Dimensional Codex

Chapter 784: This time, we picked up treasure!

The scene in front of the eyes of the umbrella is simply incredible.

You know, it took them so much effort to capture these mutant zombies and modify them for easier control. In theory, relying on the chips installed in the brains of these mutant zombies, they should be able to perfectly control these "tools", but ...

"No, I cannot accept instructions!"

"The resistance signal has reached its peak!"

Watching the young man stroll on the screen and take the other three people out of the warehouse, the mutant zombies that originally surrounded them were obediently retreating, and the researchers on the console were also cold sweats. Trying to directly control the central nervous of these mutated zombies, and forcing the monsters to run away and attack by stimulating the brain, can make these researchers totally unexpected, even if these monsters have been stimulated to the limit, they still dare not attack!

"No. 3 breaks the limit ......... can't support it!"

With the fall of the researcher's voice, I saw a tyrant fell to the ground on the screen. Under the repression of Longwei, it couldn't do anything at all, and the strong stimulation of the brain chip made it intolerable. Finally, it arrived At the limit ... The brain that can't stand the stimulus completely died, and this also represents the end of the life of this tyrant.

"Oh my God, how is this possible?"

Looking at the scene in front of them, the crowd was completely stunned. How could they not imagine what power could make these mutant monsters so scared that they even committed suicide and did not dare to attack these people ...

Who are these people!

"Operation terminated."

But at this time, the sunglasses man suddenly gave a decisive order.

"Seal all information immediately! Get in touch with headquarters! Now, immediately!"


Although he didn't know what the sunglasses man really wanted to do, others immediately acted according to the sunglasses man's words, recalling the clone troops that originally intended to attack the yacht, and quickly contacted the headquarters. Soon, it didn't take long for a golden-haired, suit-dressed golden man to appear on the screen, with a little seriousness on his face, just staring at the man in sunglasses.

"What is it? You should know that we are holding a very important meeting."

"Of course I know, but I can guarantee that you will be interested in what I want to report."

While talking, the man in the sunglasses transmitted the previous data. Looking at the information in front of him, the middle-aged man froze for a moment.

"What is this? This is an accident we made when we tried to capture a team of survivors."

"Survivor team?"

The expression of the middle-aged man became more confused when he heard the sunglasses man, but he said nothing and reached out to open the video. At first, the expression of the middle-aged man was somewhat disapproved, but when he saw Fang Zheng and Xiao Hei blinked When dozens of cloned soldiers were killed in seconds, and the mutant zombies did not even dare to attack it, the expression of the middle-aged man finally changed. He stared at everything in the video coldly until the end of the entire video. After that, the middle-aged man was silent for a long time, and then he looked at the sunglasses man again.

"tell me your opinion."

"Okay, sir. In fact ... I think these people are not humans at all."

Hearing the middle-aged man's inquiry, the sunglasses man smiled slightly, then he quickly opened the video.

"Look, according to our instrumental analysis, the vital signs of these two girls are very weak, almost equal to nothing. Their breathing interval is very slow, there is no heartbeat, and even their temperature cannot be detected. All this shows that they are actually It ’s a zombies, but you see, the performance of these two girls is exactly the same as humans, without any difference! This shows that they not only retain the consciousness of the human period, but also have the physical qualities of zombies! "


Hearing here, the middle-aged man nodded, and the umbrella company displayed biochemical weapons, which was just part of it. In fact, the umbrella hopes to use this virus to create immortality, disease, and immortality. " people". At the moment, though, these two girls are acting a little ...... what, but purely from a data perspective, they are already close to the goal of the umbrella company.

"More importantly, these two people!"

The man in sunglasses pointed his hand at Fang Zheng and Xiao Hei again.

"According to our instrument calculations, the degree at the moment of their hands is about five times the limit of human beings! This is not the power that human beings can have! More importantly, I doubt that they are also infected with the virus! "

"Oh why?"

"because this!"

On the one hand, the man in the sunglasses pulled the video again to the suppressed parts of the mutant zombies.

