Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1159 Fantastic Beasts Cooking Class

After seeing the house elves all over the place, Bailang suddenly had a burst of inspiration and brainstorming, and found the key link to complete the [Holy Grail of Fire].

But he didn't stay in the Hogwarts kitchen, he just ordered a free luxury supper for the father and daughter, and then left in a hurry with a pair of daughters.

When she returned to the private bedroom, the counselor had already dressed, occupied the sofa, and stayed in the room.

Seeing Bailang come back, his eyes lit up even more, and he stuck to it with a dead skin, and asked, "Langguo, Langguo, is my divination useful? Can you help you complete the Holy Grail Project? Is my [Law of Spring] found? "

The sage wave who had just finished his cat addiction, with a clear heart at the moment, pushed Gao Wen's face away: "It's useful, don't worry about your affairs, just wait for my news. I will inform you to cooperate with me when the time comes. "

The counselor showed satisfaction, and continued to ask: "The night is long, so what shall we do next?"

"Of course it's time to sleep! You can get out, Fufu and Jack are still young and need to rest. Do you have no class tomorrow?"

"There are three colleges that want to teach "Flying Lesson". When I was exploring the day before yesterday, I found a lot of Muggle flying machines that were sealed in Ravenclaw's warehouse. There are flying motorcycles, flying cars, flying three jumpers, flying electric blankets, This inspired me, and I plan to personally plan a grand [Flying Wheelchair Violent Quidditch Tournament] and declare it as a competition event of this year's 'Triwizard Hegemony', do you think it has a future?"

Lang shook his head: "No!"

Counseling ignored his answer, and said energetically: "The simple broomstick is outdated. It grinds its roots and crotch. It is not friendly to wizards and wizards. But the wheelchair is different. It is comfortable to ride, conforms to the human body structure, and can also enjoy extreme speed. Flying for a ride is fun, thrilling and safe! I have already contacted the professor of "Alchemy and Enchanting Class", and plan to order a batch of flying wheelchairs with educational funds. Brother Lang, will you accompany me to design the rules of the competition?"

Lang ruthlessly refused: "No time, no company, fuck off!"

"You're so unfeeling, you turn your face and deny people after you touch someone's house. At least you have to help change the new wheelchair."

The cowardly girl was about to cry, and then took out the first-generation ninja old man Le, and the second-generation Thanos-cosmic wheelchair.

The former is a means of transportation created by the "Lord of Secret Treasures", which has been changed into a "Cyber ​​Pain Wheel Chair" by her devil; the latter is the equipment rewarded for the trial, and is used as the reinforcement material for "Cyber ​​Old Man Music".

Lang: "Let it go, I'll make a stronger one for you tonight."

Counseling quickly added: "Speed! Speed!! The core attribute must ensure speed, and I want a racing wheelchair! Other functions can be weakened, but speed must be strengthened. This is what I prepared for [Rolling Immortal] Life-saving tool."

Bailang couldn't help but flash a picture of a group of children paddling behind to fish when the group of girlfriends were fighting. Then he was suddenly surrounded by enemies and trembling in desperation, then sold a wave of cuteness to attract attention, summoned a 'flying wheelchair' with a small fist, and then sat in it like a Zhuge giant baby, with the left claw folding fan and the right claw joystick control The tail flames were jetting away, bursting out at a speed that didn't match its size.

"Okay, okay, you can change it if you are not satisfied, so let's go."

Gawain was driven away, Bailang asked the two sisters to play in the bedroom, and he stayed in the study to apply for a batch of house elves from Hannibal and Dean Snape as experimental materials for the reason of "Goblet of Fire".

As Hufflepuff's professor, he has a death quota of 10 elves every semester. For ordinary professors, it is more than enough; but for [Holy Bowl], it is pitifully small.

Under normal circumstances, when he was in "Fantastic Beasts Cooking Class", he needed house elves to act as helpers, responsible for carrying ingredients, knives, and seasonings to the students. When the ingredients run amok and out of control, the house elves also need to stand up and block the knife for the students to die.

Sometimes, in the face of cruel food, elves are likely to be killed on the spot; try to eat some dangerous unknown dark dishes, and be poisoned to death... Such deaths due to business will be supplemented by the school, with 10 places per semester.

However, Hufflepuff controls Hogwarts' house elf resources, and it can be used on a large scale with the approval of the dean.

In addition, Bailang also served Snape in private. It is necessary for the other party to support a group of elves as research materials to promote his [Heroic Lily] project.

At this time, the dean, who was correcting the homework of the Potions class, suddenly received a message from the magic net in the school, and he looked confused after clicking on it.

Although he didn't understand why the lowly house-elf would have anything to do with his beloved Lily's resurrection project? But Outlander did this to prove his ability.

