Dimensional Codex

Chapter 604: Changing ego

The attack on the headquarters of HELLSING did not bring any bad results. The two vampires who led the team to attack were just novices to Founder. He could easily kill one of them, and the others were no exception. It didn't take long for the army of vampires and ghouls who had invaded HELLSING's headquarters to be wiped out, and during the entire process, Akkad did not even have a chance to shoot.

Of course, there are many things to be busy after the war. After all, these ghouls have destroyed most of the buildings, and these have to be renovated. The corpses of the guard soldiers killed by the ghouls also need to converge, although because the Founder returned very In time, the defensive forces guarding the headquarters of HELLSING were not completely destroyed, but after the inventory, it was found that a total of nearly two-thirds were killed. Their pensions, funerals, etc. are all troublesome things.

But this is something that Intergula needs to think about. For Founder, he has another trouble to solve.

That is the effect of the abyss on oneself.

Founder knows that each world has its own different atmosphere and feeling. It's like the atmosphere you feel when walking in a spacious and bright future hotel, in a dim and cold tomb, and in a cozy and comfortable cabin. The atmosphere is different, so your response will be different.

Just like the malice and corruption from fallen human beings that he felt in the dark world before, in this world, Founder felt a kind of… violentness and madness from instinct.

Even the Integura, who seemed so calm and tough, and the gentleman Walter, who had almost interpreted the word gentleman into his bones, founder could feel a crazy blood flowing deep in their hearts. This seems to be the normal state of most people in this world, just as the maliciousness of human beings in the dark world can be magnified infinitely. It seems that most people in this world have a hard time staying sane ... Or, they keep a sane Crazy.

Even the policewoman who looked stupid was no exception.

If you cross under normal conditions, Founder can still not be affected by the atmosphere of the world itself. The problem is that he is now polluted by the abyss.

This makes Founder's emotions very sensitive and vulnerable to external influences.

Just like when I played against the Golden Retriever before, I changed the founder of the main world, where would I talk to him nonsense, and went straight to the end to burn it and burn it out. But the Founder in the previous battle wanted to squeeze and enjoy his pain. He longed to see this self-righteous guy mourn in front of himself, beg for mercy, and then die tragically.

Founder had to admit that when he saw the golden retriever twisting his face and screaming in front of himself, he felt a kind of heartfelt ... pleasure.

It's like the joy of a person pouring water into an ant's nest, watching the ants rush out, and then struggling to die in the water.

It's like the joy of a swarm of deadly prey blocked in a dead end, a wave of A going up and tearing into pieces.

It was as if the dragon was watching the lower creatures trembling tremblingly in front of themselves, praying for forgiveness.

"I didn't expect to have such an influence ..."

Founder's biggest problem at the moment is that the abyss not only affected the human part, but also it seemed to be a chain, together with the Zerg and Time Dragon parts of his body were also activated. This also means that Founder is going to withstand instincts from three races.

Coupled with the influence of the "external atmosphere" of this world, Founder found that his personality was undergoing a subtle change.

If Astor hadn't reminded him in time, then Founder really didn't know what he would be like to continue.

"the host?"

Hearing the sound coming from his ear, Fang Zheng turned his head and saw the silver-haired sword elf lying beside him, staring at himself. At this moment, Esther is still wearing nothing except knee socks, but Founder has no mood to appreciate the body of his elf.

"Are you ok?"

"Well ...... not strictly good ..."

Founder reached out and touched Esther's head. The biggest problem now was that Founder was not encountering any curse or similar magic attack. The abyss is the precipitation of human nature. To put it plainly is the dark side of human nature. Anyone who has a good side has a bad side naturally. And if Founder wants to renounce the dark side of human nature, then it means that he has become a pure "sage".

If those religious lunatics may yearn for this state, Founder does not want it. But he knew very well that if humans were not driven by the dark side, they would probably not achieve anything. And Founder has such a large Tiandao Palace to take care of, and he can't find a place like a famous ancient temple to live in seclusion for a lifetime.

If it is a curse, Astor may be able to solve it, but this is a matter of "instinct" and it is not so easy to handle.

"If I can travel through the fairy tale world, maybe I can find some solutions ..."

While looking up at the ceiling in front of him, the Founder muttered to himself. Although he currently behaves normally in daily life, once he enters the fighting state, Founder will find that his emotions have a tendency to run away uncontrollably.

More importantly, because emotional excitement is normal in a battle, it is difficult for Founder to distinguish between normal "passion" and twisted "darkness" in a fierce battle.

Not only that, the reason why Founder is so tangled is because ... he found that with the influence of the "Abyss" power becoming greater, his own power belonging to the Dragon and Swarm began to gradually return. After killing the Golden Retriever, Founder has recovered half of his original physical strength.

If Founder's judgment is correct, then at the end of this world, the powers belonging to the Swarm and Dragon race within his body will be reawakened.

It's like walking a tightrope. The end represents an endless treasure, but if you make a mistake, you may fall into the abyss.


When Founder was thinking hard, he suddenly knocked on the door, and when he heard the knock, Founder made a gesture to Esther. Soon, I saw a layer of light particles quickly appeared on the silver-haired sword elf ~ www .wuxiaspot.com ~ Then constructed a white short skirt uniform-Esther can use the power of the elves to create clothes, so Founder also let her replace Xingli in the heavenly palace under the control of Hekati. Temple battle uniform.

At least this will make Founder have some thoughts.

More importantly, he didn't want to be seen as a pervert who was walking around with naked beautiful girls.

And, as Esther, wasn't it a disadvantage to show it to others outside of himself?

"Come in."

With the voice of Founder, the door opened, and Walter came in respectfully.

"Mr. Founder, Miss Miss is looking for you."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

While listening to Walter's words, Founder stepped out of bed and picked up his coat.

"Is there another vampire attack?"

"Do not."

But this time, Walter gave a negative answer to Founder.

"It's the supplementary staff of the HELLSING agency. The young lady hopes that you will meet with the Founder."

"Oh? Finally here."

Hearing Walter's answer, the Founder was not too surprised. In the previous vampire attack, most of the guard soldiers of the HELLSING organization were killed, and the remaining part also dropped out of the battle sequence. Not only that, after this incident, the young lady finally began to attach importance to the internal defense of the HELLSING organization-the previous guard was only used to prevent the minimum invasion.

But now it seems that the defense level of the HELLSING organization needs to be improved.

"Is it an army man?"

"Do not."

Facing the Founder's inquiry, Walter shook his head.

"It's a mercenary.

"......... Mercenary?"

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