Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1188 Bailang: I work overtime 007 from the bottom of my heart!

Just when Bailang was going to go all out to optimize the [law of hard study + church structure], and took his two daughters to chase the drama of the triwizard struggle for hegemony, he and his girlfriends were once again recruited by the lord.

Lang has every reason to doubt that the school did this on purpose.

First of all, the school is likely to take advantage of the fact that the [Law of Hard Learning] has just been launched, and before it has time to do something, it will take him away as the main creator, so that it can get a glimpse of the most original system structure and carry out theft and copying.

In order to prevent myself from completely perfecting the god-making system of the Church of Learning God, killing the donkey and deleting the key parts, leaving the school with an incomplete shell to fool people.

However... This is clearly judging the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and underestimating someone like me! Is my Golden Outlander this kind of person?

Secondly, Lang felt that this wave of recruiting by the school also concealed the purpose of staggering the contractors and the [Triwizard Hegemony].

Although this mission world has long been fully occupied by the contractors, the toss is beyond recognition. Even the plot of the original work was stifled before the prequel, and now it is only covered with a layer of HP skin, even the people are not counted.

However, judging from the information he collected during this period, the plot lines in the original book that no longer exist still have some recovery value. Just like the charcoal residue left by the king of salary who was burned once, it can be collected and burned again.

The "Triwizard Hegemony" competition is a part of the school's recycling of recyclable waste. As for the contractor, he is a well-known shit stirrer. He has no integrity, and wants to make a fuss about whether it is beneficial or not.

If it were a task world without an owner, it would be a group of demons dancing wildly and lawlessly. But now that this world has long been owned by its owner, the owner naturally wants to guard against this group of unruly mercenaries like wolves, and prevent the contractors from interfering in the game, disrupting the overall situation, and seeking personal gain.

So Lang and the girlfriends group were isolated again, and at the same time they met the contractor teams from the other two schools.

The first time is unfamiliar and the second time is familiar, Bailang naturally leans forward and starts chatting with the other party.

It turned out that during the period of his rest, the two teams not only returned to their respective schools to complete the preparations before the "window opening", but also went to various parts of Europe with the support of the three schools to explore many nodes suitable for window opening.

These "energy nodes" not only cover the small caves that the three schools have opened up, but also include some locations that are theoretically suitable for "opening windows" to lay energy transmission networks. After [opening the window] at such nodes, you can further open up a new 'secret blessed land' with the help of the 'highly erosive and polluting energy' from prostitutes.

Thinking of these hard-working people traveling all over Europe to measure energy nodes (wild civil dogs), Lang suddenly felt that he spent the school's money to build [Private Rules] for himself, and blackmailed a group of house elves to make boat materials The little days are so relaxed and happy.

This is a real vacation!

After the new work started, it was still the school that put forward the construction plan. Bailang and other cemetery tools were divided into two groups, and [windows] of different specifications were frequently opened up with high intensity. They went to the front line according to the command to install and filter and purify the "pollution energy" The device finally turned into a usable [purified version. Abyssal magic energy], which demonized the ecosystem in the secret realm a little bit.

The most critical part requires zero-distance contact with the 'second-hand abyss pollution'. The contractors of other parks cannot afford it for a long time, so only cemetery garbage guys take turns.

The girlfriends group and Bailang were divided into two teams, working in different areas at the same time. The captain's sister took away the hard-working Tim and Ta, and Mo Yuwen, who was lazy and evaded work, embraced the strongest Bailang thigh.

There is nothing to talk about the specific boring work. By doing it himself [opening the window] + installing the pollution source purification device, he has somewhat figured out the principle of the transformation of pollution energy, but the core part is related to the private system mastered by the 'Dragonborn Lord'. It is difficult to learn from others.

But Lang is not very interested in this, because he also has similar skills.

For example, use [Inspiration King] to break through the communication window of [Pollution Source. Void], and transform the first-hand pure 'Pollution Source Energy' into 'Second-hand Void Carp Evil Energy'. The polluting energy of the human' world is an energy level, which is higher than the third-hand smoke smoked by Hogwarts.

In addition to using [Inspiration King] to take the blame, [Ji Du] also has the means to communicate with [Pollution Source. Nightmare]. In addition, there are many [evil spirits] in the home that are not bound to pollution sources, such as [Holy Mother, Thorn Rabbit King].

If he wanted to, it would not be difficult for [Dancing God Pill] to communicate with [Chaos] or [Abyss] and become the second generation Yingjie Pot King after [Inspiration King].

Under the strict supervision of the school, Bailang frequently and boringly completed the [window opening] homework. In addition to getting richer experience and higher work efficiency, he also subtly obtained benefits that are unknown to outsiders.

First of all, it is the comprehension of [Law of Space].

I have a lot of insights on how to break through the boundaries of the "mission world", communicate with unknown areas outside the scope of the "paradise", and communicate and connect between the "world" and the "world".

Although Bailang is not a master-level contractor who is proficient in [Space Department] abilities, compared with ordinary contractors, his attainments in [Space] are not weak.

