Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3526: Change (now that you can't buy a fan for two-day delivery)

"This, what kind of monster is this!!"

Looking at the five-meter-tall giant in front of them, everyone present was stunned, only to see that under the night, they could only barely see a huge figure standing there, with two eyes emitting red light like the moon , From the brilliance emerging from its chest, it can be seen that this is a huge mad corpse...

"Good boy, this is big enough."

Compared to the panic of the others, Fang Zheng was very calm. He stood on the deck with his hands behind his back, and looked at the huge black shadow in front of him with complete care.

"Open, open fire!!"

At this time, the crowd couldn't bear it any longer, and soon, most of them began to rush on the train frantically, and the samurai raised their guns and pulled the trigger at the huge shadow - but unfortunately, their attack Obviously not useful to that huge monster at all.

"Master Kasuga, let's get out of here too!"

At this time, Sifang Chuanchangpu was also planning to leave under the guard of the attendant, but Fangzheng waved his hand.

"No, there's no need for that."


Hearing Fangzheng's answer, Sifang Chuanchangpu was stunned for a moment, and then she saw Fangzheng stretch out his hand and take out a dark sword from the void. The shimmering purple thunder kept beating above it, exuding a powerful aura that was hard to get close to.


And the huge black figure seemed to sense this aura, it let out a roar, then stretched out its right hand and grabbed it directly towards Fang Zheng. Facing the outstretched palm of the huge black shadow, Fang Zheng just clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands and raised it flat, and then the next moment, his whole body suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning and flew towards the black shadow.

The shimmering purple thunder turned into a sharp blade of light, instantly splitting Sombra's right hand together with his arm, and then Fang Zheng jumped high, and the big sword in his hand was aimed at the Sombra giant and swung down hard!

Call the Thunderbolt of Death! !


Thunder fell from the sky and directly enveloped the entire black shadow giant. The next moment, the giant let out a painful howl, and the whole body disintegrated and collapsed, scattering down.

"Clap clap clap clap."

The body of the shadow giant gradually dispersed, collapsed into small pieces and fell down, until it fell to the ground, and everyone found that it was the corpse of a mad corpse-that is to say, the previous giant was not a separate individual, It is a monster formed by the condensation of hundreds of mad corpses.

"I see."

Fangzheng landed on the ground, looked at the corpses scattered around in front of him and nodded. He was curious about where this thing came from before, but now it seems that this kind of operation still exists - well, thanks to the Resident Evil Zombies don't have this ability, otherwise, if the zombies in Raccoon Town gather together and become a giant, it will be quite difficult to deal with.

"Oh oh oh oh!!"

For Fangzheng, dealing with such a guy is naturally easy, even Turtle Dove Sandyue and Katima are not particularly surprised. For Turtle Dove Sandyue, there are many people in the six-star academy in Academy City who can deal with this huge monster, but because Turtledove Sandyue itself is good at the magic auxiliary department, it is not very suitable for frontal combat. So there is no way to get this thing.

But for people in this world, this scene has completely broken their three views.

"God bless! God bless!"

At this time, many people even knelt down and shouted loudly, folded their hands and closed their eyes and prayed, and some even fell to the ground in excitement and worshipped Fangzheng - being able to kill such a terrifying monster in an instant, before them It seems that only the gods can do it.

"Well, if you have time to pray here, you might as well do something serious."

Fang Zheng was obviously not interested in this kind of worship, he waved his hand and said directly.

"There should be no major problems here now, continue to transport materials, we have to hurry up next."

This time, no one said anything, and everyone quickly started to act. The men all joined the army of transporting supplies, and the warriors also held weapons. Standing upright one by one, it was almost like a royal inspection. Even the eyes of those women looking at Fangzheng changed again and again - well, that handsome guy is so eye-catching.

Sifang Chuanchangpu also changed her complexion. She stared at Fangzheng, hesitated for a while, then slowly walked behind him and lowered her head.

"Lord Kasugano, are you really..."

"Does it matter?"

Fang Zheng yawned as he looked at the crowd who were transporting supplies in full swing.

"Miss Sifangchuan, do you know? God, it's actually quite annoying for those prayers."


"Whenever a difficult thing happens every day, I always pray to the gods and hope that the gods will help. But what is the benefit to the gods? Oh, if you read a few good words, you want the gods to save your seriously ill relatives and make you prosperous. Wealth, let your dreams come true... What did the gods get after working so hard?"


It has to be said that Fangzheng's words completely ruined the Sifang Chuanchangpu, because this kind of "big treason" is something that everyone does not dare to think about on weekdays. However, Fangzheng had a special status, and what he meant by this sentence... that made it even more difficult for Sifang Chuanchangpu to answer.

