Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1176 Competition Progress: Second Round

When Bailang returned to the earth again, it was already six days later.

The first round of the Triwizard Contest has already ended, and now it is entering the second round of the competition.

He had a simple and peaceful week. He took two shots in total and bullied a few pitiful quasi-salary kings, not even a warm-up. In the end, he was robbed by the captain's sister once.

Other than that, the progress of all the 'window opening experiments' is normal and under the control of the school. Thinking about it, this is also a natural principle. If there are some minor problems in every experiment, there is a risk of getting out of control at any time, causing an unpredictable and shocking crisis, and it is necessary to rely on him, a wage earner, to turn the tide.

So what is this group of researchers raised? Do you still want to be the lord? Does this territory still plan to develop? With such a large scale, even this small problem can't be settled. It's better to go bankrupt as soon as possible and return to the main world to retire.

So Bailang spent a week in such comfort, ease, and boredom.

The school is fully prepared, every step is calculated in place, and there is basically no error. Hiring cemetery contractors is only a precaution. Small troubles are basically settled by Tim alone, and the counselor and Ta accompany Lang to fish together, having a lot of fun.

What's more, Bailang found that he was being watched closely.

It may be because of the live broadcast of the "Singularity Reality Show", although it helped him become famous and established his business reputation in Duoyuan; There is no room for creative freedom.

After the first phase of the [Window Opening] experiment, Bailang and his party gained a short period of freedom, and they can return to Earth to be happy.

When he returned to Hogwarts, he immediately learned that the seven warriors of the Triwizard Contest had all successfully qualified. Out of curiosity, he tried to visit [Goblet of Fire], wanting to know more specific content.

For example, how does the "castrated Heroic Spirit System" bought by the school work? What kind of virtue has been changed by the devil again, can I get some inspiration?

After applying several times in a row, he was allowed by the school to log in to the background of the [Goblet of Fire] Heroic Spirit System that Hogwarts had built himself and now owned by Hogwarts.

The recorded log shows that the seven warriors, relying on the guidance of clues with different degrees of completeness, successively locked on the most basic [Guardian Charm], practiced and controlled it.

Then, from different channels, they collected the sacrifices to summon the 'Little Household Heroic Spirit' to descend. And found the "Complete Heroic Spirit Summoning Ceremony + Prayer" in different treasure points of the school, and finally tried the summoning successively.

The warriors used the "Guardian Charm" as a catalyst to summon the "Deng's Little Domestic Hero Spirit" provided by the "Goblet of Fire" into reality, and integrated it into the "spell", creating a spirit that can exist for a long time, A "domestic guardian heroic spirit" who is connected with each other, can protect his own safety, and has the potential for growth.

Because the [Goblet of Fire] only contains one copy of 'Old Deng's Horcrux', the earlier the brave man who performed the ceremony, the more 'domestic guardian spirit' will get a share, and the growth will be higher.

The final standings for the first round are:

1 Cedric, 2 Corsa, 3 Krum, 4 Malfoy, 5 Bobosha, 6 Fleur, 7 Harry Potter

This ranking is both unexpected and reasonable. In short, Lang, who was quarantined for a week and only contacted the outside world again, was somewhat surprised when he suddenly found out.

Harry Potter, who was tied for the last place with Malfoy in the appetizer match, once again came to the bottom of the street magnificently, holding the bottom one alone.

And the 'Stud Wise Man Ron' who wants to use his unique news to make a fortune from his good buddy and completely recoup his money. Now with a debt of 50 gold Galleons, he is the best in the whole class.

He is so gambler that he can be called 'the strongest debtor in Gryffindor! ’ Throughout the seven grades of the Lion Academy, no student dared to owe more than him. Except Old Money in Slytherin next door.

Different from the miserable Porter group, Mr. Malfoy next door has once again made a lot of money by "investing in himself": handsome, elegant, with high grades, good family background, not only a warrior, but also with good grades, more confident Stud himself, lived up to expectations and succeeded again.

Then someone will ask, Potter has mastered the secret of the 'Virtual Academy', why is it so miserable? The answer, of course, is that [Virtual Academy] is so popular, how can Harry be the only one who pays attention to it and benefits from it?

First of all, the sudden emergence of Mr. Ma, originally from Slytherin College, was already an old user of [Virtual Academy] before being selected by the Goblet of Fire, and followed the 'Virtual Academy'.

And when the first game started, the godfather, Dean Snape, who knew the inside story of the assessment, couldn't directly cheat and reveal the content of the game, and couldn't arrange for the godson to join the irrelevant [Virtual Academy] to improve his grades?

So before Malfoy became the Seven Warriors, he had already opened the online learning service. His progress in the game was more than a week faster than Harry's? A direct counterattack took fourth place.

Cedric, who is currently ranked first, is a comprehensive player with no shortcomings. He has a very high learning efficiency and has complete game information. So he quickly started using the [Guardian Charm], then collected the sacrifices, completed the summoning ceremony first, and overtook Krum, the champion of the appetizer.

