Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1091 New Battle, Loading

Chapter 1091 New battle, loading...

[Dragon King God's Domain] and [Sword Formation] constructed the outline of the 'inherent barrier', and with the integration of [Unlimited Sword System] and [Grinding Fish Weng], the internal rules of the barrier began to be perfected.

The inherent enchantment of "Infinite Sword System" can turn the space around itself into a small world that gathers all the elements of "sword" in this world. As long as you have seen a sword once, you can easily project it.

Its heart is like a landscape, which is the endless wilderness filled with countless swords, and sparks flying crisscross. In the distant background, there are huge gears, like an ironworks or a forge.

Lang's "Inherent Barrier" intersects with [Sword], fully absorbs the rules of "Infinite Sword System", and obtains the rule of "Assembling all elements of Sword System in this world".

And Lang's [fish] itself is a 'sword'. [Unlimited Sword System] can do it, [Unlimited Fish System] can do the same.

It's just that Red A consumes magic power to project a 'pirated A sword'; while Bailang presents the pirated 'A sword' in the form of a [fish].

Therefore, the 'scenes' in the two intrinsic barriers are slightly different.

And as the 'Broken Arm. Sword Bone' was swallowed, digested, and absorbed by [Unlimited Fish System] bit by bit. Lang not only got the ability to 'copy and paste sword weapons'.

It also inherited the "sword database" of Red A: the core data of a batch of pirated A goods such as Ganjiang Moxie, fake spiral sword, curry stick, EX curry stick, Wuhui Huguang, Meteorite, etc. All were learned by Bailang.

The limit of [Unlimited Sword System] stops here. Its essence is a ruthless counterfeit machine, which can only project A products that are always one grade lower than the original ones, and there is no creation and transcendence.

Moreover, each A-handle requires a large amount of magic power to be temporarily realized, and it is difficult to preserve it for a long time. Make it now and destroy it when it is used up. It doesn't last long, and consumes a lot of money.

The [Fish System] that simply inherits the 'Infinite Sword System' can also consume energy and temporarily project a 'projected salted fish' with quality -1. In this regard, apart from the difference in shape from the 'Unlimited Sword System', other attributes are exactly the same.

But with the incorporation of the title of "Grinding Fish Weng", Lang's "Fish System" instantly surpassed the blue and surpassed the blue, and Yiqi Juechen left the red A behind.


The interior of the enchantment is no longer a wilderness scene, and the huge gear background has also disappeared. Instead, there are perfect factory production lines. The pitch-black armed color forging hammer and the smoothly running assembly line lie flat on the conveyor belt one by one, with despair and bitterness in their eyes [Salted Fish King].

The title of [Grinding Fish Weng] is the crystallization of Bailang's [Fish Forging Technique] skills. Now, after being integrated into [Unlimited Fish System], the "extreme state of single-person traditional handicraft" has been completely expanded to "industrialized batch flow production operations" 'Degree!

Industrialize the fish grinder!

Completely liberate productivity, under the condition of unchanged technical level, unlimited fish limit, unlimited fish! Become a genuine [Arsenal], not a fake ironworks background map like Red A.

From now on [Unlimited Fish System] can not only consume mana, but also project a one-time, -1 quality fish blade. You can even forge and ship genuine 'fish blade weapons'. And it is [Fish Blade Noble Phantasm] that incorporates the "A-class Noble Phantasm concept".

Let's put it this way, a random fish embryo, when forged by the [Fish Factory], is implanted with the concept of [Curry Stick] Noble Phantasm. When it comes out of the oven, it will be a genuine 'low configuration. Curry Fish Noble Phantasm'.

Because of the poor quality of the ingredients, this 'Curry Fish' is not as good as the genuine 'Curry Sword'. But don't panic, there are still 36 'Dragon Wells' in [Unlimited Fish System] that can continue to raise the magic weapon of flying swords and improve the quality of 'Curry Fish'.

Thus breaking the limit of [Unlimited Sword System], further growing and even surpassing the original version.

