Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3529: Interesting development (Ben Niao is sleeping in the dark now)

But what Fang Zheng didn't expect was that it was not only Wuming who came, but also a beautiful horse from heaven.

"Hello, Kasuga Yedian, I'm the leader of the hunters, Heavenly Bird Beauty Horse."

Standing in front of Fang Zheng was a handsome young man with long pink hair. Well, of course, there is still no Fang Zheng handsome.


Fang Zheng sat on the chair and nodded slightly, he didn't even bother to stand up. After all, he was a man, and he was not as handsome as himself, so don't worry about it.

"So, what do you have to do with me?"

"I heard that you want to go to King Kong Guo."

Tiantiao Meima was not angry because of Fangzheng's rude behavior, but said with a smile on her face.

"If possible, how about we go together?"

"I'm not interested, I'd rather wander slowly by myself."

Fangzheng bluntly rejected Tiantiao Meima's invitation, but the latter didn't care. Just smiled and continued.

"That's right, then it's a pity... In fact, I am very interested in the power of Kasugano Hall..."

"Don't you own something similar?"

Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes and stared at the black long sword hanging from Tiantiao Meima's waist. In fact, Fangzheng, Turtle Dove Shayue and Katima have turned their attention to the sword on the waist of Tiantiao Meima ever since Tiantiao Meima came in - if their feeling is correct, it should be a **** sword.

"If Kasuga Yedon doesn't mind, please take a look."

Tiantiao Mima didn't care about Fang Zheng's gaze, she just stretched out her hand to untie the saber from her waist and handed it over with both hands. Fang Zheng stretched out his hand to take the sword, and then drew the sword out of its scabbard.


The dark long sword was unsheathed, and the light in the entire room seemed to dim for a while. Fang Zheng just silently looked at the long sword in front of him, stretched out his hand and stroked the blade lightly, then put it away again and handed it back.

"this is yours?"

"Ashamed to say, in fact, this is a weapon given to me by an adult."

Taking the long sword and putting it back on his waist again, Tiantiao Mima gave a wry smile.

"That was ten years ago. At that time, the shogunate dispatched 400,000 troops to Kyushu in order to crusade the mad corpse. At that time, I was only twelve years old, and I commanded the three armies and commanded this war. At the beginning of logging in Kyushu, we had an advantage. Many strongholds were established and the corpse was successfully surrounded. But after that, the logistical supply was suddenly interrupted... We were therefore isolated and helpless, and finally collapsed."

Saying this, Tiantori Mima clenched her fists and lowered her head.

"The reason why I was able to escape from it was the blessing of a certain adult. At that time, he was invincible on the battlefield. He swept away tens of thousands of mad corpses with a single swing of his sword. He also gave me this sword..."


Hearing this, Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes and stared at Tian Bird Beauty Horse. The latter just lowered his head, seemingly unaware of it.

However, Fang Zheng quickly retracted his gaze.

"I'm not interested in your past, I'm just here to ask about nameless."

"If you wish, I would like to be able to let Wuming travel with you."

"Then it's fine."

Fang Zheng waved his hand.

"By the way, where did the guy who gave you the sword go?"

"I don't know, he disappeared after he left this sword to me."

"I see………"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng thought for a moment, and then suddenly asked another question.

"By the way, do you know where the mad corpse came from?"

"This... I'm sorry, although there are many rumors, but we know so far, we have not figured out where the mad corpse came from. After all, more than 20 years have passed, and the person who knew all this should have died long ago. In the mouth of the mad corpse..."

"...Okay, then you can go down."


Hearing Fangzheng's words, Tianniao Meima lowered her head and turned away respectfully.

Until the iron door closed, the three of them let out a sigh of relief.

"not him."

"Yeah, if only he was."

Hearing Turtle Dove Shayue's words, Fang Zheng also sighed helplessly. In fact, when they first saw Tian Bird and Beautiful Horse, they all subconsciously believed that this man was the culprit of everything. But when Fang Zheng saw the divine sword worn by Tiantiao Mima, he immediately rejected the idea, because... Tiantiao Mima's hand was only a very low-level divine sword.

How low is it?

It was even lower than the Divine Sword Spirit mastered by that old general in the previous world.

Of course, in this world, it is already a weapon of magic.

But... No matter how awesome the Golden Snake Sword is, it is not a lightsaber after all.

It is naturally impossible for such a low-level Divine Sword to have the power to turn hundreds of millions of people into mad corpses.