The second female Bodhisattva, Kesha, was originally Beauxbaton's "Magic Net Flow Sorcerer". After coming to Hogwarts, naturally the first time to connect to the local school intranet to obtain "spell slots", and then also discovered the "virtual academy" in the internal test early, and became interested and paid attention to it.

When the first round officially started, she was the first among the four warriors from other schools to register in the 'Academy' and speed up her practice. Taking advantage of this advantage, she quickly counterattacked and overtook her, soaring from the bottom of the appetizer to the second place. More inspirational than my dean's godfather who secretly cheated Mr. Ma.

Then Krum, who realized [Virtual Academy] after knowing it, lost his championship advantage and dropped to third place.

As for Harry's bottom one, it is more because of his slowness and insensitivity to the practice of magic spells. After everyone used [School] to open online, it became a competition for qualifications.

Harry, who came into contact with 'Paradise' late in the middle, does not have much advantage. He simply managed to complete his 'Domestic Guardian Spirit' summoning before the deadline, successfully qualified and was not eliminated.

But this also led to the misjudgment of the "Student Wise Man" Ron, who died miserably. Fortunately, Bailang did not provide leverage, virtual loans and other services in [Virtual Academy]. Otherwise, Ron the Wise can only walk onto the roof he poured with ashes.

After browsing the competition information, Bailang looked at the [Domestic Guardian Spirit] file again. He can only say that on the basis of what he originally provided, the magic has been changed beyond recognition, and too many private goods belonging to the "Dragonborn Lord" have been added. Can't look straight.

Because of the first-come, first-served reason, let's take Harry's "domestic guardian spirit" as an example.

In the original book, Harry was attacked by a dementor on the train that started school, leaving an indelible psychological shadow ever since, and suffering from [long-term dementor PTSD]. Then he practiced the "Guardian Curse" for nearly a semester, and finally at the finale of the third part, he reversed time and space and released his guardian spirit, repelling millions of dementors.

Without Bailang's interference, even in today's world, Harry could theoretically release a stag with soft silver-white steam light all over his body. It looks beautiful, with a pretentiousness index of 8 stars, and its body shape is the same as that of a natural stag. It is majestic and strong, and looks very safe.

And this is Harry's inherent talent. When he's not digging, he can't manifest it, but once he masters the proper spell, he can summon this thing to restrain dark creatures such as dementors.

Looking at today's [Domestic Guardian Spirit], in the 'Paradise Space', it was spurred to accelerate learning. After hastily mastered the 'Guardian Charm', it perfectly merged with the 'Domestic Little Heroic Spirit' that Bailang had designed. In the end, a strange thing was born that Lang couldn't look at directly.

Its owner 'House Elf' has a shriveled, thin, short body, a huge and uncoordinated head, bloodshot bulbous eyes, a long pointed nose, and two giant druids on the top of his head. Antlers, a layer of deer fur on the body, a pair of antihoof deer legs on the lower body, and a deer tail.

It looks like the monster in Greek mythology that lures and devours children. (God Pan?)

In addition to being materialized, this thing can also float beside the Master in a "spiritual posture", releasing light, providing various enhancements and auxiliary blessings, similar to a "patron saint". Finally, when the energy is on the verge of exhaustion, it can return to the master to sleep and absorb magic power to charge.

Taking Harry's "restricted-level domestic guardian spirit" as an example, it can be seen that the painting styles of the other six brave men's "domestic guardian spirits" are not much better.

Although exuding silver-white positive energy light, the painting style is really weird and curious, especially the silent "Guardian" of Krum, who may be affected by the dark magic power in his body, directly transforming into a house-elf with the body and Weird thing about dementor skins.

Dark Wind Hell Guardian Spirit? Guo Jingming in Dementors!

Yes, the average size is less than 1/4 of a normal dementor, and the overall image is more like a dried house elf mummified in a black tattered wedding dress.

This allowed the third person to complete the summoning ceremony. The triumphant Durmstrang representative almost lost his composure on the spot and threatened not to summon this garbage to participate in the next competition.

After browsing through seven different "Albus Family Raised Curiosity Hunting Guardian Spirits", Bailang also understood the school's attitude.

The other party used this one-week closed operation to infiltrate the industry left by him little by little. On the basis of the [Goblet of Fire], he added a lot of patent rules and anti-theft measures to strip himself out step by step.

In today's [Goblet of Fire - Freak Heroic Spirit System], he has less and less sense of existence, and the [Skill of Spring Cry] that promised his sister has also been stripped out and reloaded and developed in the way of an academy.

As for the content of the second round of the competition, it will be arranged in a small secret realm controlled by the academy, requiring the warriors to work together with their own "Guardian Spirits of Curiosity Hunting" to steal a real dragon in a fully enclosed dragon farm. Egg.

The secret realm Bailang has never been in contact with and cannot enter. There are a large number of dragons of various types in it, and the quality is different. The warriors will do what they can to steal the highest-quality 'dragon eggs' to further 'hatch' their guardian spirits a second time, endowing them with real bodies and vitality.

Behind this competition, there is the idea that the school will further increase its weight and dilute its own "heroic spirit technology ratio". However, Bailang didn't feel much about it. Anyway, the school had corresponding compensation, and he didn't have any expectations for [Goblet of Fire].

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