Dimensional Codex

Chapter 759: Mysterious Virus X

Baidu search for Le'an Xuanshu.com's stable and fastest update "This ghost place really looks infiltrating."

Looking at the street under the sun, Founder shook his head and whispered to himself.

As the ancestral temple said, after the sun rose, those zombies who had wandered around disappeared. The entire street was empty, and even half of the animals were invisible. To be honest, this scene doesn't feel very good.

If this is a long abandoned city, it may be better. The overgrown streets may look cluttered, but at least it is a signal that nature is active. But now, this city has maintained what a city should look like for a long time, but it is invisible to half a person. This feeling can even give people a sense that this city is just a set prop , "Scene Map" like "The World of Chumen". This can make people feel a little uneasy or even scared, as if they were the only ones left here ...... some kind of prop. I have seen so much and even suspected that the world itself seems to be nothing more than a big toy box, and now, the owner of this box seems to have given up the toy.

Although it seems that this empty street now allows Founder to play Need for Speed, but in fact, the danger here is not low.

It can even be said that ...... high.

"Uh ---!"

Just as Founder walked across the corner of the street, a thin, black figure suddenly jumped up from the eaves beside him, and threw open arms toward Founder. It's quite fast, almost the same as a predator cheetah. In a blink of an eye, the dark shadow came to Fang Zheng's body in this way-and then was penetrated by a radiating arrow, screamed and flew out and nailed it to the wall next to it, and saw that Heiying struggled a few times, then gradually lowered his head without sound.

"Sure enough it is HUNTER."

Founder walked to the wall, narrowed his eyes and stared closely at the monster in front of him. It also looked like a zombie, but unlike the zombies that had acted at night before, the skin of this zombie was full of healing scars. He is a little short, with long arms and rather short legs. It seems to be closer to a form like the gibbon.

But Founder paid more attention to the scars on his body.

"Sure enough, is this just an evolution?"

Founder took out his personal terminal, scanned the monster in front of him, and then compared the data.

"How is it? Big Brother?"

At this time, Xiao Hei also came to Fang Zheng's side, looked at the monster carefully, and looked curiously at the personal terminal in front of his eyes.

"It seems my guess is correct. So far, all the mutants we have encountered are evolutions of zombies ... ... you see, this zombie also shows signs of skin ulcers because of direct sunlight, but it The wounds have all healed, and that's a very good illustration. "

Having said that, Fang Zheng looked up and looked at the hot, hot sun in the sky in front of him.

He and Xiao Hei have been searching around the station for one morning, during which Fang Zheng and Xiao Hei also encountered several powerful mutants. However, unlike Founder's guess, after contacting these variants, Founder was surprised to find that these variants were not social creatures as he imagined. On the contrary, all these variants acted alone, and they seemed to have some This kind of site consciousness will attack the creatures that enter your site.

Not only that, through the anatomy and scanning of these mutant species, Founder also found another rule. That is to say, all these mutant species have "evolved" from ordinary zombies. As for the source of their evolution ... Although Fang Zheng didn't want to admit it, for now, there is only one answer.

That is the sun.

So far, Founder has encountered a total of four variants, and their bodies have, without exception, shown signs of skin ulceration after being exposed to the sun, and then healing. This means that after these mutants became ordinary zombies, they were irradiated with sunlight to produce secondary mutations before they evolved into what they are.

Now Founder is just not sure whether this evolution is conscious or accidental. After all, the evolution direction of the several mutant species he saw before are different, and the important thing is ...

"It's almost enough to collect samples."

As he said, Founder stretched out his hand, cut a small sample from the corpse in front of him, and put it in a glass box.

"Let's go back, Xiao Hei."

"Okay, big brother."

Hearing Founder's words, Xiao Hei threw a piece of chocolate into his mouth, then nodded.

When Founder and Xiao Hei returned to the station as a base, the place was completely new. I have to admit that Cui and Ancestral Hall are still very attentive, at least when Founder walked into the door and looked at the bright hall and clean furniture in front of the window, his mood was much better than before.

