Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1072 [Resonance Recipe: Main Dish! ] (seeking a monthly ticket)

Bailang personally operated the knife and helped Little Jack to upgrade and strengthen it.

After injecting natal hot sauce into [Inherent Enchantment: Le Shi Wudu], modifying the core concept of the treasure, and introducing Erya into the orthodoxy of [Hell Lava Flow].

The "Heroic Spirit Advanced Resources" given to Jack by the organizer are far from being exhausted.

It's easy to understand when you think about it, how can the reward for killing a heroic spirit be exhausted by simply tampering with the core concept of the low-level treasure [Dark Fog City]?

Even if Bailang upgraded the ordinary C-rank treasure to [Inherent Barrier]. But at this time [Le is Wudu. Red Soup] among all the inherent barriers, it is extremely simple and belongs to the younger brother level. It is far from comparable to the Great Emperor's [King's Army Power] and Red A's [Unlimited Sword System].

Therefore, for the remaining resources, Bailang chose to continue investing in [Le Shi Wu Du. Red Soup], sublimating this treasure to the utmost, reaching the limit of its own material.

In doing so, one is to exercise the [Master of Secret Treasure], and to better promote the second career transfer through practice. Secondly, I am also practicing to accumulate experience and lay the foundation for my next paradise treasure [Unlimited Fish System].


Bailang made some calculations, sublimated [Dark Fog City] into an 'Inherent Barrier', and integrated [Extreme Lava Flow Cuisine Soul] into it, using about 50% of the reward for this kill.

So he thought about it for a while, and chose to consume 30% of the share again, and shouted: "Fish!"

In an instant, Yuanzang Mountain shook violently, sword energy and dragon chant shot straight into the sky, piercing green sword lights pierced the sky, and tore apart the blood cloud above Liudong Temple.

Teacher Ge, Tohsaka Rin, and Liu Dong Kazusei who had returned to the room to rest were all awakened. Shirou and Red A had the most intense reactions. One of them originated from [fish] and the other was [sword]. At the same time, they were inexplicably inspired. They couldn't help but pull out the double-edged carp and release [unlimited sword control] to respond.

On the other side, the Dumao King, who was standing beside Fufu as a guard, also felt his curry stick tremble violently, as if he was facing the black Saber "Wan Jian Gui Zong".

At this moment, Bailang summoned a large number of [Gu Parasitic Dragon Scale Blades] from the thirty-six 'magic wells' that were nourished by the transformation dragon. Half-step dragons with handles, 'armed fish embryo magic weapons' that look like fish but not fish, dragons and dragons, and knives and knives, rushed out of the magic well one after another, and were summoned by their masters, scrambling to fly to where Bailang was.

At this time, Bailang is using three things in one mind, while flying as a [Grinder] to control the fish; on the other hand, as Master (Jack's guardian) + master of secret treasures, he personally reforms the "inherent barrier"; The Silly Jack explained:

"Once your [Inherent Barrier] is unfolded, it will form a heavy and spicy purgatory fog of our [Extreme Lava] lineage. Its power is equivalent to 'boiling escape + melting escape', and it is full of various spices. Not only does it have a top-level perception shielding effect , and attack and interfere with the enemy from the 'six sense level'."

"First of all, the heavy spicy fog is not only invisible, but also can't be seen through with the pupil technique. If someone observes with the eyes forcibly, how about the taste of pepper water sprayed on the eyes?"

Hearing this, even C's mother, who was by the side, couldn't help shaking. She never expected that the 'Red Soup Misty' would be so sinister. Not only the mist covers the eyes, but also the hot eyes. From passive defense to active attack.

"Secondly, [Fog City] will also affect the sense of smell. Anyone who smells such a delicious shabu-shabu aroma in a life-and-death battle will definitely be distracted, arouse a boundless appetite, and be unable to concentrate on fighting, which will then cause spiritual damage. Even if you can overcome the 'red soup temptation', you must consume ten times and a hundred times the energy and focus, and the consumption will undoubtedly be faster. As long as you delay time, you will soon exhaust your mind and become a prisoner of delicious food."

Jack and Silly Fufu nodded approvingly. A master's fight requires extreme concentration. Any small distraction or loss of focus will form a fatal flaw. Isn't Fuguiwan's "sarcasm and awkward dance" just to manipulate people's mentality through mental pollution to make people behave abnormally?

