Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3487: Team up (the first cutest in the world!)

The latest website: When the incident was resolved, the resentment of those girls was completely dissipated, and Fang Zheng and others returned to the original teaching building again. It is also interesting to say that they have been in that world for more than two months, but in reality it is only half a night. Not only them, but even the three girls who had disappeared before fell into a coma not far away.

After that, the situation was easy to handle. All the injured were sent to the hospital for treatment. Only Fang Zheng took Sylvia away from the old building and found a secluded place.

"What are you going to do next?"


"W&W, or the teaching of a thousand miles."

Fang Zheng stared at Sylvia, the latter's expression changed slightly and turned away.

"But... that was a long time ago, even if the Qianli Sect was really like that..."

"Dogs can't stop eating shit."

Fang Zheng snorted coldly, interrupting Sylvia's defense.

"You should know better than me what virtue W&W is. You don't really think these guys are good people."


Hearing this, Silvia suddenly stopped talking. As the student council president of Kui Enwei Children's Academy, she naturally knew the situation of the parent company. In fact, in the intelligence agency "Yao Guangxing" of Kui Enwei Children's Academy , there are many people who were bought by W&W for training, and then regarded as company assets-to put it bluntly, this is actually no different from the previous personal sales.

In other words, although there were similar personal trading activities in the past, it was illegal after all. But now, after the catastrophe of the falling stars, the world ruled by the conglomerate chaebols has actually legalized personal trading... Fangzheng is not surprised by this. Burn paper?

"...you, what are you going to do?"

"It's very simple, overthrow the conglomerate chaebols, overthrow them, and put the world back on the right track."

What is the right track, everyone has different ideas, but there are only two requirements for Founder - one is not to allow the United States to exist, and the other is to prevent capitalists from taking power.

If these two requirements are met, he doesn't care about engaging in cannibals.

At least cannibals eat people and spit out bones.

The capitalists are afraid that they won't even give you the marrow.

"Are you crazy?"

Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Sylvia stared at him with wide eyes.

"Do you know how powerful the conglomerate chaebols are?"

"Oh, just a bunch of trash."

Fang Zheng waved his hand.

"It's the same with capitalists, and it's true, from the surface, the chaebols of integrated enterprises seem to be very powerful. Their tentacles control all aspects of this world, and they have even become gods in this world, even if they are as strong as a star vein. For generations, you have to be obedient. So you have the illusion that the conglomerate chaebol is very powerful, very powerful, but... this is just bullshit."

Speaking of this, Fang Zheng snorted coldly.

"The most powerful place of capital is its weakest place. If I want to destroy the chaebol of the integrated enterprise, they will be completely finished tomorrow morning. The reason why I am not starting now, but chatting with you here, is because I We need to make sure that we can restore social order in the shortest possible time after putting those **** **** down the street, instead of turning it into chaos."


I have to say that although I heard Fang Zheng say it before, hearing his words now made Sylvia almost stunned.

"Are you serious?"

"Nonsense, don't you really think that you can really do anything by uniting the waste of the corporate chaebol."

Fangzheng chuckled. Indeed, in the ordinary mortal world, ordinary people need to pay great courage and sacrifice to fight against capital. However, this world is no ordinary mortal world!

Although it is cruel, there is a general truth in any world, that is, the big fist has the final say. The same is true in this world. It will be a matter of time before the Star Vein will rule mankind for generations. In other words, if it continues like this, those mankind without special power will perish directly within a hundred or two hundred years.

This is also normal. Life itself is evolution and survival of the fittest. Everyone knows that humans evolved from ancient apes, so where can we see ancient apes now?

Just because they all evolved into humans, the ancient apes went extinct.

The same is true now. When the age of stars completely occupied this world, then the human beings in the past will be wiped out.

In the future, textbooks will write that human beings have undergone several evolutions, and then they will add a word later - the evolution from people without star power to people with star power.

Perhaps the same is true when the ancient ape-men evolved towards humans. From hairy to hairless evolution, maybe the hairless ape-man would be regarded as a different existence at first, and then be expelled, abandoned, and then hairless. The ape-men gathered together and fought with the hairy ape-man. In the end, natural selection made the hairless ape-man live to the end, and the hairy ape-man became extinct.

Survival of the fittest is easy to say, everyone has learned it in textbooks, but when it is your turn to be eliminated, no one wants to be eliminated, just watch yourself being eliminated.

It is no wonder that human beings do not have this kind of psychological preparation. After all, it has been so many years, and human beings have never experienced an evolutionary process that is too earth-shaking, not to mention that the emergence of the age of stars is more dangerous than the competition between hairy and hairless apes. too much.

Like their teacher Xijing Ningyin's trick, they can pull a small meteorite to hit the earth. If this ability is fully utilized, it will not be a problem to hit half of the end of the world. How could they care about those idiot capitalists?

What can you do with money? If you have money, I will pull a meteorite to kill you. Could it be that you can still buy resurrection coins?

So the question is, there are many powerful Xingmai generations like Xijing Ningyin, but why are they willing to cooperate with the unified enterprise chaebol?