Besides, Fangzheng had been observing Heavenly Bird and Beautiful Horse before, and the other party didn't reveal any questions when answering his own question, which meant that his answers were all true. Since the other party didn't lie about his age, the possibility that the culprit is this guy is even lower - after all, the beautiful horse was born more than 20 years ago. Bar.

On the contrary, it was the person who Tiantiao Meima said, which made Fangzheng and others vigilant. After all, the other party could give Tiantiao Meima a divine sword at will... Well, this in itself can explain the problem. After all, the average Divine Sword User can only have their own Divine Sword at most, and only certain organizations can possess a large number of Divine Swords.

Like the chasing light or something.

But... in the east of Japan, there seems to be only...

Fang Zheng and Turtle Dove Shayue looked at each other.

"...Are you going?"

"The train can't help it! It's okay if Xiao Bei is here, but how does the train pass through the Pacific Ocean?"

"It's also possible that the world's plate map is not the same... but this is indeed a problem."


"I always have a bad feeling about it."

Fang Zheng frowned and thought. Katima, on the other hand, looked at Fang Zheng's expression, puzzled.

"A bad feeling?"

"Yes, Katima, you may not know the geography of the world. In fact, although the land we are on now looks very big, it is in the final analysis just an isolated island. To put it bluntly, it is just a place that nobody pays attention to. Small piece of land. To be honest, I'm feeling a little tricky right now."

Assuming that this is really a disaster that has swept the world, then the scope of the victims is much larger than the civil war in Katima's country.


"It's not without good news."

The corners of Fangzheng's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a sneer. In fact, when he got the divine sword of Heavenly Bird Mima just now, he silently made a prophecy. The results show that the owner of this sword will meet with him in the near future.

Of course, Tiantiao Mima is not the owner of the Divine Sword, he is only the user. This is similar to sharing a bicycle. If you scan the code and unlock it, it does not mean that the shared bicycle is yours. At the end of the day, you only have the right to use, not ownership.

That is to say... the guy in the back seems to be really in a hurry?

Then, let's just add another fire.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng also came up with an idea.

"Call Sifang Chuanchangpu."

Soon, Sifang Chuanchangpu came to Fangzheng and bowed respectfully to him.

"Master Kasugano, what's the matter with you calling me?"

"I have an idea about the destination of this next train."

Fang Zheng stared at the Sifang Chuanchangpu in front of him and smiled slightly.

"What do you think, how about we go back?"


Hearing Fangzheng's words, Sifang Chuanchangpu didn't react for a while. She raised her head and looked at Fangzheng in doubt, and Fangzheng quickly gave an explanation.

"Just go back to your city... It's called Xianjinyi, right? I remember the wish you made yesterday, that one day Xianjinyi would be rebuilt?"

"Is this really possible?"

To be honest, at the beginning, when she heard Fangzheng's explanation, Sifang Chuanchangpu was still a little dazed, but she quickly reacted - indeed, now Xianjinyi has fallen and has become a den of mad corpses. Logically speaking, it is almost impossible to retake Xianjinyi, but... that is based on the basis of ordinary people!

If it is Fangzheng, this will naturally not be a problem!

Since he was able to destroy so many mad corpses, it would certainly not be difficult to sweep the mad corpses occupying Xianjin Station!

"Of course, so are you planning to go to King Kong Guo? Or echo Jinyi?"

"Of course it's Echoing Jinyi!"

This time, Sifang Chuanchangpu answered without hesitation.

"Very good, then you go and talk to the others, and then we will turn around and echo Jinyi. Be prepared, this is not an easy task, and it may be very dangerous."

"Yes, Kasugano-sama."

Looking at Sifang Chuanshu who turned away in high spirits, Fang Zheng showed a smug smile. Of course, he could guess why the other party wanted to approach him. Obviously, now he was able to destroy the mad corpse, and the news of curing the mad corpse had gradually spread, and the man behind the scene had obviously heard about it. Since this is the case, then I simply add another fire and directly declare that I want to help Sifang Chuanchangpu regain Xianjinyi.

In this way, the mastermind behind the scenes will definitely not be able to help himself.

It doesn't matter if he can bear it, Fangzheng will simply take the opportunity to retake all the cities occupied by the mad corpses, and then return them to the original owners - anyway, there must be people who escaped by train in every city, and then he will speak directly. Go, willing to help those who take back the lost city, they will surely be tempted to come and ask for help.

Wait until Fangzheng takes this opportunity to clean up the mad corpse... That one person behind the scenes won't do it even if he doesn't want to move.


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