Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1136 Vacation, appointment? (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, ask for a monthly ticket)

At the end of the gift-giving session, the counselor's ears twitched suddenly, and she was particularly interested in the "Unlimited Fish System" that Langkou was talking about.

He immediately interrupted the communication between master and apprentice, and interjected: "Langguo, what are you talking about [unlimited fish system]? It sounds very interesting."

Lang: "A newly developed treasure. It is the crystallization of all the technology, experience, and inspiration in the manufacture of treasures since I took office (the master of secret treasures), and it is a milestone master. It is also this treasure that helps me Completed the second turn."

Counsel's eyes lit up when she heard this: "w(Д)w wow!"

After learning that [Unlimited Fish System] has built-in countless single-level 'swords-fish-type treasures', sword arrays, and equipment production lines, Gao Wen immediately shouted: "You can't favor Tim, I want it too, and I want it too." want!"

"A single fish, if it doesn't suit you very well, is just an excellent piece of equipment, and it doesn't improve your strength much. I helped Tim complete [Fish Sword Immortal. Card Group], using one after another 'Seal card', pieced together a little bit to simulate part of the effect of [Unlimited Fish System]. The more cards in the group, the stronger the improvement effect."

Counsel insisted: "Anyway, you have so many fish, so make me one for fun. I just heard you say [unlimited fish system], and the DNA immediately moved. There must be a chance for me here!"

"Don't talk about making one, it's okay to rub ten. But it's really not suitable for you. Whichever one you like, just pick it, and it's free for you."

With [Unlimited Fish System], it is really easy for Lang to simply forge a 'fish sword'. Even if it is reproduced to the extent that it surpasses the original, it is not difficult.

He only needs to select a [Jing Carp Dragon] from the 'Dragon Well' that has bred a dragon, and then combine the 'fish equipment' target selected by Gao Wen, and implant the corresponding 'concept', and he can quickly forge a high-quality imitation' Concept carp armed'.

If you add more additional material, you can easily surpass the original.

So Lang waved his hand lightly, projecting a light curtain in the air, displaying the sliding list of 'Endless Fishing Tackle', and cool 'pictures' appeared in front of Gao Wen's eyes:

Peerless good fish, snow-drinking fish, hero fish, curry fish, spiral fish, Indra fish... One after another, the top fish treasures selected as the "Hundred and Eight Innate Unlimited Fish Sword Embryos".

In addition, more famous knives and swords from the world of [Xingyue, Fengyun, Pirate] all appeared in Lang's collection in the form of "fish blade" for her to choose.

Even the tower, who was squeezed away by the cowardly girl, cast curious eyes and saw a series of 'fishing gear' with curious shapes and different functions. The corners of the eyes are twitching, which means that the eyes are wide open, but there is no courage or desire to raise and wave.

Only a guy like Gao Wen who has no sense of shame would take the initiative to 'beg for fish'! As for Tim? They were all persecuted by Master.

Gao Wen was really confused at this time, she thought that Bailang's 'Fish Sword' was just like that, taking the quantitative route and relying on quantitative changes to produce qualitative changes. Only after seeing the dozen or so 'Innate Carp Spirit Treasures (Swords)' carefully collected by Lang did he understand what it means to be a local tyrant.

"Whoa...the raging pot! Where is [Unlimited Fish System]? It's clearly [Fish Treasure], did you rob Gold Pickup? This, yes, yes, that's right...it is it!"

Gao Wen's gaze was fixed on [EX Curry Fish] which was copied from King Arthur. Suddenly became excited, "That's it! My love fish!"

While speaking, she suddenly raised her hand to count, and she murmured loudly, saying incoherent jingles, and five elements of different colors were scurrying back and forth on her palm and fingertips, which seemed quite bluffing.

Then, she said with a firm face: "I just made a fortune for myself, and this thing is the best match for me. Even if I don't use it for fighting, just wearing it on my body can continuously increase my vitality. Breast enlargement turns good luck, Die Chengxiang."

As he spoke, he drew a non-existent arc on his chest with his hand.

Tim suddenly covered his face, turned his head away in embarrassment, stopped looking at her, and lamented: "Hey, here we go again!"

It was the first time for Bailang to see a counselor tell a fortune, and he was a little curious: "What is your reasoning?"

"Divination! Let me explain it to you. This hexagram shows that Great Britain is orthodox in India. Look at this [EX Curry Fish], which uses ingredients to connect the dual elements of 'Britain' and 'India'. British staple food [Fish], when you meet the Indian staple food [Curry] Golden Wind and Jade Dew, it will be better than countless people in the world. And the prototype of the 'fish set' is based on King Arthur's 'curry stick', which is a British national treasure!"