Once the mist of red soup in [Le is Fog City] drifts away, it will not only irritate the eyes, but also murder the vision. It will also arouse endless appetite from the sense of smell, disturb people's mentality, and make them unable to concentrate and perform abnormally.

"Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, and the mouth and tongue correspond to the sense of taste, needless to say. Being in [Fog City] is like being in a red pot of soup, swimming in endless delicacies. This is the ultimate enjoyment, and it is also a hell of food! Therefore, my father will give you the 'Three Thousand Dragon Scale Fish Blade' to protect the way. It will not only serve as the staple food of this pot of red soup, but also a precious weapon with the inherent enchantment to protect the way to kill the enemy!"

Flying into the [Inherent Barrier] at this moment, there are not only 3,000 'Dragon Transforming Fish Knives', large and small, but also 'Magic Vegetable Fish' cultivated by Mother C. The Dragon Scale Blade focuses on killing and killing, and Caiyu is responsible for returning magic and adding blood. This is the configuration of a nanny and a paladin!

With these 'three thousand dragon scale blades, two hundred magic fish. ’[Le is Wudu] quickly equalized [King's Army Power, Unlimited Sword Control], and has its own attack methods and styles.

"In addition, the 'body' and 'mind' of the six senses correspond to the body's sense of touch and will perception. In terms of sense of touch, the red mist inherits the magical damage of the 'hot sauce enchantment', making human cells feel continuous burning, erosion, and severe pain. At the same time, the damage of the red mist also affects the spirit and soul. Once in the "fog city" for a long time without soul protection, the enemy can not only enjoy the "temptation and torture of red soup", but also the soul will be pickled a little bit .Being in the enchantment, you can’t escape the fate of the ingredients! Finally, the fragrance of "shabu-shabu" is emitted from the inside out, and before you know it, your soul has been concocted into a new one in the "fog city". food."

"Suck ~ slip!" Hearing this, Little Jack couldn't help but let out a huff. She is a collection of countless resentful souls of dead babies. She is very interested in souls and is a professional gourmet.

Following Lang's explanation, the inherent barrier absorbed the three thousand dragon scale blades cultivated in the magic well sacrifice and transformed them into a part of the treasure. I saw clawless dragons swimming past in the hot and fiery spicy mist from time to time, with their backs as sharp as knives, transforming into guards, food + weapons of the 'enchantment'.

So far, the treasure has been sublimated into [Le is Wudu. Red Soup. Fish Pot]

Each of them is strong, each is indestructible... each is as sharp as a knife, each is alive, and can devour and evolve like a vegetable fish.

From now on, although the three thousand fish embryos leave the Dragon Well for nourishment, they cannot continue to transform into dragons. But in [Fog City], he accepted the sacrificial training of red soup, became more and more spicy, and became a stronger food-type treasure!

The last 20% of the killing rewards obtained by Lang was left. After a little thought, he began to fine-tune the 'Inherent Barrier'. First set the world inside the barrier as an eternal 'night'.

Dark night + fog is the second of the three necessary conditions for the activation of [Our Lady of Disintegration].

At the same time, shabu-shabu, of course, is the most artistic and delicious to eat at night. Therefore, setting the inherent enchantment as the eternal "shabu-shabu city that never sleeps" and operating 24 hours a day, the power of [The Virgin of Disintegration] will also be maximized.

Finally, Lang saw [Le Shiwudu. Red Soup. Fish Pot] under the night sky was pitch black, and the visibility was too low. Although suitable for assassination, it is not suitable for living and enjoying.

He made treasures for Little Jack, of course, to enhance his combat effectiveness, facilitate assassination + save his life. But as a father, he doesn't want his daughter to fight and kill all year round, it's too dangerous.

The life sentiment, fun, and comfort of the inherent enchantment should also be taken into consideration, so there must be light!

So [Fog City] has light.

Lang used up the last 20% of the enhancement share, and copied a white board 'Little Holy Bowl' based on the [Little Holy Bowl] bundled with the sub-professional, making it long... big, big, and turned into a cauldron (bowl) ).

Then inject a large amount of Fo Nie chili sauce base, add Gongde enoki mushrooms to cook delicious mushroom soup, then sprinkle a handful of fish scraps left over from grinding the fish to enhance the flavor, and finally hang the bowl upside down and hang it on the highest point of [Mist City], It turned into a tumbling, spicy blood moon!

At this point, the inherent enchantment is complete.

There is fog, fish, and loli, forming an ecological circle. It can attack, defend and eat. The 'Blood Moon' in the sky is just a big pot of boiling 'red soup purgatory shabu-shabu', continuously transpiring endless 'red mist', falling into the enchantment and spreading out endlessly.

