Dimensional Codex

Chapter 699: The winner of this war has been decided

When Founder returned to the castle of Qianjieshu, it was an hour later.

Although Joan of Arc became his follower, Founder did not bring him back. According to the previous agreement between him and "there", Jeanne will continue to perform her task, and there is nothing for the Founder to need her help. He didn't need the ability to see the real name, magic resistance EX ... It didn't mean much to Founder, as to whether he could fight ...

Well, it has been proven before that Founder can fight more than Jeanne.

When Founder returned to the castle, others also returned smoothly, but for now, the mood of the crowd was not very good. Although she successfully captured the red BERSERKER, she lost the black SABER. Not only that, in order for the black BERSERKER to escape the pursuit of the red RIDER, her MASTER Cowles even consumed a command spell to transmit it back, otherwise I'm afraid Black will lose two generals this night.

This naturally caused Danny to die. He scolded Gorde with his head and face covered, and Black was in a good situation, but now it is like this. Not only did he lose the Black SABER, but the BERSERKER also consumed a command spell. If the Red BERSERKER was not successfully captured, then Black's loss would be equal to that of the Red.

Of course, in the Founder's opinion, even if the red BERSERKER is captured, it is useless ......... but he is too lazy to manage it. This is a problem that Danny needs to worry about, just leave it to the other party to deal with it.

So after that, Founder quickly returned to his room, closed his eyes, and began to recall his previous agreement with the will in the mysterious abyss.

Alaya ...

Founder is not the first to see a description of it in it, but it is the first time that he has actually contacted it. It seems that it is aware of Founder's power and essence, so he turned to Founder for help, hoping that he could help himself to protect humanity.

In that distant future.

This planet will die one day, but humans will not die out because of this. They will set foot in the universe, go to other planets, and continue to thrive, but this is not allowed by the will of the planet. The will of the planet itself does not mind death, nor does it mind the life it bred to kill it, but it does not allow the life it bred to harm other planets, so it would rather call out the other planet's will before it died The life they gave birth to, they do not want to let them continue ... well, it seems difficult to understand, but if you think about it, it is not unreasonable.

After all, for this planet, human beings are just a living thing on it, not even the eldest son. After all, there are other species before humans, they are born and then die. Then humans were born, and they continued to perish. For planetary will, humans are not so different from other species. Perhaps after the death of humankind, the planet will continue to absorb their wreckage, and then give birth to a whole new life.

But for humans themselves, they obviously will not accept their fate like dinosaurs.

But relying on humans alone cannot compete with the will of the planet.

So Alaya found him.

As for the reason why it finds the upright, it is very simple, because Fang is exactly --- the master of the stars.

To be honest, when I first heard this answer, Founder was still very aggressive. I never imagined that I would have such a tall title. Later he thought about it before turning back. There are not a thousand or eight hundred planets occupied by the Zerg in the Jagged World. As the Zerg dominates itself, they say that they are the dominant stars ...

Seems right?

Oops, only after such a calculation has found out that the original real estate has spread all over the galaxy!

All in all, according to Alayah, because Founder conquered countless planets, he won the title of "Star Master", which has a BUFF that comes with suppression, weakening and conquering the will of the planet. That's why it found the Founder, hoping to reach an agreement with it, so that the Founder can negotiate with the planet's will and subdue or suppress it. Of course, if the planet's will is stubborn, then Founder can completely wipe it out before the final judgment day.

Of course, since it is a transaction, then Founder naturally does not do white work. He and Alye reached the following consensus.

Founder can assist Alaya to protect the survival of human beings as much as possible without letting them perish-this is not difficult for Founder and is consistent with his position.

As a price, Arayer allowed Founder to use various means to influence and rule humanity.

Well, in other words, the human beings in this world unknowingly have an extra father.

Don't look at this, it seems to be just vernacular, but Founder knows very well what this means in the moon world.

Alaya is a primate restraint, a collection of human subconsciousness. The human subconscious yearning for conquest is naturally full of resistance. This is why the eradication of certain groups in human history will eventually fail, because Alye, as the primate's restraint, does not allow humans to die and destroy on a large scale.

But every war will bring death and destruction, and if there is no long-lasting continuity, even the war with the purpose of conquest will eventually fall to the point of scattered separation.

To put it simply, in the moon world, if you do n’t get the recognition of Araye, then you want to rule the world, you have to face countless resistance, and there may even be various kinds in the area you rule Various resisters and heroes come to your trouble.

All in all, in this case, any attempt to affect all human beings will be endlessly troubled and resisted ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ eventually leading to failure.

But on the other hand, if you get the approval of Alaya, then your road will be smooth as if you were hanging. Not only will the frontline enemies collapse at the touch, but the rear will also be stable and peaceful. Even if someone tries to rebel or ignite the war, the sword will fail for various reasons.

Generally speaking, Araiye will not prescribe such conditions, but Founder is very skeptical that this time it is entirely in the "real estate" run by the Zerg on his own. After all, in the world of iron and blood, it is suitable for human life. The planet is not without. And there may be more planets in the world that Founder travels through.

Therefore, for Alaya, if he can hold the thigh upright, then unless Fang Zheng is dead, humans need not worry about extinction.

As for the dragon of time, will Founder die ...

Well, this is also a problem.

In addition, Araiye also promised that after Founder obtained the Third Law, he would give the Founder's Summoning Authority to the Founder, which means that after Fang Zheng has obtained the Third Law, he can control himself. The spirit, and can also give the order to those he recognizes, so that it summons the spirit.

To sum up, this is basically the agreement between the two parties.

Araiye promised to make Founder the supreme ruler of mankind, obtain the third law and control the hall of the spirit.

The Founder needs to suppress and resist the harm of the will of the planet to human beings, protect the survival of human beings, and at the same time eliminate the catastrophes that endanger humanity.

Ok? Wait a minute, why is it certain that Founder will be able to obtain the Third Law?

Because the winner of this war has been decided from the beginning!

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