Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1279 Exclusive Artifacts and Skills

Although Kate, who picked up the card, had already read out the magnificent lineage of "Princess Niyu", although Barr had been used to seeing the ugly "Sea Monster Summoner" these days.

But after suddenly learning that such a ghost would become his "growth summoning partner" for a long time, Barr was somewhat unacceptable.

Smelling the strong sauce-flavored fishy smell of 'Princess Niyu' that day, he couldn't help it anymore, and said "vomit!"

Seeing Barr making such an offensive and provocative sound, the elite monster with high IQ suddenly rushed into the coffin even more violently, and the fat tail fin made a dull slapping sound of "slapping".


Huo Lan patted the male best friend's shoulder, signaling him not to be discouraged, isn't there still a blind box coffin? If it is a more powerful one, it will naturally make up for the psychological shadow brought about by 'Princess Niyu'.

So under the strong onlookers of the crowd, the sissy came to the second coffin listlessly and began to reveal the talisman.

This time, the impact sound in the coffin was much softer, far less violent and energetic than the 'Princess Nego with Upturned Nose'. However, when Barr overturned the second coffin board, gasping and gasping exclamations resounded around him again.

Even the well-informed Tier 3 Ultimate Warriors lamented that the people who gave gifts through the group of pirates collected such a pair of crouching dragon and phoenix chicks from?

It was obviously far less hideous and terrifying than the 'ocean monster' slaughtered in ordinary times, but he felt that the dirty things in the two coffins in front of him were the only ugly + off-putting things he had ever seen in his life!

"I go!"

After reading it, Kate quickly turned her head to protect her eyes, and skillfully found another product introduction card from the bottom of the coffin lid.

[Forbidden woman Baba Yaga, a second-order elite monster, a mixed-race fairy tale species. Contains a small amount of Slavic mythical blood, and has great growth potential. After breaking the grave, it can be replaced and cultivated as a brand new 'God Corpse'. 】

The phoenix chick in coffin No. 2 looks like a skinny "fairy-tale old witch" with shriveled chicken skin, a pointed and long nose, huge and inappropriate moles, fingers like chicken feet...and a messy hair. Moist hair.

According to the hint in the card, this thing is a very rare Eurasian mixed sea monster. Not only is it a powerful water monster, but it also has the ability to cast spells, and it has a relationship with "Slavic fairy tale Baba Yaga".

If it is properly cultivated, it can be stuffed into the "Inferior God Tomb" and a related "God Demon" can be cultivated. Although the pedigree is not as deep as that of 'Princess Niyu', the potential is not bad at all.

These two monsters are the best products carefully selected by Feng Ying after inspecting the 'Pirate Island'!

The value lies in the 'myth' attribute. Although it is not much, it represents potential. Once adopted by the contractor, as long as you are willing to invest, you can dig out more cherished hidden templates.

Originally, these two monsters were the final sacrifices that the "Contractor Fleet" planned to sacrifice to their own [Devil God], but they were finally cut off by Feng Ying and given to Bailang's new younger brother as a gift.

She also wants to see what kind of bizarre chemical reaction will be produced by the "descendant of wealth + crouching dragon and phoenix chick"?

Baal, who was deeply shocked by these two monsters, was completely petrified, and the fleet also expressed their desire to eat more after eating enough melons. So the voyage was suspended, and the portal to the "Graveyard Cave" was opened through the [Fish Seat], and continued to watch Bailang carry out a new round of enhancements to Barr's "Occupation Column".

...Sifu line...

While Bailang and Jack are having their own harvests, the great detective Sorf is conducting systematic agricultural studies at a faster speed of time, and trying to figure out the structure of the [Sour Garden]. The more you investigate, the more confused you become.

This 'Garden World' is really too complicated, hiding endless secrets. Every time she thinks she's uncovered a piece of the truth, another layer of fog unfolds over what she's investigating.

She speculates that the 'Sour Garden' is probably the mouth part of a skull, and the 'Plant Cultivation Laboratory' is built on the 'ideas' carried by the brain.

But no matter how she investigates, she always circles in what she thinks is the "oral world", and has not found other evidence to support her theory.

In addition to practicing hard + studying hard, she also entered the [403.403.5] adventure with the license authorized by the "elf old monk".

Fufu has entered here 3 times in total, and has exhausted her authority.

How big is the 403 space? The earth's crust is moving all the time, and the terrain is changing all the time, which cannot be remembered or understood.

Fufu has entered 3 times, each time as if she came to a strange place. The first time was a skeleton hill covered with grass. The grass-covered hills were essentially the heads of Cyclops. After countless years of weathering, they were covered with soil and grew grass.

When I came back for the second time, it became a tidal beach. The tide is not sea water, but the unique mixture of "chaos source force sea" and "space turbulence" in "Doufen Continent", which is very dangerous in nature.

