Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1099 Reunion of old friends, exchanging teammates (seeking monthly ticket)

On the way back to Liudong Temple, Bailang began to count the proceeds from the previous battle.

First of all, in two rounds of face-to-face (Wangcai vs. Yuzhi), he captured 6 complete treasures from Shining, sacrificed all of them to obtain complete blueprints, and created the corresponding "Treasure-seeking Fish". (The fish of Indra...)

Then, when he was cleaning up the crime scene, he got the wreckage of one of the three sections of the damaged [Deviation Sword]. Lang is not very interested in this precious treasure with a level as high as EX.

Again, the contractor can experience countless opportunities and come into contact with various god-level abilities, bloodlines, and artifacts. But their own ability column and occupation column are limited.

There are countless choices, but only the one that suits you is the best. After careful analysis, Bailang determined that his compatibility with [Deviation Sword] was very low.

My own great sources are [qi and blood] and [spiritual pollution]. And the foundation of [Deviation Sword] is to distort, cut and tear time and space, so the adaptability is extremely low.

Therefore, there is no need to invest too much resources and energy on this stick. Even if it is used as a sacrifice, it will not be able to obtain high-quality blueprints due to the severe degree of incompleteness. Also considering that this thing is a genuine 'high-end treasure. Wreckage of the deviant sword', it has a very high status...

After thinking for a while, Lang suddenly had an inspiration.

The compatibility between myself and the mallet sword is low, but someone is high!

Just like the [Double-Headed Demon Dragon] that Kate opened, he couldn't take it out at all, no matter who the contractor was, he would have no face to take it out in public. Not only the enemy will die, but also himself.

However, if it is loaded into the 'Faker Mapo Maru' as a 'Heroic Noble Phantasm', it will become a match made in heaven. More than just like a tiger with wings? What a perfect match! Maha Infinite Two-headed Dragon.

And under him, there happens to be such a group of talents who are highly compatible with [Deviation Sword. Wreckage].

good! It's Sharf...'s ability bar [Five Ghosts Spreading Wealth: Summoning of Four Heavenly Kings].

In fact, Xiao Fufu also has a good 'space attribute', which is reflected in [Baotou Township], which is a defensive shield, which is completely opposite to the 'offensive space ability' of the strongest spear like [Deviation Sword].

Therefore, Fufu can't eat [Deviation Sword (Disabled)], but her Four Heavenly Kings are different.

After the "Five Masters of Uchiha Amusement Park" completed their advanced training in [Eden Garden], they awakened the "Writing Wheel Magic Eye" one after another. Obtain their respective origins [reverse life and death; distort time and space]. It is reflected in the two magic eyes respectively.

And their magical eyes are a masterful technique, the ultimate [Prestige-Prince of Joy], which gathers five weak powers of distorting time and space in one body, and blesses the 'roller coaster' under the crotch. The attack method is like Jin Shining wielding a deviant sword, hitting multiple dimensional damage caused by out-of-control distortions.

Calculating carefully, although the painting styles of the two are diametrically opposed to each other, the attack modes and theoretical cores of [Prince of Amusement - Roller Coaster] and [Strange Sword. Ea] are in the same line.

"Like! It's so similar!"

Lang Lian, who was in Yujian's flight, clenched his fists and smashed his hands, and said with emotion: "How can they be so similar? This is fate!"

After returning home, he has decided to use the power of the [Lord of Secret Treasures] to refine the top EX-rank treasure in the Moon World [Deviation Sword (Wreck of the Sword Pillar)] to the crotch of the [Prestige-Prince of Youyue] roller coaster' on.

It seems that it only strengthens the "Uchiha Roller Coaster"'s writing wheel magic eye, but in fact it is after the fusion of the four heavenly kings "Pupil Art" and unified acceptance of the concept of treasure EA. Every demon's 'magic eye' can be improved.

Let the original weak and thin 'distorted space-time' effect get a qualitative breakthrough. Every time a Heavenly King is added, the Magic Eye's 'space damage' can be increased by an extra level.

At that time, Fufu has [Baotou Township] for defense and the "Four Heavenly Kings" for offense. The strongest shield in the left hand and the strongest spear in the right hand greatly increase the sense of security.

Come to think of it, the soul in heaven who sandwiches delicious food with chicken can also show a gratified smile, right? After all, he is of the same line as a chicken, and there are successors, and even carry it forward! Bigger, thicker, longer, stronger and more powerful!

