Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1140 I, Bailang, have no longevity! poverty! none! do!

When the new [Thorn Palace] is not activated, it still retains the basic functions of the ‘Halo’ and has been strengthened. But the real highlight of [Magic Palace] is its 'inherent enchantment' aspect.

First of all, the name [Magic Palace of Thorns] comes from another inherent enchantment of Lang [King Kong Realm].

The core concepts of the two are almost identical. [King Kong World] brings the ultimate physical defense to Lang, deconstructing the body into a temple dedicated to him. Lang, who admired the concept of King Kong's enchantment and gained an extreme sense of security from it, decisively copied this routine.

[Thorn Palace] is another palace used to enshrine its own "IBM particle soul", but the material of the palace is not the physical defense cast by "armed blood"; it uses the soul of [Black Thorn Lady] Stone, and there is no concept of layers.

The normal state of [Magic Palace] is a luxurious palace that exists in Bailang's mind. To the outside world, there is no volume; but if it invades the spiritual world, it will be a huge crystal palace, which constitutes the strongest firewall except for 'evil spirits'.

The Crystal Demon Palace is made of countless thorn-shaped soul stones, and the raw materials come from genuine 'compressed souls'. Any attack at the spiritual and soul level will be offset by the strength of the 'magic palace' itself, ignoring the influence of illusions whose level is lower than its own.

Once the enemy masters some kind of attack that directly invades the spiritual level, not only will it be defended by the 'magic palace', but it can also be rebounded through the 'soul thorns' and follow the attack trajectory to counterattack the opponent.

And those who are more powerful and have more high-end abilities are "soul out of body, primordial spirit seized, and spiritual body invaded". After invading the interior of the [Magic Palace], they will enjoy the rules of forbidden magic, which will lead to the invalidation of their abilities and allow them to be slaughtered by waves.

The above is the defense mode of [Magic Palace].

When [Magic Palace] enters the offensive mode, it can be projected from the spiritual world to the outside world, and unfolded with the physical body as the center, forming a cage of thorns.

Externally, [Magic Palace] has powerful non-physical damage absorption, spiritual absorption, and elemental resistance. Any damage from attacking the Demon Palace will be partially offset and absorbed, further transforming and enhancing the strength of the barrier.

Therefore, if you want to blow up the [Magic Palace] from the outside, you must output an attack that far exceeds the strength of the barrier itself, and through continuous overflow, gradually disintegrate the [Magic Palace]'s defense.

When entering the interior of the [Magic Palace], you can enjoy the "Magic Forbidden Package". Both the enemy and the enemy will lose all abilities except basic physical attacks.

Bailang was the first to promise not to use magic, supernatural powers, Taoism... and other extraordinary powers. Even with the sincerity of sacrificing and sealing [Great Source. Spiritual Pollution], let each other start a fair and just physical fight in the 'thorn cage'!

Of course, Qi and Blood Martial Arts representing migrant workers is very basic physics, there is no need to ban it.

And after the opponent falls into the [Magic Palace], unless the core power (Dayuan) exceeds the inherent strength of the barrier, all the 'non-physical side power' will be invalid first (forbidden magic); then when Bailang seals the [Dayuan. , the [Great Source] in the opponent's body will also be shut down. (FAIR! FAIR!! FAIR!!!)

In the [Magic Palace], every physical attack of Lang will inevitably superimpose the effect of mental pain (thorns). This point is mainly used to deal with those physical enemies who don't care about the effect of "forbidden magic".

After all, after fairness and justice, [Magic Palace] did not bring too many advantages to Lang, so adding a little mental damage to each attack can reflect the status of the host.

Otherwise, once the [Magic Palace] is opened, is it my inherent barrier or yours?

In addition to the normal 'spiritual firewall' and the 'thorn cage' on the combat side, [Magic Palace] has an alternative usage. It is superimposed with [Diamond Realm].

Because the two concepts are highly consistent, when Lang unfolds layers of [King Kong Barrier] outside his body, he can coat the external 'barrier' and superimpose [Magic Palace] to form a composite inherent barrier [Great King Kong] Magic Palace】Beat the prey one-on-one.

In this state, the [Vajra Demon Palace] is indestructible and unbelievably hard. Even if the righteous young heroes outside are so anxious that they lose their hair, they can only helplessly watch this wave violently beat up the goddess in their hearts in the small black room.

The new [Thorn Palace] may not be considered outstanding in terms of data performance alone. Among the many inherent barriers that Lang has seen, they can only be regarded as ordinary and excellent. But its super protection against the 'soul' just makes up for Bailang's weakness.

Because it fits, it is strong. Just like the [Essence and Blood Qi Collection] selected in [the first column].

Even if he didn't have many [evil spirit] body guards, he now has no soul shortcomings, and he can boldly confront all kinds of magic masters and spirits without falling behind.

As for [Magic Palace] and [King Kong Realm] superimposed, they are even more powerful, and the performance is even close to the more advanced 'Purple (God-level)'.

