

Logically speaking, the other party couldn't hit him at all, but the blow just now actually hit him in the face. Not only that, even Huo Ling was seriously injured!

This is not an ordinary holding spirit, but one of the five elemental spirits he obtained from the Pachi clan, but such a powerful holding spirit was almost torn apart. The more important question is— - He couldn't see how the other party moved his hand at all!

This man will definitely become his own obstacle!

"Master Ye Wang!"

At this time, Ye Wang's subordinates also came to his side one after another, looking at Ye Wang with a blue nose and a swollen face, they were also shocked. They hurriedly turned to look at Fangzheng, wanting to do something. But Ye Wang stretched out his hand and stopped them. He just stared at Fang Zheng for a moment, and then spoke slowly.

"Very well, I'll be waiting for you in the psychic war."

After saying this, King Ye turned around and left, and his subordinates stared at Fang Zheng fiercely, but after hesitating, they couldn't say anything and could only leave with their master.

However, at this moment, Fang Zheng's voice sounded again.

"Don't be in a hurry, kid, don't you know how to read minds? Why don't you come and guess what I'm thinking?"


Hearing this, Ye Wang's subordinates were all stunned, and Ye Wang's complexion changed slightly. Only two of his subordinates know that he can read the inner thoughts of others, and no one else knows about it. However, where did this guy UU read www.uukanshu.com know?

"...I can't guess what you're thinking."

Although he was quite surprised, Ye Wang calmly replied, in fact, his heart is not as calm as the surface at this moment, and it can even be said to be stormy. Because Ye Wang found that he could not know the inner thoughts of the man and the two girls behind him no matter what, and it could even be said that if he used mind reading to determine, he would not be able to lock the positions of the three people at all!

"Really? Then you can get out."

Fang Zheng snorted coldly and turned to leave, while Ye Wang also covered his face and left with his subordinates whose faces were uncertain. In the end, only the protagonist and his party were still standing there blankly.

"What the hell... what the **** is going on?"

One of them asked blankly.

"I don't know, but that man is so powerful that he can defeat such a huge fire spirit so easily..."

The other person also frowned and said. To be honest, the fire spirit that Ye Wang showed at first really surprised them, and that fire spirit easily defeated their companion Holo Holo. However, such a powerful holding spirit was almost torn to shreds on the spot - if it wasn't for the other party's mercy, I'm afraid even the young man named Ye Wang wouldn't be able to get out.

"It seems that in this psychic war, I have one more opponent to defeat."

Looking at Fang Zheng's back, Dao Lian firmly held the spear in his hand, but he felt the pressure and murderous aura from Fang Zheng, which made him unable to move at all, which made Dao Lian quite angry and humiliated.

As for the protagonist, Asakura Ye...

"Wow, Holo Holo passed out, come and help!!"

(End of this chapter)

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