Apart from the most valuable 'Wreck of the Deviation Sword', there is only a piece of 'Sky Lock' left.

For this treasure, Bailang intends to use the professional ability of [Lord of Secret Treasure] to repair and modify it. The final work is definitely no longer [Sky Lock], but a brand new equipment that inherits some of the characteristics of the 'Sky Lock'.

As for the specific quality, function, strength and weakness? It depends on the quality of raw materials Bailang puts in, the degree of restoration, and his performance on the spot.

In addition to the trophies that were obtained by their ability in the battle, the No. 2 cup also entered the battle proceeds into the account.

First of all, kill +1, and the final task evaluation is improved.

Secondly, a portion of his own 'Heroic Spirit Strengthening Resources' is recorded.

In theory, this resource can only be used to strengthen his heroic spirit (Assassin Little Jack), but Bailang is a bit special, rubbing out a "paradise treasure" with his bare hands.

Before the end of this round of missions, this treasure has not yet been finalized, and there are still opportunities to continue to optimize and upgrade.

If it is an ordinary contractor, order a 'treasure piece' through the channel of the paradise, and there are many requirements, do you want to modify and optimize it again? It is necessary to complete the released "new mission" to upgrade and modify the treasure.

But the wave is different, everyone knows [Lord of Secret Treasure], as long as the raw materials are in place, just rub it. Therefore, he intends to use the heroic resources from killing 'Golden Sparkle' on his own treasure. And the resources for killing Xiongba are used on Little Jack and C's mother.

After making the decision, Lang directly called and used this resource.

Because it was obtained by killing Gilgamesh, this resource can be exchanged for some abilities with reference to Jin Glittering's Heroic Spirit data template, and added to his own Heroic Spirit.

Bailang resolutely chose the template of [Omniscient and Almighty Star], and integrated it into his own DIY paradise treasure [Unlimited Fish System].

He had already stolen the model of [King's Treasure], but he couldn't get the treasure information inside Wang Cai, and he also got EA and Sky Lock. Therefore, [Omniscient and Almighty Star] has the highest value, and has the highest degree of fit with our own [Unlimited Fish System].


As the strengthening resources are integrated into the Noble Phantasm, in an instant, the interior of the [Unlimited Fish System] that is digesting the legacy of the [Sword World] is in progress. Countless fish embryos, fish knives, and fish swords vibrated violently, and sword intents shot up from the wreckage of [Sword World], and starlight also fell from the sky's "Sword Formation of Heavenly Gang and Disha Stars".

Inside the enchantment, all tangible and intangible things that contain the concept of 'sword' share a trace of power and gather into a group. Taking the [Omniscient and Almighty Star] loaded in the No. 2 cup as the prototype, they finally condense into a fish-made All-knowing and Almighty Star'.

It is a 'star' that emits the light of soft wisdom, flickering on and off.

If you zoom in and observe carefully, you will find that this 'star' is a fish head with two white, long and naturally drooping eyebrows on its eye sockets. Sitting with legs crossed, hands folded in front of the chest, eyes closed and meditating, the 'fish head sage' is full of tranquility, peace and mental retardation.

This [Omniscient and Almighty Great Virtuous Fish Star] is exactly the concept of 'stars (Tiangangdisha+stars)' contained in [Unlimited Fish System], and it is the 'star' evolved after the fusion of [Omniscient and Almighty Star]. As for this image, it symbolizes the wisdom of Village Chief Jin.

Originally absorbed the [Unlimited Fish System] of [Sword World], it already has a function similar to [Omniscient Star].

Once deployed in any mission world, [Fish System] can collect and record information about 'swords' in this world like [Sword World], and it should be set inside [Fish System] to enhance the foundation of the inherent barrier.

Jin Glittering's [Omniscient Star] is also a treasure with similar functions. Once it is activated, it can analyze and read the opponent's secrets at close range, obtain relevant data, and achieve the state of "knowing yourself and the enemy".

Because of the extremely high similarity, Lang chose to exchange the strengthening resources for [Omniscient Star] to strengthen [Infinite Fish (Sword Making) World].

The final effect is also very good. The passive treasure [Omniscient Star] that was constantly acting on Jin Xingxian's body has become a wise fish with a 'body', representing the 'wisdom of the sword'.

