Dimensional Codex

Chapter 849: There is more than one here ...

The unconscious cultist lying on the ground at this moment was the old farmer who had greeted Fina before. At this moment, his eyes were closed, unconscious, apparently completely fainted. And Founder turned the other two people over, and then we can see that these two people are also villagers in the village. Fang Zheng still remembered to meet the two people, but the two sides did not talk.

Then let me take a closer look at the real identity of this Rand.

Thinking of this, Founder once again summoned the "Oblique Chapter", and then looked at the old man in front of him. Soon, lines of writing quickly appeared on the white pages.

"... Rand Joseph is a member of the Church of the Day of Doom. He came here in hiding, spreading the plague in secret, trying to create undead terror ..."

Sure enough.

Looking at the information emerging from the pages, Founder nodded, but when he was about to close the pages, suddenly, another line appeared again below.

"... Rand Joseph is a loyal and honest farmer. He lives sunrise and sunset in the village every day, but such an old man is unfortunately involved in the plot of the cult. He became infected with the plague, died in fear, and turned into a ghoul ... "

"......... ????"

what's the situation?

Looking at the two completely contradictory records, the black question mark on the side of the Founder. How is this going? Why is this old man a victim and a perpetrator? Still this kind of operation?

However, when Founder was puzzled, a whole new record appeared.

"... Rand Joseph is a poor unfortunate worm. He died of his parents and grew up alone, but this did not kill his passion for life ..."

"... Rand Joseph is a retired veteran who once fought the enemy on the battlefield, but now he can only live with his incomplete body here ..."

"... Rand Joseph is a noble descendant. He ..."

What and what and what?

If it wasn't for Founder's knowledge that The Obituary is an angel, he would have suspected that this thing was a virus. Founder only needed a piece of Rand's information, and the ghost angel would not know where to find a bunch of Rand. Joseph's intelligence is even more terrible because it is contradictory and full of loopholes.

Not only Rand, but also the other two people around him, who were said to be cultists in the front, became victims in the back. Earlier, it was described as serious, but in the next paragraph, it became romantic ......... In a word, the founder of this series of information is really in pain .........


In the end, Founder co-produced the "Obsolete Chapter" and reclaimed it. Although I don't know what's going on, I can be sure that "Obsolete Chapter" is like a virus, and it can't be used at all. Founder had also tried to get the answer directly through the omniscient angel, and as a result ... "Oblique Chapter" had no answer at all.

It seems that he can't trust his angel too much.

Withdrawing the "Oblique Chapter", Founder shook his head. He has found that there must be something wrong here, but what exactly it is, the Founder still does not know, because there are so many strange things in the main world, and many of them can resist the search of Obituary.

It now appears that this is obviously not as simple as ordinary cultists trying to create terrorist activities.

After that, Founder used the mind-stealing spell on Rand, and from Rand's memory, Founder received information that the old Rand old man was indeed a cultist, and he was indeed The people who spread the plague in the village were just not sure why the elderly did so. He was just a low-level cultist, and he did what he was asked to do. As for why he wanted to do this, it was not his turn to ask.

In this case, it is only necessary to ask the Lord to understand.

"Let's go and move on."

Through "stealing minds", Founder also learned from Rand's mind that there is a secret base of cultists in this canyon, so he immediately got up and took the other three along the mountain road to continue.

The trail in the canyon is not easy to walk, and it can even be a bit rugged, but of course it is not difficult to find a party. They did not take long to find a cave located in the deep part of the canyon. A cultist in a black robe was standing still, apparently patrolling the guard.

"Walnut, you and Fina look around. Kuangsan, you are right and left, you don't have to stay alive."

"Understand, Mr. Founder."

Hearing Fang Zheng's order, Kuangsan smiled and nodded, then she quickly dived into the shadows.

Soon, I saw that the guard standing on the left had not had time to respond, and dozens of arms suddenly emerged from the shadows under his feet, grasping his throat and body stubbornly, bringing this cult guard to life. Press on the stone wall. Before he had time to struggle, he saw that one of his hands was suddenly violently forced, and the throat of the cult guard was pinched off instantly. And this unlucky guy didn't even have a time to scream, so he took a last breath.

"Good job."

At the same time as the cult guard fell to the ground, Founder also retracted the huge sword in his hand, and let another dumb whose head had been cut off fall at the echo, then the two looked at each other and smiled slightly.

"Keep going."

Strictly speaking, these cultists on the day of destruction are not bad in combat effectiveness. They all have poisoned machete crossbow. Even if they encounter the regular army, they may have to spend some effort to win. But for Founder and Kuangsan, these cultists on the day of destruction are obviously not enough. They are like chopping vegetables and cutting vegetables along the way, killing all the cultists ambushing and responsible for the vigilance on the road ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Occasionally I encountered a few people who wanted to call the police or escape, but couldn't escape the Founder's time restraint. Therefore, the journey was quite smooth for the four of them. Without much effort, they have already reached a cave at the end.

"It looks like this is their secret stronghold."

Fangzheng was hiding behind stalactites, and murmured carefully looking down. I saw a huge furnace made of skeletons and bones in the center below the entire cave, and there was a blazing flame below the furnace. Five Days of Doom in robes were kneeling to the ground around the furnace. Only one senior cult in a red robe stood there, praying loudly.

"We are willing to donate our own blood, our own flesh, our own everything. Great Lord, if you hear my call, please have mercy on me and give me that supreme glory!"


As the words of the high-level believers fell, the next moment Founder and others saw a sudden explosion of fire in the furnace. Immediately afterwards, a small glass bottle emerged from the flames and fell into the hands of the high-ranking believers.

"Oh oh oh oh……!!"

Looking at the vial in front of him, the senior cultivator almost wept. He reached out to take down the hood, closed his eyes, and kissed the vial respectfully.

"Ah, thank you Lord, thank you Lord for your reward ..."



However, when Founder and others saw the true face of the high-level religion, almost everyone could not help but widen their eyes.

There is no reason for him, so this senior believer in a red robe was exactly what the Founder put in before-Uncle Rand.

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