Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1161 Albus Digital Heroic Spirit

Chapter 1161 Albus Digi Heroic Spirit

The morning classes had just ended, and Lang was summoned urgently by the school's senior management.

All the way to the meeting room, except for the deans of the four colleges, there was no one else. By the way, in the middle of the field, there were five 'Household Heroic Spirits' who had been studied until they were half-dead, and they collapsed to the ground.

Lang pushed the door open, found an empty seat facing the four principals, sat on it carelessly, leaned his arms on the backrests on both sides, raised his right leg to rest on his left knee, and held a black goat in his mouth. Cub Lollipop'.

[The Charm of the Wicked] When it opens, one person confronts the other four, smiling and waiting.

Today's meeting was very simple. The school was satisfied with his optimization and upgrade of [Goblet of Fire], and at the same time, he was very optimistic about the additional [Domestic Digital Heroic Spirit] he submitted.

The dwarf from the Badger Yard was the first to say: "After testing, we have seen some kind of potential, or possibility, from [Little Domestic Heroic Spirit]. We hope to cooperate, further explore and promote it."

The academy believes that [Domestic Digimons] have the potential for popularization, but like [Dragonborn Law], as the number increases, the threshold and difficulty must be lowered, that is, the quality must be lowered.

Only when it becomes more inferior and cheaper, can the 'domestic heroic spirit' be popularized.

For example, the orthodox [Dragonborn] has strict restrictions on the "Dragon Soul" alone, and it is destined that only a few talented elites can meet the requirements. (a dragon soul)

However, [Hogwarts Vocational Dragonborn Technical School] is so prosperous today, precisely because the headmaster has greatly lowered the threshold for 'Dragonborn'.

First of all: the local cheap non-branded giant dragon soul can replace the "Dragon Soul" of Skyrim Province and be implanted in the body of the Dragonborn.

Second: All third-year students can implant 1% of their dragon souls in the second half of the third year and become a dragonborn after completing the 'voice-changing period' (deep-throat staff) during the summer vacation of the second year.

In the following four years, it will increase by 1% every year, and finally accumulate 5 (%) dragon souls, which is a qualified adult dragon descendant (5%).

In the same way, the academy believes that if [Domestic Little Heroic Spirit] wants to be popularized, it must also reduce the difficulty and cost, and dilute its quality.

Bailang was shocked after hearing this, did you guys make a mistake? I made such a perfunctory and sloppy work for you to check + criticize, but you told me that the quality is too high? !

After a brief shock, Lang raised his eyebrows, and tentatively said: "So, the purpose of everyone calling me here is to make the quality of these 'Little Domestic Heroes' worse? But I have already reduced the cost to 12. "

(Note: The cost of each 'Little Heroic Spirit' is 4)

Hufflepuff's dwarf dean tasted it, and felt that 12 seemed to be all right. According to this standard, if we weaken 1/3 to 8, the problem should not be too big.

So Flitwick nodded and added: "Reducing the quality is only one aspect. On the other hand, we also need you to improve their quality. Finally, from the inferior version to the normal version to the optimized version, you have to formulate a set of clear , Perfect, and complex upgrade system.”

Lang instantly got the meaning of the other party: "Like making a mobile phone?"

Dean Flitwick nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, the inferior version, we plan to sell it to the vast number of junior wizards, so it doesn't need to be too strong. If your skills are strong, then this year's [Triwizard Hegemony], it might be impossible Adjusted to an exclusive promotional event for 'Little Domestic Heroes'. Use this contest to show the superior performance of 'Little Domestic Heroes' to audiences around the world from various angles, promote it globally, and set off a trend of domestic heroism."

Everything complements each other. If Bailang simply launched the "Household Little Heroic Spirit", no one would know about it, so how could it be a hit? Therefore, it is necessary to have a big event and let it become the protagonist, so as to set off the trend and everyone rushes to buy and imitate.

If [Domestic Little Heroic Spirit] starts to grow in volume, it will naturally reduce the cost and make it worse, so as to seize the user market, and finally induce customers to continue to spend money to upgrade. Only the school can make money.

Behind this feast of "Little Heroic Spirits", the influence of [Hogwarts] is also being enhanced. The supporting hardware facilities [Hogwarts Dragonborn Magic Net] can also be expanded together. As for the growth of the [Hogwarts Sub-Magic Net], the [Great Demon Net] behind it is also happy to see its success, and will even give some support and concessions.

So Lang concluded: "In the Triwizard Tournament, the warriors selected by the three major magic schools are just tool people, and the seven domestic heroic spirits are the real protagonists? Use the cool little heroic spirits to set off a new round of trends .”