It doesn't act on Bailang's body like the 'star of omniscience', enhancing the 'wisdom of swordsmanship'. Instead, sitting cross-legged on the top of the 'Sword Mountain', it can divide the starlight, condense more astral projections, break away from the [Unlimited Fish System] like a 'little star', and appear in the real world.

Bailang understood it as Feng Ying's small satellite, which could be spread out. It can be used as a drone to illuminate more targets in the distance, analyze and collect "kendo information", and upload the feedback to [Unlimited Fish System].

It can also be attached to different targets, endowed with a low-matching 'virtuous fish wisdom', and create a small village head (golden sparkle).


Although [Unlimited Sword System] if you want to collect information about the 'Doo of the Sword' in a world, you can reach the level of [Sword World] in Fengyun World to the greatest extent, and directly invade the Akasha directory of this world, from the consciousness of Gaia, Alaya Consciousness, heaven, planet will, truth, root vortex... copy all information about 'sword'.

There is absolutely no need for such an embarrassing [All-knowing and Almighty Salted Fish Star].

But to achieve this effect, the [Unlimited Fish System] should be placed in the mission world for a long time, and the built-in "spiritual vein" is connected to the root of the world, deeply integrated into the mission world, and it is best to become the "subsidiary time and space" of this world '.

The deeper the degree of integration into the mission world, the higher the authority obtained, and the richer the "kendo information" read. It can even be favored by the mission world, get the capital injection of the world's origin, and evolve into an 'affiliated plane'.

The price is to transform it into a genuine 'Cave Heaven and Paradise', which will permanently become a part of this world. It's like the "Eighteen Levels of Food Hell" in [Shan Hai Jie].

If you are reluctant to part with [Unlimited Fish System], you will naturally not be able to trap wolves. Can only collect surface kendo information in a local area. Even the will of the mission world will deliberately block precious information and make it impossible to read.

Therefore, there is [All-knowing and Almighty Xianyu Star] to complete the in-depth interpretation.

For example, Lang enters a world of high martial arts where swordsmanship is respected, releases [Unlimited Sword Control] and fixes it in a certain place, and eventually can radiate a county, collecting superficial swordsmanship information below innate.

As for the warriors who are superior in nature, their spirits are already strong enough to resist the search signal of [Unlimited Fish System].

At this time, Bailang only needs to release the [Omniscient and Almighty Virtuous Fish Star]. They can use [Fish System] as a signal base station, incarnate as a satellite or a drone, leave the coverage area, fly into the homes of ordinary people, and continue to search and record 'kendo information'.

Especially those innate kendo masters, the 'wisdom and virtuous fish' only need to hide in the corner, like Jin Yingxiong peeping at the dance of Ma Powan, silently recording data, analyzing and analyzing, and then they can crack the opponent's mystery and upload [Fish System].

This is... [Xianyu's wisdom! 】

"What do you think is weird?"

The newly acquired treasure [Unlimited Fish System] has experienced another round of rapid upgrades, and its functions are extremely powerful. The specific data are as follows:

[Unlimited Fish System: EX Grade, Inherent Barrier. 】

[Ability 1: Fish gear projection. According to the amount of energy consumed, unlimited projections can be used to create fish gear with different quality attributes. 】

[Ability 2: First stage. Carp collapse / Second stage. Maha hedging. Detonate/hedge projections or solid fish gear to create powerful explosions. 】

[Ability 3: Three Divine Skills: Wanyu Guizong, Twenty-Three, Xuanyin Twelve Fish Sword Intent. (Saber Xiongba's swordsmanship treasure x3)]

[Ability 4: All-knowing and omnipotent star of the great virtuous fish. A collection of concepts of 'sword' in this world. Unlimited number of projections, mobile fish-shaped satellites. Automatically search, analyze, and collect all kendo information. It can connect to world consciousness and infiltrate. 】

[Ability 5: Arsenal/Fish Treasure. Fully automatic forging fish production line, batch forging and producing all kinds of fishing gear according to the drawings and storing or launching them. 】

[Ability 6: Sword Mountain/Sword Pool. Absorb and melt righteousness/demonic sword intent and sword thought, swordsmanship super calculation server. It can automatically derive the spirituality of swordsmanship, attune the fish blade, and the accelerator spirit is born. 】

[Ability 7: Raising Dragon Sword Wells (36 mouths). energy well. It can evolve into the 'Dragon King of Earth'. It can cultivate and strengthen the spirituality of the 'Dragon Attribute Fish Sword'. When the carp transforms into a dragon, after the second evolution, the magic weapon can ascend to the 'heaven realm'. 】