Naturally, Snape wanted to support it, to see what tricks the other party could come up with.

The next morning, in the first fourth-grade "Fantastic Beasts Cooking Class", Bailang received replies from two principals, giving him the quota of supplies for 100+60 house-elves.

Hannibal expressed his expectation that Bailang could create a brand-new series of recipes using "house elves" as ingredients, enrich the teaching materials of "Fantastic Beasts Cooking Class", and complete a puzzle for Hufflepuff's gourmet map.

Before this, there wasn't any way of cooking house-elves in the wizarding world. Everyone seems to agree that this thing can't be used.

Snape personally purchased 60 elves as his personal investment. It is expected to be delivered within a week, and Bailang is told to pay attention and sign for it at any time.

"Ahem, be quiet!"

Today is a co-class class, with Gryffindor and Hufflepuff in fourth grade.

Bailang put his mind to two things, expressed his thanks to the two principals respectively, and said to the noisy students:

"As usual, each college has four students, in groups of eight, and they can form teams freely. After the assignment, each group occupies a kitchen table. Next, I will distribute today's lecture objects: one anesthetized student in each group. The degree of anesthesia is limited, only shallow sleep is guaranteed, and severe pain stimulation will wake them up or even violently, how to deal with it? You have already learned it in the lower grades, so I won’t go into details. Groups that perform poorly will be detained. points; on the contrary, excellent teams will get extra points.”

"Open the textbook, Chapter 7 of Unit 1, Nixie is a magical animal that is common in daily life. Please don't be fooled by the harmless watches of these thieves. They like to steal, have a talent for treasure hunting, and look exactly like moles and The hybrid of the platypus was once bred in large numbers by the Indians and used for burglary, and it is still a commonly used tool for theft in poor areas. African magic schools have developed a special model of "minesweeper sniffing", which has been greatly influenced by Harping. Today's Nordic The magic school is trying to cultivate a special breed that can search for wild dragon eggs."

"This magical animal usually has a litter of eight babies and can give birth twice a year. The large number is not a protected animal. All countries in the world allow large-scale hunting. Long-term consumption can promote lactation and improve the sense of smell...etc. Basic magic needs. Well, now I will give you 20 minutes of free discussion time. After the team is formed, discuss the division of labor. It is recommended that the Hogwarts warriors slaughter, skin, and prepare vegetables, and the Hufflepuff guys Disassemble, concoct, cook..."

"Assessment requirements for this class: one sniff, cook at least four dishes, recipes are selected from the textbook, there is no limit here. After cooking, every two groups exchange food with each other, must eat all, and then score. The lowest score 1/4 of the students will have extra lessons this weekend. The topic is: [Swamp Scavenging Demon Maggots]. One maggot eats eight, and no leftovers are allowed."

Hearing Lang's final punishment, the students of the two colleges burst out moans of despair like death mothers at the same time. Then when he looked at the group of narcotics who were pushed in by the elves, his eyes were full of murderous intent that couldn't be concealed.

After 15 noisy minutes, Bailang returned to the podium, commanded a group of magic punk prosthetic elves, put black furs in a coma, put them on the kitchen counters, and then teleported away.

The wizards of the two academies also spontaneously completed the grouping, and they were used to this kind of group cooperation in the third grade last year.

At the end of each semester, there are also combined classes in the four faculties. Three people from each college formed a 12-member team and went into the field to complete the practical training assessment. From tracking, trapping, hunting, to gathering herbs, making fires, building camp...cooking, eating, put this semester's lessons to life.

However, the fourth-grade wizards, who were gradually entering adolescence, yearned for the field trials in the senior grades (sixth and seventh grades). It is said that the school has opened the 'pile driving restriction' to the senior grades, and the assessment content is very restricted! Known as the mysterious "Physiology Lesson".

Bai Lang felt that Counselor's [Law of Spring Project] could cooperate with Gryffindor, and she was also a member of the Lion House, so there was less resistance to promotion.

With the end of the distribution of hypertrophic anesthesia comparable to a medium-sized dog, this practical class officially began.

Bailang lay prone on the podium, paddling fish and water boredly.

Occasionally, one of them, Nixiu, woke up from the severe pain of being disemboweled, struggling to bite and scratch students. The teaching assistant Tim will rush forward, brandish the anesthesia wrench bestowed by Bailang himself, give physical therapy to relieve the danger, and deduct 10 points for this group.

In a certain group at this time, the trio of Harry and Neville, the second-generation swordsman of Hogwarts, were gathering with four Hufflepuffs, discussing how to disassemble the Hufflepuff while bragging and farting. Sniff? Which four ingredients are collected and what kind of dishes are cooked?

