Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1114: Birth! Praise, Otto Crotch Protector Buddha!

In [Inherent Enchantment - Unlimited Fish System], this place becomes Bailang's home field, and all the rules can be changed as you like, except for the home field advantage, which has a huge suppression on the enemy. The only thing that can fight against it is [Inherent Barrier] or other 'field' abilities.

But it is a pity that although the [Heroic Spirit-Bone Ultra God Demon] carefully crafted by the Bone Taoist has all kinds of supernatural powers, it is one of the seventy-two celestial demons with phases, but it does not have the configuration of [Inherent Barrier]. Falling into a trap now is inferior.

Besides the [Fish System] buff, Lang and Bone Taoist fell into the [Nightmare Dimension] at the same time.

If [Fish System] is just a temporary 'world egg', gain a first-line advantage. Then [Nightmare Dimension] is a real different time and space that 'barely' belongs to Bailang. After the two are superimposed, it becomes an absolute advantage! Even the [Unlimited Fish System] became completely indescribable under the pollution transformation of the 'Nightmare Dimension', far exceeding Bailang's expectations.

The [Unlimited Fish System] at this moment has a 'digital' feature. It is not the rigid data codes in video games, but the manifestations of all things, carrying some incomprehensible 'data' characteristics. He doesn't understand it, but he can take advantage of this characteristic.

Secondly, [Fish System] has the characteristics of "dream" under the transformation of "Nightmare Dimension". And under the connivance of the master of dimension (Master of Nightmare - Jidu), Lang has the willful privilege of "do whatever you want, and get what you want".

In the end, the entire [Nightmare Dimension] continued to receive support from [Ten Calamities. Void], accelerating the mutation pollution, and the two characteristics of 'digital' and 'nightmare' flowed out into reality, further polluting Fuyuki. So this 'dimension' is full of energy and freely available...

Therefore, when Lang made a move, he directly chose the most suitable attack method for the'nightmare dimension'.

[Sword twenty-three! 】

At this moment, as soon as the 'Buddha. Ultraman' pointed out, the whole 'world' was naturally frozen, and then a group of 'Huanghuang Yuanshen (Digital Ultraman)' that was not polluted by mushrooms escaped from the body, carrying a Buddha's light, Straight to the Bone Demon God.

Taoist Bone suddenly fell into this weird and unpredictable different time and space, and wanted to control the demon god to fight back, but he was incompatible with this world where the 'lower level rules' were completely incomprehensible. It's as if after the cosmological constant is modified, all the physical rules in hand are invalid, and it can't react for a while.

And Bailang also couldn't understand the operating laws of this distorted world, but as the son of the nightmare dimension, he could cast spells with instinct and blood like a warlock. And with [Jidu] licensed 'All wishes come true' + [Jidu] also licensed unlimited overdraft [Ten Calamities. Void] energy.

Lang began to frantically add other kendo data to this style [Sword Twenty-Three], transforming it far beyond the limit of his own ability. But in the dream world, under the characteristics of 'digitization', everything has passed the judgment and belongs to the category of 'reasonable'.

When this sword hit the Bone Ultra God Demon, the latter took all the damage without any resistance, and the 'pollution' in the body became more intense, and at the same time, the spirit base belonging to the Servant was also attacked by this data sword. The bottom is detonated and pierced.

The spirit foundation was shaken and broken, and the originally extremely strong 'Bone God Demon' instantly became unstable, and Bailang also took this opportunity to turn it into a piece of data through the cause and effect between 'Altford' and 'Bone Ultra' Line, borrowing the basic rules of the "Nightmare Digital Dimension" to reversely seize the opponent's "Heroic Spirit Data", intending to take everything of the opponent as his own.

Since Bone Otto once usurped and stole the belief network of "Altford", now Feng Shui is taking turns, under the favor of this "strange world" that is absolutely home. I, 'Ottofo', incarnate as the son of the nightmare dimension, and reversely recapture my own 'Dao Fruit'.

