Dimensional Codex

Chapter 98: Best Supporting Actor


When he heard the round face's inquiry, Founder nodded pretending to be very straightforward.

"In this operation, I once fought with two mages because of coincidence. I was very impressed by the magic they manipulated. I think that if you want to learn to deal with magic, you must first understand magic. Principle, so I do plan to study magic ... "

"So it is."

Before Fang Zhengzhen's words were finished, he was interrupted by the round fat face, his smile became brighter, and the thin bamboo pole next to him frowned, looking at the fat round face with a look of dissatisfaction. As for Bishop Carl, who was still in the middle of the two, his eyes were still slightly closed, as if he was asleep.

"I heard King Knight said that you have a very deep understanding and understanding of the Holy Light, and you can also use the power of the Holy Light with skill. So, now that you plan to learn magic, do you think the Holy Light is worse than magic?

"I didn't mean that, Master Bishop."

When I heard the question from Fat Yuan's face, Founder was "slightly changed," and justified.

"I think the Holy Light and magic have different strengths in different fields. If you can learn this ..."

"I understand what you mean."

在 At this moment, the thin bamboo pole wanted to say something, but he just said, and the fat round face smiled again and rushed to speak in front of him.

"It is very rare for you to have such an understanding. Indeed, whether it is magic or holy light, they are both forces of order. I think you have a good idea. So, I personally agree with your request, and I will let you Would you like to enter the White Pagoda to learn magic? "

谢谢 "Thank you Bishop!"

Fang Zhengzheng really showed a happy expression at the moment, and thanked him in a hurry. The skinny bamboo pole next to him saw the expression of the victim of the fraud with a pair of police officers and looked towards the Founder, and then sighed helplessly.

"What's your opinion?"

The fat round face laughed more and more happily now. He turned his head and looked at Cardinal Karl and the thin bamboo pole beside him. The thin bamboo pole frowned, trying to say something. But unfortunately, at this time, Bishop Karl seemed to wake up, he just looked at the Founder quietly, and then he nodded a little.

"Since I agree, I have no opinion."

"me too."

I may have been robbed several times for trying to speak. At this moment, the thin bamboo pole was also full of interest. He shook his head, looked at the Founder, and then nodded in agreement.

"It's so decided."

After getting the affirmative answers from the other two bishops, Fat round face smiled again to the Founder.

"The Bishops' Conference has agreed to your request. Exactly, the investigation mage of the White Tower of Heaven is here these days, and they will take you into the White Tower of Heaven to study. We will also prepare the Ling Jing you need. Now you can leave. "

"Thank you Lord Bishop."

I heard Fat round face talking, Fang Zheng with an "excited" smile, respectfully greeted the three of them, and then turned to leave. When Founder left the hall, he finally could not help but clenched his fists.


Although the smile with a fat round face is very kind, but Founder is not a good stubble. The management has done this for so many years, how can he not know what the other party is thinking?

For a company, an organization, and an influence, what is the most important thing for a subordinate?

Power and loyalty!

Ability is not necessary. After all, genius is always a minority, but loyalty is the most important part of all organizational forces. And loyalty means not only loyalty to one person, but also whether the two parties have common values, common interests, and common goals. Because only these are the cornerstones of maintaining loyalty and not betrayal. This is the same truth as small as an organization and as large as a country.

On the surface, the fat round face is right, the temple is the guardian of order, and the holy light and magic are part of the order, so learning the holy light or magic is, on the surface, serving the order. It's no different.

But these words are also used to deceive three-year-olds.

If it's really no different, why don't the contemplative temple and the heavenly white tower merge? Seeing Shi Dong's way, the temple and Baita did not beat the human brain out of the dog's brain.

The reason why the fat and round face did this is that Founder is also very clear, as long as he agreed to his conditions, it means that there is no possibility of promotion in the temple behind!

To put it plainly, as an employee, Founder did not agree with the corporate culture of the temple, and did not have a sufficient sense of belonging to the group. For example, the company obviously intends to use all the resources to make a sequel to the blaze FPS game, but you just feel that the FPS game is a loss, and you should make an RTS ... ... such an employee, which leader do you think will reuse? You're out of luck without a chance.

白 Bata ’s side, maybe the other party was paying special attention at first, but Founder is sure that they will not give themselves too much trust. After all, because he is a temple person, and he is likely to be the only Templar knight to learn magic, this status is destined to find that it is equally impossible for him to be promoted to the rank of mage.

If you change someone, the fat round face of this trick is almost insidious, and you can't make it in your lifetime. But for Founder, this is simply amazing!

I love you so much, brother! !! Is it Oscar's best supporting actor?

Although on the surface, wall grass like Fangzheng will be rejected by both sides, but it is because they are wall grass. But when the grass on the wall turns into a towering tree, there is no question of whether it will be rejected.

Li Fangzheng was unwilling to walk too close to the temple and not too close to the White Pagoda. Therefore, the identity of the two-five-headed grass was the most suitable for him. Once something goes wrong, he can also decisively abandon the temple and the white tower, and there is no psychological burden even on them. Otherwise, the so-called do not laugh at people, people are so good to you, you can not justify without returning.

Of course, Founder also knows that the so-called fiefdom of his own must be over. It is impossible for the temple to give its place to a knight to learn magic, otherwise what to do if the mage doves occupy the nest. But that's okay. He didn't plan to ask for that land. After all, I'm still waiting to open a copy to go through. When the time comes, it will take dozens of days and half a year. Long-term disappearances are also suspicion. Rather than being free, it is easy to explain even if they disappear.

Then, at this moment, a voice sounded.

"Is this your decision?"

Hearing this voice, Founder stopped and turned to look at the place where the voice was heard, only to see Bishop Carl stepping slowly out of the shadows and staring at himself.

"Bishop Carl."

方 Founder was not surprised by the appearance of Bishop Carl. When fighting the six-armed snake devil before ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ he used several kinds of power continuously. At that time, Cardinal Carl must be around. Since the six-armed snake devil Bella can feel his breath, then Cardinal Carl must have noticed this too.

"You chose to leave the temple, can you tell me why?"

Obviously, Founder is smart, and Carl is not a fool.

"I'm just an ordinary person."

Hearing Karl's inquiry, Founder sighed, and then looked at the old bishop's deep eyes.

"To be honest, I didn't have the consciousness of a mentor or a knight of Mart. During the battle that day, the mercenaries who went with me died more than half. Although I know that they have been paid and paid, but ... It ’s really not good at taking someone to death. "

"Every man must have the courage to face his responsibility."

"Disappointing you, this world is too big, my hands are too small ... ... to protect the people I know around me, I have done my best."

"You are still young, after all."

Hearing the Founder's answer, the old bishop was silent.

"Also, waywardness and perseverance are the privileges of young people. Escape is sometimes not a kind of cowardice, at least you can clearly recognize the importance of responsibility. This is compared to those fools who are immersed in the dream but do not understand the meaning of responsibility. Much better ... I only have one request, I hope you can stand on the order and never bow to chaos. "

"... I will do my best."

"Very good."

In the face of Founder's answer, the old bishop showed a satisfied expression, then he nodded and turned away, melting again in the shadow.

"Don't worry about Baita, I will have an old friend take care of you ...... grow up, kid."

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