Hermione, who looks like Watson's, has a heart attack at this moment. Seeing the sleeping Sniffer standing with her hands folded, she refuses to participate in this bloody massacre, and criticizes: "Why does the school want to punish such a harmless and cute little thing?" Poisonous hands?"

"Perhaps to exercise our psychological tolerance?" one Hufflepuff replied.

Ron, who is physically strong, picked up the sniff, straightened it, and used his hand as a knife, gesticulating back and forth on the back of the neck, wanting to show off the 'strong hand cracking head' combat skill he learned during the summer vacation, and nodded in agreement: " The school is inferior. I suspect that the deans have embezzled funds to find such weak animals as ingredients. A real man should fight ferocious beasts, such as the Siberian golden layer, or the big cat in the African grassland... "

Harry, who has a handsome appearance but also has a hulking body, nodded and said: "Ron is right! Real men don't bother hunting and sniffing this kind of little garbage. It's too small and weak, and it doesn't even have any meat."

Neville shook his head and retorted: "It's not small, the bamboo rats raised by my grandma are not that big."

Hermione sneered: "Just your counterparts? You also talk about fighting beasts. If you have the ability, sign up for the Triwizard Hegemony. It is said that there is a dragon slaying project."

"Dragon? My brother Charlie trains dragons in Bulgaria. I go back every summer. I even ride a dragon!"

"Wow!" Hufflepuffs and Neville all around exclaimed in amazement, which made Ron turn red and proudly raised his chest muscles, like a little rooster.

Harry's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he asked: "Which 'riding' is it? I heard from the little wolf licking that there is a hidden branch of the witcher course [Dragon Control] among the elective courses of Gryffindor's fifth grade. Through indescribable ways, dragon beasts can be tamed, and magic power can be absorbed from them to increase the purity and reserve of magic power."

Ron's eyes also lit up, and he showed a smile that I understood: "I've heard of it too! It's a mysterious double-cultivation technique from the plateau."

The signature skills of the Pile Driving Academy are not only witch hunting, but also all kinds of magical animals hunted in the wild.

As long as you are not dead, as long as you are still hot, regardless of your gender, you can pass the secret method of [Buddhist Lishi Piling Sutra], enter the joy mode, replenish the magic power of magical animals, and increase your own cultivation, which is called "great joy".

This is also the reason why "natural warlocks" often appear among the descendants of Hogwarts students. That's all for wizards, some witches will always have some accidents after casting the secret method.

The other two Hufflepuff wizards also showed longing looks, and asked, "Can we Hufflepuffs also choose?"

"Please don't discuss these dirty things in front of ladies."

Ron said in disbelief: "Hermione, you are a member of Gryffindor. No matter how smart you are, you still have the blood of a hunter flowing in your body! Your 'power of ashes' is among the best!"

"I've long regretted that I believed the nonsense of the two of you and let the Sorting Hat decide to go to Gryffindor. Ravenclaw is where I belong, and Hufflepuff is more suitable for me than civil engineering! You bastards Husband, stupid, can only think with muscles. My magic power is not as much as you two. The high grades are because I have learned architectural design well and know how to eat brains. The ash I made is at least four times stronger than yours. I was under the supervision of my father during the summer vacation Going to Italy to work, one person is comparable to a construction team. It took one and a half months to build an 18-story high-rise building by one person, earning seven years of tuition fees. But you can only talk big words. Your puberty is not over yet, and you can’t ride a dragon at all !"

Seeing Hermione's ashamed expression of being ashamed to be with Gryffindor's reckless people, Ron blushed: "What's wrong with Gryffindor? The most popular [Wizard Weekly] has shown it, Gryffindor The witches of Fendor are the happiest and the happiest. The sex index of witches is twice that of Hufflepuff, three times that of Ravenclaw, and 3.5 times that of Slytherin! You should be proud of Gryffindor, this It is related to your life's sexual happiness. And the weekly magazine also said that the witches of Gryffindor are full of unconquerable wildness and are the most charming in Hogwarts! Hermione, you have made a lot of money! Study in Gryffindor , not only can you make a lot of money, but you can also live a rich and exciting life, playing wild and playing with flowers... It’s not a waste of a lifetime.”

Several Hufflepuffs were dissatisfied, and argued: "Our Hufflepuffs are not bad, we eat the best food, nourished by gourmet cells, our bodies are equally strong, not worse than your Gryffindors, and they are very safe, no need Go on a wild adventure."

Harry retorted: "Is that dangerous? That's exciting! A passionate hunting life, we Gryffindors are super rich, and just building a building is enough for a year's living expenses. Hiring you group of cooks to cook for us , the wheel enjoys only more than you.”

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