His [Seal column] is involved in the space field, although it is not very important, it is better than the contractors who are insulated from those space systems.

Secondly, the artifact [door] has powerful space attributes and can serve as a hub for building a 'space door system'. Lang once built a 'space transmission tomb network' on the great channel and sold it at a high price.

Again, [Soul Soul Coffin, Seafood City, Unlimited Fish System] are all space-type treasures, and the virtual professions opened also allow him to contact and manipulate the power of 'space'.

Finally, the title of "Theory of Roots" goes beyond the simple concept of space, and can make breakthroughs towards the "inside" or "outside" of the 'world'.

This time the 'holiday mission' looked simple, and it was mechanically performing boring and monotonous work under the arrangement of the school. The difficulty is very limited, and there have not even been a few accidents, and the ability to ask for salary cannot be used at all.

But this does not mean that the technical content of [Window Opening] is low. On the contrary, the gold content of opening a 'Window to Another World' is extremely high. If we compare the technology of contemporary Earth, it is probably at the level of the top "Mars Exploration Technology".

Bailang and his girlfriends feel boring because they are only responsible for one part of the process and not others. Only deal with [window opening] the leakage of instantaneous pollution sources, and install purification equipment on the front line against the 'pollution'.

For example, after the Chernobyl leak, those who were sent to seal the reactor with their bodies.

But being on the front line, personally touching the crystallization of foreign technology, the [Window to Another World] is in a stable state. Ability to communicate between two different 'mission worlds', one \u003e30% premium world and the other \u003e60% top world.

Under the influence of this special environment, Bailang's 'spatial attainment' is passively improving.

He himself has the ability to open space doors ([doors]), and these [windows to other worlds] are the ultimate version of 'space doors', which can connect two different mission worlds together.

Although Lang didn't understand the principle, he instilled and preserved a large amount of primitive space knowledge into the [door]. One day, he will be able to reverse engineer the [Window to Another World] that suits him by relying on the 'spatial traces' intercepted today.

Other than that, the second biggest gain is the slow evolution of the new title [Theory of Roots].

The most heaven-defying ability of [Theory of Roots] is the breakthrough to the 'world'. If the world is regarded as a three-dimensional structure, [Theory of the Origin] can help Bailang break through inwardly (the origin of the world) or externally (outside the control of the paradise).

The [window opening] at this time is a technology that breaks through the 'outside the world', successfully penetrates the solid outer wall of the 'mission world', but does not communicate with the 'out of control sequence (pollution source)' outside the sequence of the paradise.

On the contrary, it breaks the outer wall of another 'mission world (monster abuse)' from the outside, and completes the inward breakthrough. This kind of achievement is also the realm of [Theory of the Root] that is beyond reach, even unbelievable.

And Bailang frequently haunts [windows] one after another, contacting the escaped breath of the connection of this world. For ordinary contractors, it is a huge pressure and pollution; but for Lang who has the "root principle", it is listening to the voice of the great way and improving the realm.

Although he couldn't understand anything, and he didn't understand anything, but with the help of the school, he fulfilled the "principle of root cause" in everything he did.

It's like killing a father and killing a relative once every day. Although it is out of love and there is no rebellious psychology of killing the father, both father and daughter don't care about it. Instead, they regard it as a daily warm and small interaction to strengthen the family relationship.

But Fufu's act of killing her father is practicing "Master Killer" (title), so it is already green and almost orange.

For each [window] project, the dragonborn lord probably contributed money, effort, and people to go out of the venue, invest in private laws, and the god clone sits in charge, and the inner world is fully output, accounting for 99.99% of the credit; and Bailang probably contributes 0.001%.

But with this 0.001%, [window] is his share of the credit, and he is stuck on the edge of the window to enjoy the blowing of the 'warm current of pollution' from other worlds, and [the principle of root cause] is practiced.

One after another [windows] are opened, and the ability of [Root Root Principle] to break through the world is also slowly improving. So Lang didn't think the work was boring, instead, he soaked in each [window] with relish, simply stood up, and by the way recharged the [Seafood City] with the 'pollution energy' from another world.

With [Unlimited Fish System] unrestrainedly extracting "Inspiration King Dragon Species (Gu Parasite)" from [Seafood City], the erosion rate of "World Fragments" has declined, and high-dimensional material supplements are urgently needed.

Originally, Lang planned to spend the time of a mission, find a \u003e30% of the mission world, open up a not-so-mature 'Cave Heaven and Paradise', and destroy and collapse its local area when he returns, and extract the 'dimension-enhancing substance (world Debris)' to feed [Seafood City].

As a result, working on vacation this time gave him a chance for a mouse to fall into the rice warehouse. [Window] On the opposite side of the polluted world, the degree of erosion is constant at \u003e60%. The pollution source leaked from the opposite side is a high-end product and a great supplement.