[Ability 8: Void Spirit Vein Engine. It can communicate with the consciousness of the world, connect with the spiritual veins of heaven and earth, absorb external energy and matter, and make the "inherent barrier" grow and expand slowly. 】

[Ability 9: EX-Hundred and Eight Heavenly Gang Disha Innate Reincarnation Seeking Dao Fish and Stars Returning to Sword Formation. Construct the "Field of Heaven" to form a killing array. The more you absorb the finished Dragon Scale Blade Noble Phantasm, the stronger your foundation will be, with no upper limit. 】

Today's [Unlimited Fish System], but from the perspective of 'treasures', is the most powerful, most lethal, and most complex function among the waves.

Even [Devil God Pillar] and [Seafood City] are incomparable.

The [Devil God Pillar] is so powerful that it even crushes the [Fish System]. Not in the treasure itself, but in added value. The [Jidu] who settled in the 'Devil God Pillar' and the [Healing God System] jointly formed by the nine evil spirits are the soul, which greatly enhanced the force of the [Devil God Pillar].

As for the other more powerful [La'lye Seafood City], its essence is just a poke ball. Its defying nature lies in the fact that it contains a piece of [World Fragment. Lotus Pond]. The treasure itself is also far less sophisticated than [Unlimited Fish System].

The only thing comparable to [Fish System] is not [Army of Rabbits], but [Fugui Wan must die].

Unfortunately, even if it is so good, a small group of greedy readers are still unwilling to be satisfied, and still paranoid that it is too weak! too weak! It requires constant plundering and constant devouring.

Why! Greed is indeed the original sin.


When Bailang arrived at Liudong Temple, Silly Fufu and Little Jack had been back for more than 40 minutes.

At this time, the time has also passed zero, officially coming to the sixth day of the Holy Grail War.

Pushing open the door of the living room, Lang saw that Fufu was sitting in the arms of a beautiful girl with a slight smile on her face, happily communicating through "Fushi's Three Character Classic".

Mama C sat beside her, feeling dejected, and a green and fresh lemon fragrance wafted from her body. The little master doesn't love himself anymore.

Little Jack sat with him on the other side, with his back to his sister Sharf, eavesdropping with his ears up, and kept taking out the cooked spicy monsters from [Mist City] and feeding them to the King of Silly Hair.

While eating seriously, Arturia was wary of the heroic young lady, and at the same time looked hostilely at the [monster Medusa] who was robbing her for food.

She didn't understand how the enemies who were fighting each other with all their strength just a second ago suddenly became friends and took them home? Fortunately, King Dumao didn't have the bad habit of protecting food, and he didn't lose face to Bai Fang.

In the corner of the living room, Thor, the god of thunder, was entangled into a silkworm chrysalis by ropes emitting golden light. The only exposed head was gagged by a rag, and he was chrysalis in the corner angrily but powerlessly, sending out a weak moan. Screaming, trying to resist, but unable.

Seeing the young lady holding a sister in his arms, Lang's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward enthusiastically, opening his arms, wanting a long-lost friendly hug.

"Tingting, do you miss me?"


With a sharp sound, the six-foot-long Nodachi came out of his body, and it was placed precisely on Lang's neck. And Zhuang Lanting still whispered to Fufu without looking back.

Little Jack cocked his mouth, expressing that he was not envious at all, and at the same time handed a piece of spicy magic beef leg to Medusa. Aren't your familiars obediently submitting to my 'red pot'?

Please hug the failed Bailang and sit down cross-legged.

The president's sister also retracted the long knife, put it back into the sheath with a clang, then turned her head and asked, "Do you have any extra heroic spirits? Let's exchange them."

As she spoke, she pointed to the dying Berserker Thor in the corner. The implication is that the master of the red side cannot kill allies to improve his evaluation before the heroic spirit of the black side dies.

Heroic spirits who kill themselves like Jabba have a very low evaluation. Now that the master and heroic spirits have been cleared up so much by Bailang in one go, she feels that if she doesn't work harder, this trial will be in vain.

Therefore, the best way is to exchange each other's teammates with the master of the hostile camp. For example, the dumb king is very good.

Lang Lioran nodded, "Of course!"

In his soul coffin, there is also a superwoman sealed.

Ask for a monthly pass

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