Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1033 Hunting Time, Seafood Knights Town Demons!

Fu Fu, who squatted in the grass to hide her figure and breath, frequently activated the power of [Angel of Debt], and finally exhausted the last drop of magic power in her body, so she had to stop temporarily.

Although she took advantage of her father's control of the situation, and used the [bill] to repeatedly jump between good and evil, and kept accumulating 'merit' without paying the bill.

But 'causal debt' is not a bug that can be used indefinitely. The debt ceiling depends on Selph's 'blue bar length' and the limit of 'healing ability'.

For example, at this moment, Fufu, who uses [spirit] as the main attribute and magic power as the source of energy, has been drained of the last drop of magic power, and even the 'sister power' Jack Lingji has been emptied.

Although Bailang can continue to replenish her daughter's magic power through her own 'home barrier', the 'contract bill' of [Angel of Debt] does not recognize this part of the magic power, which makes Fufu unable to continue to pay bills to increase treatment costs.

【Angel of Debt】Connected to Fufu's conscience. Therefore, the poor angel Sharf does not allow herself to get stuck with bugs through borrowing, leverage, etc., to accumulate a huge amount of angel points (merits) in a short period of time, and then condense the "angel personality". (Similar to Buddhism making great ambitions, blowing a B, and becoming an angel with high loans and high debts.)

Every point of "effective karma/merit" that Fufu accumulated through the "bill" must belong to her own power. This effectively curbed her cheating growth.

Because the real angel in white, even if he chooses black and white, it is within the scope of his ability, out of his own kindness, he does not ask good or evil, right or wrong, pure humanitarian spirit, and lends a helping hand to the enemy.

Only this kind of medical avenue of persistently practicing one's own boundless love can sublimate an artificial loli of "hell blood" into an angel.

Of course, although the "bill fee" will no longer increase, Fufu can still borrow magic power from daddy and continue to use [debt angel] to treat patients (friendly troops + enemies).

Although [Angel in Debt] cannot use this to accumulate merit and grow, her title of [Poverty Woman] is still evolving by selling her father! Even [Five Ghosts Spread Wealth], relying on my wife to donate money to become stronger!

As long as Fufu persists in prodigal, she can grow infinitely!

For the hollowed out sister? It is a trick card bug. At this moment, Fufu and Jack Lingji are fused together, and they are temporarily regarded as a whole. The personal blue bar is lengthened, and an extra amount of magic power is used for charity. Little Jack was so angry in the seal that he scolded the dumb sister for being a fool.

"(╬◣д◢) Silly Fufu!"...

"(▼へ▼メ) Melon Jack!"...

"(▼皮▼ # Silly Fufu!"...

"(▼ヘ▼ # )) Melon Jack!"...

Seeing that Fufu's magic power has been emptied, but "Selling Dafu" is red-eyed to save people at this time, and wants to borrow magic power through the carp network, what kind of "angel balance hand" is used, so that the foolish king can continue to fall in love with the murderer kill.

Bailang resolutely stopped his silly daughter from betraying her father. Effectively distributing money is an assist, and invalidly selling her father is a real cheat.

Once the 'causal debt' has stopped accumulating, it's time to move on to phase two. He communicated with Fufu again and issued new instructions.

Indulging in [Angels in Debt] crazily giving back the sense of accomplishment of "helping others", Sharf, who gave her soul the pleasure of sublimation, finally reluctantly stopped supporting the enemy and got rid of the positive energy of happiness.

At the same time, due to the exhaustion of magic power, [Hold your head and squat defense] was temporarily lifted, exposing your own existence. She rubbed her small hands together, and five 'bills' appeared in her palm, corresponding to the five murderers, recording the cost of each treatment in detail.

At this time, both parties in the battle noticed the dog and little Loli in the bushes at the same time.

King Dumao recognized Fufu, and immediately realized that the little angel who replenished his magic power and healed his injuries just now was Xiao Fufu.

My heart was filled with gratitude, and at the same time worried about her safety. So during the battle, she moved in small steps, changed her position, and stood in front of Fufu, not allowing the killer to attack her.

As for the five murderers, a copy of the 'Angel Bill' was also fused in their bodies, and they clearly knew the cost of each treatment in their hearts. But the murderer didn't have the consciousness to repay the cause and effect. If there is an advantage, don't take advantage of the bastard, and the benefit will be eaten naturally, without paying any price.

