Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1198 Breaking the barrier of the heart, the domesticated little apostle joins in!

Chapter 1198 Breaking the barrier of the heart, the domesticated little apostle~ see it!

As the mob of elves huddled hand in hand, Bailang also started the formal sacrifice.

First, he gestured to Xiao Fufu.

There is no need for [Fushen] to speak, those little fungus who are playing and chasing, or concentrating on playing discs, playing suona, or beating gongs and drums, have an instantly solemn attitude.

And the original explosive warm-up DJ electronic music has also been switched to Fushen's famous song [Heavy Metal. Seven Chapters of Jucilang Underworld].

From the summer when Jujiro fought against nuclear island mutants infected with radiation sickness and became bedridden... The background music went through the seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter in succession. In the state of decay and decomposition of the body, the soul still traveled out of the body and traveled to the eastern hell, the western hell, the abyss of Tartarus, the underworld of Olisis... Finally, in the summer of the coming year, he chose to return to [Baotou Township] .

Each song was about 4-5 minutes long, and the entire track lasted half an hour. The little mushrooms have a good musical talent, which is fully displayed at this moment. With the blessing of death heavy metal, they create a sense of solemn and majestic religious ceremony, which makes people's scalp numb.

Because of the change of tone, and with the help of various underworld instruments such as suona, water piano, and nail-picking blackboard, the effect is very good. Naturally, there is also the credit of the [God's Blessed One] that Bailang secretly opened.

The three professions that Lang chose at the moment all have deep meanings. Needless to say, [Pirate Captain] is because he wants to use the [Salted Fish] as a coffin for the second sacrifice. The last [God's Favored Person. Virtual Occupation] naturally values ​​the function of communicating and summoning [evil spirits] to descend.

Fufu's 'Death Heavy Metal' played at this time has [Great Howling Sky] secretly superimposing the rules of evil spirits.

An evil spirit focused on [spiritual pollution fluctuations], coupled with the incomparably underworld, grand, solemn, and explosive "death heavy metal", that kind of "god-like presence" mental pollution, instantly overwhelmed the originally out-of-the-ordinary "funeral carnival" Activities' back on track.

Including the counselor, no one whispered, or felt that it was a play or funny. Because this half-hour-long music performance is essentially a gradual spiritual tuning.

Bailang restrained himself to minimize the effect of [Spiritual Pollution]. For the contractors and aborigines who came to watch the ceremony, there was no attack effect at all, and it did not damage their souls. It was definitely within the tolerance range. And as the performance progresses, the audience's mental state is successfully tuned to the 'funeral mode'.

However, for the ordinary crew members who have just joined the [Big Salted Fish], this kind of gentle "music performance" still makes them bear tremendous mental pressure, with illusions and conjectures in their minds, as if they are incarnations of "Jijiro" ', in the extreme pain of dissolving flesh and blood, the soul went out of the body to visit the various hells, suffered torture, and finally got the salvation of the soul in [Baotou Township] when the soul flew away. The huge pressure and despair have been released, so cool!

Where the hell is the "Jucilang Series"? It must be "Requiem" or "Requiem"!

At the same time, those viewers who chose to watch the live broadcast of the funeral also endured a weakened version of the [Spiritual Pollution] appraisal, and were repeatedly injured by the pollution of Fufu and the Howling Sky. They also successfully tuned to Bailang's funeral channel' on.

All of a sudden, invisible forces from all over the world blessed Bailang one after another, making him the most dazzling cub on this stage! This is the strongest point of [Undertaker].

The strength of this profession is related to one's own strength, but not much.

If the 'funeral emcee' is too weak to restrain the 'corpse' being buried, if the corpse is faked on the spot, it will not be a funeral for the deceased, but a massacre, a funeral for all participants.

However, what the "funeral ceremony" relies on most is not the limited strength of the master of ceremonies, but the scale of the funeral, the degree of grandeur, the degree of participation and recognition of the audience, and the breadth and influence of the spread.

During the ceremony, all of the above will be transformed into special powers, assisting the master of ceremonies to complete the suppression, salvation, and purification of the 'dead'.

