Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1228 [Resuscitating God and Demon] and [Slumbering God and Demon]

With the death of the ghost ship owner and the forced shutdown of the core energy system on the mysterious side of the wreck, the wrecked wreck finally returned to the "physical world" and began to seep and leak rapidly, sinking at the speed of light.

In desperation, Bailang had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​including it in his private fleet, and began to lead his younger brothers into sweeping mode, vowing to evacuate all valuables.

The first to bear the brunt is the spell-casting materials (sacrifices) all over the place. Whether it is a monster transformed by humans or a sea monster domesticated by a ship owner, they are good worship materials in themselves.

Especially after the double infestation and refinement of [Cursed Gold Coin] + Ghost Ship, although it looks disgusting, it is more valuable than wild spellcasting materials. So Lang arranged Fuguiwan to be in charge of collecting the corpses, and the sailors did not resist this, but were enthusiastic and enthusiastic about it.

In the eyes of mortals, these monsters are worth tens of pennies casually. If they catch up with rare shark girls, they can even be sold for a hundred taels of silver in brothels.

When the younger brothers started to collect the corpses one after another, Bailang also brought the three loli back to the cabin.

At this time, the inner space has already accumulated a layer of water. Apart from the crucified Spanish 'scholar', the most conspicuous thing is the cracked blue statue, from which Lang Neng can perceive something similar to [Sheepskin Scroll-No. 48] Another different power breath.

Immediately judge that this is the source of the 'power of gods and demons'!

"Good stuff, move away!"

Fufu took the lead and shouted: "Look wow (me) da!"

[Five Ghosts Spreading Wealth Method] When it is running, five fallen ghosts of the five elements fly out from her palm. In a small space, they are connected end to end, forming a colorful vortex, which is quite like the Kama Taj mystic opening the spark door. The vortex The other end shows the scene of the Bailang ship.

Immediately, the five ghosts swirled around the statue and sent it to the cargo ship.

This wave is not the fortune of the five ghosts, and Sarff does not make money from it. Instead, he couldn't see the precious antique sinking into the sea and causing losses to the whole world, so he donated it to the knowledgeable Captain Bailang for free for safekeeping.

Therefore, this behavior complies with the standard of [spreading wealth], and the transfer is extremely successful. Even the mysterious power left by the idol failed to interfere with the teleportation.

Then Lang looked at the stone altar with the largest area, and muttered in a low voice: "I had a [Stone Ghost Face] with a similar painting style back then. I don't know where I left it? I can't find it again."

Fufu cast a questioning look: "Do you want it too?"

"Yes, of course. This looks like a work that was carefully transported into the cabin and reproduced perfectly one-to-one. It has a profound heritage and mysterious power, accept it!"

Through the interior layout of the cabin, Bailang probably guessed a corner of the world's power rules, that is, "antiques and relics" with rich historical background are needed to support the casting of spells, or as a medium to communicate with "gods and demons" to steal power .

From the crude layout here, it can be seen that it is an altar for offering sacrifices to the "Aztec god Tlaloc", or a small mobile temple.

And the surrounding religious decorations with a style very different from that of the 'Aztec Civilization' are obviously a means of interfering, deceiving, and shielding the gaze of this god.

Bailang at least found traces of Hindu elements, Nanming variant Buddhism, Middle Eastern green religion, European drug giao, ancient Egypt and other civilizations.

It's just that these mysterious items are very low-grade, and they rely purely on the quantity to suppress the gaze from [Tlaloc].

But the more core factor is that this guy hid on the other side of the earth. The distance is too far, too much noise and weak signal, even the cold wind will interfere.

"Garbage!" Bailang expressed deep contempt for the dead white ghost, and then pointed to the walls and various decorations on the table: "This, this, and this, I have to protect them all, so they can't sink into the sea. Evacuate! Evacuate!" !"

Fu Fu, who feels that she is doing a great public welfare undertaking, please take it easy with enthusiasm, and shouted: "Hoo da!"

Immediately, he sucked pieces of worthless trash into the whirlpool of the five ghosts and threw them onto his cargo ship. His face shone with glory.

At the same time, Feng Ying and Little Jack looked left and right in the cabin like they were shopping. Feng Ying chose a flashy Arabian dagger studded with jewels, hung it on her waist contentedly, and took out her mobile phone to take a selfie.

Little Jack turned out a pirate hat, a one-eyed eye mask, and a piece of wooden leg from nowhere. Finally, looking at his short legs, he reluctantly abandoned his wooden legs and chose a pirate scimitar, dressing himself up as a one-eyed little bandit.

After staring at a round mirror for a long time, she pretended to pouted and said, "You don't even want to buy me a pack of spicy sticks?"

Seeing this scene, Feng Ying hurriedly came over: "Ajie, Ajie, can you perform this again?"

Jack tilted his head: "Are you still coming?"

Feng Ying nodded, looking forward to it: "Yes, that's the one! Hurry up, hurry up."