The reason is very simple. First of all, they have enough self-knowledge about themselves. Maybe in terms of combat ability, they can destroy the unified enterprise chaebol, but they have no way to deal with the chaos that appeared after that. In contrast, it is enough to be able to live a comfortable and satisfying life in cooperation with the conglomerate chaebol now. Therefore, most of the powerful Star Vein Generations have chosen to cooperate with the unified enterprise chaebol, rather than confront them.

The integrated enterprise chaebols are also very aware of this, so they will win over the powerful Star Vein generations by providing various benefits, and use this method to form a community with each other.

To put it simply, if those powerhouses are towering trees, then the chaebols of the unified enterprise are the vines wrapped around the towering trees, thus creating a symbiotic relationship.

As for the civilians who live on the ground like weeds, it is not in their consideration.

Of course, in the final analysis, Xingmai Generation has not learned Ma Zhe, and has no knowledge in this regard. In Fangzheng's view, they are essentially no different from those slave laborers who were exploited by capitalists.

What? You say that being a foreman is not a slave labor?

Doesn't make sense, does it?

In the final analysis, if you want to change fate and completely reshape the world order, the only way is to overthrow it, so Fangzheng made great efforts to win over Sylvia, at least... this is someone who can understand people's words.

Before it was changed, perhaps Sylvia would continue to hesitate, but in that world, after witnessing the actions of the Qianli Sect, she also began to doubt it. In the end, in the face of Fang Zheng's persuasion, Sylvia did not agree immediately. I just said to think about it again... Obviously, she intends to rely on her own strength to investigate whether there is a similar situation within the W&W consortium.

Fangzheng is not worried about this, the urination of capitalists will not change in another thousand years, and it is better for Sylvia to witness the **** reality than to be an ostrich with her back to reality.

But unfortunately, this trip was a loss for Fang Zheng.

"It's really a headache..."

Walking on the street, looking at the crowd around, Fang Zheng sighed helplessly.

Although Julie and the others were seriously injured, it was only from the perspective of that era. After returning to Academy City, similar injuries were quickly healed.

However... Kato Teng Qirin seems to have a psychological shadow because of this. According to her own statement, she was obsessed with Julie at that time, and now she has no face to see Jiang Dong's elders, hiding in the ward and refusing to come out, expressing herself as herself This kind of person who will start with his teammates is no longer qualified to form a team to participate in the Xingwu Festival.

This made Fangzheng somewhat speechless, but he could also guess what Kato Qirin experienced. Ordinary ghosts will amplify the evil side of people's hearts, and then incite and control this. When Li started, it was estimated that there was also the dissatisfaction and resentment that she had towards Julie on weekdays, and then it was amplified by the evil spirit.

Now although that evil spirit has been eliminated by Fangzheng, Julie herself doubts life because of this, and plans to have a good quiet - well, understandable, after all what she said at the beginning, Fangzheng, Sylvia and Julie both heard it, it belongs to social nature die. With Toto Kirin's character, it is not surprising that he would be autistic because of this.

But fortunately, Imari Nagakura, her Kizuna Shuangblade, was by Kato Kirin's side. With Imari's character, if she calmed her down, there shouldn't be any big problems.

However... the problem that Fangzheng encountered was not the only one.

Because not long after he came back, he got news from Hotakaya - Tachibana also seems to want to withdraw from this Xingwu Festival competition.

According to Sui Gaoya, Juba has been trying desperately to awaken her ability, but she has never been successful, and Teacher Xijing Ningyin's course seems to have hit her quite a bit, and she is currently in a state of autism... Okay Well, this is really unfortunate things have come together.

You can't just go to the competition with Julie and yourself. This is different from the Phoenix Star Martial Festival, but it requires five people to participate in the team competition. Now Kato Kirin and Tachibana have both chosen to retire, and Imari Nagura and Takaya Hokura will naturally not leave their partners alone as Kizuna Shuangbane, so... what about Fangzheng?

It really doesn't work, so I have to go to other schools to grab people.

With this thought in mind, Fang Zheng was also walking on the street, looking around. At present, there are only a few people from the Star Vein generation awakened in Haoling Academy, UU reading www.uukanshu. The rest of com are simply not qualified to participate in the Griffin Star Martial Arts Festival. It really didn't work, Fangzheng had to abduct a few people from other academies and go back to make up the count.

As for whether it will make a bad relationship with the conglomerate chaebol? What a joke, in Fangzheng's heart, all those above are dead people, so he doesn't care about the thoughts and likes and dislikes of dead people.

It really doesn't work, do you want to go to Pojun Academy and abduct Kurotie Zhu Shizuku? At any rate, she saved her brother and future sister-in-law. I don't mind if you pay your body back.


Just as Fang Zheng was looking around, there was a muffled sound not far away, and then a student flew into the air and landed heavily on the ground. There was a group of people around not far away, and they seemed to be watching the fun.

Someone fights?

Seeing this, Fang Zheng's eyes also glowed.

I'll go check it out too!

(End of this chapter)

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