"But everyone also offered their hearts to the gods..."

"What you worship are those fat-headed and big-eared priests and monks, what does it have to do with gods?"

Fang Zheng pouted.

"You feed the dog at the door of someone else's house, and you expect them to do things for you? Not to mention that the dog doesn't belong to them."


Sifang Chuanchangpu was completely speechless.

"In the final analysis, you still have to rely on your own strength, Miss Sifangchuan, I can't protect you all my life in this world, so..."

While speaking, Fang Zheng turned around and patted Sifang Chuanchangpu on the shoulder.

"Do your best."

After replenishing the supplies, the Harmony set off again. As for the lifting tower that was blocking the way, it was naturally split open by Fang Zheng's sword, and everyone was numb to this - compared to him hacking the huge dark giant to death In other words, such a thing can be regarded as a pediatrician.

After that, the atmosphere on the train also changed.

Originally, because of the escape, the atmosphere of everyone was somewhat unstable and restless. But now, the atmosphere in the whole train is harmonious and calm. Although Fangzheng never stood up and took the initiative to explain, everyone always acquiesced that Fangzheng was indeed the messenger of the gods, who came to help himself and others out of the sea of ​​misery. And it is very likely that the final destination of this Juncheng is the distant and ethereal Western Paradise - well, if Fangzheng knew, he would definitely say that there is a faster way to send them to the West.

At the beginning, everyone planned to recite the scriptures every day to show Fang Zheng's devotion, but it turned out that Fang Zheng was annoyed to death, like an aunt who danced square dance day and night outside the window - you might as well do square dance! At least the song can still be heard!

So Fangzheng had to give an order directly. If you have time to recite scriptures here, why don't you do something serious!

To be honest, when I first heard this order, Sifang Chuanchangpu was very worried that Fangzheng would conflict with those old people because of it, but they didn't expect those old people to stop chanting daily without saying a word. Their reason is very simple. : Obviously, the gods don't need these superficial efforts, but let them show their best efforts!

So you see, believers are like that, for better or worse, they have their own way of interpreting it.

When you encounter good things, it is your faith and piety, and the blessings of the gods to yourself. When something bad happens, that's a test given by the gods... Anyway, it's up to them to decide whether it's good or bad.

Two days later, the Harmony came to another city—fortunately, this city was finally occupied.

This also made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. After all, it would be uncomfortable to stay on the train for a long time, so most people went down to hang out, Fang Zheng and Ianjiu Shayue and others were no exception. It was because there was no time to investigate. , now that they have rare leisure time, they also plan to wander around the city.

"We're going to visit the lord of this station next, is Kasuno-sama going with us?"

"I don't have to."

Facing the invitation of Sifang Chuanchangpu, Fang Zheng waved his hand.

"I'm going to hang out with Shayue and Katima on the street."

"Ah, I'm going too."

At this moment, I saw Wuming also got out, raised his hand high and looked excited, of course Fangzheng didn't care about it.

"Okay, no problem."

As he spoke, Fangzheng carefully looked at the girl in front of him-according to Wuming, she was only twelve years old, but with this figure...

Hmm, if Eiri sees it, she will definitely explode in situ.

In this way, everyone started their own actions, Sifang Chuanchangpu and the attendants went to say hello to the lord, while the others either went to buy things or repaired the train. On the other hand, Fang Zheng took Turtle Dove Sandyue, Katima and Wuming to hang out on the street.

The interior of the whole city looks similar to Japan in the Meiji period. All in all, it is quite old and exotic, and the streets are also very clean, and people's life seems to be quite calm and soft.

"I didn't expect that life inside seemed quite peaceful."

Turtle Dove Sandyue was walking on the street, looking at the crowd around her, she couldn't help but sigh. Several cities they had visited before were destroyed, and all they saw was a piece of scorched earth. At that time, Turtle Dove Shayue thought that those who were forced to live in the city walls under the threat of mad corpses would be very depressed. com, but now it seems to be quite peaceful.

"Mr. Kasugano, Miss Shayue, what are the branches that those people put at the door?"

Katima curiously pointed to the bamboo poles on both sides of the road and asked.

"Ah, that's the wishing bamboo used to make a wish on Tanabata... So, it's already Tanabata..."

Looking at the wishing bamboos on both sides of the road, Turtle Dove Shayue couldn't help but sigh.


"It's also an opportunity."

Seeing Katima's confused expression, Fang Zheng laughed.

"Exactly, let's take you to experience the feeling of Qixi Festival."

(End of this chapter)

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