Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1050 Circuit Welding, Originated from 【Fish】

Listening to Bailang boasting about Fufu's [lawyer] profession first, giving Shirou hope; then emphasizing that there is no suitable "magic engraving" patch for him, which makes him despair again; The ability to divide one's own 'mark' to benefit others.

Immediately, Shirou was caught in a dilemma.

On the one hand, he is eager to regain his strength, not for himself, but for the well-being of the people of Fuyuki City; on the other hand, he cannot base his desire on the pain of an innocent loli.

Immediately afterwards, Shirou heard the angel Fu in white say yes, and felt even more guilty.

As a [debt angel], silly fufu is born to like to lose money in business, selling himself and his father. Help all friends or enemies free of charge, improve your own medical level, and experience the joy of being an angel at the same time.

Save people, make me happy!

As for cutting a part of the magic seal to patch the patient, it is as simple as drinking water for her. However, in the past, after branching + transplanting and engraving on the whiteboard, she will recycle the 'engraving' of the input data when the ingredients mature.

This is how the Four Heavenly Kings' [Writing Wheel Magic Eye] came about.

Using a batch of "Uchiha" as the body, implanting the magic circuit, and then using the eyes as the "engraving" medium to force the magic eye, and finally recovered the five sets of the moon world system - the magic eye of the writing wheel (non-ninja world blood follow the limit).

This time, [Gourmet (fifth column)] and [Debt Angel (sixth column)] teamed up to give Shirou a 'stamp', which will not be taken back.

And Fufu's lost income will be converted into charity value (merit) in the form of [angel bill] to enhance her angelic foundation. It seems that charity is given for nothing, but in fact it is not a loss.

The reason why it is so troublesome is because Bailang will use the way of moral kidnapping to earn another income from another dimension, one wolf will eat two.

Shirou quickly rejected Sharf's kindness: "No, no, no, I refuse. Even if I lose the foundation of being a magician and can no longer use magic power, I will find a way to regain my strength and fight against evil enemies. I still have Faker, By the way, I will also buy one of the 'Ryutoji-Seafood Knight Belt' endorsed by Mr. Ge Mu on Fuyuki TV."

"Hey!" Lang suddenly sighed, "Fufukong has 81 magic circuits and has unparalleled medical attainments, but she is young and not proficient in fighting. She has been under my protection as a 'Nurse'. This Holy Grail Sudden changes in the war dragged the entire Fuyuki City into the abyss, and the lives of millions of people were threatened. I wanted to rescue, but I could only be forced to defend Liudong Temple, in vain. You may be dissatisfied with my behavior, but I How can you be content in your heart? (I lied to you.)”

Lang's acting skills are on the line, his emotions are gradually full, and his tone is also excited: "You think that I am powerful and entrenched in one side, but sit back and watch the enemy's heroic spirits bomb Fuyuki and remain indifferent. But you don't even know how much I have paid. In the battle in the morning, I overdrawn the magic power accumulated in the past dozens of days. I was already at the end of my strength, and now I can barely maintain the barrier! I am not unwilling to save more people, but I am afraid of exposing my weaknesses. The citizens can't keep it. (Nonsense.)"

"You think I have no feelings to drive out those citizens who have taken refuge. But how do you know that the food stored in Liudong Temple is not enough for them to eat, let alone tents and bedding. I drove them out to save more people. There are many people. The souvenirs they brought out of the enchantment are all "magic dresses" made by Liudong Temple using Buddhist mana, which can give ordinary people the power to fight against natural disasters. You only see that I charge high prices, but how do you know these dresses? How expensive is the cost? Can Neon Yen sell magic equipment? (It’s still a lie to you.)”

Rin was forced by Nanami's momentum, and backed away after being questioned. After thinking about it carefully, Nihongen really couldn't buy a magic dress.

Lang sighed: "Student Wei Gong, don't refuse. Since Fufu is willing to sacrifice herself to help you repair your body, then accept it. Losing part of the magic engraving will not reduce her current strength, because her aptitude is too strong and her age is too strong. Too small, there is no time to realize this potential. On the contrary, you who get this engraved repair will have the power to fight against the enemy, and we will have an extra chance of winning."

Shirou shook his head again and again: "How can this be done?"

Lang retorted: "Why not? What Fufu lost was nothing more than the upper limit of her glorious achievements and growth potential in the future. It was just a mere irreparable permanent damage, but it did not affect her current strength at all. What we got was nothing more than It's an extra (weak chicken) combat power! Fuyuki's situation is so critical now, every extra power will increase the odds of winning and save the lives of some Fuyuki people! What are you still hesitating about? Even Fufu herself agrees! If you refuse, you are murdering other innocent Fuyuki people!"

