Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3523: Bait (the weather is hot and the cat can't move)

"is that a lie……?"

Looking at the woman who stood up again, many people were stunned. Just now, they clearly saw that the woman had turned into a mad corpse, but now she actually... turned back into a human?

"Well, it really does work."

On the contrary, Fang Zheng nodded calmly, and then withdrew his weapon. The ability of the demon-killing holy sword Esther is to break all curses. If his guess is correct, if it is a curse that can turn a person into a mad corpse, then it should be able to be cleared—well, it seems that my guess is correct now .

Although Fangzheng has also tested the corpse before, but unfortunately it has no effect. After all, it is impossible to resurrect you if you are already dead, right?

But now it seems to be working.

"How is this going?"

This scene also made Wuming, who was still struggling in Fangzheng's hands, froze in place. She looked at the woman who had returned to human form in surprise, and could not understand why this happened. After all, for people in this world, once they are turned into a corpse, there is almost no cure, but Fangzheng can actually cure it directly... How did he do it?

"The turtledove, Katima."

Fangzheng obviously didn't care what the girl in his hand was thinking, he put it down and gave an order.

"Take her to the medical compartment for examination, and let her have a good night's rest if it's all right."

"Okay, President."

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Turtle Dove Shayue and Katima stepped forward to help the woman who was still sitting there in a daze, comforted her softly, and then took her to the carriage. The others just stared blankly at the woman's back, as if they saw something unbelievable.

At this moment, Wuming, who was placed on the ground by Fangzheng, suddenly threw a punch at Fangzheng, hitting him directly on the neck. However, in the face of Wuming's attack, Fangzheng just tilted her head slightly and easily escaped, but Wuming didn't give up because of it. On the contrary, she turned around immediately after missing a hit, and then kicked out with a kick again - and was easily kicked by Fang Zheng. Hold loosely in hand.

"Compared to me, you are still too young, kid, go back and practice more."

Fang Zheng didn't care about the nameless raid, he just laughed, and then his right hand suddenly exerted force. The next moment, Wuming, who lost his balance, sat directly on the ground. But she also got up immediately, patted the soil on her body, and then looked at Fang Zheng suspiciously.

"Are you really human?"

"How fresh, why don't I look human? Because handsome non-human?"

Fang Zheng spread his hands and looked at Wuming with a smile, while the latter scratched his head.


"In short, if you want to hit me, you have to practice for hundreds of years."

Fangzheng waved his hand, then turned to leave, and Wuming also stared at his retreating back without saying a word. At this moment, the young mechanic rushed to Wuming's side in a panic.

"Hey, Wuming, what were you doing just now?"

No wonder the young mechanic union is so uneasy, after all, Fang Zheng is the owner of this Juncheng, which is equivalent to the city owner. And Wuming dared to attack him, which really surprised the young mechanic. And Wuming only then withdrew his gaze and looked at the young mechanic.

"How was my fight with him just now?"

"This...you are still young after all...that adult he..."

"That's not the problem."

Wuming shook his head, then turned his head silently, stretched out his hand and stroked his neck.

In fact, the girl is not a complete human, but an existence called a corpse. Although she is similar to an ordinary human, she has the same strength and speed as a mad corpse. Especially after the ribbon is taken off, the girl's power It will rise to the top. Not to mention ordinary people, even a highly skilled samurai is no match for a girl.

However, in front of Fangzheng, the girl felt that she had become a weak and powerless little girl again, and her attack with all her strength had no effect on the opponent at all. In fact, she could feel that the man just easily blocked her attack... Is he really human?

The girl is very suspicious.

After that, the atmosphere of everyone was a bit weird, and everyone didn't speak, as if everyone maintained a certain tacit understanding. Even if Sifang Chuanchangpu announced that the carriages would be changed, most people basically listened honestly. People talk - in fact, even Sifang Chuanchangpu is confused at the moment.

At that time, she clearly saw that the woman's body did indeed show blood lines unique to a mad corpse, which meant that the woman was indeed infected and turned into a mad corpse.

However, after Fangzheng shot her, the blood lines on the woman disappeared, and... she seemed to be back to normal?

That is to say, her corpse has been cured?