"After my divination, through the 'force tide' that runs through the multiverse in the dark, I sensed that due to unknown reasons, the fate of Great Britain suddenly collapsed and began to flow and shift. But this luck will not disappear out of thin air, but It is transferred to other places according to the law of conservation.”

"When a mortal obtains this 'National Heavy Weapon', he only obtains a magical weapon. It is beneficial to use it to control the sky, and there is no compatibility in numerology. But I am different! I have the same name as the Knights of the Round Table, and now 'The old king is dead, and the new king is crowned', with its own fortune-telling blessing, it should be a predestined person, and it should be the right person for this fish!"

Cowardly girl suddenly said solemnly: "So Brother Lang, I am the destined 'Indian Curry Knight'! This treasure can help my luck!"

"Really?" Bailang didn't believe it. What kind of liar are you? Which old king is dead? National transfer? British orthodoxy in India? Dumb Mao Wang is clearly alive and well at the singularity, and has become my Bodhisattva who protects the Dharma, and he is not dead at all! The fortune is more prosperous.

(Counsel: You know a hammer! My divination is invincible, someone must have died!)

Miss Captain sighed helplessly and put her hand on her forehead: "Don't pay attention to her, she is just like this in the mission world. She often listens to unreliable rumors from the aborigines, and then she gets inspired, shouting why the opportunity has come, buying messy things at high prices Things. Even a lot of embers were wasted on these things that are destined for her and can enhance fortune and fortune. Your [EX Curry Fish] is already considered reliable, at least the quality is really high. She also bought white quality at a high price Miscellaneous items: lucky cat litter, dog teething sticks, black-tech mysterious aquarium... Look at the amulets she wears around her neck, they are all there."

Looking at the talismans and pendants all over the girl's neck, she thinks of the [wild showers that were not tamed by early humans] that she regarded as a treasure. Bailang felt that it was really miserable to have such a thing at the booth of the girlfriends group. In contrast, my own daughter is too reliable. Dad is proud.

"Sister Ting, how can you say that this is useless? Although the price is high, which one of my Immortal Meow, Immortal Wang, and Immortal Puffer Fish has not played a decisive role?"


After drinking and eating, the two sides exchanged a lot of valuable information.

In addition to strengthening the alliance between the two parties and deepening the relationship between myself and my girlfriends, this dinner party naturally has a utilitarian purpose. Such as exchanging the resources that each other needs, each takes what it needs. And we have preliminarily confirmed the cooperation intention for the next vacation.

In this trial, not only Lang and Miss Captain were promoted successfully. The rest of the girlfriends group also advanced to the third rank in the new mission. Everyone ushered in another 'vacation opportunity'.

It's a pity that the elf girl is facing her own third-order trial, otherwise this vacation will be a "couple's trip" to sublimate the relationship.

Although I missed Ophelia, the girlfriends came to make up for it. Team Zhuang said that if we can lock in a mission world that is helpful for everyone to improve their strength, then we can indeed cooperate and win-win.

As for the cowardly girl, she said that she has worked hard and worked hard on number theory tasks in the past. She strongly requested to find a world where she can relax and enjoy herself.

Soon, which one will you choose for 'Vacation World'? A heated discussion ensued.

Bailang used to be a foreign member of the 'Girlfriends Group'. If the two parties agree to cooperate, they can choose from the worlds they have experienced as 'members'.

You can also consume special 'designated world props' to form a group to enter the 'inherited world' behind the [Invitation Card to the World in the Witch] that Langxin got.

The group of girlfriends began to study whether Bailang's mission experience was worthwhile? It's a pity that several mission worlds have been destroyed (jojo, Ninja World), but [Alchemy World, Gu Wu Jianghu, Zombie Pirates] are all reopened. ([Singularity] Deep pollution, shielded and isolated, inaccessible.)

Bailang is also watching the mission records of the girlfriends group. There are [Dark City] that they have experienced together, as well as the canceled 'Ninja World' and the sealed singularity'.

There are also the space background "Force World" that he has never touched, the world of tomb robbers (closed, inaccessible), the world of monsters, the occult wasteland punk...

Since girlfriend groups often form teams and act separately, there are more optional content.

When the two sides were exchanging information, Lang Ye and his sister hooked up together, and the dog muttered furiously, bargaining with each other, and continued the unfinished PY transaction.

The prodigal hand has dozens of opportunities to pet cats and dogs, and they haven't used them up yet. In the same way, Counselor is also waiting for the transaction with an equal number of 'Jidu chatting card and Fufu posting card'.