So they formed an unbreakable mysterious causal contract with Sharf.

It's different from the teammate of the same camp as Dumb Mao Wang. After being turned into a zombie, the murderer was born out of resentment. He is naturally hostile and hates all living creatures, eager to kill, bathe in blood, and suck souls. Even in the face of the so-called 'companion', it is difficult to contain the killing intent in the heart. Faced with a lively and lovely enemy like Fufu, naturally there is only one thought of destruction.

To be reasonable, Fufu, an innocent, lively, pure and lovely "hell life", in the eyes of a murderer, is the perfect hunting target. A piece of cake that is irresistible and exudes a fragrant smell, calling for the murderer to hurry up all the time. Click to start.

Once it is successfully killed, it will inevitably gain huge growth and strengthening.

But their attitude towards Fufu at this moment is extremely strange, as if this delicious cake is covered with a layer of garlic sauce, and suddenly loses the desire to eat (kill).

Not only that, this little thing also brings a faint emotion (kindness, friendliness) that the killer can't understand.

They have never experienced this kind of emotion, but they restrained all their killing and malice against silly fufu. Even the killers radiate digital fluctuations from each other, marking Fufu as a 'death mark' to warn other companions that they are not allowed to kill, this is my chosen prey! (kindness from the killer)

So there appeared on the head of Silly Fufu, five layers of 'kill marks' were stacked, filled with blood red 'dangerous' characters, condensed into a huge black skull. The scared Dazed Mao Wang and Teacher fought hard to protect their little nanny.

However, none of the five death-marked killers attacked Fufu. Instead, they were angry at the provocations of other companions (all thought that the other four were really going to mark and kill Fufu), so they fell into an even more furious rage state, Qi Qi vented his anger at the crazy output of King Dumao and Seafood Knight.

Feeling the huge pressure, the King of Silly Hair and the Seafood Knight became even more determined that this group of murderers wanted to kill the pure and beautiful (Fufu) evil deeds, so they tried their best to resist under the pressure, and wondered how these group of demons suddenly became so powerful ?

The 'Balance Fu' who hides her merit and fame seems to be in a dangerous situation, but in fact she is the safest. Both are my 'partners'...

At this moment, under Daddy's remote guidance, she threw out the five 'angel bills' in her hand and put them into the 'false holy grail system' under the land of Yuanzang Mountain.

In an instant, under the operation of Lang, the [Little Holy Bowl] devoured the five 'bills', using the 'karma contract' formed by Fufu as a data line, reversely contacted the five murderers, and launched an invasion.

This 'causal debt' is so strong that it can force the beneficiary to bear the damage that does not exceed the 'bill amount' on behalf of Fufu. So let's change to a more gentle way, to repay by forcing the opening of our own data, isn't it too much?

However, the five murderers with little 'IQ' didn't know about it. In short, the [Little Holy Bowl] imperceptibly anchored their 'pseudo-spiritual base', collected a bunch of information that was difficult to decipher, like garbled characters, and let Jidu The [Digitalization] priesthood responds.

The illiterate Lang didn't understand this feeling at all. In Jidu's words, this is a piece of garbled information that can't be deciphered by the [Little Holy Bowl], but her [Digitalization] priesthood found that the "pseudo-heroic information" has been encrypted by some kind of digitalization, and she can decipher it theoretically, but needs time.

In addition to the 'Heroic Spirit Feedback Information' that cannot be deciphered for the time being, the five 'causal lines' provided by Fufu, after the reverse tracing of the [Little Holy Bowl], successfully restored two more hidden 'causal lines'.

One of them points to the 'Assassin (clown king)' hidden in the carp network!

It is true that the opponent is in an unknown 'digital form', and has released [breath blocking] to escape the detection and killing of the 'Carp King Firewall'. At this moment, under the joint betrayal of the five 'secondary quasi-heroic spirits', the relationship with each other was exposed, and the position was seized by Lang.

Another hidden causal line is directly connected to the Black Master (Jabba) outside the Dragon King barrier!

Because the five murderers occupy Jabba's five ability bars, and they are strongly related to the [occupation bar] that absorbs and swallows 35% of the source code of the 'King Clown'. Therefore, he was also betrayed by the causal lines of the five natal corpse demons, and was locked in by the 'carp network' radiated by Bailang!