Whenever Jack is hungry, he can unfold [Fog City] to grab a batch of ingredients and process them through the red mist. Cook and enjoy.

"Perfect! The logic is closed!" Bailang was extremely proud of the success.

The Dumao King, who was Fufu's guard beside him, wept greedily, and there was only one thought in his mind: 'Cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle is fun, and you will have to cook three hundred tons! I hope that the drunk will not wake up, and Arthur will never go to bed early. '


The moment he created the Assassin's inherent enchantment [Le Shiwudu. Red Soup. Fish Pot] for Jack, Bai Lang was blessed to the heart, and the spark of inspiration burst out in an instant and was captured by him.

Immediately afterwards, with a happy expression on his face, he said: "My way is accomplished!"

When Bailang finished the last step of [Red Soup Fish Pot] by himself, and hung the 'Holy Bowl Shabu Pot' in the night sky of Wudu City, a different kind of throbbing came to his heart.

At the same time, the detailed data of a treasure Phantasm also suddenly emerged from the Lancer Spirit Base (monk-killing money) that was collected in the [Little Holy Bowl]. (The Ninth Buddha's Son. Golden Cicada Skeleton Buddha Treasure)

Under the intertwining of the two, Bailang's sub-professional column [Life Menu (Buddha Evil Mushroom)] suddenly responded. The life menu, which originally reached [2/8] progress, now goes one step further, reaching [3/8].

The life menu is divided into eight items: appetizer/appetizer, salad/cold dish platter, dessert, drink, fresh fish, meat, main dish, and soup.

In the last round of missions, Lang has obtained two 'resonance recipes', which are [Appetizer: Hell Pepper Salt Merit (Buddha Evil) Golden Mushroom] and [Drink: Mori's Black Goat Ghost Animal Baby Milkshake]

Resonance ingredients and resonance recipes are often hard to come by. If you are unlucky, [Life Menu] will take a lifetime to find and fill.

But at this moment, Lang created [Little Holy Bowl Red Soup Shabu Pot] for Jack, and then suddenly received the message of [Golden Cicada Skull Buddha Treasure].

These two irrelevant treasures suddenly appeared in my heart at this moment, and they were connected together. It is obvious that the sub-professional column (Big Mushroom) sensed that the opportunity had come, and instinctively reminded himself.

After a little thought, Bailang understood everything and shouted, "My way is done!"

Immediately create the third resonance recipe, which is the [Little Holy Bowl Purgatory Red Soup Pot] hanging in the night sky of Wudu City, which corresponds to the [Main Dish] item in the eight-course menu!

As for the specific resonating ingredients, it wasn't the Three Thousand Dragon Scale Blades, which were too gritty to eat. The ingredients of this main dish are the 'pink furry rabbits' that he has raised carefully for many years, and the meat quality has improved rapidly with his strength! '

At this time, the one hundred and eight furry rabbits, in order to contain the Taoist Bone, used the "Qi and Blood Battle Banner" as a link to set up a battle formation for the [Rabbit King Bodhisattva] to filter and refine the armed color and break the precepts, and made great contributions.

But energy is conserved. [Rabbit King] can raise funds and crowdfund enough to repel Bone Ott. Naturally, it is not created out of thin air, but it has to pay a price. These one hundred and eight rabbits are the price, willing to act as a biological filter, squeezing their own blood, and extracting the cracked qi.

During the battle, each furry rabbit is like a 'mining card', which is crazy overdrawn by [Rabbit King]. At this moment, they win the battle. They seem to be undead and create the myth of forcing back Bone Ott, but in fact it has arrived The point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry.

Replaced by girlfriends, each one is a 'new car' that has run 800,000 kilometers. Alive, but worthless.

It may be difficult to replicate such a record next time. On the contrary, after collective killing, a batch of new mining cards can be reset after cooling down, and the glory can be reproduced.

Bailang doesn't raise waste, at this time the little holy bowl suddenly extracts information about [Golden Cicada Skeleton Buddha Treasure], he immediately knows the elegant meaning by listening to the string song. In the sub-profession column, I made another [Small Holy Bowl Purgatory Red Soup Shabu Pot], and then put all one hundred and eight fur rabbits into it in one breath!

"Come into my bowl and help me prove the way!"