The dean of Gryffindor also nodded in agreement: "It's like after every 'Quidditch World Cup' is over, the same style of clothing, broomsticks, and peripherals of the champion team will be sold out. The value of the little hero is comparable to these The useless perimeter is much higher."

Bailang also kept nodding his head in agreement.

The dwarf dean immediately took over the conversation: "So now, we need to talk about the design of the high-end version and some small requirements from the school."

Lang relaxed his body and changed to a relaxed leaning position: "Please speak!"

The headmaster of Gryffindor complained: "Let's talk about the suggestions for revision first! Your 'Little Household Heroic Spirit' has a novel idea, and it can indeed be used as a 'smart plug-in' to greatly enhance the comprehensive ability of dragonborn wizards. However, 'Huo Gewartz' elements are still too light!"

Lang puzzled: "Is it light? The Goblet of Fire has been deeply bound to [Xiaonei], and these 'household little heroes' have food talents, which can fit the system of Hufflepuff College. And once they leave [Xiaonei] If you support it, it will be reduced to tasteless. Is this not enough?"

Dean Hannibal was satisfied with Lang's debut, so he said, "Your design is good, but it's not enough. The deep binding of the school intranet only strengthened the connection with [Slytherin], not Hogwarts." Ci. The Snake Academy is only 1/4 of the school, which is obviously not enough.”

Lang Liran, can't see the Snape family dominating: "Then how can we represent Hogwarts?"

The principal of the Lion Academy said, "Dragonborn! We hope you can upgrade to [Dragonborn Little Heroic Spirit]."

Lang: "Dragon Roar?"

Dean of Gryffindor: "Yes! A dragon-born wizard can only implant one type of dragon soul (1%, Foundation Establishment) in his body. After that, although he can get a dragon soul resource from the school every year, no matter what Whatever attributes will eventually be decomposed, digested, and absorbed by the initial dragon soul to strengthen itself. Finally, when it accumulates to 5%, it will be able to graduate smoothly and become an adult dragonborn wizard. When the concentration of the dragon soul in the dragonborn exceeds 10%, Will be awarded the status of Auror and become the top wizard in the adult circle."

"If... I mean, if the [Little Domestic Heroic Spirit] can also install the 'Dragon Soul', then a dragon-born wizard will theoretically have two copies of the 'Dragon Soul'. The attributes contained in different types of dragon souls, the dragon The effect of the roar is different. For the dragonborn, it is an irresistible fatal attraction."

Bailang instantly understood that although wizards at Hogwarts have four directions of strengthening (four major colleges), the foundation is undoubtedly the same (Dragonborn Rules).

And the appearance of domesticated dragon-born heroic spirits is naturally a law to further expand and strengthen the lord. For low-level wizards, it is comparable to obtaining a natal spirit beast that also has its own 'spiritual root'. Win-win.

In addition, this spirit beast has the growth potential not inferior to that of the grooming wizard himself. There is also a huge reserve of magic power, a morbid loyalty like Stockholm Syndrome...

If you put a virtual skin of a hot beauty on the male and ugly natal domesticated little heroine, and download a "succubus character template", then it would not be too exciting!

When embracing and warming the bed, can you still enjoy the extra thrill of fencing? ! Immediately received rave reviews...

The user's comment is the highest praise: Guess what I found? My European headlight model has a hidden surprise mode that can be stored? !

So even the wizards who didn't like the "Little Household Heroic Spirit" were attracted to buy one to go home and practice fighting.

Lang: "If it's just the 'Dragon Soul', there is no technical problem. I can completely develop the most basic 'Dragonborn Heroic Spirit' by adding an extra 'magic wand + 1% Dragon Soul' as in the training of little wizards." Come."

"It's not whether your technology can do it, but every 'domestic heroic spirit' in the future must have a dragon soul and be able to release the dragon roar."

Lang: "No problem, but I don't have the corresponding magic materials, and I need the academy to provide them. As long as you supply enough dragon souls, I can even develop a 'spirit base fusion mode', allowing domesticated heroic spirits to fuse with wizards, further increasing the stimulation of dragon souls." , to increase the potential of wizards."

"Are there any side effects? Will the fusion of souls make human beings infected with the bad habits of house elves? Or will their appearance plummet?"

It was only then that Bailang remembered that the five experimental products he provided to the school were all original models without PS. Not the hot girl model after the map. The other party doesn't know about the 'skin ring money plan' yet.

But when I think that there are wizards who are really bewitched by the skin, choose to play with the little heroic spirit, engage in fusion, and in the future will be contaminated with the bad habit of "household little heroic spirit" (soul gene), or the appearance will decline... But! I'm back at that time.

After I leave, who cares about the flood? !

So Lang resolutely assured: "No! Absolutely not!!!"