Now Lang quietly projected the daily beautiful photos taken by C's mother in Fuyuki, and promoted the newly launched "Medea Hot Spring Card, Little Jack Pillow Card, and White Star European Trampoline Card" to the little girl.

Counsel's eyes straightened when she heard this, and she kept praising: "Brother, you are still playing with flowers, and younger sister is willing to bow down." She also expressed her willingness to take the initiative to dedicate herself, sacrifice herself, and provide Lang with the best and top-notch'sucking cats, pulling dogs, rua dango experience'.

"No! No! No! The status of my family is getting higher and higher, and my temperament is becoming more and more goddess. Fufu has evolved into an angel, and other girls are also unattainable. The magician of the black holy bowl, the female sea queen of Lalaiye... you If you want to take advantage of their benefits and stick with them, you need to pay a higher price."

"No, no, my fairy beast form is also getting stronger and more cute. I will definitely be able to confuse sister Kedu and win their favor. Brother Lang, I am fun now, and I will definitely bring you a better experience !"

The cowardly girl is selling herself with a humble face, and now it is obvious that Lang is more competitive, with a large number of top-quality girls in his hands, it is completely a seller's market.

"Oh? Really? So you've become a better Rua?"

"I'm super good at Rua! My teammates have used it and said it's good. This is also the strongest selling point of my main attack, and I have been deliberately strengthening it. There is no disadvantage in the mission world. Even several mission bosses are confused by me, so they can survive. .”

Lang's eyes lit up: "Then why are you so dazed? Why don't you transform quickly and tell your buddies to have a good time first?"

"Okay, here we come!" Cowardly girl said flatteringly, "Which one do you like, Brother Lang? Immortal Little Qinglong?"

"Go, go, let's get rid of shoe-shining puffer fish and pig worms and immortals first, and start with raccoons. Let me Kang Kang, have you grown up?"

"Don't worry, I'm super healthy."

With that said, Counselor activates [Taiyi Five Elements Transformation] and switches to 'Meow Immortal Mode'. The pretty and lovely perverted girl disappeared, and a pile of clothes fell on the seat. Instead, it was a palm-sized civet cat, which fell into Bailang's arms.

Seeing Bailang flirting with his sister again, everyone took it for granted to carve up Fufu and Little Jack, and began to relieve the pressure. Cowardly girls have long been tired of masturbation, but the cute silly fufu has a more deadly attraction.

Suddenly switching to a cat, the cowardly girl fell into a transition period of blank brain and chaotic thinking. My mind is confused, there is no memory of being a human being, and my body has turned into a real "civet cat" in all directions, leaving only the animal instinct of a cat.

But she didn't have the slightest fear, instead she let out a milky sound of "meow!", and then burst out the "natural force of immortality" stronger than that of the human stage (counseling girl), supported her body and slowly floated up, and finally got out of the waves embrace.


The last time I licked her, she was still a silly lizard who just accepted it. Why is it possible to manifest the 'Original Force' while becoming younger now? But, so cute.

On the face of the "Original Force Milk Cat", the curiosity, vigilance, and fear that a kitten should have are not visible, but the arrogance, arrogance, domineering, and contempt that only an adult cat can have. The cat is big and impotent, very uncoordinated.

Under the pull of gravity, the whole cat's body naturally elongated into the shape of a "cat", standing upright in the air, with both feet hanging in the air, chest up and abdomen in.

A pair of fluffy little arms, proudly crossed and embraced the chest. The cute little cat looked down at the white waves, his eyes were confused, but his tone was very firm: "Mortal, surrender to the great force of the cat... Meow meow?!"

Seeing such an arrogant and stupid expression on the face of the underage cat, it really hit the button of "crazy cat" in the heart of the lover. Lang couldn't hold back anymore, he grabbed the back of Xiao Lihua's neck, fished it into his arms, and began to rub the cat's head angrily.

"So stupid, so funny."

The delirious 'Original Force Cat', his expression immediately changed from arrogant and domineering, to narrowing his eyes in seconds, trembling and trembling comfortably, and couldn't help meowing, limp in Lang's arms, showing an expression of extra enjoyment: "It's so comfortable, so comfortable, mortal, keep touching and rubbing vigorously! Meow meow meow..." The tail spun like a propeller.

Feeling the smooth and soft masturbation, Bailang's pleasure value increased greatly, and he turned to look at Zhuang Lanting: "Has she always been this stupid?"

"Except for the five forms of 'Blowfish' which is delirious + drowsy after transformation, the other four appear to be mentally deficient after transformation. It takes 10 minutes to restore and integrate human consciousness, but the character and thinking will still be affected by the 'animal' The impact is not very normal, each has its own characteristics."