To be honest, this scene shocked Sifang Chuanchangpu, it was like seeing someone rubbing a nuclear bomb with their hands - oh, they still don't know what a nuclear bomb is, or it is equivalent to seeing someone die and return to the society, so much Now Sifang Chuanchangpu's brain has become completely blank. At this moment, she doesn't know what she should think other than mechanically executing the orders given by Fangzheng.

After all, someone can cure the mad corpse of the infection... Once this kind of thing spreads... spreads out... Forgive Sifang Chuanchang Pu's imagination is too lacking, she can't imagine what it means.

"Lord Acorus!"

It was not until the voice of the attendant sounded that Sifang Chuanchangpu came back to her senses, and then she realized that she was standing in front of the door of the medical carriage-it seemed that she had already boarded the car at some point.

"Lord Acorus, what's the matter with you? You've been standing here for a while."

Looking at his master curiously, the attendant asked suspiciously, while Sifang Chuanchang hesitated for a while before asking.

"Lai Su, you said... that woman was infected?"

"I...that's what I saw."

"But, she's recovered now, isn't she?"

"This...I'm not sure."

The attendant standing behind Sifang Chuanchangpu also showed a rare expression of confusion. After all, generally speaking, infected people will be transformed into mad corpses, and there are almost no exceptions. As for the corpse that can be cured? No one has ever thought of such a thing in a dream.

It's like everyone knows that fish swim in the sea and birds fly in the sky. Then one day you see a fish with wings and fly in the sky - the first reaction is definitely not to doubt why the fish can fly, but to wonder if you are wrong.

Looking at the cabin door in front of her, Sifang Chuanchangpu wanted to stretch out her hand to push it open, but she didn't dare. Although she didn't quite understand what it meant, she still understood that as long as she opened the door by herself, then... Everything will be different.

But compared to other people, Fang Zheng obviously doesn't care about such trivial matters.

"What's the test result?"

"everything is normal."

Turquoise Shayue heaved a sigh of relief and nodded to Fangzheng.

"There is no sign of mad corpse infection on her body, and she has obviously been cured, but how did you do it, president..."

In fact, Turtle Dove Shayue has doubts about it. After all, they have never seen anything like Fangzheng's research on drugs.

"Just a little experiment."

Fang Zheng stretched out his hand again and summoned Esther.

"This sword has the power to break all curses, so when I saw the woman, I thought, if the corpse is really some kind of curse released by the sword, then as long as this curse is broken, it should be able to Its healing..."

"So, is this really what Divine Sword did?"

Hearing this, Katima's expression also became serious. She didn't understand infectious diseases and bacterial infections, but when it came to curses and magic, Katima still understood. After all, as a divine swordsman, she can also release curses - but her curse is more to reduce the opponent's strength and speed, and does not have the ability to directly turn the opponent into a mad corpse.

"That's right, as far as I can tell, this should be the result of the curse released by the Divine Sword, but I don't know why that guy did this... Well, anyway, it should be some kind of anti-human and anti-social guy, kill it. That's right. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Fangzheng will never care about the enemy's mental journey. What you have encountered before is your business, but what you did affects me, it is mine. As for what you have suffered, he is too lazy to care. , in short, as long as the block is all hacked to death.

Besides, no matter what kind of grievance this guy encounters, he has killed so many thousands of people, and it has already been evened out, right?

Not only that, but Fang Zheng also found a good opportunity.

"Since this thing can be cured, it's interesting."


"That's right."

Fang Zheng nodded and looked at the two of them.

"You think, that guy released this curse, no matter what the motive is, the purpose must be to turn everyone into a mad corpse, but if someone can cure the mad corpse The news spreads to his ears... you What do you think he will do?"

Hearing this, the two of them were stunned for a while, and then they immediately understood what Fangzheng meant.

"The other party will definitely come to check the situation. If it is confirmed that it is true, then he may come to eliminate those of us who hinder his plan. Isn't that good."

As he spoke, Fang Zheng grinned.

"As long as we continue to move forward and spread the news that we can cure the infected mad corpse, can't we let that guy come to the door? We don't need to look for it!"

Wouldn't it be more convenient than finding rabbits everywhere in the forest?

After all, the Divine Sword messenger is not a stand-in messenger, and they can still attract each other.

For Fangzheng, after confirming that he can indeed "cure" this kind of crazy corpse, the remaining problems are not problems.


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