"We all know that high-level mutant zombies have the ability to suppress lower-level zombies, and this is obviously the case at the moment. I can be sure! This young man must be infected with the t virus, and it has evolved quite terrible. Strength! Judging from the strength he showed, he not only possessed the skill and degree of ordinary people, but also possessed some mysterious power and the ability to suppress other zombies, which shows that he was better than the Alice plan and the Saga plan. Experimental individuals are more worthy of our study! "

"indeed so…………"

At this moment, the middle-aged man also nodded solemnly. Indeed, from the screen, this young man can almost be said to be the final form of the virus-infected body expected by the umbrella. He has strong power and can lead and even control zombies. This is what they expect!

Although the individuals of the Alice Project show some constant strength, they are not enough for the umbrella company to pay for it. Although the samples of the Saga plan preserved reason, they did not produce much. In contrast, this young man is the most needed target for the umbrella!

"Very well, then, on behalf of the headquarters, I will give you the highest level of authority. You can mobilize all the power and weapons of the company. No matter what method you use, we must get him !!!"


Hearing the middle-aged man's order, the sunglasses man nodded, then he clenched his fists, showing a sneer.

"But sir, at present the Japanese branch does not have enough manpower to deal with him. You have also seen that this young man is not simply a target who can be dealt with by the clone army. I need more powerful people to support ... "

"I know."

Of course, the middle-aged man knew what the sunglasses man was thinking. He thought for a moment and then made a decision.

"Headquarters will soon organize a troop to Japan, and Wesker will lead the team to provide support. You must ensure that you complete the task!"


Hearing the middle-aged man's answer, the sunglasses man nodded excitedly. Umbrellas have branches everywhere, and there will be competition among them. Due to the impact of the Alice plan, the Americas division has diverted most of its resources and support. Although the Japanese branch also has a Saga plan, the plan itself has not attracted much attention from the headquarters so far, but now ... with this chip, the Japanese branch he manages will also rise again!

This time, we really picked up treasure! I didn't expect that I would encounter such a more perfect infected person than Alice here!

"grown ups………"

As the picture on the screen disappeared, one of the researchers came to the sunglasses man uneasily.

"What shall we do next?"

"They must not be allowed to leave, and they must remain in Saga until the support forces of the headquarters arrive ..."

He muttered to himself, the sunglasses man thought for a moment, then his eyes brightened.

"From the previous actions of these people, they seem to be looking for survivors. In this case ... then we let them take the initiative to find survivors!"

Speaking of which, the sunglasses man seemed to think of something, he turned his head and looked at the researcher beside him.

"By the way, what about the people we caught before?"

"Still the same ...... They don't want to cooperate with us."

"Bring them to see me."


Hearing the order of the sunglasses man, the researcher said something, and then he picked up the intercom and said nothing. It didn't take long for the door to open. Then a few students dressed as students came under the escorting of heavily armed soldiers In front of the man. When they saw the sunglasses man, they suddenly roared.

"You, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Asshole, where did you take Xue Xue!"

Facing the roar of these students, the sunglasses man said nothing. He raised the gun in his hand and then suddenly pulled the trigger.



Accompanying the scream, I saw one of them suddenly shot and screamed and fell to the ground and mourned. Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised.

"Hey, are you okay! Cheer up!"

"You dare to do this, you ..."

"I think you don't understand who you are."

Looking at the passionate crowd in front of him, the sunglasses man snorted, and then he reached out and put the muzzle on the forehead of the twin ponytail girl who could not help crying and felt the hot muzzle, the twin ponytail girl Suddenly he looked pale and couldn't say a word.

"This is no longer the world you lived in before. Whether you want to live or die is between my thoughts ... maybe you also want to become zombies? If so, then I can help you. ... "

"you you…………"

"I have something you need to do."

The sunglasses man ignored the opponent's resentful eyes and looked at the crowd with a smile, looking like a teenager of their leader.

"As long as you are willing to assist us, then I can return your companions, and I will send you out of here ... how?"


Facing the sunglasses man's proposal, the teenager lowered his head, hesitated a little, and saw him look like this, another girl hurriedly grabbed him.

"Don't believe him! He won't let us go!"


But ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The boy said nothing. After a moment, he seemed to make up his mind and looked up at the man in sunglasses.

"As long as I'm willing to help you, you will let other people leave here, right! Then, you let them go first, as long as they are gone, no matter what you want me to do, I will!"


Hearing the young man's answer, the sunglasses man smiled again.

"Looks like our deal has been established ...... Xiaomiao Xiaomou."

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