Dimensional Codex

Chapter 973: Is this company still alive?


Looking at the girl in front of her, Fang Zheng was also stunned. It's a coincidence today. I met Yuna in the morning and now I meet Asuna again. Is this world so small?

"Hello, Mr. Founder."

Asuna also gladly presented a gift to Founder.

"long time no see."

"Just a little more than half a month ...... your health is already good?"

"Yes, the doctor is now in the recovery period after the examination. It is no problem."

Listening to Fangzheng and his daughter asking and answering, Yuki Akira is beside him for a while, and he is also a CEO. Naturally, he can see that his daughter seems to be very close and familiar with Founder, which makes Yuki Akira very confused.

"You guys ... know each other?"

"Yes, Dad, Mr. Founder is the president of our Darkmoon Sword Guild in the game."

At this time, Asuna gave an answer immediately, and she was also very hard at home during this time. Although Asuna has always wanted to talk to her relatives about what happened in the game, Asuna 'S mother has no interest or even dislikes this topic, and her father is reluctant to hear anything about the game of death because of the investment failure, and Asuna's brother is rarely at home. In this case, Asuna could only hold her own words in her stomach.

And now, she finally found an opportunity to talk about the game in front of her parents.

"This is really ...... unexpected."

Hearing here, Yuki Akira could not help looking at Fangzheng. Although he did n’t have much contact with this young man, Yuki Akira can also see that Fang is a very capable young talent, plus his wealth and value He is tall and decent in speaking and doing things, so Akiyoshi Yuki hopes to introduce him to his daughter.

After all, as a member of the Yuki family, he also hopes that Asuna can find a good home for the right person.

It's just that Yuki Akira didn't expect that the two people had known each other long ago?

And still in that nasty death game?

Although it was a bit of an accident, Zhang Sanjie was happy to do so. After all, he also knew that his daughter had no interest in blind dates, but now that there is such a good opportunity, of course, he can't miss it.

Soon, the two sides took a seat, and after Fang greeted Asuna, he began to discuss with Yuki Akira about the next reorganization plan of RECT.

"My plan is to reform all RECT sales offices in the shortest possible time. From the inside to the outside, including the decoration style, they must be completely replaced. Also, those corner-to-corner businesses will also be abandoned. I have invited Professor Shigemura Toru joined CC Agency ... "

Looking at Founder talking in front of his father, Asuna couldn't help but smile. She had previously worried that there would be any trouble in the conversation between Founder and his father. Now it seems that Founder is Founder, even his father is not his opponent.

Mr. Founder is really amazing!

If Yuki Akira knows what his daughter is thinking now, he will definitely yell "Women are not staying" ...

After a brief exchange of views, Yuki Akira resigned, leaving Asuna alone there, and watching his father leave, Asuna retired on the chair.

"Looks like you are under a lot of pressure?"

Fang Zheng smiled at Asuna, and the latter nodded embarrassedly.

"Yes, Mr. Founder, you know ...... father ..."

Speaking of this, Asuna was obviously hesitant, but still sighed and skipped the topic. And since Asuna did not mention it, then Fang Zheng naturally would not ask, after all, every family has a difficult scripture, so he soon changed to another topic.

"Speaking of which, should I call you Asuna or Asuna? Then I didn't expect you to use your real name as an ID."

"Woo ... can do it ... and if you want to say that, aren't you the same, Mr. Founder?"

"It's the same ......... So it's the same with Yuna."



Facing Asuna's curious inquiry, Founder nodded.

"Before I came here, I met Professor Shigemura of Dongdu University of Technology. I didn't expect to see Yuna there. She is the daughter of Professor Shigemura, and her real name is Yuge Shigemura ... It seems you are all this Habit. "

"Really? Did you meet Yuna? Mr. Founder?"

Hearing the news from Founder, Naito immediately became energetic.

"Of course, do I need to give you her contact information?"

"Please give me!"

Asuna was very excited at this moment. Since she woke up, she has been alone in the room. Her cousins ​​are very sympathetic to her experience, but have no interest in things in the death game. Asuna I couldn't find anyone to talk to, and I was so bad that I was excited when I heard Founder's contact information.

Founder also took out his mobile phone and told Asuna's phone number, and exchanged his mobile phone number with Asuna again. Then the two enjoyed a short lunch, and then ...

"Mr. Founder, do you have anything to do next?"

Although it stands to reason that Asuna will return home after lunch, but now she has found Founder, but she is reluctant to go back. And this is also a rare opportunity to go home late and not be ridiculed by parents-after all, parents already know that they will come out for a blind date today. If they go back too early, they may be considered by their mothers to engage in nonviolent non-cooperative movements. At that time, thinking about it will only make Asuna feel a headache. Of course, if she can, she hopes to spend more time with Founder.

"I'm going to the EJ club. Will I come together?"

Founder naturally made his decision long ago. In the morning, his schedule was to talk to Professor Chongcun to discuss the research and transformation plan of ARGUS. The lunch at noon with Akira Yuki was to solve the restructuring problem of RECT. In the afternoon, Founder I was going to go to game production company EagleJump to see the current development situation, and then decided to develop the next game.

"of course!"

Now that the decision was made, the two set off quickly, and Founder drove all the way, and it didn't take long to reach the address where EJ was located.

The EJ agency is located in a six-story office building in the city center. Among them, the second and third floors are the office of a company called "Fangwenshe", while the fifth and sixth floors are the site of the EJ firm. Founder and Asuna arrived at the noon break. The whole office building seemed quiet and there were no crowds.

Taking the elevator, the two quickly arrived at the EJ company located on the fifth floor, then Founder reached out, took out the ID card from his pocket, and swiped to the side. With a "drop", the door opened, and then Founder And Asuna went in.

In appearance, this is a very ordinary small game production company, but now it looks very dilapidated, many compartments are already empty, and even office supplies have been removed, and some places are quite messy. It can be seen that many people have chosen to leave.

"That game was made here."

Looking at the poster on the wall, Asuna also felt a bit complicated. Although she also knew that all of this was not to blame the production company, but when they thought of the game, they were almost killed by monsters made by this company ... ...

Hey, all in all, it's hard to say ...

"It seems that a lot of people have left their jobs ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Zheng apparently does not have the sentimentality of Asuna, he swept all the way and found that many of the compartments were no longer there. Before he took over the company, he had heard of a large number of employees leaving the EJ agency, but now it looks like ... it is more trouble than expected.

Is this company still alive?

If there is not enough manpower, is it necessary to rely on yourself?

"......... I haven't been a code farmer for many years. I don't like the cold table edges. Don't force me to reorganize, don't force me to tears, I will turn my face ... eh?"

While Founder was singing and observing, he suddenly noticed that a line of sight appeared from the side, curiously poking himself, he turned his head, and then saw a figure hiding behind the partition, peeping at them. Seeing that Fang Zheng turned his head and looked at this side, the figure was also in a hurry to shrink back, and then a moment later, he trembled out.

"You ... are you ... who is ... have ... what ... thing?"

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