Dimensional Codex

Chapter 817: This assistance mission ...... not great!

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Eventually, after his investigation, Bishop Carl and his party left the country of fire and returned to the holy city.

Before leaving, although they hope to reconcile the relationship between the two parties, the country of flames obviously does not intend to reconcile with the Zerg. No matter what Bishop Karl said, the official attitude of the country of flames is very clear. The swarm must die! !!

In desperation, Cardinal and others had to return to the holy city. After a few days of closed meetings, the temple issued a public statement—they publicly acknowledged that the swarm was part of order and civilization, and called for the Both the group and the kingdom of fire can stop the conflict and sit down and talk.

Regarding this statement of the temple, the country of fire was naturally furious. They accused the temple of deliberately covering up the facts because of the disagreement between the two countries, spreading lies, and even directly declared that they suspected that the monsters had something to say with the temple. Unclear relationship (in a way, they really guessed it right).

At the same time, the country of flames is also making a lot of public opinion in the country, telling the public that the country of holy religions will not only come to help, they even stand on the side of those monsters. This has also made the relationship between the two countries extremely tense, and even people in the Holy Land have been deported and beaten in the Fireland.

The temple was naturally condemned, but apart from that, neither side did anything excessive.

The temple knows very well. Do n’t look at the fierce power of the Fireland now. It looks like “I will go to the Swarm to push home tomorrow.” In fact, for a long time, the Fireland will never send troops and insects. war. The reason is very simple. The death of 50,000 soldiers is a great loss to the country of flames. The country of wealth can give it money, but the country of wealth can't make any more money.

The destruction of a legion is not enough to cause the kingdom of fire to hurt its bones, but it is also enough to make them suffer. Because of this, they will never dare to attack the swarm before the nation of fire recovers. At the moment, they are only doing this to appease their citizens and maintain stability.

After all, the bug mother's warning, Bishop Carl has already told the country of the flame, even if they really disdain, but they will weigh the danger of this warning in their backs.

Of course, if the kingdom of fire had to die, the temple could not help it.

After all, there is an endless sea between the two sides. It is beyond reach, and love can not help.

However, the contradiction between the kingdom of flames and the state of the religion has not affected Founder. He has drawn the red line for the kingdom of flames through Milun. It is not a surprise, you can take care of it yourself.

After putting down his words, Founder no longer pays attention to the movement of the Fireland. He has already told Milun and Lulana that once attacked by the Fireland again, the swarm can "freely move."

What does this mean ... well, just understand the spirit yourself.

Right now, Founder is sitting at the desk, curiously playing with a square crystal block, and in the crystal block, there is a small piece of crystal condensate, which is exactly what Fang was in the deep sea. Part of the "that stuff" collected in the crystal veins. After learning from Ishimura that this thing is not a creature but a nanomachine, Founder gave it to Nimfu for investigation, and Nim Fu also lived up to expectations, and it didn't take long to give out the results of the investigation.

"So ... you say these nanomachines ... are part of something?"

"Exactly part of the wreck, master."

"It looks like a living thing ..."

Hearing Nimfu's answer, Founder recalled the scene when he dived into the deep sea as his incarnation, Massaier, and sighed.

"There are countless combinations of nanomechanical aggregates."

Speaking of this, Nimfu spread his hands.

"In fact, the bodies owned by your sea fog mental models are also composed of nanomechanics. Because the combination of nanomechanics simulates the entire human activity process, they look no different from humans . "

"It turns out ..."

After hearing Nimfu's answer, Founder could not help twitching the corners of his mouth.

In other words, the ship mother under her control is strictly a robot?

But to be honest, it looks completely different from humans. The skin's touch and body temperature are no different from humans. Even the privacy parts are exactly the same, so that the Founder ignored it. These ship damsels are essentially warships. .

Ok? How did you know Fang knew?

Hmm ... This is about to talk about the exchange activity of the pit father in the blue world at the beginning ... Because the girl's underwear was needed as the exchange material at the time, so I had no choice but to use time to stop the "material refresh" And plunder ", of course, in the process, you will inevitably see some ...

This is all a mistake made in my youth ...

But think about it, since it is a robot, it should not be a crime.

Well, it must be true!

Founder ticked off his logical satisfaction and then returned to the subject.

"So, what does this nanomechanical ... do?"

"I don't know about it, master."

Nimfu shook his head.

"In fact, the reason these nanomachines become what they are now is because they have lost their core and cannot maintain a stable form.

"But in the veins of the seabed, didn't they attack me?"

"That was an automatic command triggered by the stimulation of nanomechanics. At least for now, this kind of nanomechanics should be made with a phantom as the core of energy and part of a certain kind of creation with self-defense ......... but Information is limited ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I have only these. "

"So ... do we have a way to use this stuff?"

"I'm sorry ...... Master."

This time, Nimfu had a rare expression of frustration.

"If I have more advanced equipment at hand, maybe it can be used, but ..."

"There is no way."

After hearing Nimfu's answer, Founder also sighed helplessly. The so-called smart woman is difficult to cook without rice. The founder's Xingling Technology is all exchanged out, and it is not the same as Nimfu's Sinapus Technology. In the world that Founder traverses, the most advanced is the Matrix World and the monster world that made robots. However, the technical level of these two worlds is lower than that of Sinapus, and Founder cannot bring back any Nimf. Good stuff ...

"Tit ... Tit ........."

At this moment, suddenly, there was a sirens sound in Fang Zheng's ears. Then, a message box popped up in the system in front of Fang Zheng.

[Assistance Trigger]

[Please click to open the assistance task]

[Limited requirements: 3 initial members, Department of Science and Technology]

[Note: You have received a distress signal from the depths of the universe. The transmitter of the signal is desperately waiting for help. They will face a powerful and irresistible enemy. Are you willing to fight for the fate of that universe? (Random rewards are randomly assigned based on the success of the mission, and the copy is closed if the mission fails)]

Seeing the system information in front of him, Founder froze for a moment, then he suddenly stood up.

The fate of the universe! ?

Could it be that the background of the copy I am going to this time is in space? !! (https :)

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