Dimensional Codex

Chapter 959: 7 Equal Flower Marriages (III)


When Asuna and Fang Zheng walked along the path to the other side of the hillside and saw the flower field in front of her, Asuna couldn't help but sigh.

I saw in front of the two of them, the pure white flowers spread out in layers under the silver moonlight, like a sea of ​​flowers, emitting a faint light under the moonlight. At first glance, this sea of ​​flowers seemed to have no end at all. Just looking at this scene made Asuna instantly fall.

"So pretty ..."

Staring blankly at the beauty in front of her, Asuna couldn't help but sigh. She has never seen such a scene in reality. Asuna is only a young girl after all. She once imagined that she could one day be in such a beautiful scene, so standing by the flower field at this time, watching The sea of ​​flowers in front of her, Asuna even felt like she was dreaming.


A breeze floated by, the white flowers fluttered with the wind, and the light of light emerged from the flowers, and fluttered into the air under the wind.


Looking at the dreamlike scene in front of her eyes, Asuna couldn't help holding her breath. She stared blankly at the beautiful scenery in front of her, then turned her head and looked towards the Founder. In the end, Asuna took a deep breath and asked softly.

"Mr. Founder, do you ... like me?"

"of course."

Facing Asuna's inquiry, Founder nodded. When hearing Founder's answer, Asuna seemed to have a bit of courage.

"So, what do you like about me?"


This time Founder thought for a moment.

"It's mostly pretty."


After hearing Founder's answer, Asuna couldn't help but hold her back. She wasn't actually praised by men for the first time, but in terms of Asuna's experience, when men generally praised themselves, they would evaluate their temperament or personality. of. And such an "upright" answer like Founder ... Asuna was the first time she heard it.

"that's it?"

"if not?"

Founder glanced at Asuna.

"Isn't the first impression between people that comes from the outside? If you don't look pretty, then it won't attract my attention, then I won't be interested in understanding your inner being, will you? Looks different to me? If I look like Klein, would you be interested in me? "

Klein mentioned by Founder is the leader of the "Fenglin Volcano" of the middle-level guild. Although the guild he led is not a first-line Raiders group, it is also a fairly good auxiliary combat force. Founder has also dealt with the opponent several times. The other person looks like an ordinary office worker, and he is a bit lascivious, of course ... For Founder, the most admired is that Klein can persevere with NPC every day ...

In a way, it's scary to be so hungry that you can't even let NPCs pass.

But from another perspective, it is sad to be able to talk to NPCs.


Hearing Founder's questioning, an embarrassed expression also appeared on Asuna's face.

"So what else?"


"... hey? Nothing?"

"Yeah, I like you, naturally I will like everything about you, whether it is good or bad, if you really like you, you will naturally not care about it. Even if you are clumsy and can't do good things, in my eyes also I just think you are stupid and cute, and if you try to change your shortcomings, you will only think you are more cute. "

Having said that, Founder smiled slightly at Asuna. Asuna suddenly turned red and lowered her head.

"Mr. Founder ... are you kidding me?"

"I'm just telling the truth."

Looking at Asuna in front of her, Fang Zheng could not help but smile. As he said, humans are after all a creature with a beautiful face, and a high face can do whatever they want.

Like these words he just said, he changed a fat man and said, "Hey, my wife is right about everything." I'm afraid she will be treated as a hooligan.

However, looking at the picture of Asuna now, she is obviously not angry at all.

This is certainly not because Founder is talking about truths in the world.


Just then, Asuna suddenly screamed, and then smiled happily.

"Mr. Founder, the first task is done!"


After hearing Asuna's words, Fang Zheng quickly took a look, and Asuna looked at the task panel in front, which showed that the task was completed ... but soon, the second task was refreshed.

[Question: Rosalie's memories]

[Requirement: Rosalie recalled her sweet years with her boyfriend in this sea of ​​flowers. In the warm and warm dream, she and her boyfriend embraced each other and kissed each other, and now, she wants to once again Relive this fond memory ... ...]


Seeing the task prompt, Asuna's face suddenly turned red.

Although the prompts for this mission information are simple and the conditions for achieving them are obvious, but ... but ... this is kissing!

Thinking of this, Asuna didn't know what to say for a while.

This is my first kiss too!

Is it to be offered this way in this place? ?

"what happened?"

Looking at Asuna standing helpless, Fang Zheng frowned.

"The second task has come out? What is it?"

"Yes Yes Yes………"

Asuna "yes" for a long time, then she gritted her teeth and lowered her head.

"Yes ......... then ...... then ...... then ...... kiss ..."


Speaking of which, this is indeed the orthodox process of love scenes ...

Looking at Asuna, who was flushed, Fang Zheng thought for a moment, then his eyes brightened.

"Asuna, close your eyes."


Upon hearing Founder's order, Asuna couldn't help but be surprised, but the long-term training instinct made Asuna obediently close her eyes. For a time, Asuna's eyes were only dark.

At this moment, the girl was tight.

Does Mr. Founder intend to kiss me like this?

Wait, what should I do in a while?

How do I react?

Want to hold your breath?

However, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just as Asuna was thinking wildly, suddenly, she felt a warm sensation on her cheek, and the next moment, the audible sound of the task was completed. Appeared in the ear.


Asuna opened her eyes in surprise, and saw in front of her that the second task ... had been completed.

"How's it done?"

Founder looked up and asked Asuna to ask, but in the face of Founder's inquiries, Asuna was a little disappointed, but also fortunate, and a bit regretful ... ... it seemed like she had overturned the Wuwei bottle. I don't know what to say.

Finally, she sighed helplessly.


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