With a wave of spiritual tuning at this moment, Lang successfully leveraged the recognition of this world and borrowed boundless power. And the restless house elves on the stage also calmed down one after another, standing there obediently, not daring to act rashly.

This kind of 'calmness' is not an emotion of 'fear'. They have realized at this time that they are the core of this activity. When listening to "Ju Cilang", the parties did not fall into hallucinations like other audiences, and they were forced to tune in through various spiritual hysteria tortures.

On the contrary, these little elves felt from the music that "the gods (evil) spirits are watching them", and immediately felt proud, proud, satisfied, touched by the value of this life, and the impulse to dedicate themselves.

So their attitudes are more serious and cooperative, which is also another kind of spiritual tuning. Lang tried to condense the emotions and mental states of the 666 house-elves into one strand.

But that's not enough!

At this time, Lang raised his hand again, and the performance of [Little Fungus Heavy Metal Sorrow Orchestra] stopped abruptly. With Lang's gesture changing again, the background music was switched to "Grateful Heart".

The audience inside and outside the venue were either British or outsiders. They were not as familiar with this song as the DNA of Lang, but they still felt the warmth from the performance of the little mushroom man and the spiritual pollution blessing of [Howling Sky]. with blessings.

At the same time, Lang ran the [Pirate Captain] auxiliary job again, expanded the [Carp Network], and simultaneously covered and connected 666 elves who were excited, excited, serious, and with a participation rate of 200%.

Before the mass funeral started, this group of little elves had taken [Carp Spiritual Liquid] and completed the 'Gu Parasite Vaccination' in advance. Because their destination [Salted Fish] is a certain generation of "Brain God. Carp King". Therefore, [Bao Phantasm] solidifies the basic functions of the 'Carp Network'. (King Carp and Seafood City also have 'Carp Networks' of different scales.)

Therefore, Lang did not choose the more advanced and core [Nightmare Demon Realm] to connect the spirit, but instead used the inferior [Carp Network] because it was more suitable.

When the [Network] was launched, all the house-elves holding hands also completed the real "heart-to-heart", and their spirits were connected.

At the same time, along with the BGM, the "lyrics" of this song were violently instilled into the soul by [Great Howling Sky] in the form of spiritual pollution.

The little elves are self-taught, completely understand the content of the lyrics, feel the thought of this song very clearly, and sing in Chinese synchronously with the progress of the music.

"Grateful heart, thank you for having you. Be with me for the rest of my life and give me the courage to be myself..."

This scene is indeed touching, but it is also indescribably weird and inconsistent. 666 short and deformed little monsters with long ears, big eyes and long noses, holding hands, shaking the flowers in their hands, with tears streaming from their eyes, smiling at the corners of their mouths, singing a Chinese song in tone-deaf voices.

Bailang's expression was extremely distorted at this time, and he couldn't hold back the urge to tilt his head. But the audience behind him was moved. The audience on the other side of the magic net was even more moved and artificial, and some were easily emotional. Even without understanding the lyrics, they cried at the chorus of the elves, and wiped away the tears from the corners of their eyes in a pretentious manner.

Therefore, the spirits of the audience resonated highly, and the "power" absorbed by the funeral ceremony became stronger, and it was blessed in reverse to the elves, making them more self-moving and addicted to the chorus. Not even a single person thought they sang badly?

Of course, at this time, there were also some viewers from the mysterious east. After seeing this scene, their DNA throbbed violently, so they couldn't bear the impact of the picture, and they directly ejected from the "spiritual rating" created by Bailang, and quit the live broadcast with curses.

As the chorus of the house-elves continued, a miracle happened!

Lang has an artifact that has not yet been turned into a treasure. It is cast from countless top-level materials, and it is called [door].

This artifact contains a number of god-level skills, one of which is the AT force field brought by the [Kabbala Tree of Life Design]. Also known as 'heart barrier'.

According to the records of the "Kabbala Design", all human beings originate from a "wisdom fruit" on the tree of life. The final fruit is divided into countless parts (6 billion), so there is a "spiritual barrier" between each individual, which protects the soul and isolates each other.