Lang: "Such a serious defect, don't you think there is a way to overcome it?"

"Gao Wen specially maintained the 'cub state', superimposed her 'natural force', in the state of the fairy beast, it has a law-level effect, which can deceive the enemy's mind, and produce relaxation, pity, and compassion for the transformed cubs. Love, care... and other positive emotions. Aren't you also fooled?"

I was embracing the original force cat, stroking Shun's fur happily, and couldn't put it down. It wasn't until the young lady reminded me that I didn't realize that my mentality was wrong. The first time I saw Xiaolihua, my heart was turned into a cat slave. It's just that his behavior is more aggressive, but he ignores the fact of being a 'cat slave'.

Of course, this silent defense of the mind is also related to the fact that 'Ewha' is really stupid. Cowardly girl has no bad intentions at this time, she is a genuine milk cat, so that she can further amplify her "cub temperament", and use the force hint + immortal mode to create an innocent, pitiful and cute aura, and capture everyone.

At this time, Lang immediately thought of Fufu's [Show cute domineering + charming tear mole], which also has a similar effect. Moisturize things silently to gain favor...


After being baptized by Fufu, I actually fell into the trap of a cat?

"Little cat, so cute, shall we cut it?" Jack's eyes showed strong love, and he touched the knife uncontrollably, wanting to express his 'goodwill'.

Xiaolihua, who was enjoying Bailang Qi and blood massage, immediately frowned, released the 'Force Shield' vigilantly, and looked at Jack.

Informed by the "Mother of the Force", she read the danger and death from the other party.

Zhuang Lanting: "Not everyone's 'favorite' is reflected in goodwill. However, Gao Wen's [Taiyi Five Elements Transformation] did bring great benefits to the team. Every form of her fairy beast, gradually Different abilities have been developed, with a wide range of uses, far more reliable than the 'human form'."

"Meow meow meow meow!" Hearing this, the little milk cat nodded in agreement, expressing that Gao Wen is a fool.

Then, Maomao suddenly turned to look at Bailang, and asked in a small voice: "Yinnei, why did you stop massaging? The great God of Maomao gave you the qualification to touch me."

At the same time, an invisible force controlled Bailang's hands and continued to massage the cat. Immediately, the little milk cat trembled again, limp in Bailang's palm, showing its belly, shivering happily.

Nima is so fun? Lang immediately couldn't put it down.

Seeing this scene, Tim also explained: "This is its protective color. Faced with the existence that makes it feel dangerous, it immediately shows an arrogant and noble appearance, begging to be petted + cute. More than 90% of the enemies will not be able to control petting It, in turn, feels pleasure and dissolves hostility."

Tower also spoke: "It even fooled a guard robot without artificial intelligence."

Lang also knows that each of Counsel's 'Fairy Beast Mode' has its own five ability bars. In terms of the number of [ability columns], it is five times that of normal contractors! (Cost: Sacrifice all [Familiar Bar] and [Blood Bar])

It's just that in the 'Fairy Beast Mode', they cannot share the ability bar with each other. It is equivalent to a brand new "fairy beast (demon cultivator) contractor".

Therefore, it is not a lie that every "fairy beast mode" is better than a cowardly girl.

Gao Wen, has 7-1 (Taiyi Five Elements Change) = 6 ability columns + [occupation column]

But Immortal Meow, Immortal Wang... Immortal Zhu Er Chong all have 5 [Ability Bars] + [Occupation Bar - Force Master].

Gao Wen's [ability bar] is strengthened from the bottom, and there is a risk of being useless. However, the ability columns of the five immortal beasts can all be carefully selected, and they can absorb Gao Wen's failure experience. Start strengthening from the second level, choose more, and match better configurations.

Lang exclaimed: "No wonder the original force of this raccoon is so powerful!"

"The original force cat is Gawain's strongest fighting form. After washing the body with the "immortal force", it has become a special "immortal beast". The other four modes are not as strong as the meowing fairy."

"Meow meow!" Little Pear Blossom moaned comfortably. With the accumulation of transformation time, its IQ gradually increased, and it agreed with the captain's conclusion very much. Continue to twist in Lang's arms, seeking comfort.

"Tuanzi and Liekongzao are not as good as it?" He remembered that the strongest mode of his sister was not a cat.

"It's a mistake to add points. Maomao clicked [Jedi Master], but the stronger Tuanzi clicked [Master], and the cracked empty seat didn't evolve at all, and the pig worm is currently the lowest."

"Meow, meow, the god of cats and cats is the strongest! Mortals, be stronger... oh~ meow~ meow~!"

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