In the end, [Magic Palace] itself may not be against the sky, but Bailang's first five ability columns have corresponding [Evil Spirits] to match.

After the [Thorn Lady] settled in her own [Magic Palace], the bandage girl, the 'god', would be enshrined in the temple. The superposition of 'Evil Spirit Realm' and 'Thorn Palace' = a serious purple magical skill.


After raising [Thorns] with his excellent enchantment skills, Lang continued to focus on [Third Column: Knowledge Color. Youmo Seed].

This ability was used by Lang again and again in this trial, and it was gradually raised to the full level of LV5. Among the current six abilities, it is the one most likely to break through to Lv6.

First pay 9000 embers to solidify the realm of Lv5. Then, for the [third column], did Lang break through Lv6, or did he complete the promotion? Caught in a tangled choice.

The optimal solution is undoubtedly to break through Lv6 first, and then look for a suitable 'higher-level ability' as the direction of progress, with one's own 'ability column' as the core, selectively integrate and cover, and complete your own promotion.

But the real situation is: Most of the contractors without talent, after developing the ability bar to Lv4, will face the situation of being unable to succeed. Their talent does not support themselves to develop an ability to the point of perfection (Lv5).

So in order to become stronger, he could only hastily choose a higher-level ability with a higher degree of fit, take risks to complete the coverage, and forcibly raise the quality of the [Ability Bar], continue to grow, and get feedback.

But more people, after completing a coverage promotion, develop the [ability bar] into a dead end, losing the possibility of continuing to grow. The first five columns of most mediocre contractors are often stuck in dark blue or green.

It is more difficult to hit the promotion of 'Orange Rank (Half God)'. If there is no in-depth understanding and control of the 'Ability Bar', it is normal to simply use the 'Advanced Skills' to overwrite the ability bar.

The difference between being promoted to the Orange rank and breaking through to Lv6:

It's like the former broke through from the "Yuanying stage" to the "Mahayana stage". Readers who have rich experience in cultivation must be very aware of how difficult this level is for the non-protagonist NPC Nascent Soul monster.

The difficulty of breaking through Lv6 is equivalent to creating a non-existent realm of 'Consummation+1' on the basis of Dzogchen when Nascent Soul Dzogchen is about to break through the 'Mahayana'. It is more difficult than hitting the Mahayana period, and there is no risk, but the success rate is slim.

At this moment, Lang is facing this dilemma.

With his Lv5 realm, he is 100% sure of advancing in the ability column. But he wanted to hit Lv6 in his heart. But at this moment, he didn't have any inspiration or ideas for breaking through Lv6 and creating a new realm.

If you don't get promoted, just like the [Qi and Blood Bar] before, continue to drag. Waiting for a flash of inspiration one day to find an idea to break Lv6. If you choose to be promoted, the third column will be strengthened to the demigod level on the spot, and your strength will be greatly improved. But he missed a Lv6 opportunity forever.

The higher the ability bar is, the less likely it is to break through Lv6.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lang resolutely gave up promoting the [Phantom Demon Seed]. Since the next round of tasks happened to be a vacation, he decided to relax. There is no main line constraint, and you can return at any time, which means that there is no risk and pressure.

Since there is zero risk, why pursue stronger power? Let's wait and see if there is a chance to break through Lv6 this holiday? If it is too late to break through, it is not too late to be promoted.

[The fourth column: blood therapy Lv6, blue. 】

As weak as [Thorn], it only has blue quality, which is completely incompatible with his status as a Tier 3 boss. However, he successfully broke the limit of [blood therapy], a piece of rubbish, and achieved unprecedented achievements! How much to save a little face.

Apart from being proud, Lang has a deep affection for this ability column that once entrusted his "dream of a doctor". I don't want to 'override promotion' casually, completely exhausting its potential, and developing a garbage column that is not high enough and low enough.

At the same time, [Blood Therapy] is also one of the important foundations that constitute one's own [Great Source of Qi and Blood], let alone messing around.

But it is not realistic to delay without strengthening.

Too low! Too low!

I'm already at the third level of Bailang, so the ability to tolerate it still stays at the 'blue' level? [Thorns] are all flying up, how can [blood therapy] stretch your hips?

But [Blood Therapy] wanted to advance, but the difficulty was not small. Because it is an unpopular skill among the unpopular, it is not as adaptable as [Qi and Blood], and it can be smoothly connected to any back road, so it can be called a versatile skill.

If ordinary contractors strengthen [blood therapy], this ability will basically be useless, and it belongs to the kind of strengthening into a dead end. At a low level, it is very useful and has no disadvantages, but after a high level, it is reduced to a weak point, and there is no way to advance.

However, after breaking through LV6 together with [Qi and Blood] and obtaining the Profound Truth [First Chain], Lang immediately broke through to a new height and gained a different perspective.

If there is no [Eight Wife Bloodline] to hinder it, the [First Chain] is a complete life of Bai Lang, and it can even be understood as a "second soul", which is enough to seize other targets and refine an incarnation outside the birth.