So people's hearts don't connect. And everyone's "rejection" from the heart can form a super defense called "AT force field" (heart barrier).

Of course, a single human soul is too weak, and the "AT force field" exists, but it is weak and inaudible, almost equal to nothing. Only by equipped with a super amplifier named [EVA], can the AT force field of the apostle be torn apart, or the AT force field can be released by itself.

And [Door]'s built-in "Human Completion Project" can help people break the barriers between people's hearts, boil all human beings into a pot of soup, connect hearts with hearts, regardless of each other, and six billion will be one , and finally return to the [wisdom fruit] form.

Having said so much, it is precisely because Bailang, who owns the [door], has the power to create an AT force field and boil human beings.

And the purpose of his singing "Grateful Heart" at the moment "hand in hand, heart to heart" is to tune all the elves through [Carp Network], creating the conditions for "small-scale completion of house elves".

As the ceremony continues, after accumulating enough power. There is no need for Bailang to pay a dime for his power, he only needs to move his mouth to give instructions, and this power will be on the stage.

The elves sang "Grateful Heart" with great enthusiasm. In the state of "carp network heart connection", the spiritual barrier began to melt a little bit, and each other experienced each other's thoughts and mentality.

Because they were specially tuned, their states were unprecedentedly consistent, so they were even more moving. In the end, under the deliberate guidance of Lang, the barriers of the heart began to melt. Although they were holding hands, the 666 souls gradually condensed into a whole.

Snape, who was eating at the moment, suddenly stiffened his arms, and the shabu-shabu he just picked up fell back into the pot. His face turned pale and he looked towards the stage in shock. The group of little monsters shaking the flowers in their hands funny, seemed to have turned into a terrifying beast that was gradually waking up. Is this still a house elf whose bones were skinned by students?

Lang gave the order again, and the Little Mushroom Man Sorrow Orchestra played the cheerful nursery rhyme "Children Hand in Hand".

Soon, the little elves who had already entered the state did not need Bailang's command, and under the impetus of [Howling Sky], they happily sang: "Little friends, hold hands, nod, form a circle, who is inside? I ! Children, hold hands, nod, and follow along..."

The second song is still soul tuning. With the active cooperation of the house elves, the positive energy (spirit) is continuously sublimated, accelerating the dissolution and fusion of the soul.

In the hands of other contractors, this phenomenon is just a simple 'soul fusion' (addition), but in the hands of Lang ([door]), this wave of fusion will burst out with different power, this is the [house elf] Complete the plan]!

Question, the expansion volume of an elf using [Invisible Stretching] is assumed to be 10. How much can 666 expand? Answer: 6660

Ask again, if 666 elves master special skills and cast spells at the same time in the form of combined magic, how much can it be expanded? Maybe 66600?

But at this moment, there are no longer 666 elves who have completed the 'completion'. Instead, they have become indescribable, and they may be able to condense low-quality [little domestic apostles? 】come out. How much can this kind of freak expand its capacity by casting [Untraceable Stretching Curse]?

Answer: Immeasurable!

Counsel's eyes lit up, and she praised sincerely: "It's wonderful, it's wonderful! Brother Lang's wave is an 'elf apostle', and then use his life to release the last [Scaleless]!"

Although the other onlookers may not be aware of 'the little elf is complete', they can guess a thing or two, and finally give birth to 'this trip is worthwhile. I have learned a lot! This wave is a real funeral! ’ and so on.

Everything is going smoothly, the two songs are over, and the elves are in an unprecedentedly strange state at the moment. Their 666 bodies are still alive, holding hands with each other, still singing neatly, and constantly swinging the flowers in their hands.

But their souls are integrated at this time, and their quality is rapidly improving. This is by no means a simple addition-level fusion. The update is a kind of sublimation of quality. With the help of the mighty power exerted by the "funeral ceremony", 666 souls are forcibly raised to the level of a "demigod (angel)".