"Then the next one. We have studied the little domestic spirit body you provided. It has many defects, such as the need to occupy and continue to consume the magic power of the wizard when it exists."

"Although it can bring all kinds of conveniences, there are two dragon souls at the same time, to achieve double casting, and it also has a reserve of magic power. But its magic power is paid by the wizard. And after the magic power is insufficient, it needs to replenish the magic power .”

"So, is there a student who spent a lot of money to buy a "Little Heroic Spirit". As a result, due to various reasons, the mana replenishment was not timely, the machine shut down automatically, and even collapsed, completely disappearing?"

Lang: "These are minor problems. I remember that in the college's spell teaching materials, there is a spell called [Calling God to Protect], right? This is a very ancient and powerful 'Guardian Curse', with extremely strong Defensive power, one patron saint can beat a group of dementors."

Dean Flitwick showed a smug smile: "Yes, a very good top-level spell, enough to compete with those famous curses. It's a pity that it's too difficult, and many students can't master it."

Lang: "My idea is to transform [Calling Guardian] and use it as the carrier of [Domestic Digital Little Heroic Spirit], and from then on expand 'Calling Guardian' into a 'Heroic Curse'."

After casting the spell, the students can summon their own "Little Heroic Spirit" to assist in the battle; they return to sleep in their bodies on weekdays. In terms of mana replenishment, you only need to absorb the dissipated happiness and happiness when you are dormant, and it will be fully restored automatically.

And the connection between the "spell" and the "mind" can also achieve reverse magic. When the magic power of the wizard dries up, the little heroic spirit acts as a storage battery for the mind, and reverses the magic power, so that the master can gain the power to climb up again.

The addition of [Magic Curse] also successfully registered a set of power systems (heroic spirits) from different worlds into the local 'Magic Curse Household Registration', and completed the localization by taking advantage of the situation, and did not include the 'Guardian God' with the 'Little Heroic Spirit' Attributes serve multiple purposes.

After listening to Lang's description, Dean Flitwick, the teacher of the charm class, expressed his appreciation: "It's a great design, I support you!"

Snape also said, "You want to monopolize the world's 'Patronus Charm'?"

As the founder of [Shen Feng Wu Ying], Snape owns the copyright of this spell in the current world. Not only did he gain the reputation of [Hogwarts Dark Juggernaut] by virtue of this spell, but he also refined this spell into a private law, which is now uploaded to the Great Magic Network for wizards of different systems in the world who can network , pay to download and use.

The suggestion put forward by Bailang seems to use the "Guardian Charm" as a medium to reduce and shorten the distance between wizards and little heroes, greatly increase the common rate, reduce the difficulty, and make it easier to integrate into this world.

But also stealing ownership of the spell.

Perhaps one day, when wizards all over the world, in order to pursue a more powerful "domestic little heroic spirit", tacitly associate it with the "Guardian Charm".

This ancient curse, which has been passed down from ancient times to the present, will gradually become the other party's personal product, and become one of the numerous "private laws" in this world.

But considering Bailang's contribution, he was supposed to benefit him. Now that Lang proposed this plan, no one thought there was a problem. This spell is extremely difficult and has a low penetration rate, so it is acceptable to be occupied by the opponent.

Then, the dean of the Lion Academy said: "Finally, let's discuss about the strengthening of the Queen's Little Heroic Spirit in this year's Triwizard Tournament. The school intends to launch a unique and non-replicable set that will surely be recorded in history and become a classic that will be passed down forever. The 'domestic heroic spirit' that attracts the attention of all wizards around the world is displayed to the magic world as a signboard. Therefore, the principal has used an incomparably precious resource, are you confident that you can do it?"

The principal, who has never shown up, will take out a precious raw material, hoping that Lang can be added to this year's "Domestic Digital Heroes" and develop a classic that cannot be copied.

Lang couldn't help asking curiously: "What is it that is so precious? It's so exaggerated!"

Snape said suddenly, "Dumbledore's Horcrux!"

At this moment, Ted, the dean of Gryffindor, also waved a piece of silk cloth, and took out a charred bird skeleton that was still emitting thick smoke until now.

In the gaps of many carbonized bones, you can still see the red flames flickering on and off, like coals that preserve the fire.

Bailang: "Phoenix?"

"Yes! When the White Demon King was suppressed back then, the headmaster tore off a piece of his soul, sealed it in this phoenix, and made it into a Horcrux. As a means of 'control + induction + torture'."

Control, naturally mastered part of Dumbledore's soul, and used it as a back door to manipulate the opponent.

Induction, possessing this soul can naturally perceive the position of the deity.