"It turned out to be like this!"

Relying on the "five angel bills" sold to Dafu, Bailang followed the clues, and at the same time determined the positions of the Heroic Spirit and the Master of Hei Fang, and even analyzed the opponent's power system.

He still doesn't know that Jabba's Assassin is the 'King Clown', but he has already confirmed that the opponent is a very rare 'data-type heroic spirit' who can move and sneak in the 'data-based network'. This kind of ability is a great supplement to both [Little Holy Bowl] and [Ji Du].

If it can be captured or killed alive, [Small Holy Bowl] will complete 2 kills (one blood dog), which is a step closer to [7/7] primary Dzogchen; at the same time, it will open up a new field of "data heroic spirits".

And once the data heroic spirit is collected, digested, and absorbed by the [Little Holy Bowl]. Then the mysteries of the 'data-based skills and treasures' it possesses are all in their own right, which can greatly increase the height of [data-based] priesthood.

Without a trace of hesitation or concern, Bailang immediately changed his tactics. Even if he reveals a little hole card ahead of time, causing the fear of the red and black camps, he will take down this rare 'data-like virus heroic spirit'!

'Carp Network' connected to 'Seafood Knight' again.

"Teacher, accept the coffin!"

Seafood Knight's cool and slim body, with a distinct lobster-style 'biological exoskeleton armor' ear part, showing conch shell-shaped protrusions, a bit like noise-canceling headphones, looks cool and unobtrusive.

However, the ship doctor Tony (Chopper) who participated in the "Seafood Knight Project" is very clear that this is the unique "blood snail technology" of the healing gods. It supports ultra-long-distance tactical communication between multiple Seafood Knights.

Hearing the Boss' instruction, Teacher felt a new power surge in his body.

Ge Mu is different from King Dumao, Artoria is just a guest invited by Liudong Temple, an off-site assistance. Entering the range of the 'Carp Network', under Bailang's deliberate control, it will not be suppressed, but it will not taste any benefits.

Teacher is different. His faker teacher Tony is a member of the 'Salted Fish Research Group'. The [Noble Phantasm - Seafood Knight Transformation Belt] provided by him is naturally compatible with [Carp Network], which can realize wireless magic power transmission, domain blessing, and intelligence. Communication, real-time tactical analysis of servers, temporary loading of skills...

At this moment, Bailang temporarily lent his treasure [Soul-Suppressing Coffin] to Mr. Ge through the 'Carp Network'. Let it jump from a "false master" who relies on the "belt" to fight with the secondary heroic spirits, to a hanging B who controls the "paradise treasure".

A large amount of professional knowledge of [Virtual Occupation - Embalmer] was transferred to his brain.

I saw the Seafood Knight rushing into the enemy formation, a volley Konoha Rigid Whirlwind Knight roundabout kicked, swept the three murderers, and forced them back at the same time, then his eyes were directly fixed on the steel claws on his hands, and he flinched in a fighting style, frequently disappearing again and again. Appeared, Freddy, who likes to sneak attack behind the dumb king.

"Devil, die!"

A huge bronze coffin was smashed into the ground by him, and then the coffin cover was opened, revealing the dark coffin made of the 'Kabbala Tree of Life' inside.

At this time, Bai Lang gently moved the 'karmic debt line' between the [Little Holy Bowl] and Freddy, causing the other party's mind to be confused and the action to be slowed down by half a beat.

In the next moment, Teacher seamlessly cooperated and activated the sealing mode of the Soul Requiem Coffin like a fool. With the secret cooperation of the 'Dragon King's Barrier', infinite magic power poured in, bursting out the huge suction of A-level sealing magic, killing the unsuspecting Freddy was directly sealed in the coffin.

"seal up!"

Ge Mu firmly pressed the coffin lid, and then the bronze coffin closed and closed automatically, making a muffled bang, double suppressing the seal.

What should I say at this time?

The 'Black Soul Requiem Coffin' in the bronze coffin is the single cell prison where Frandy was sealed and imprisoned. The bronze outer coffin, in addition to the secondary increase in suppressing effect, also plays an additional role of "plastic sealing, compression, and packaging", just like nailing the coffin, wrapping the ink fountain thread, and affixing the talisman to completely lock it.

At this time, the bronze coffin is more like a computer's compression software, which compresses the folder into a compressed file, which is more space-saving and stable.