With the "inherent enchantment" taking shape steadily step by step, the final [Infinite Fish System] integrates "independent space, absorbing and storing external energy, automatically collecting sword-like armed concepts, projecting high imitation swords, automated arsenal production lines, and modifying and strengthening fish." Blade, Armory (Fish Treasure), Magical Fish Blade Yunling (Dragon Transformation), Top Star Kendo Killing Formation, Fantasy (Carp) Honkai...'and other functions in one body.

The [Unlimited Fish System] at this time is divided into two parts: heaven and earth.

On the ground, there are countless "salted fish kings" densely planted, like the sword mound of fish, inheriting the style of "unlimited sword system", they are the raw materials of the arsenal. Sponsored continuously by 【Raliya Seafood City】.

At the end of the 'Sword Tomb' is an 'Arsenal' that operates 24 hours a day. Countless huge armed color forging hammers roared down, violently beating the fish embryo, and casting it into a 'Dragon Scale Blade'.

And according to different needs, input the corresponding data (the concept of the famous sword, the information of the treasure), and turn it into a treasure.

There are a total of 36 magic wells in different positions of the inherent barrier, which continuously swallow the successfully cast [Fish Blade]. Treat them with "magic weaponization (flying sword)" and give birth to sword spirits.

Once the 'Dragon Scale Blade' formally transforms into a dragon, it will transform into a 'magic weapon + treasure tool'. The artifact is alive, and it directly leaps over the dragon gate, transforming into a dragon and soaring into the sky.

The "Field of Heaven" is based on the "Sword Dao Stars" based on the hundred and eight heavenly gangs and earth evil formations. It takes the boundless artistic conception of the stars and seas, and at the same time absorbs the "stellar evil spirit" from the outside world to store energy for the sword formation.

Every time a 'fish blade' is added to the sword array, one more star will be added, and the power of the sword array will increase by one point.

The initial [Unlimited Fish System] might have limited power, but as this treasure develops, proliferates, and reserves itself, its ultimate power will be limitless!

Seeing the birth of the strongest and only offensive Noble Phantasm since taking office as the [Lord of Secret Treasures], Bailang was not satisfied.

I saw him shouting: "Fish!"

The 108 six-level reincarnation seeker fish in the sky corresponding to the coordinates of the heavenly gangster and earth evil star suddenly flickered, and flew towards him like a meteor falling to the ground.

Bailang picked a sword embryo at random, and at the same time distractedly browsed Red A's database, selected several potential "treasures concepts", and integrated them into different "fish embryos": [EX Curry Fish, Wuhui Yuguang, Gemstone fish, spiral fish, backlight fish]

Not only that, Lang's [Unlimited Fish System] was also connected to the [Little Holy Bowl] database, and then he created a [Fish Piercing Dead Thorns], and then he gave up.

These few 'treasures' are not ordinary A goods.

Their raw materials are extremely precious, and there are only 108 pieces at the same time. Therefore, there are not many fish, but there are spirits. Every piece has the potential to be as good as the original when it is born. If you continue to cultivate and develop, surpassing the deity is just around the corner.

Although Bailang only made one treasure, but [Unlimited Fish System] comes with these six handles of [fish], all of which are of treasure quality and exist forever. Even if it is damaged, it can be taken back into the 'Dragon Well' to nourish and restore it.

"My way is done!"

After watching the six stars return to the Nine Heavens, and the stars returned to their positions, Bailang smiled with relief.

[Unlimited Fish System: Quality EX]

With the 108 reincarnations seeking the fish sword embryo, he injected concepts of famous swords, artifacts, and treasures one after another, and the power of the star sword array will grow infinitely. EX lives up to its name!

When Bailang tried to embed the handmade DIY [Fish Craft] into the main position of the [Lord of Secret Treasures], he got a virtual profession called [Fish Sword Immortal].

Possess functions such as imperial sword, formation, land fairy...etc.