"You are back, Brother Founder, Sister Hei ..."

Seeing Fang Zheng and Xiao Hei coming back, Cui also hurriedly greeted them, looking at them with a smile.

"I'm back, Cui."

Looking at the girl with cat ears in front of her, Fang Zheng smiled and reached out and touched Cui's head, while rubbing her soft cat ears.

"How's the situation? Any response?"

"Xia Shi has not responded yet, Miss Tang Gui is helping ..."

"I know."

Hearing here, Founder is not surprised, the city has now become like this, almost comparable to hell. Fang Chengxin believed that even if he surrendered a survivor casually in the biochemical crisis, whether he could live a day in this ghost place is a problem. Of course, Alice may be an exception ... maybe not an exception, who knows?

"I'm going to do some research next. You and Xiaohe will go to rest first."

On the one hand, Founder walked to a closed compartment next to it-originally used as a storage room for train maintenance equipment, but now Founder has used it as his own laboratory.

After closing the door, Fang Zhengshun pulled out five glass boxes from his pocket and placed them on the table. Then he opened his personal terminal and began to carefully scan and study the viruses inside.

Founder is not a biologist. In fact, his understanding of biology was very basic when he was in college. But this does not mean that he has been fooling around for so many years. Especially after mastering the talent of Time Dragon, Founder found a lot of things that looked like Tianshu himself before, but now he can easily understand ......... Thanks to this talent, Founder tasted Xueba for the first time in his life Happiness.

And now, he is finally able to "learn what he uses."

Of the five samples currently underway, two were found by Founder from "ordinary zombies," and the remaining three were from three different variants. Founder now wants to see how in a thoroughly mixed "biochemical world", how can this world "justify itself"?

The test results surprised Fang Zheng.

After comparing the "basic virus" samples collected from ordinary zombies with the "variant virus" samples collected from mutants, Founder was surprised to find that the structure between the two had changed completely. It can even be said to be something completely different!

If the "basic virus" is likened to a handful of soil, then the "mutant virus" is like burning earth into bricks, making clay sculptures, or even making ceramics. Although the "raw materials" are all the same thing, the "finished products" themselves are quite different.

Not only that, these "mutant viruses" themselves are still not complete. After analysis and research, Founder found that these viruses are still undergoing "evolutionary upgrades", but this evolutionary process was interrupted after their hosts were killed That's it.

In the end, Founder finally figured out what happened to the virus in this biochemical world.

According to current observations ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the original "basic virus" will spread through water, air and blood, infecting others. At the same time, mutations occur quickly, eroding the host's body. The human immune system will react fiercely, and the two sides will start fighting. In the beginning, the immune system may have the upper hand, but eventually the "basic virus" will destroy the immune system, kill the host, and turn it into a zombie.

At this stage, zombies will be filled with a strong desire to eat due to viral activities, thus attacking other living organisms. They also fear the sun and try to avoid it.

But if the zombies are unfortunately exposed to the sun, the "basic virus" in their bodies will start to undergo a secondary mutation in a frantic manner to resist the damage caused by the sun. From the current point of view, their variation seems to be random. Take the several variants that Founder encountered before, although they all have the ability to withstand sunlight, but their methods of action, hunting methods and body shape are very different.

Not only that, Founder also found that during the secondary mutation process, the evolution of these viruses was irregular and completely random.

This is like the calculation result is 9, no matter whether you choose 4 + 5 or 1 + 8 or 3X3, as long as you can get the result of "9", there is no uniformity in the middle process!

From a certain perspective, this virus is somewhat similar to the Zerg, but the difference is that the evolution of the Zerg is integrated through "take the best of one hundred families". And the evolution of this virus is more like "a hundred rolls of dice, as long as there is a double six, then I win" ...

In a way, this virus is more headache than T virus ... Baidu search Le'an Xuanshu (Le'an Xuanshu)

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