"Okay!" Jack stepped on a small wooden box with short legs, holding a knife in one hand, and took out a pack of homemade spicy sticks in the other, and said seriously: "Fufu, you don't even want to buy me a pack of spicy sticks!"


"Yes! That's great!"

Feng Ying put away her mobile phone contentedly, and her adventure material was more precious. Just after the comeback, I edited an 18+ children's magical adventure movie as my vacation homework.

When the two lolis were playing wildly, Bailang also instructed Fufu to peel off the skin of the cabin, even the few rusty chandeliers on the ceiling.

After taking away everything that could be taken away, the four of Bailang returned to the deck, which had been cleaned up by Fugui Wan. The ship itself was also half silent, and the bow gradually tilted up.

Bailang's eyes quickly fell on the mummy tied to the figurehead, and he reminded: "Jack, move that one away too, and then return to the main ship."

"What about you?"

Lang: "I'll use this ghost ship again."

After everyone left, Bailang stepped on the sea, embedded [Laliya Seafood City] into the [occupation column], and entered the long-lost [seafood dominance mode].

Forced against the extreme oppression and obstruction brought by [Chaos Source Power Storm], the energy stored in the Noble Phantasm was violently burned, and an "entrance to another world" was opened under the sunken ship, and the sinking ghost ship was finally sucked into [Seafood In City], a new decoration is added for the underwater shipwreck landscaping.

An hour later, night fell, and the original storm dissipated.

The fleet continued to sail smoothly, and experienced sailors used a new [salted fish pickling technology (Salted Fish King Formula)] to embalm the spoils on the ghost ship under the guidance of the waves.

Indoors, Bailang lit a desk lamp and began to supplement the knowledge of practice obtained from Spanish Baipi; Feng Ying climbed cross-legged onto the reassembled stone altar.

"What are you doing on that thing? It's an operating table for blood sacrifices and transformation of monsters. It's very unlucky."

Fu Luoli replied: "You don't know how much the [small satellite]'s speed of deciphering and penetrating the laws of this world has increased after I touched this thing? Reef. In just one night, I can contact the paradise outside and exchange the most important and precious information.”

Bai Lang resolutely shut up: "Then you go for it!"

"Just trust me!"

After saying that, Feng Ying continued to focus on tinkering with her own satellite; Fufu, who has a strong self-management ability, took out the [Little Genius Helmet] and buckled it on her head with satisfaction after stealing a dozen clams; Press the pirate hat on his head tightly, and rush out the door to train his younger brother.

From Spanish Baipi's notes, Bailang discovered that all the extraordinary powers known by the other party came from the gods and demons that had been mysteriously revived, or the ancient gods and demons that had not yet awakened and kept sleeping.

Among them, the "gods and demons" who have successfully recovered and are active in every corner of the world are the most terrifying. Of course, there are also gaps in these 'Gods of Recovery'.

In contrast, another type of "gods and demons" who are still sleeping are slightly weaker, but they are most loved by "practice/scholar/archaeologists (tomb robbers)" who pursue extraordinary power.

Because the sleeping gods and demons have relatively weak self-awareness, and have the urge to 'recover', but are in a 'sealed' state.

Under normal circumstances, they cannot wake up on their own, re-display miracles, and interfere with the real world. It is often necessary to rely on the human beings who explore these ruins to make some kind of conclusion, and indirectly achieve the purpose of laying out for their own recovery.

This level of 'conclusion' is the true meaning of 'transcendent practice'.

As for whether there are other cultivation channels? At least the white-skinned owner of the ghost ship didn't know.

Leaving aside the revived 'powerful gods and demons' for the time being, there are two different routes for searching and exploring ruins, digging out mysteries, and contacting the 'sleeping gods and demons' in the hidden world.

The first is the most mainstream route.

After a brief contact with the 'slumbering gods and demons', serve the other party, using the 'personality' of the other party's inner layer in this world as the basis for him to contact the extraordinary world, enter the 'ocean of source power', and draw power.

In the traditional oriental world of comprehension, it is roughly [Shoulu].

Whoever accepts the [Lu] from that family can borrow the supernatural powers from that family and recruit the heavenly soldiers and generals from that family. The lineage he joined is too low, and there is no one in the ancestors, so borrow a chicken? = Wild Fox Orphan Zen.

‘When you come out to practice immortality and Taoism, you need to be powerful and have a background! Are you good at playing? Can play a fart! Which religion do you belong to? '

'My name is X Aotian, I have no family or faction, and I start from the leading role. Gods block and kill gods and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. If you don't like it, you can call me Daozu, I can afford it. '

‘Cut~, it turned out to be Xiaobiefan! '

In this world, those who have not established a channel with [Gods and Demons] are all Xiaobiefans!

After successfully establishing contact with these 'slumbering gods and demons', they can't stay awake all the time, they only have the instinct of recovery, and they are extremely dependent on the limited number of practitioners who firmly hold the 'remains contact path'.