The so-called earth immortals are immortals who can open up blessed lands. Those who can't open up a Taoist place can only be regarded as loose immortals and real people. This is the gap between retail investors and landlords.

As for the higher-level 'celestial beings', it is the independent small world of [La Laiye Seafood City]. Jumping directly outside the Three Realms, without relying on the support of the main world, you can also rely on the "small world" to live a long and unrestrained life.

In addition to the expected virtual profession of [Fish Sword Immortal], [Lord of Secret Treasure] has been accumulated in place in this trial, and it has also begun to transform at the second turn and complete itself.

Finalization is not yet complete, but new features have been revealed:

First of all, the [Lord of Secret Treasures] has opened up a second auxiliary position. Bailang can embed three treasures at the same time, and link them together to form a more complex "composite virtual profession".

The second function is being conceived...


At the end of the retreat, when Lang walked out of the bedroom, six hours had passed and it was 10 o'clock in the evening.

With the fresh release of [Unlimited Fish System], the 'magic formation' that originally covered Yuanzang Mountain for several miles and guarded Liudong Temple disappeared completely.

Fortunately, Mama C, as a Caster, has arranged a new position in advance. Now, with the belief of [Greedy Sect] as the energy source and the huge statue of 'Holy Light Altford' as the core, she can barely support a new low-end enchantment. Liudong Temple was guarded.

But compared with the previous 'Dragon King God's Domain', it's far behind. At this time, a random master + heroic spirit can break through the defense of Liudong Temple, killing seven in and seven out.

Fortunately, this afternoon was very quiet, and no one from the red and black sides came to provoke. Not only that, but no new battle broke out between the red and black. This afternoon's Fuyuki news all revolved around the aborigines and foreign mercenaries.

The red team suddenly lost three heroic spirits, and the two contractors were forced to retire, which surprised the Bone Taoist who was struggling to compete for the [Ten Calamities] authority.

More than an accident, it was a surprise to the point of horror.

He knew that the two paratroopers were parallel imports, but he never expected the water to be so high? At the same time, he also underestimated the strength of the mastermind behind the scenes. I thought that Bailang took advantage of the advantage of the home ground to be able to toughen all the members of the red team.

As a result, he was one step away from the game, and the opponent caught the flaw, and took away two parallel importers and three heroic spirits in one wave. This made Taoist Bone suddenly become a loner, with only Ge Lan, who was absent-minded and gradually losing his fighting spirit, left beside him.

The original idea of ​​fighting with Black Fang was completely gone, the accident happened so suddenly, it was really exciting.

Taoist Bai Bone decided to change his way of life. Starting in the afternoon, he led Gulen out of the Jiantong Mansion in a low-key manner, and by virtue of his control over the 'Fifth Plague', he disappeared completely, hidden in the blood mist. Even the [Ten Plagues] master Pharaoh couldn't detect it.

Taoist Bone made up his mind to go on, until the finals to eat chicken, to see if there is any chance of turning over.

Black's team of sparring partners saw the dawn of victory at once, continued to implement the original plan steadily, and set about the coming of the [Seventh Plague].

It was found that the three parties were all in a stalemate, after competing with each other for endurance. Bailang, who likes to mention [Unlimited Fish System], naturally doesn't want to wait, and it's not advisable to rush to the door to die.

So he mobilized his own dark chess to create every opportunity for himself to defeat.

In Black's base camp, Jabba, the technology exorcist Jabba, who has been pinned down and has no sense of existence, once again proposed to search for the lone heroic spirit and upgrade the jungler.

Killing Red A in the morning, benefiting greatly, Saber Xiongba nodded in agreement. Now that the black side's advantage is obvious, there is no need to confront the red side's defeated dog and the black hands behind the scenes, but sitting and doing nothing is by no means a good strategy. We should take the initiative to cut off wild monsters like Jin Shining and accumulate advantages.

Heideman agrees with this in theory, and then warned: "The victory of this trial has been revealed, don't be fluke, and be defeated by black hands one by one."