Not only that, Bailang arranged for this round of chorus, besides "making up the house elves" and being promoted to temporary worker apostles; another purpose is to eliminate the resentment and unwillingness to disintegrate them and die on the ship.

Seeing this scene, not to mention Bailang, even a random online viewer can't feel any resentment? Where is there any dissatisfaction?

The house-elves are so happy, moved, and happy at this moment, they are simply ascended to heaven in their souls, with 10,000 joys in their hearts, without any resistance or dissatisfaction.

"This is happiness and mourning, and this is becoming a Buddha!" ​​"Gao Wen, Mr. Feng Shui", who was traveling with [The Funeral Wave], excitedly took out his small notebook and recorded it.

Compared with Bailang playing with the "dead man's heart" and constantly increasing leverage to leverage the power of heaven and earth at the funeral, she is more proficient in ventilating, planning, and superseding, all of which are based on her own strength, and she is far less ruthless than Bailang in terms of borrowing strength. This is a shortcoming, you have to study hard!

It's wonderful, it made the person limping, took the initiative to sacrifice himself, and became a god on the spot. There is no metaphysics, only electricity (electronic music) and food (hot pot).

At this moment, when the spirit of the elf merged into one body and continued to sublimate, the BGM changed again and switched to the last song.

The house-elves on the stage no longer spoke, but the singing from the soul was sung through [Carp Network], resounding over the Forbidden Forest, and passed along the lake to Hogwarts.

"Listen to me, thank you, because of you, the four seasons are warm..."

In this song of selling yourself, without any temptation from Bailang, the life body that has been sublimated into a "temporary domesticated little apostle" bursts out with brilliant light, and floats in an extremely distorted and indescribable "form". The top of the Big Salted Fish]. He kept expressing his thanks to Bailang.

Lang also nodded slightly, indicating that he had received the other party's wishes, and he could go!

At this moment, the 'Little Domestic Apostle' is integrated with the [Big Salted Fish] through [Carp Network], which can be regarded as: 'Salted Fish' is another body prepared for the 'Little Domestic Apostle'.

Of course, under the blessing of this funeral, there is also a close relationship between the 'coffin' and the 'soul'. At this moment, the Yang God escaped his shell and ascended. Under the funeral ceremony, it is natural for the soul to return to the coffin in order to be consummated.

In the mind of the "Little Domestic Apostle", there is no resentment or unwillingness. Under the brainwashing of song after song, he can't wait to blend into this big coffin and complete the final reunification.

So I saw this luminous pocket 'Apostle' plunge into the [Big Salted Fish], and use all the magic power in its body to bless the submarine after releasing the [Constant. Traceless Stretching Curse].

The brilliant light disappeared, and the [Big Salted Fish] still looked the same, but the 'Little Domestic Apostle' disappeared. On the stage, 666 house-elf bodies holding hands and still maintaining their vital signs were still singing to Bailang hollowly: "Thank you, thank you, and pass on happiness. Thank you, thank you, the world is more beautiful. "

The picture is indescribably weird, with a touch of gloom in the happiness and gratitude. But without the slightest resentment, Bailang used his solid funeral techniques to perfectly save 666 dead people, sending them to become Buddhas collectively and their souls to return to the big salted fish.

There is no karma generated in the whole process.

"Beautiful!" The knowledgeable counselor applauded fiercely, waking up the audience from their stupefaction.

November "Rolling Paper" lucky draw results:

Overwhelming the crowd: reading books for a lifetime (18229)

Under One: Stoffe (18005)

Excellence: Alright (17970)

Doujin new star: none (turn to 30 draw 6)

Active Hand Speed ​​King: Harmony Without Strings

Lucky Goose: Yin Yueyu, Meng Changjun, ~Bai Yujing~, Silent Great Spirit Venerable, Wandering Sea Turtle, Infinite Taiyi;

The minimum fan value to qualify for the lottery this month: 6201; the minimum fan value to obtain the title this month: 5804;


It's almost the end of the month, and the monthly tickets can start to be cleaned up. There is a one-ticket hundred-coin event in Dimension Book Circle

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