After all, after killing these explorers, the next batch of explorers will not come until the year of the monkey?

As for the exchange of information between 'archaeologists'? This simply doesn't exist. There are many "extraordinary sources" in this world, all of which are deeply buried. The power contained in each source will not expand infinitely, and will not grow with the increase of so-called believers.

On the contrary, if too many people share the same 'extraordinary source', the power gained by each will be greatly attenuated.

In today's world, there are many "power acquisition methods" about "Egyptian gods and demons". Just because malicious revenge was openly spread, the extraordinary power gained from contacting these sources plummeted below the [low magic threshold].

The majestic gods and demons, and even the revived gods and demons, have been reduced to compulsory introductory courses for beginners in the mysterious circle because the core patents have been leaked.

Therefore, the contact channels of the "resurrecting gods and demons and sleeping gods and demons" are always confidential and only spread among a few people.

The "practice" who controls this channel has instead taken the initiative. The 'Sleeping God Demon' is like an investor who checks accounts only once a year, while a practitioner is a trader in charge of operations.

During this period, as long as you make the ledger beautifully, be proficient in drawing big cakes, and know how to make PPT, you can gain the trust of the "sleeping gods and demons" little by little by cheating and sneak attacking, and steal the other party's divine power . He even fumbled and emptied out the "ultimate secret of gods and demons" a little bit, and restrained it by turning against the guest.

In the same way, if you dare to deceive the 'Sleeping God and Demon' as a fool, you must have the consciousness of overturning, and it is very frequent.

After all, this is a rough detour of selling all the 'life' to the other party, and then trying to empty out the other party's family, and then regain this 'life'. The difficulty is so great that it is comparable to stealing a country.

The other path is much simpler and lacks room for growth, but it is simple and effective.

That is when a certain "sleeping demon god" has not yet awakened, and the Nancun group of children bullied me to be weak; after exploring the other party's ruins in advance, and learning some secrets and contact methods, it is really exciting to grab a wave and run away!

The owner of this notebook, a Spanish white-skinned adventurer + archaeologist, is a practitioner of this road.

His mentor is a member of the Royal Mages, and the school is dedicated to excavating the "Aztec civilization relics", and has obtained a lot of information about the "Third Sun Era Lord God".

Afterwards, the exploration fleet visited an indigenous tribe in a very friendly manner. Using long-barreled muskets + the power of gods and demons, they enthusiastically massacred the village and completed blood sacrifices with local materials, and opened a small local village of [Rain God Tlaloc]. The ruins altar (chain branch), and briefly awakened to attract the attention of [Rain God].

Because the colonial team was exhausted, the white-skinned scholar backstabbed his teacher at the last moment, monopolized this small ruins, and acted as his "source of spellcasting", offending the motherland and the [Rain God] at the same time.

Afterwards, it is to move the core 'god statues and altars' onto the ship, choose to run away, and travel across the Pacific Ocean to avoid the curse of [Rain God] + backlash.

More than ten years have passed, and the power of the white-skinned scholars in the 'extraordinary field' has not improved significantly. Because he cut off the upward climbing route by continuing to deepen his connection with [Rain God].

However, the Kingdom of Spain faced many competitors in Europe and even the whole world, so the wanted criminal transformed himself into an imperial eagle dog in exchange for cultivation resources.

The [cursed gold coin] is a non-renewable resource controlled by the Spanish royal family. Or all the antiques and holy relics excavated from the ruins? All are non-renewable resources.

This also led the mission world to embark on an alternative 'archaeological practice route'.

In this notebook, the white-skinned scholar also recorded a section full of remorse.

The story begins with a vulgar tutor frantically exploiting and squeezing graduate students.

Before the backstab, Captain White was a small nobleman who worked for his mentor and was PUA until he was almost forty years old. He didn't even have a wife, and his family inheritance and savings were all sold out, supporting his mentor's research.

However, during this period, he only obtained the practice content below the [low magic threshold], and even after his physical strength gradually exhausted, he did not get the 'youth potion' that strengthens his body and reawakens his vitality. Because these things were sold by the mentor at a high price to the royal family and nobles for friendship.

The white-skinned captain, who couldn't bear it anymore, finally couldn't help stabbing the teacher in the back when he was exploring the ruins, and monopolized everything. It also cut off the way to continue upward.

Normal high-end practitioners, under the guidance of their instructors, often worship a powerful [Sleeping God and Demon] as a foundation, and then spend a lot of money to find new clues to the "God and Demon Ruins".

Using the powerful power that has been obtained, try to attack, develop, monopolize, and deceive the new, weak [Sleeping God and Demon]. The remains of gods and demons.

Since then embarked on the most ideal virtuous circle.


"The rubbish tutor is misleading the students!" Bai Lang sighed and closed his notes, "The white-skinned barbarians are indeed of low quality!"

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