Dimensional Codex

Chapter 855: Brushing is also part of the game

Founder's question is not unreasonable. If, according to Fina, the goddess' power is scattered in any corner of the world, can everyone theoretically "squeeze" it out like this NPC And then directly gain divine power to become a demigod?

But in fact, he hasn't seen a few demigods in such a long time.

Strictly speaking, this NPC is the first.

"It's not easy."

Fina shook her head.

"Mr. Founder, you can remember that in our world, everyone has a star corresponding to their own destiny."

"Of course I remember, star pattern."

Of course, Founder will not forget this. This is what he first came into contact with in this world that looks like some kind of mythology, but actually exists, so he was quite impressed.

"Everyone has their own star. This is their destiny and also the source of their strength."

Having said that, Fina paused, looked up, and looked into the night sky.

"But few people know the true meaning of this legend."

"What do you mean?"


Fina nodded strongly.

"In legend, every intelligent life has a star corresponding to their destiny. This is a gift from the goddess. However, this is not only a gift, but also their strength and obligation."

"This ... I don't quite understand."

Founder shrugged his shoulders and glanced at the sky. Of course, he knew what Fina was talking about, but Founder's view of the "stars" was a little different from Fina. He had personally been to space. In space, it was dark all around, not even the sun or the moon, and the stars naturally. Invisible. Then these starlights all over the night sky are very suspicious to Founder.

So he also wanted to see how Fina explained it all.

"The goddess expelled chaos and saved the world. However, everything is not constant, and order may one day pass, so the goddess links the fate of life with the order of this world."

As she said, Fina held out her hand and pointed at the stars.

"Every point of starlight represents a life, but also the law of order contained in it ... the origin of order. In fact, Mr. Founder should be no stranger to this, after all, every strong person has his own power Field, and its source is from this. "

"Wait, I'm a bit confused. You asked me to organize ..."

Upon hearing this, the Founder immediately raised his hand and motioned to Fina to stop first. He had almost understood what Fina meant, but it was for this reason that Founder became even more surprised.

In the main world, the strong have different legendary power attributes and traits. It is natural for Fangzheng to understand this. He also has not encountered the legendary powerhouse, such as the "dragon slayer", and Fang Zhengjin is in gold. The Lich encountered by Wan, the other party showed the power to manipulate certain domain rules.

Founder didn't pay much attention to this at first. After all, he watched this kind of things much more in online novels. What time laws, space laws, energy laws, and flame laws are a lot, so they look tired. After seeing the power in these fields, Founder also subconsciously combined with those online novels that he has seen. Anyway, there are no other people who say otherwise?

But according to Fina, it's completely different!

"......... So you mean that the power of the strong is not in their hands, but that each of them is part of the rules of order. They just discover and awaken the power that they originally hid in their bodies. ? "

"Yes, originally this was a gradual process. The strong will slowly understand the origin of their order and grasp the power of rules. But ..."

Speaking of which, Fina's face became a little sad.

"Uncle Rand, doesn't follow this pattern."

"What if you don't follow this pattern?"

"He will in turn be assimilated by the rules of order and become a simple boarding body of extreme order. In fact, you have also seen Mr. Founder. After awakening, Uncle Rand has actually been assimilated in turn ...


After hearing Fina's explanation, Founder narrowed his eyes and thought about it. To be honest, Fina's statement reminded Founder of the lizard man in the western continent. After injecting the ‘secret’, he also had basically the same reaction as Rand, that is, the power of exerting certain rules uncontrollably, trying to assimilate everything around him completely. According to Fina, this is clearly a sign of out of order.

So in other words, the so-called secret treasure is actually something that forcibly makes people sense the origin of their rules and grasp the power?

If this is the case, then it is not impossible to explain why Williams wanted to use the secret treasure when he first faced the chase of the temple, and the church on the day of destruction was so attached to it. After all, if you can't make it, you can create a godlike thing, who doesn't want it.

But this can't explain the strength of the "Secret Treasure". According to Founder's memory, Williams was the worst. He died when using Secret Treasure, and he never got fart. The Lizardman is slightly stronger, but it can exert far less power than the RPC NPC.

Could the chance of this "secret treasure" also depend on the face? Just like the card pool, you don't have the opportunity to become a demigod every time you take Mibao ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and you must keep trying. But the average person basically died after one failure. That's why someone created that space, repeatedly brushing the initials in this way?

This operation is also possible.

But ......... Forcibly awakening the source to gain strength, why did I seem to have seen this setting?

Forget it, it doesn't help to think about it now.

Founder shook his head. He already knew the role of "Mystery Treasure," but now there are two important issues that have not been resolved. One is where did the "secret treasure" come from and how to make it. The other one is who built that space. Although it is just an abandoned space, according to the little angel, the stuff is obviously artificial ...

"Mr. Founder?"

Just then, Fina's voice rang again, and Founder returned to God and looked at the girl priest in front of her, only to find that she was clearly looking at herself uneasily.

"That ... I would like to ask you one thing ... the chaos power you used before, that was ..."


Damn, how can I forget this!

Looking at the anxious girl priest in front, Fang Zheng slammed his forehead suddenly. He was thinking about how to pack the Rand before, but he forgot that in the main world, chaos is the enemy of order. She used the chaotic fire from the Eight Sects of the Black Soul World, and Fina was the priest of the temple. She was the most sensitive to chaos. If she could not see it, Founder did not believe it.

But now ... how is this correct?

Looking at Fina in front, Founder didn't know what to do for a while.

Or ... stunned her and brought her back to Tian Dao Gong to a Golden House Tibetan Jiao?

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