The pink furry rabbit was born to be cultivated towards the direction of becoming a top food ingredient, and was castrated at the moment of birth, just for the pursuit of better taste. They practice Buddhism, they practice martial arts, and they take meritorious spores. They all exercise their fleshy body to become fat and thin, wash and purify their minds with Buddhism, and use meritorious spores to add positive energy to themselves, so that they can get closer to the "big mushroom" and transform into resonance ingredients.

At this moment, the plush rabbits heard what Bailang said, and they didn't have the slightest sadness of a dead rabbit. Instead, they all showed fanaticism.

Waited for a long time, and finally waited until today. After dreaming for a long time, the dream finally came true.

Haven't they worked so hard to become the master's ration? The hard work of a lifetime has finally paid off. Compared with those seniors who didn't have the chance to go into the pot once, this generation is really worth it! Sansheng is lucky! Moreover, 108 rabbits and rabbits went into the pot together! Great fortune!

value! So worth it!

So I only heard the rabbits and rabbits shouting in unison: "The raging holy fire, burn my remnant body. Why should life be sad, and why should death? The ancestor of the big mushroom, the hometown of the red pot! I will go!" ×108

Then the plush rabbits shook their bodies one by one, and the rabbit fur all over their bodies fluttered and danced. The merit spores in the body emit golden light, purifying the meat quality and removing impurities from the inside out.

Without Bailang doing anything, they cleaned themselves up one after another. As if returning to heaven, they are scrambling to throw themselves into the bowl (in the pot).

At this moment, Bailang also opened the sub-professional bar, transformed into a Buddha's Evil Mushroom, sautéed incense (Bao Xiang) solemnly, and held a bowl in his hand. It is not only a shabu-shabu, but also a pill stove, and a melting pot. With one hundred and eight rabbits as ingredients, medicine, and materials, it simultaneously cooks, refines alchemy, and refines tools. The trinity!

This main dish is not only a red soup shabu-shabu, but also a great medicine of the fairy family, and it is also made of treasures!

At this moment, Bai Lang used [The Ninth Buddha's Son. Golden Cicada Buddha Treasure Skeleton] as his technical guidance, and boiled a pot of [Red Soup Rabbit Meat Shabu] in one breath. Flying out, arranged in a circle, bursting out golden light. For a while, the chanting was endless, as if Lingshan had opened the "Tang Monk Meat Party".

Lang connected them in series with a dragon's tendon, and finally practiced a heroic treasure [Hundred Bachuan Fragrant Spicy Rabbit Head White Bone Relic Rosary].

This [Hundred and Bachuan Fragrant Rabbit Head Buddha Bone Relic Bead] is not of high quality, it is only a mere E grade, and it is not certified by the paradise. (The furry rabbit has limited strength, but the quality of the rabbit head is average)

This is the product of self-completion of Bailang's main profession [Master of Secret Treasure] and sub-profession [Life Menu].

It's a pity that it's useless to him, but this pot of [Purgatory Red Soup Rabbit Meat Shabu Pot] has reached the point of resonating recipes, taking the idea of ​​"Hell is not empty, and I can't become a Buddha" to feed demons with my body, and fill in " Among the main courses', make the sub-profession go one step further!

After he broke up the rosary beads, he could transform into 108 Buddhist skeleton soldiers with skulls and rabbit heads, whose combat power barely reached the second-level entry level. For third-tier contractors, the value is not high, Bailang thought for a while, and gave it to Miss Tohsaka Rin who came here after smelling the fragrance.

As the two aborigines who work closely with Liudong Temple, Bailang's investment in Shirou is overwhelming, which makes the girl very unbalanced. Now Lang hangs a string of 108 white bone rabbit head relic beads exuding a strong and spicy scent around Rin's neck.

This isn't the worst place yet.

The most unacceptable thing for Rin is that this rosary is so fragrant! This is a gourmet Buddha treasure personally blessed by Bailang's sub-professional [Old Enlightened One. Buddha Evil Mushroom]. The imprint of spiritual pollution in the food department is too strong, just smelling it will turn your appetite into a wild horse.

It's a pity that the head of the bone rabbit was completely clean, and there was no trace of flesh left. Rin could only drooling, resisting the urge to lick the head of the bone rabbit, and endured it with difficulty. This is the first exclusive treasure she has obtained, 108 Buddhist Taoist soldiers (skeleton familiars), and they can also accept her 'Radiation Power Breeding' to evolve into 'Spicy Rabbit Head Nuclear Explosive Taoist Soldiers'.

For the sake of a better future, she can even endure the murder of her painting style!

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