Dimensional Codex

: The last day of the month

This year is about to end. This is the last day of this year. Everyone who has a monthly pass can try to come over! Well, this world may not be written very short ... ... by the way, who do you want to attack ...

Next is the list of thanks for the reward, thanks to ★ 月 ☆ 影 ★, Depressed Little Fairy, Seven Stars of Death, Mo Yixing, Edward Newjet, Busefalus, Aya, Yantian Yang, Six Taoist Books The wind stops snow, reimuu, hungry bear, jxth, βγδεζν, what tower Lolita is waiting for readers to give. Your support is my motivation for updating!

PS: By the way, because SAO is well known as the online game world, so I can choose some readers to play with friendship. Of course ... the ending is not up to you. Those who are willing can write a rough person in the post or comment area. Let's not be too detailed ... Of course, the name should also be in the style of SAO, don't make it into the kind in online game novels ...

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