The only problem is that this source of pollution comes from the [Abyss], which is incompatible with the [Void] of [Seafood City]. However, Bailang doesn't care, the environment of his [Seafood City] is bad enough, and the four major pollution sources of 'Void Evil Energy and Nightmare Pollution' have already gathered two, so he doesn't mind adding another wave of [Abyss Pollution].

Its second-hand abyssal pollution re-poison? Poisonous [Void + Nightmare]? No matter how against the sky, it is only a three-legged confrontation, which can only occupy 30% of the pollution degree of Seafood City, and is completely defeated by the other 60%.

It's a pity that these [windows] are strictly monitored by the school, and only during the period from the beginning of opening up to the time when they are completely stable can they secretly replenish the magic of [Seafood City].

Once the [window] is stabilized and under the supervision of the other world, Lang can no longer prostitute high-dimensional nutrients from \u003e60% of the world. I can only obediently run to the next [window] whoring for nothing.

For a while, Bailang, the "star of the cemetery", was praised by everyone for his work attitude and business ability. The contractors under the command of the three major lords were amazed by Bailang 007's workaholic behavior, and killed the girlfriends group by themselves (counseling sister lie flat: Brother Lang is mighty! I am the emperor of Lang!), 10 times their strength More than enough!

As for the other two hired teams from other parks, they looked at Bailang in awe like gods. This kind of Thor, the god of thunder, is like forging a storm battle ax in a planetary furnace, stuck (staying in) [window to another world] and can't come out. The behavior of physically resisting (free prostitution) high-concentration pollution sources is probably the fourth-order contractor. It may not be able to resist, right?

(Bailang: "Don't rush me, I'm not leaving! I don't need to rest, I'm not tired! It's super safe, super cool, and super comfortable here! I'm not black, I'm not a salary king, I'm not crazy, I'm not leaving!" )

The days of working wholeheartedly for the boss passed very quickly, because the school optimized the plan, and Bailang and his gang were in the other world in just a few days, opening up a double-digit [window] for the boss.

Because he personally maintained and purified more than 60 of them, Bailang was also able to break the dragonborn lord's thoughts.

While the other party longs for [Window of Other Worlds], they are also afraid of the powerful high-pollution salary king opposite the 'window' breaking through the space connection, invading and polluting this low-corrosion world (\u003c60%).

Therefore, the specifications of the [window] in the different space are very small, restricting the passage of energy intensity above the 4th order. It is like a pipe with a limited diameter, which allows big fish, shrimps and crabs to swim in, but keeps sharks and whales out. Unless it's a juvenile shark (the doppelganger of Salary King).

Because the [window] is opened smaller, the flow of the pollution source is also reduced. Therefore, the school chose to intensively open up [windows] in the form of a 'matrix', connecting each other to increase the effect of the extraction.

Safe, complex, precise, efficient... After completing the most critical step, the cemetery staff is also responsible for killing some "special abyss species" (little sharks) that have sneaked in.

The next round is working overtime, probably going abroad to open up more 'node windows' across Europe.

But Lang infers from the information collected today ([Root Principle] accepts high-end information), the [windows] outside the Dragonborn Lord's territory will never be as high-end and dense as in the private world.

The school opened up a "window network" across Europe, aiming to construct a "pollution energy pipeline".

In terms of oil fields, the school will open oil wells all over Europe, and oil can be pumped everywhere, so the three territories will cooperate. But the total number of oil fields of the other two must be much smaller than that of Hogwarts.

As long as you taste the sweetness of "environmental protection and pollution source" and start to rely on this free high-dimensional energy, your own "window" is definitely not enough, and you want more.

At that time, it had to rely on Hogwarts, the largest 'highly erosive pollution source' in Europe, to import 'environmental protection. Abyss magic energy' from here... This wave is the [Abyss. Pollution source] version of American oil hegemony.

Of course, competition in the future world will never be so simple. With the 'Dragonborn Lord' taking the lead, Lords from all over the world will cooperate and form groups to introduce energy from other [pollution sources].

It is even expected to drag this "task world" into the quagmire and become the next "polluting world" out of control. ([Singularity. Buddha's Evil Fuyuki] Applause warmly and call out experts!)

November "Rolling Paper":

The event time is from 1st to 18th, and you can participate in the event lucky draw with screenshots of fans;

"Monthly Pass Sprint" in November:

The activity time is from 11.7 to 12.1, and each monthly ticket will return 100 points (reply first and then vote), a total of 160 tickets;


Results of the "Rolling Paper" activity in October:

Overwhelming: The Maniac in the Corner (18234)

Under One: Soul Stalker (17968)

Excellence: Nirvana Lucifer (17347)

Doujin Nova: None (transfer to Active Hand Speed ​​King)

Active hand speed king: Yunmeng Baiju, want to get you words have been taken

Lucky Goose: Han Paopaozhen 6, bzdqsmmza, Brother Fast Yu, White Orange Cat, Gentleman's House 1;

The minimum fan value for the lottery qualification this month: 4244; the minimum fan value for the title this month: 6059;

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