Although the phoenix was made into a horcrux, it was also burned into coke by the principal, making the White Demon King suffer from the burning pain of his soul all the time.

Lang: "What does the school think? What do I need to do?"

Hannibal, who is the lord's right-hand man, sighed: "Dumbledore's natural talent, although the future plan has nothing to do with you, but you can tell it to you, but don't spread it. This is a revolution that will affect the next few years. The next four years will be the time for [Hogwarts]! Our school will single-handedly plan a major event that will lead to changes in the global era [The Return and Fall of the White Demon King]."

"The specific operation will be against the return of the Dark Lord on the original world line. Our school did not get involved in Voldemort's Horcrux, because the principal defeated Dumbledore with his own hands and got the right to use it. Over the years, we have been training White The Demon King has grown up, and this summer he has allowed the remnants of the Order of the Phoenix to cause turmoil in the magic world, the purpose is to build momentum for him and create an atmosphere of artificial doomsday."

"This Horcrux has been collected for many years, and it is about to be used in this 'Triwizard Tournament'. Steal and use the hidden luck of the Dark Lord's resurrection in the original world line, create an old enemy for the White Demon King, and use this 'soul weapon' The instrument' is further cut to produce a savior who carries Dumbledore's soul."

"In the next few years, we will cultivate a savior, direct a battle between good and evil according to the script, and further increase the status of [Hogwarts] in the West, in the magic world, and in the world."

Bailang nodded to express his understanding. For readers who know nothing, ignorant aborigines (mortals), low-level monks, and even gods, the Conferred God War is a doomsday calamity.

But for the aloof San Qing, the essence of this calamity was a slap in the face among the bosses, and he personally intervened in the direction of the calamity.

Today's lords no longer need to personally participate in the turmoil caused by the world line to make waves like the bottom contractors; instead, they should turn into the culprit who stirs up the storm, plan the trend of this big event, and write the script.

"But now that you have the 'heroic spirit' you provided, the headmaster has a new idea. Divide this horcrux into seven, and integrate it into each 'little heroic spirit' to create the root, talent, soul potential and The White Demon King is against the target [Albus. Domestic Dragonborn Heroic Spirit. Combination Set]. Every student who summons the 'Albus Little Heroic Spirit' will have a connection with the White Demon King just like Voldemort's Harry Potter."

"In the next three-final match, the seven little heroic spirits and the masters will eliminate each other and plunder Dumbledore's remnant soul. This competition is a ceremony, and the final winner will perfectly integrate with Dumbledore under the witness of countless audiences. The power of Bullido's Horcrux. And this ultimate 'Albus Little Heroic Spirit' will also be completely independent and separate from the soul of the deity."

"In terms of numerology and metaphysics, he has an extremely close 'enemy of fate' connection with the White Demon King; he has also soared in terms of strength and potential, becoming a top domesticated heroic spirit, and at the same time completely weakening the White Demon King, cutting off a part of the opponent's soul; Dumbledore's sense of humiliation, anger and hatred after sensing that his 'Horcrux' was completely absorbed by a 'house elf' will better catalyze him on the road of the devil, and even blacken the explosive seed. He The more blackened it is, the greater our future benefits will be!"

Lang listened with relish, first cut the soul fragments of the White Demon King for preservation + torture, whipped the other party all the year round, aroused hatred + forge ahead, and forced him to suffer.

Then the Horcrux was divided into seven parts and stuffed into the bodies of seven lowly 'little heroic spirits'. Finally, there will be another wave of "Albus Cup Domestic Heroic Hegemony Competition", and then the seven Dengs will unite to create a dragon-born domesticated heroic spirit, adding a man-made savior to the lucky warrior... A deeper level of enmity with Dumbledore , never die.

You really know how to play!

Is Lao Deng shameless? This is to offend to death!

So Lang suggested: "You might as well make a female domesticated little heroic spirit, and then shape your soul, add a succubus form, make a pose, be whipped by the master of the brave day and night, and then live broadcast to the White Demon King through the connection and induction between the Horcruxes. A first-person perspective experience?"

In an instant, eyes of admiration or surprise locked on Bailang.

Although the venue was silent, there was a feeling of 'How the hell are you so vicious? ’ The admiration filled the audience.

Snape suddenly said: "Albus is a senior gay guy, but you use his soul to create a "domestic succubus dragonborn little hero" and show him live, he will definitely go crazy!"

"Brilliant plan!", "Poisonous plan!", "Extreme plan!"

For a time, Bailang received countless praises.

So Lang shyly recommended: "I have a colleague who has a technique of [Spring Cry], and I think he can join the [Albus Little Heroic Spirit] project."

"Yes!", "Quite!", "I agree!", "Sure!"

An additional 1,700 words, almost a chapter.

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