For example, like ordinary Newton (Liu Bei/file), it is easy to uncover the coffin board anti-gravity fraud (remove out of your own folder, and be browsed by others), causing society (shot) to die. But if the file is compressed, people outside cannot open the folder (coffin), and Newton (Liu Bei) inside cannot 'rush' out, so it is safe and secure.

More importantly, the bronze coffin can only accommodate one coffin and seal one target at a time. Once it is packed and compressed, it can free up space to continue to suppress and seal the second prey, and then continue to compress the seal to continue hunting the third.

In the blink of an eye, there was one more 'compressed coffin' in Bailang's collection. If things go on like this, every bite is a good raw material of 'living battery', and then sent into the 'gate world' to connect with the root system of the 'tree of life', so that you can continuously extract and absorb the nutrients (energy) in the coffin (battery) and grow your own 'life Tree'!

This is a fully mature assembly line developed by Bailang.

At this time, the first murderer prey he chose, besides the 'Quasi-Data Heroic Spirit', after Freddy who had the additional 'Nightmare' feature was captured, Lang made a decisive move and secretly transferred the 'Soul Requiem Coffin' into the In the world of 'gate', completely disappeared from the task world and hid it privately.

He is bound to win the 'Data Assassin', so he is the first to attack Freddy, who is born as a 'Nightmare' and is now endowed with a 'Digital Concept' at the same time.

Because compared to the [Data] priesthood, the [Dreamland] priesthood is more important to the plan. Kidnapping Freddy, slicing it thoroughly and researching it, it must be a great medicine!

"well done!"

Daimao Wang, with a cartoon Fufu little angel floating above his head, applauded loudly. Finally, a goal was completely solved, which made her stress relieved, and her heart was uplifted, as if she saw the hope of ending the battle.

(Other patients who are blessed by [Angel Bill] are willing to see the 'little angel' on each other's heads. Otherwise, it will expose the truth that Fufu adds blood to both good and evil at the same time.)

Not only that, Jabba, who watched the battle through the [ability bar] outside the barrier, and even secretly controlled the battle, roared in surprise and anger. He found that his third bar had lost contact and completely turned into a gray and unavailable state.

This is an experience he has never encountered before!

I was terrified in my heart, and knew that the enemy must have used a very high-authority sealing technique in order to cut off the connection between the natal corpse and the 'ability bar'.

You must know that his teammates opened the inherent enchantment to devour his natal corpse, and he can still sense and manipulate the corpse to fight back outside the enchantment.

However, the 'seal' encountered now is strong enough to cut off the connection given by the ability bar of the paradise. This means that if the mission does not recover the natal corpse, then the other party can even take the 'corpse' away from the mission world and bring it back to the paradise.

As long as he doesn't recover it for one day, his "third column" will be permanently abolished, unless he pays a higher price for a second whitewash... But how is this possible? If the ability column is not cleaned once, it will be a serious injury to the vitality, and the growth potential will drop sharply.

What made him even more terrified was that he saw that damned Ge Mu Zongichiro summon that terrible bronze coffin again through the 'Natural Corpse Demon'. His own 'little Didi' has completely disappeared, and he plans to attack Xiaojiejie! (Freddie: ?? Jason: ??)

"No!" He yelled in horror and despair, and then used the power of the master to inject a large amount of magic power into Assassin, destroying its stealth, and suddenly exposed the Clown King who was already locked by the waves, and appeared in the In the great enchantment of Yuanzang Mountain, attract firepower for his natal servant.

May "Rolling Paper" lucky draw results:

Overwhelm the crowd: imaoqiu (20655)

Under one person: book friend 20180724115953830 (20223)

Excellence: Chaos of the Dark Night (19018)

Fan Rising Star: Oriental Eternal Night Copy

Active hand speed king: He is not resigned to stay

Lucky Goose: Secondary school due to interest, the top of the book chain, the frozen purple maple leaf, choujiang, the first deity of passers-by;

The minimum fan value for the lottery qualification this month: 8264; the minimum fan value for the title this month: 5389;

"Rolling Paper" Point Coin Lucky Draw

First prize (2000 points): There is a distant you in the poem

Second prize (1050 points): Raid on Scapa Flow, I am ah ah

Third prize (300 points): I should have a name, Bear Webb, I don’t know how to answer you


The author can ask for leave three times a month, don't worry

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