Hearing Bailang's words, even though this was the reason, everyone's expressions became weird, no matter how they tasted it, there was something wrong with it. Is this shit a reverse moral kidnapping?

Shirou's shame and gratitude became more intense, his face flushed from the suffocation, and he had the urge to apologize + kill himself to show his will. But he was still kidnapped by Lang's morality, and he couldn't escape. To shirk is to watch Fuyuki die.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Bai is also a partner of justice! (Lang: "Gold Spirit!!!")


"Tie said, I understand!" Lang patted Shirou on the shoulder hard, hesitating, "Although Fufu will permanently lose her loss potential and upper limit, it's nothing. But I'm worried that she's too poor to be able to immediately Perform surgery for you, perfectly repair the injury."

Shirou felt even more ashamed. Not only did he want this little angel to sacrifice his 'magic seal', but he also had to heal his serious injuries as soon as possible to repair his mutilated body. Am I still fucking human? !

In Lang's description, Wei Gong was condemned morally and was about to be played to pieces. Rin, who was watching, also had tears in his eyes, feeling very sorry for Selph who said "I'm brave". Even the Dumao King, who just transferred, clenched the curry stick in his hand and vowed to protect Silly Fufu wholeheartedly. This is my way of ninja!

"Ahem. Although I'm embarrassed, I still want to ask for your permission to take out [Avalon] from your body, temporarily stabilize Fufu's injury, and perform repair surgery on you in the best condition."

Shirou wondered: "What is Avalon?"

"【Avalon】?!" King Dumao was startled and remembered this incident. That's right, she has already transferred, and she considers Sarfu as the main one. If Fufu has [Avalon], then under her bondage, she can indeed quickly heal her injuries and restore her health. Although it is impossible to make up for the missing engraving.

Under the double explanations of Lang and Daimao King, Shirou finally understood that his "dead papa" had buried a scabbard in his body. And this scabbard was originally the property of the Dumb Hairy King, not his own. Now, it's time to give it back!

At the expense of Fufu's future health and achievement ceiling, I should pay a price for my rebirth, otherwise even my partners of justice would not be able to pass my level. What's more, Fufu was free of charge before this!

In addition to accumulating enough karma to cast [bill magic] for free treatment, it also has a passive effect of continuously accumulating goodwill. With the "cute and domineering" natural beauty that can't be abandoned, coupled with the "favorability" added to the bill, Shirou is very willing to hand over [Avalon] to make up for the guilt in his heart.

So Shirou looked determined, nodded earnestly to Nanami who was hesitant to ask for the scabbard, took his hand, and said sincerely: "Tie said, I understand!"

Lang was satisfied: it's good that you understand.

Seeing this scene, King Dumao was sincerely happy that the former master could recover and the current master could recover as soon as possible. He also joined in and put his hand on Bailang's, and the three of them stacked together. He said happily, "I understand too!"

Lang rolled his eyes: Do you know a hammer? !

As for Rin, only Kaixia is left in his heart.

Red A is expressionless, always feeling weird? Forget it, this is the other party's territory, I'm afraid, I don't dare to talk nonsense. If it is to tear down the stage, I am afraid that I will not be able to walk out of Liudong Temple alive. In short, the end of the earth dog is not bad, this is a brand new world line, maybe he can play a different end?

It was still in this surgical space, when Shirou had absorbed enough fel fish blood through 'blood transfusion therapy', it had been marinated to taste, and his body was full of 'carp' elements.

Sharf started a new round of difficult surgery, and at the same time used [19 transformation surgery templates] + [Gourmet] + [Debt Angel]

The three major ability bars are linked together, and the operation is naturally luxurious and luxurious. At the same time, Bailang sealed the recovered No. 2 door in Fufu's body, allowing her to obtain the superhuman "door door fruit" ability; and continued to give her the "legendary medical tool" to use.

With so many abilities integrated, no matter Red A's clairvoyant insight, or Dumb Mao Wang's wide-eyed onlookers, they are all confused and unable to understand Fufu's fairy operation. (too low level of education)

Even C's mother can barely keep up with Fufu's train of thought and understand her thoughts. But also do not understand the specific operation. Without him, after the ability bar is linked, it is too chaotic, beyond the common sense of the moon world.

But Medea was still very excited: "This... this is already within the scope of the sixth law! My Master has the qualifications of the sixth magician!" Then she hated Shirou even more. master development.