At this moment, the Bone Taoist who was dragged into the 'Nightmare. Fish System' by the waves also became very weird and strange. Instead of fierce resistance, he fought for control again and countered the 'Buddha Evil. Otto' Predatory behavior, on the contrary, actively cooperates with intentional connivance.

Since 'Fo Nian Otto' wants to regain the lost power of his own belief, and even further plunder the Dao fruit of 'Bone Otto', then he simply opens the door to welcome guests, and opens the spirit foundation of the heroic spirit, completely open.

Not only that, but the Bone Taoist also took the initiative to undo the suppression of the "Heroic Ultra Human Body" by the "Original Demon".

At this moment, two completely different thoughts appeared in the body of the bone god and demon, but they belonged to one body. One is the 'Heroic Spirit Saver', and the other is the 'Soul of the Sky Demon' refined from white bones.

At this moment, under the call of the same "Ultraman Concept Aggregation (Ryudong Ultrafo)", the soul of the sleeping heroic spirit wakes up. With the cooperation of Bone Taoist, 'Saver' quickly occupied and controlled this powerful and filthy (polluted) heroic/demonic body.

The moment he woke up, the nameless Saver realized that he was dying of illness. This body was too polluted, it was already at the end of the road, and even turned into a skeleton? This is not Ott at all! His own 'spirit base' was also completely polluted, and there was no chance of saving it.

And the other strange wooden Ultraman who was fighting with him on the opposite side was also polluted, but there was a very strong Ultraman in its body (the manifestation of the power of belief in Fuyuki Ultraman).

Although I don’t understand why ‘Ultraman’ practiced Buddhism? And the other party doesn't have the 'power of light' at all, but instead has a kind of Buddha's light, which is still made of wood, which is very raw.

It's like a western angel who went to the east to participate in the negotiation of the division of the earth's beliefs. Suddenly, in a temple, he saw another bird man who was shaved and became a monk, wearing cassock, with a golden halo on his head, holding a Buddhist bead 'Amitabha' there, as stunned + shocked .

But fortunately, this "human spirit" lived in Japan for a period of time before his death. Compared with himself, who has become hopelessly filthy, it is not impossible to accept the heretical setting of "Altford".

As a Saver (Savior), the heart must be full of love and justice. Facing the big question of 'salvation', he saw some hope of redemption in the wooden heretic in front of him. It's better than being completely polluted by the irresistible 'evil energy' of one's own 'power of light', and it is much stronger to fall into a world-destroying demon by oneself.

Although the internal activities were complicated, the heroic spirit Saver made a decision the moment he went online. I only saw the skyscraper-like 'Giant Ultraman Skeleton', suddenly opening and closing its jaws, sending out a wave of magic sounds that resounded through the sky, facing the 'Liudong Ultraman' who was fighting against the power of 'hard work' and the big mushroom ’, shouted:

"Strange heretic Ultraman, this is my last 'power of light'! Accept it! Remember, never give up the light! Take my share, live tenaciously, and protect this beauty world ahhhhh!"

In the next second, under the leadership of the Saver (savior), the giant Ultra Skeleton chose to explode its 'Spiritual Foundation', and from the position of the indicator light on its chest, a faint but extraordinarily bright 'light' burst out.

The [Inherent Attribute: Power of Light] belonging to the Heroic Spirit Saver and the genuine [Ultraman. Heroic Spirit Concept] are both melted into the light, aimed at the pure wooden Liudong Ultrafo, and launched.

Faced with this scene, Bailang chose to accept it without any hesitation at all! He ordered Altford to rush forward and greet him with open arms.

Even if the 'Bone Demon God' on the opposite side doesn't go crazy, he still has to rely on his home advantage to dig out the opponent's spirit base, snatch the 'Bone Demon God' 'Dao Fruit', and keep it for himself. What's more, now take the initiative to deliver it to your door?

