Dimensional Codex

Chapter 841: Pen can kill people!

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It's finally time to leave.

Standing in the command room, looking at the Anxing Star not far away, Fang Zheng also sighed reluctantly. It has been almost two months since he came to this world. In these two months, Founder almost made his subordinates turn over the things left by the forerunners, take everything that can be taken away, and all records that can be recorded. All collections that can be stored.

This journey to the universe world is the most abundant for Founder, but it is also the most expensive. The hundreds of dimensional points consumed by hundreds of sea fog battleships in this world are calculated in tens of thousands every day, not to mention that in order to charge the pioneer factory and mantle Linshi before, Founder almost spent most of his stored dimensional points.

Originally in accordance with Founder's ideas, he also wanted to put away the requiem, but he had no choice but it was too expensive. The founder's dimensional points were not enough to absorb such a planet. A small "halo".

At this time, the available dimensional points in the Founder's hands are basically used up. Only the last part of the emergency points reserved for various situations is left. This dimensional point Founder will never move unless it is absolutely necessary. Although it is said that in terms of quantity, as long as this part of the points is used, Founder can bet the shield world. However, Founder is not a gambler. He has food in his hand so that he can't panic in his heart. It's cool to spend all of it, but if something goes wrong, he will be blind.

As for the next ...

Founder glanced at Requiem again, then retracted his gaze, then he reached out his hand.


With the call of Founder, the angel enough to change everything in the world reappeared, slowly fell into the hands of Founder, and then quietly turned away. Then Founder reached out, picked up the quill, looked at the blank page in front of him, and thought for a moment, then began to write slowly on it ...

At the same time, missionaries have jumped annoyed where the galaxy doesn't know what corners and corners.

He never expected that his luck would be so bad.

At the beginning, the missionary planned to go to the intellectual realm, but encountered a particle storm ... well, this is a natural phenomenon of the universe, which is like a tornado, although rare, but occasionally occurs, the same happened in the forerunner period. Things you ca n’t reason about when you encounter them, you just think you ’re out of luck.

Then forcibly interrupting the jump, he and his fleet were thrown into a completely strange and barren place where the birds did not **** ...

This is also the intention of Founder, but he knows that after many accidents, the protagonist will get the secret of martial arts because of falling off the cliff or something, such as Jiuyang Shengong, Dugu Nine Sword, and so on.

This missionary also has a protagonist's life from the records. Founder did not dare to let him follow the way in the pioneer YY. In case he really got what the pioneer relics did and made a comeback, he would not take it off. ?

The Milky Way is much bigger than expected, and a place that has not been explored can be tricky even for the pioneers. The missionary tossed for many days, but there was no progress. Not only that, but the missionary was angry, and his luck was getting worse and worse.

First, when encountering a meteor group rare in a century, the entire fleet was stunned by the meteors coming from the roar. Fortunately, the pioneers and the Star Alliance developed science and technology, otherwise they would be killed directly.

And before they got back to their strength, they encountered the outbreak of solar particles, and when they saw that the bad missionary immediately started the jump again, left this wrong land, and then ... then they were almost caught in the black hole. .

After this series of blows, the number of Star Alliance battleships following the forerunner decreased again, and now there are only two or three lonely kittens. Thanks to the faith of these Star League soldiers, they even believe that this is the test they must go to the "Great Journey", otherwise I am afraid that there is no one available to the missionaries.

But where does the missionary stand?

"what on earth is it!"

He walked angrily on the deck, roaring and roaring. The missionary never expected that his plan would be so unsuccessful. Although he has experienced many battles and faced more difficult situations than this, All of this now makes the missionary feel incredibly hot.

And just when the missionary was so angry, suddenly, the voice of the mechanical intelligent servant sounded.

"Historical star maps have been detected and transition routes are being determined."

"What? Found it?"

Hearing the report of Ji Zhifu, the missionary was immediately delighted. He quickly turned to look at the podium, and soon saw that the star map on the screen was setting the position automatically.

He finally came to an end!

"Very good, set the destination to ... immediately"

As he said, the missionary strode toward the podium, and at this time, his left foot suddenly caught his right foot, and with a bang, the missionary fell to the deck like this Up — and then there was no response.

"......... Please give an order."

The artificial intelligent servant didn't notice any change, it still asked the order mechanically.

But the missionary still lay on the ground, motionless.

"......... Please give an order, Commander."

The artificial intelligent servant repeated it again, but the missionary still did not respond at all.

He is dead.

It's that simple.

Looking at the handwriting appearing in the "Obsolete Chapter", Fang Zheng sighed, he turned the feather pen in his hand, and then retracted the "Obligation Chapter" again.

It seems that between the world of science fiction and the world of magic, it is not good who is strong.

If we simply talk about power, then the science fiction world definitely has the upper hand. The forerunners, the Star Alliance, they all have the ability to completely destroy a planet. In the main world, a flagship of the forerunner can completely blast the planet of the main world into pieces.

Does the magical civilization of the slash-and-burn of the main world have no power to fight back?

Obviously this is not the case.

"Oblique Chapters" cannot affect the existence of the legendary level and above in the main world, but here, it can be easily done, and it is unreasonable to be far away, and a pioneer who is under the protection of a major army directly Kill, and no one can see who did it. Because it was caused by an accidental fall ... Regardless of him, anyway, if someone performs an autopsy on the missionary ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it will only be concluded that the deceased was under tremendous pressure during his lifetime, and his physical condition was extremely poor because of the accident. What the shock caused ...

It is said that one thousand and ten thousand is not related to murder, and it is an accidental death.

The thought of Founder here is also lamenting that the differentiation of the magical civilization class that focuses on individual strength has seriously led to a low level of civilization, but the scientific and technological civilization that focuses on overall strength lacks a strong one. But if you think about it, if you can develop a walking human-shaped nuclear bomb, why do you have to study it hard?

But now, the mission is over.

Looking at the prompt in front of the system, Founder nodded, and then he looked at Nimfu.

"Nimf, pack up the information we have compiled before and send it to the chief officer as a little gift for him before leaving."

Although Founder took his own ship maiden and ransacked the ruins of most of the pioneers in the galaxy, basically all he took were scientific research materials and knowledge, which can be copied. Therefore, Founder did not say that he would not leave flesh for the humanity in this world. Not only that, he also specially designed Nimfu to draw a star map, which points out the locations of all the shield worlds and auras that Nimf has detected, and also clearly lists those areas where Hong Mo is imprisoned as a warning. Anyway, the Founder thinks that what he should do is do it all. If UNSC does it by himself ... it doesn't matter to him, does it?

"Data transfer is complete, master."

Hearing Fang Zheng's order, Nimfu quickly nodded on his personal terminal, then quickly completed the task, then said to Fang Zheng, and Fang Zheng nodded, and then waved suddenly.

"Get off, let's go home!"

At this time, the countdown to the end of the task on the system also returned to zero.

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