Xiongba nodded: "That's exactly the reason. You can't stay still, and miss the opportunity. But you can't act rashly, asking for 'stability'! Everything is based on stability. I suggest that many people form a team to act, and the general situation is crushing. This is a conspiracy .”

Heidemann thinks deeply: "Good!"

Soon, Jabba took the lead, and Miss Sister Gong took the initiative to join. In the end, Jiao Xuan, Gong, Jabba, and Xianyu Wang acted collectively and divided into two teams, with a distance of no more than 10 kilometers, to search for Jin Shining's whereabouts.

In the event of an accident, the other group can quickly help. If the two sides join forces and still lose? The Pharaoh provided [Ten Plagues] rescue remotely, and Heidemann took Thanos' "teleport wheelchair" to support Flying Thunder.

It's a solid B! If this can be wiped out by the group, then it will die in peace.

If you are lucky, it may still be like this morning. Received a temporary mission from Ruler to ambush a wave of surviving Silly King, Caster, and Assassin.

Speaking of this Holy Grail War, the red side killed more heroic spirits than wild monsters. These Fuyuki wild heroic spirits are not very strong, but they are better than each other.

I'm afraid that after the final battle between red and black, more than half of these wild monsters will survive?


After instigating the black side through undercover, Bailang was not worried about the other party's collective actions. In this regard, he already has a countermeasure, let's fight a wave first.

[Unlimited Fish System] Once unfolded, the small world replaces the big world. He would like to see, is it his own 'killing array'? Or is the speed of the opponent's aid galloping fast?

Thinking of the upcoming confrontation, Bailang looked forward to it, and re-deployed the [Unlimited Fish System] to fill in the missing piece of Fuyuki's spiritual vein, and continued to silently guard Liudong Temple.

It's not that they are worried about the danger of these monks who are at the helm of the gluttonous sect, Chunchun just wants to absorb and reserve some magic power in the spiritual veins.

In the past, the relationship between the "Willow Cave Field" and the Lingmai was a factory that consumed a large amount of city electricity and consumed it instantly; today's [Unlimited Fish System] has become a temporarily docked spaceship, frantically extracting and hoarding energy for charging treasures. Yes, for tomorrow's battle.

Not only that, although [Raliyah] cannot be used openly. But Lang secretly gave Bai Xing an order to start harvesting the 'void evil fish' in All Blue, and through the virtual professional linkage, secretly transferred them into the [Unlimited Fish System] to dry them into flavored salted fish kings, and began to increase forging efforts.

Tonight, he will consume Fuyuki's magic power to stock up enough 'fish blades' for himself. In the Ming Dynasty, he will become the [Nuclear Fish Sword Immortal], and with one move [Carp Collapse], the enemy will doubt his life!


After dealing with all this, it was already 10:30, Bailang found that the lights in Fufu and Jack's bedrooms were still on.

How can children not rest on time? Lang quickly took out the [anesthesia wrench] and walked over quickly, preparing to help his daughters fall asleep quickly.

At the same time, Kotomine Kirei once again put on a hot bikini wedding dress, stepped on the magic onion and flew into the night sky of Fuyuki, and then [Dancing King Disco] was fully fired, a huge light ball and explosive music covered three the extent of the street.

Tonight's "Ma Po Nightclub" is open as usual, Baby Faker, who has killed his enemies, is happily swaying and dancing on the ground. The nearby monsters were also attracted like a frenzy of zombies, followed the rhythm of the priest, swayed in the blood rain, screamed and cheered in unison, a set of "Electronic Swan Ghost Baji".

After witnessing the [Fifth and Sixth Plagues] on TV, Bailang also tried to get involved in the [Ten Plagues].

It's just that [Unlimited Fish System] has a higher priority, so he secretly influenced Mapo Maru, expanded his influence in Fuyuki through Father Kotomine, and indirectly intervened in [Ten Calamities].

So far, it seems that the effect is not bad, maybe it can be pushed to the top and seize the position of [Eighth Calamity]?

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