But at this time, the "Bone Demon God" suddenly realized his conscience, and the style of the painting changed drastically, holding a skeleton of a skeleton demon god, where there was a lot of demonic energy, and he was full of utter nonsense that was polluted by the void, and he yelled something "don't give up light, be tenacious" Live and protect this wonderful world', it's too grassy! Rang Lang has an uncontrollable urge to complain.

But the next behavior of the other party surprised and even surprised Lang Da. To actually use this body of a demon god to squeeze out the last light that belongs to Saver, and give it to himself?

Although this unnamed heroic spirit behaved like rubbish from the beginning to the end of the mission, and was played and applauded by the Bone Taoist, but fortunately, at the last moment of his life, he finally had the appearance of a "savior".

Just when Bailang manipulated 'Altford' to take the initiative to accept the last gift from the 'Bone God Demon', the Bone Taoist also manipulated his own 'Original God Demon' to self-destruct together with the heroic spirit.

His purpose is simple. After receiving the [Fifth Calamity] to descend upon the 'Natural Gods and Demons' to kill the Quartet. For the first time, Taoist Baigu experienced the danger and power of the "pollution source".

And as Bailang's 'Altford' made a wretched sneak attack halfway, he had no choice but to continue to intensify the pollution of the 'Natal God and Demon'.

Having come to this point, he also realized that if he continued to delay, there would be no way out and irreparable. The most decisive way is to completely cut off the connection between oneself and the "born gods and demons", and use the demon gods as the carrier to undertake the "void pollution", the gecko's tail will be cut off, and I will withdraw from this trial with the "spiritual pollution" that I suffered indirectly .

And just now, Bai Lang manipulated the "Altford" soul out of his body, connected and communicated with the natal gods and demons through data causality, and snatched Dao Ji's behavior. Since Bai Gu was surprised, he made him happy.

So the Taoist decisively awakened the will of the heroic spirit, and then forcibly separated the "heroic spirit" and the "natal god and demon". Use the Blame Man (Altford) as the new carrier of pollution, and use Saver's "Inheritance of Light" as the bait, and let the other party take the blame for yourself.

And he tried to recover the losses as much as possible. From the severed tail of a gecko that completely abandoned its natal god and demon, to trying to recover a pair of celestial demon bones.

How to say it?

The holy relic that the Bone Taoist summons the heroic spirit to descend is a real "Ultraman skeleton" (paradise material). Then the 'nameless Saver' (some unknown human body) was called out.

In the subsequent missions, the Taoist adopted the method of "summoning heroic spirits". Refining the 'Ultraman Spirit Base' into this bone, endowing it (skeleton) with soul and life, and then using the magic method of 'refining bone gods and demons' to create your own natal gods and demons.

The "Original God and Demon" was born on the "Heroic Spirit + Holy Relic", and it has two sides with the "Heroic Spirit - Nameless Ultraman". As soon as he succeeded, the side of the "Heroic Spirit" was suppressed by the Bone Taoist, and the side belonging to the "Original God and Demon" controlled everything.

Until now, this bone skeleton is in a Schrödinger state. It is not only the natal god and demon of the bone Taoist, but also the heroic spirit of the No. 2 Holy Grail.

The reason why they don't completely kill the "Heroic Spirits" is that the Taoists want to take advantage of the opportunity of constantly killing hostile/wild Heroic Spirits to obtain strengthening resources to further evolve the "Heroic Spirits", so that their own "Natural Gods and Demons" will also evolve out of thin air. Whoring a wave of opportunities.

Regarding this aspect, the Bone Taoist only took the 'Buddha Bone and Skeleton Rosary Bead' of [Spearman. Sha Wujing], and let the natal gods and demons complete a round of super-evolution, transforming into the [Nine Sons and Mothers Zhantan] that he could hardly create independently Merit Demon].

If there is no trouble from Bai Lang, no [Void] invasion, he can still kill a few more heroic spirits, then his [Original God and Demon] will super-evolve round after round, and finally obtain the 'Emperor's Capital' and achieve a breakthrough of four or five. The qualification and potential of the sixth level.

