Dimensional Codex

Chapter 824: The protagonist's halo is normal

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After that, Founder encountered a lot of Star Alliance soldiers along the way, but these enemies were obviously not a problem for Founder. Chopping vegetables and cutting vegetables all the way directly killed them, and Iona also started from Many of these Star Alliance supplies have been replenished with nanomaterials, reducing repair times by more than half.

"So, this is the remains of that pioneer?"

Killing the last dying resistance Star Alliance soldier, Founder walked to the gate of the tower and looked curiously. Unlike the style of the bionic form of the Star Alliance before, the gate of this pioneer's ruins looks full of a very neat, sci-fi, and clean mechanical sense.

To say, it gives Founder's aesthetics closer to human beings, but also more advanced than the current human beings.

Hmm ... this thing is good.

Looking at the front door, Fang Zheng nodded with satisfaction, then he stepped forward and knocked on the door.


There was no response at all.

"How does this stuff open?"

"Please wait a moment, master."

Nimv also hurried forward, and then she reached out and put it on the gate. Then I saw the aperture appearing again in Nimfu's eyes.

"... This door uses some kind of induction technology. Only creatures that match the frequency can open it. Please wait. I will change the frequency now ......?"

"what happened?"

Seeing the little angel screaming in surprise, Fang Zheng couldn't help asking, and the little angel froze before answering.

"Yes, I have detected that another entrance has been opened. The entrant is the Master Chief!"

"Is he? How did he get in? Is that AI credit?"

"No, according to the records here, after scanning the remains of the forerunner, it was confirmed that the other party met the requirements and the door was opened directly."

"............... this works ????"

Upon hearing Nimfu's answer, Founder froze slightly, and immediately calmed down. The protagonist, there is always an aura, and accidentally practicing a martial art result is a long lost magic skill, or the accidentally found thing is the key to unlock the mysterious ruins, or he does not know what royal bloodline he is ... … Isn't this all routine?

"It really seems to be the main character, but it's different. Forget it, let's do our job, open the door."

"Okay, master."

Although she didn't quite understand what Fang was talking about, Nimfu nodded, and then she reached out her hand and nodded a few times in the void. Soon, the originally closed heavy door slowly rose, revealing the interior space.

This is a huge hall, which looks quite sci-fi from the outside, with glowing lines and white armor full of sci-fi. It can be seen from the style alone that these things are completely different from the style of the Star Alliance and the human world. Perhaps because the Star Alliance soldiers had no way to enter, the entire hall seemed extremely empty, and no enemy was visible at all.

"It's beautiful here, come, come here, let's take a picture ...... I rely!"

Just as Founder was pulling Nimf, Iona and Little Fire Dragon walked in and planned to take a photo, and suddenly a few strange small mechanical bodies suddenly appeared not far from their feet, and their appearance was somewhat like a star detective. Ji, but it has a little more mechanical texture.

"Does this really have a tomb guard?"

Seeing these strange things, Founder also hurried back away, and at the same time prepared a magic missile storm in his hand. Unlike the trial world, the Founder can use a certain degree of magic power in the aid world, but he needs to consume his own magic. Before the change, this may still be a problem for Founder, but after he mastered the third method, Founder has basically gained unlimited magic. For him, he no longer needs to rely on urging like an ordinary mage. The magic in the atmosphere has come to cast the spell.

However, these strange machines only glanced at Founder and others, then quickly turned and flew to the other side, looking like patrolling and defending something.

"What is this again?"

Fang Zheng patted the head of the little fire dragon who wanted to go up to a "fight" with those weird machines, and looked at Nimfu. And Nimfu reached out his hand again, the light in his eyes flickered.

"... they are called" Temple Defenders "and they are the guards here."

"Guard? So can we pack this thing back?"

Since coming to this world, Founder feels like Alibaba has entered the treasure trove of the Forty Thieves, and wants to see everything ... and sees everything ...

"of course."

Hearing Founder's inquiry, Nimfu nodded.

"As long as I find the control terminal here, I can be sure to control these Templar Guardians. At present, although the pioneers are very advanced in technology, they are still a little worse than Siempus in terms of information manipulation. , But something weird ... "


"In the coding of the Forerunner system, I found structures and codes similar to those in the Star Alliance battleships. The latter is more like the former ...... copycat."

"That is to say, the Star Alliance obtains high-tech by relying on the tomb of the dead?"

For Nimfu's inquiry, Founder seemed quite calm, after all, this kind of thing is also very common. At present, the technology of the pioneers is higher than that of humans and the Star Alliance, and the Star Alliance is so enthusiastic about the pioneers. Obviously, these guys have gained a lot of benefits from the archeology of the pioneers (or tomb stealing). Can't extricate yourself afterwards.

Since those Templar defenders did not mean to attack Founder and others, naturally, Founder would not be bothered to find them. He took the others through the hall, came to the console on the other side, and then Founder stretched out. I shot it and pressed on it ...... Nothing happened.

Having said that, why was the Master Chief able to start things in this facility? Isn't he human? According to the ordinary game or setting, is it possible that the chief master is the only son of the forerunner who is exiled, maybe even the prince?

Then he would return to their homes and retrieve their legacy?

One day, he will also be crowned king?


Just as Founder was running his train full of brains, suddenly, with a light sound, the dull machinery suddenly started to glow, and then quickly started.

"What's happening ???? Wait ... I almost guessed ..."

Seeing this scene, Founder was nervous for a while, but soon he thought of something. According to Nimfu, the Chief Sergeant and the AI ​​entered the ruins before. From their actions, they obviously would not come here for archeology and tourism like themselves. Obviously, if Founder did not guess wrong, he should It was the chief officer who initiated something here that caused the chain reaction.

"I have entered the system."

At the same time, Nimf quickly stepped forward, opened a communication channel, and connected with the pioneer system.

"Target confirmation ...... This is the Vanguard World of Forerunners ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ named Requiem. Here is ...... Oh?"

Seeing this, Nimfu suddenly changed his face.

"Master, the situation is not right. This place is not as simple as we think. A pioneer is imprisoned here!"


"Yes, according to information, the forerunner here is a very dangerous being, so it is imprisoned here, and it must never leave."

"......... This is really troublesome, why not just die directly? What does it mean to have an indefinite period? This is not waiting for a Tang monk to release the monkey monkey someday ... wait, the master officer does not It's going to do this. "

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng shuddered, but he was too clear, the main character of this creature, a big feature is the hand cheap, want to touch everything when you see, many times the boss battle is caused by the hand cheap!

"Nimfu, is there any way to cut off or turn off their control over this ruin?"

"I can try shutting down the system! Then turn on recompilation."

"Shut down immediately."


Hearing Fang Zheng's order, Nimfu reached out and waved in the void. The next moment, the light that had originally shone around disappeared.

And at the same time ...

"Cortana, what happened?"

Seeing the map in front of him disappear suddenly, the chief officer took a stun and then asked.

"I do not know………"

In the face of the inquisitor's inquiry, Cortana was also aggressive.

"The drawing machine suddenly shut down. It seems that we have to restart it manually."

"What are you waiting for."

Upon hearing Cortana's report, the chief officer raised his weapon.

"Let's do it."

Founder overlooked another thing, that is, as the protagonist, the general action is very strong ...

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