It's a pity that there is [Ji Du], Lang's soul is memetized, no matter what the situation is, there is only one, it does not support the second clone, but it has a complete 'life'.

This 'fate' is incomparably useless. It is a waste of money to use it as a second blood bar even though it has the ability to be an 'incarnation outside the body'!

Lang was very worried about his inability to cultivate. It's not that he envies the coquettish and coquettish cultivators, after all, he also has the virtual profession of [Fish Sword Immortal]. The compelling style of painting is not inferior, even stronger!

What is not reconciled to Lang is still the issue of longevity. How many immortals has he [Fish Sword Immortal] crushed, but only mortals have the lifespan? Now after breaking through [Martial Dao Renxian], the lifespan of a pure human has soared to 300-23 years old! It's a disgrace to the immortals!

Under the escort of [sub-human blood], he was able to die without a problem and remained at the peak. But still not happy!

So Lang seriously considered this issue during this round of promotion trials, and inspired by the elf girl, he came up with a wild idea, and he is about to try it now!

Log in to the Paradise Mall, enter the magic area, click on the contract scroll category, and search for: [Life Contract]

As a result, thousands of products with the same name but different functions were refreshed in an instant. However, the vast majority of [life contracts] abide by 'equality, inability to betray, life binding, damage sharing...' and the most important 'shared life'.

This is a very classic contract in the wizarding world, and its appearance rate is comparable to that of the Styx contract. The specific usage is often that the user contracts a powerful monster, establishes a connection with it, communicates spiritually, is intimate, and shares the damage...

The protagonists of sex ruffians are usually bound to female giant dragons, who can ride and fuck day and night, and the lifespan of a mortal is instantly connected to the dragon. As long as one party survives, they can live until the other party dies.

Naturally, Bailang wouldn't casually tie up with a strange piece of trash and pin his life on him, how stupid is that?

But what about the contract with oneself?

[First link] It clearly has a complete 'life', but it cannot be used as a clone. Then instead of making it a clone, release it, take away a long-lived species, and create a special individual that does not have its own soul, but inherits its complete "life" of "spirit, life, and blood".

It's me, but it's not me. Then make a contract with each other and enjoy each other's lifespan from then on.

In this way, even if the opponent is beaten to death, it will only abolish the first chain. As for the death of one party, he was buried with him? I have already been beaten to death, how do you want me to die?

And once this plan is successful, the 'Longevity Seed' that was taken away by [the first chain] will also be a body of its own, except that it does not have its own soul will, but an independent thinking.

But [the first chain] is still in effect, and the opponent's health bar is still his own. Pass your own damage to the past, and if you lack blood and life, you will draw it from the air.

Even if the race is chosen well, the blood volume is completely above the human body!

In an instant, the 'Yunmeng Dragon Race. Dragon Egg' and 'Jimo Mountain. Monster Egg' hoarded by him emerged in Lang's mind. Red Lotus Gothic Wave, Baltan Star Wave, King Kido Wave, Cosmic Dinosaur Jetton Wave... are not clones, they are better than clones.

From now on, Shouyuan will be safe!

The length of the second blood bar exploded, breaking through the sky!

Just ask: "Who is thicker than me?!"

"Perfect! The perfect way to break the game!" The more Bailang thought about it, the more excited he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was the reason.

I, Bailang, released the [First Chain] and threw it into a 'Yunmeng Dragon Egg', injecting life into the dead embryo that has lost its vitality, so that it can live another life. Isn't this a boundless merit?

Because of the memeticization of the soul, then I will abandon the clone and endow it with independent thinking and will, making it a brand new individual.

It's just that both the soul and the life force belong to oneself. Sign another contract with each other, strengthen the connection between the hearts, and share the longevity by the way.

The Yunmeng dragon clan has long been integrated into the mountain and sea world, possesses the characteristics of monsters and beasts, and can be cultivated completely, and further strengthen the "shouyuan" to repay my life-giving grace. By the way, join [Greedy Sect], and give you the position of eight dragons.

In order to verify this bold idea, Bailang even bought a 'dark green' quality [Life Contract] from a high-level magical world at a high price.

Although according to his vision, only one 'light blue quality' can try to break through.

After all, the dragon egg is your own, and the [first chain] is your own. It is used to seize the property and make a contract. Is it difficult to do business with yourself? All you need is a connection.

But for the purpose of self-consolation, he still bought the most expensive one.

You guys used to be beep my sub-human blood trash, with too many restrictions and countless weaknesses.

I said don't panic, don't panic... The preparation plan has already been arranged.

The weakness of the soul. A god system will give you security, which is stronger than what specializes in soul defense.

Shouyuan = human beings are a hammer, as long as the [first chain] seizes the house + contract, you can't die at all... Do you understand the shared lifespan? Divide your life in half!

I'll live your share first, and when you're about to hiccup, then use mine... No, I kicked you, signed a new one, and continue to live its share first, wouldn't it be beautiful? !

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