It's a pity that there is no if.


Bones is very clear that this mission has come to an end. My own 'gods and demons' are deeply polluted, and I can't even take them back. Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, and Bailang took the initiative to come to help him out of trouble.

So the Bone Taoist pushed the boat along the river, awakened the [Saver Savior] without further ado, and took the initiative to transmit the "Heroic Spirit Foundation" to Lang, passing the last "light", using this as bait to lure the other party into the bait.

Immediately, he self-destructed the 'Bone Demon God' in Schrödinger's state. Re-separate the 'Natural Demon' and the 'Heroic Spirit'. And the void pollution belonging to the "Heavenly Demon" and "Heroic Spirit" was all in a superimposed state, and was thrown to the Heroic Spirit Foundation through the transmission channel established with Altford, and then decisively committed suicide and ran away.

After the Heroic Spirit self-destructed, the polluted spirit foundation and the 'light' transmitted to the enemy had nothing to do with him. His own [Natural God and Demon] even died completely, leaving only a huge bone without an owner, which he took back.

As long as he still has this pair of bones, he can use the experience + data of [Nine Sons and Mothers Vigorous King Kong White Bone Otto Zhan Tan Gongde with Xiangtian Demon] obtained in this trial to re-train the natal gods and demons, and perfect his 'third-order big' source'.

"Die to me!"

Seeing the last moment when Saver savior voluntarily committed suicide, he passed all his "light and concept" to the opposite "Liudong Ultrafo", the bone Taoist also seized the opportunity, self-destructed the natal god and demon in one breath, and completed the black pot cut The method is to purify and preserve this giant 'white bone' as much as possible.

For a moment, the two forces of light and pollution separated like yin and yang, and slammed into the 'Liudong Ultrafo' who took the initiative to greet them. At the same moment, the Heroic Spirit/Bone God Demon died completely!

More importantly, with the [Void] invasion at this time, all the rules and restrictions imposed by the organizer on the 'trial field' are invalid. So Bailang got the kill verdict of the 'Bone God and Demon', and at the moment of death, a key broke out? ? ?

In the end, also because of the [Void] invasion, the [No. 2 Cup] has become a 'huge hole' in the sky, continuously receiving and releasing pollution, so the spirit base is no longer recovered. This unowned pollution spirit base is completely owned by Bailang.

So all I saw was that the Skyscraper Skeleton disintegrated in an instant, and countless bones collapsed and fell down. At the same time, a key belonging to the third level floated in [Unlimited Fish System], and was snatched by Lang for the first time.

Then, the 'Gift of Light' that originally flew directly to the chest of 'Liudong Buddha' (at the position of the indicator light)...Because the Taoist suddenly detonated (self-destructed) the natal demon god, there was a small fluctuation when the heroic spirit Saver shot out the inheritance , so that the trajectory deviates.

Immediately following the 'Inheritance of Light' is the unowned 'Spiritual Base (Heavenly Demon Dao Fruit)', the 'Void Pollution' that has been filled with the spiritual base.

As for the second 'Void Pollution Heavenly Demon Dao Fruit', Bai Lang actually did not refuse any comers. After all, he himself is a partner of [Void] and a shareholder of [Nightmare Dimension], so the mere 'pollution spirit foundation' is completely trivial.


Under the interference of a slight error, the last inheritance from the Saver savior landed on the crotch of the "Liudong Aote Mountain Protector Buddha" with a thousand miles of precision.

Then the radiance was brilliant, illuminating the [Digifish Enchantment] with weird and distorted rules. Immediately, the power of light and the concept of Ultraman quickly penetrated into the wood, and the momentum of the whole Buddha statue changed completely, as if it had changed from a clay-based stone sculpture to a real Buddha statue after consecration.

At this moment, [Otto Crotch Protector Buddha] is born!

Praise, Namo Great Mercy and Great Compassion Liudong Aote Crotch Protector Buddha!

Buddha's birthday is at this very moment.

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