Fufu first compiled the 'Magic Seal' into the [Surgical Transformation Template], replacing the 18th operation: 'Gene Storage Gland', so that she can easily edit and customize Shirou's body with the power of the [Surgical Template] in the ability column .

Then, the 'magic circuit' was incorporated into the transformation template, replacing the 'genetic detection nerve' of the original eighth operation, and connected with the burned 'circuit' in Shirou's body for a comprehensive repair.

[Gene Storage Gland] For space warriors, it is one of the soul transformations. Every outstanding soldier who wants to become a "star warrior" must transplant the "gene seed" in advance to be compatible with subsequent transformation operations and become a superman step by step.

Gene seeds can be traced back to different 'primarchs', and inherit various abilities of the original body. It looks very similar to the ancestral 'magic engraving'.

The [Gene Storage Gland] is the organ that absorbs the hormones and genetic material produced by the various organs of the space warrior, just like a biological hard drive. After ten years of maturity, all the information and abilities of this warrior are recorded, and after being removed, it becomes a new source of 'seed', which is passed on to the next warrior.

In the Moon World, it is an alternative 'magic engraving'. Self is not a contractor of the biological genetic system, but a proper magic side, and it is very reasonable to replace it with a 'magic imprint'.

As for the other operation 'genetic detection nerve', it has been deleted by Fufu.

She buried her "magic circuit" in Shirou's spine in a way of "nerve sheath + Gu parasitism".

With the stimulation of magic power, it develops and matures rapidly. These nerve-like circuits will be connected to his brain, spinal cord, and engraving, grow (parasitic) in the body, spread all over the body, connect with organs, and absorb life force to transform magic power.

Develop a set of "magic circuit" similar to the "demon meridian", and construct a new extraordinary system.

The above is only for ordinary people without talents. Because Shirou already has a ready-made, destroyed magic circuit in his body, Fufu only needs to re-embed the "magic circuit nerve sheath" and activate it, and it can quickly grow and cover the old circuit.

At the same time, Fufu once again took out industrial medical tools such as nail guns, storage batteries, welding guns, etc., under Shirou's horrified gaze...

First use the door fruit to open Shirou's internal flesh layer by layer, exposing the rapidly parasitic and growing 'circuit nerves' under the eyelids, then take out the welding torch, and weld these nerves to the 'magic seal' by spot welding.

Under Bailang's education, Fufu, like Shirou, understood the magic circuit as a circuit system, and the magic seal as an integrated circuit board, which happened to be repaired by "soldering".

When Fufu used her "magic eyes" to enlarge the magic engraving and circuit, she turned on the professional precision welder mode, and the speed was so fast that afterimages, the welding sparks blinded the eyes of bystanders. All over Shirou's body, large and small "doors and windows" were opened, and the circuits, organs and nerves were welded together.

Then, he took out a nail gun and drove in nails one by one, hitting important acupuncture points, and then electrified. Like a home improvement electrician, patiently and repeatedly confirm whether the zero wire, live wire, and ground wire in Shiro's body are welded correctly? Is there any risk of magic short circuit?

When this wave of "magic engraving, magic circuit" biological welding, which made people hold their breath, was over, Shirou completely abandoned the original engraving + circuit, and installed the [carp circuit] of Bai's Fishery!

Fufu also verified [19 transformation operations] through Shirou again, with more surgical experience and a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

When all this was over, Fufu also locked the position of [Avalon] through the complicated magic circuit welding project. So a [Five Ghosts Scatter Wealth] took out this scabbard. (Behind the knowledge, after self-cutting the magic seal, dragging the serious injury to repair the patient's body, after completing all these, I took out the 'sword scabbard' to nourish the body. How dedicated? What kindness!)

Feeling a little embarrassed in my heart, the five ghosts have always sent benefits to the target, so Fufu thought for a while, and sent a set of "clank iron bones-fish bone veins biological bones" in reverse.

Another [biological transformation technology], with the skeletal system as the core, transforms Shirou's mortal body into an indestructible 'fish bone'.

From now on, Shirou's origin has changed from [sword] to [fish]. Don't think about sword bones, fish bones are of course no problem!

Red A's mood is extremely complicated: I really embarked on a path I never imagined!

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Thanks to "Zhou Yun", "Book Friends 202202241", "Stubborn U", "Shuangtian Qiaocao", "God-like Man", "Book Friends 2019043012", "Book Friends 202011191" and other seven book friends for their rewards

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