Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3374: Great Soul (Ben Meow started rubbing his belly)

When Fang Zheng launched an attack on other psychics in the air, this scene was naturally seen by the ten priests.

"He actually dared to do this..."

Looking at the battle in front of them, the ten priests couldn't help but sigh. They understood what Fang was thinking, but this gamble was too risky, and it was simply an enemy of all the contestants. But when Fang Zheng showed the terrifying power of the giant dragon under him, none of the ten priests dared to say anything to him.

"Elder, what do you think?"

Xiba looked at the old man beside him with a serious expression, and the latter was silent for a moment.

"It's hard to say, but...the great soul at least didn't think he violated the rules."

Although Fangzheng did so arrogantly, in fact, the reason for giving all the contestants three months was due to this consideration. After all, there is only one entrance to the Patch Village, and the contestants are unlikely to be good friends with each other. If they meet on the road, they will fight and be eliminated early.

But it's the first time I've seen someone as crazy as Fang Zheng who wants to kill everyone.

Even the demon from five hundred years ago was not as fierce as him.

And his dragon... what is that?

But in any case, since the great souls did not speak, as the person in charge of running the psychic war, even if they have their own ideas, they will not show it. For them, as long as they can choose the psychic king this time, it is enough.

After blasting Ye Wang and his party, Fang Zheng also fell to the ground. At present, the area has been messed up by him, and it is no different from the aftermath of the flood. Fang Zheng didn't care about this either, he could feel that basically most of the psychics had been eliminated by himself, and only a few were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe.

Well, it's a pity that there is still good luck. If all of them are killed, then I don't need to participate in any knockout rounds, and I will be able to win directly.

After all, in war, the winner is not the winner, but the survivor.

As long as you survive to the end, then you are the winner.

Likewise, as long as your enemies are gone, you are a winner.

As for why it didn't, that's another matter.

Then Fangzheng got in a car and took Restia and Esther to watch the American scenery along the way. There's not much to see in American cities, but it's still a bit interesting to see the scenery in the Wild West. By the way, this car was entangled by a group of red necks without long eyes when he took the two elves to the gas station for dinner, and then Fang Zheng had a good reasoning with them, and moved the group of red necks to tears. With a face full of faces, he decisively gave him the car as a greeting gift.

It can be seen that as long as the fist is hard enough, Americans are still very hospitable.

As for the trivial matter of where Patchy's village is, Fangzheng didn't care about it at all. Of course he knew where Patchy's village was. If he flew directly over, he would be there in a few hours, but now there are two sword spirits with him. By yourself, then it is natural to be a tourist.

Anyway, it doesn't take much time to drive there, and you can get close to your own spirit, why not do it?

To be honest, Restia and Esther are indeed very different from Fangzheng's harem. You must know that they are sword elves and are bound to Fangzheng, so when Fangzheng picks up a girl, these two basically watch the whole process. .

Of course, they don't feel anything special about it, because they are Fangzheng's weapons, and other girls may be separated from Fangzheng for a while due to various reasons, but Fangzheng basically won't be with them no matter where he goes. separated. Because of this, the two sword elves didn't care about this.

Of course, if it comes to weapons, it won't work. Seeing how they and Frostmourne are tit-for-tat, Fang Zheng had to make a special clone to turn Frostmourne around. He knows that these two sword elves also have their own restraint. .

They may not care how many sisters Fang Zheng has and how many harems he has, but they are very sensitive about what weapons Fang Zheng uses.

So Fangzheng will accompany them to relax and play whenever he has time. After all, his own weapons are related to his own life. If the two sword elves are unhappy and do not cooperate one day, then Fangzheng will also have a headache. .

However, just as Fang Zheng was driving the car with the two sword elves for a ride, he saw three thin figures in front of him, walking along the road.

What are these three people doing?

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng was also curiously driving towards the three figures.

After getting close to the three people, Fangzheng realized that they were three girls. The older woman was smoking a cigarette and walked in front of them with a dazed expression. And beside her, two younger girls followed listlessly, looking rather pitiful, as if they had run away from home.

Seeing this, Fang Zheng also whistled.

"Hey, beauty, where are you going?"


Hearing Fangzheng's greeting, the three girls also turned their heads and looked at Fangzheng. Seeing their gloomy expressions, the three girls were obviously not in a good mood at the moment. However, after the three girls saw Fangzheng clearly, their expressions suddenly changed in fright. They saw a little girl behind her sitting on the ground with her legs soft, and the other girl with blond hair and double ponytails was also dead. Holding the puppet in his arms, he curled up into a ball motionless. Even the eldest woman was pale at the moment, and stopped in front of the two young girls, looking like an older sister who was going to protect her sister in front of the big devil.

"...Am I so scary?"

Seeing such a big reaction from the three girls, Fang Zheng was speechless. He touched his head, turned to Est and Restia beside him and asked. Just kidding, he looks very handsome, shouldn't ordinary girls have their eyes light up when they see it, put a note and leave a phone call to open the room?

Why do you look at yourself like a flood and beast?


However, Esther just glanced at them and gave an answer.


Just when Fang Zheng was puzzled, Restia explained it.

"Ah...they are the people who followed that Ye Wang before."

"oh, I see………"

Hearing Restia's words, Fangzheng remembered that there was indeed such a thing. Seeing that he couldn't run away, the little boy threw off the people around him to lose weight, and finally escaped—— Of course, technically he ran, but not completely.

And these three girls were obviously the burdens he threw from the fire spirit at that time.

No wonder they were so frightened when they saw themselves.

But these three are really miserable.

Looking at the three girls in ragged clothes, Fang Zheng also shook his head. These three girls obviously didn't have any flying skills. Therefore, he was also covered in bruises and bruises. The woman in the lead was also limping, and the other two were not much better.

But not missing an arm or a broken leg is not bad.

"Want to get in the car?"

Fangzheng pointed to his car. The car that the Red Necks were hospitable and prepared for him was quite big, so it would not be a problem to fit four or five people. This place in the United States is vast and sparsely populated. Although it is said that these three are Ye Wang's subordinates, they are all beautiful and lovely girls, and they have not dealt with themselves.

"I can take you to the town in front of you. Whether you return to your country or continue to follow that kid is your own business."


Hearing Fang Zheng's question, the woman in the lead looked somewhat ugly, and the two girls behind her looked at her equally uneasy. To be honest, in order to save their lives by falling from a high altitude, they have used up all their spiritual power. Now they are basically no different from the three ordinary girls. If something happens, I am afraid it will be really difficult to deal with.

But the man in front of me...

Fangzheng didn't remember them, but they remembered the terrifying sight of Fangzheng sitting on the jet-black dragon chasing after them. It was simply the most terrifying big boss in the world. Although he said that, in case he kills himself and others with his backhand... Forget it, kill it and kill it.

Thinking of this, the woman in the lead also nodded.

"Okay, sorry to bother you."

As she spoke, she looked at the two girls behind her. It didn't matter if she lived or died, but they had to leave here safely.

"Okay, get in the car."

Fang Zheng didn't care, he made a gesture, and then the three girls sat in the back, then Fang Zheng started the car and galloped forward again.

No one spoke along the way, only the music from the car stereo reverberated. I don't know how long it took, the older woman at the head suddenly asked.

"Why are you fighting against Lord Ye Wang?"


Hearing her question, Fang Zheng snorted coldly.

"This guy's subordinate dares to kidnap Lao Tzu's sister. If I don't kill him, doesn't it mean that I'm afraid of him? Besides, everyone is there for the psychic war, there can only be one psychic king, we are originally The opponent is not?"


Facing Fang Zheng's answer, the woman was speechless, and the other girl next to her raised her head and stared at Fang Zheng.

"So, what are you going to do after you become a psychic king?"

"What do you do after becoming a psychic king?"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng questioned for a while, this psychic king is the psychic king? What else to do?

"Master Ye Wang promised us that after he becomes the psychic king, he will destroy all human beings and create a brand new world!"

Speaking of this, the girl was also excited.

"You don't understand at all, why..."

"Huh? What does the little kid's second thoughts have to do with me?"

Fang Zheng took out his ears and looked indifferent.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, I can also guess that the reason why you followed that little brat is nothing more than encountering something, and then despairing of mankind, and then eager to destroy mankind for revenge, right? It's really a child's family. idea……"

"You don't even understand what we've been through!"

"Of course I don't understand, why should I understand?"

Fang Zheng scoffed at the girl's roar.

"There are more people in the world who are miserable than you, some people cheer up, some people sink, some people are willing to love the world even if they are bruised and bruised, some people would rather the world be destroyed and disappear with them... This is your own choice, you do If you make a choice, you must bear the consequences. No matter what you have experienced, but you have made a choice, the result is that the three of you are abandoned here like garbage, and no one cares about your life or death. "


Hearing Fangzheng's answer, the three girls were speechless, and after a while, one of them spoke in a low voice.

"Master Ye Wang... he is not such a person..."

"Who he is has nothing to do with me. He is an enemy and will be eliminated. It's that simple. Likewise, if you become my enemy, I will not show mercy to you."

As he spoke, the lights of the town were already in sight.

(End of this chapter)

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