If you leave the beach and enter the 'tide', you will get lost in the turbulent flow of space, be sucked dry by the chaotic source force sea, and then be strangled to slag by the space storm.

However, [Sour Garden], as a garden world developed in the 'void', also has a barrier similar to the 'crystal wall', which filters the turbulent flow of time and space step by step, and finally forms a 'beach' scene on the border of 403. The essence is that the turbulent flow of the void has been domesticated and harmless after passing through the layers of firewalls of the 'Sour Garden', allowing Fufu to move around on the edge of the beach and collect items left in the void.

When entering for the third time, it turned into a world of hell with magma flowing, and encountered a bunch of strange monsters. The painting style of the monster is completely different from that of 'Sour Garden', like a product of another world.

During these three adventures, Fufu makes a new discovery.

It was after entering 403 that she was greatly weakened by the suppression of [Sour Garden].

The most obvious point is that when she transported the items collected in the 403 space into [Baotou Township], these items could exist stably, and there was no degradation or deterioration.

No matter whether she collects items in the 'Sour Forest' or the 'Plant Cultivation Institute' and deposits them in [Baotou Township], these items will deteriorate and be destroyed automatically.

Even a handful of soil and a glass of water. After entering [Baotou Township], it will also become a harmful substance that cannot be understood/deciphered/garbled. Like radioactive pollution, it continued to destroy the internal rules of [Baotou Township] until Fufu removed it again.

But 403 is different!

This is still a space belonging to [Sour Garden], but the anti-theft firewall has disappeared. Silly Fufu can pick up garbage as much as she wants and carry it into [Baotou Township].

It's just that 403's resources are poor, and it is rare to find the fruits carefully cultivated by the 'Garden World'. The items here are divided into two categories:

One is the sediment that drifted into 403 along with the 'temporal tide', and the contents are all kinds of strange.

Fufu saw a lot of garbage bags, drink bottles, broken wooden barrels, dead sea monsters... and many old objects from the underworld exuding a "death smell" during the second time of "Catching the Sea on the Beach".

During the other two adventures, although they were not able to directly contact a large amount of 'void garbage' like 'Catch the Sea', they still dug out the 'old things from hell' that had drifted in from the soil.

The "garbage" with a little value was all picked up by the poor woman in [Baotou Township] and given to the little fungus to play.

(The poor woman took the garbage to support her children with tears in her eyes.)

As for the second category, they are the historical relics left over from the previous world of [Sour Garden]. It can be roughly understood as the legacy of the last era, with every violent crustal movement, there is a certain probability of appearing.

Fufu excavated all kinds of mythical creature skeletons from the soil. Such as Gorgons, Cyclops, Centaurs... In addition, there are some decayed short swords, round shields, spearheads, and wine glasses.

According to the style of these relics, the detective judged that the predecessor of 'Sour Garden' should be related to the world of Greek mythology!

If it is substituted into her 'head theory', then 403 is obviously the weakest link in the 'elf old monk''s grasp of [Sour Garden].

If the [head] itself does not belong to the 'Packed Cucumber God', but is forcibly occupied by the 'Dimensional World (Senior God Tomb)'.

Then everything can be explained:

The intruders (Contractor or Black Queen Mother) took the lead in capturing the organ area of ​​the [head] and opened up a cave world. Then use the "sour law" to cover it, and decorate it into what it is today (food cultivation base). And constantly invade the 'thoughts' to open up more 'thought dimensions'.

But this [head] belongs to someone else after all, and belongs to some kind of great life (age of the gods-gods and demons). Therefore, there will always be some stubborn power, rules, and ideas left, and they will eventually be exiled and forgotten in the 403 space and sealed away.

At the same time, use this 'space' full of impurities and dross as a buffer against the void storm. While using the power of Chaos and Void to grind and smash the residues of the old era; at the same time, use these residues to take over the valuable items left in the 'Chaos and Void'.

The old elf monk let Fufu enter the 403 adventure. The essence is not to explore the mystery of the "old will of the head", but to pick up the "equipment (an old object)" that drifted in from the void in the 403 space.

There are many "Tombs of God" in Doufen Continent. The demon gods are often affected by the friction and conflict between the spokespersons, and have to escalate into a battle of gods, and they will never die in the end.

The essence of the war of gods is fighting the grave (fighting the rich). After a battle, their respective 'luxury tombs' will be somewhat affected, with a large number of fragments collapsing, a large number of funerary objects lost, and finally falling into the void.

403 is the recovery system for digging for gold from the sea from the "Tomb of the Gods System". After each batch of "delicious children" meets the requirements, they can enter 403 to find "old objects" that are destined for them with luck, and finally combine with [Mother's Acetate Box] to forge an exclusive artifact.

After Fufu collected a lot of garbage in 403, she decisively took out a 'skull private server' from [Baotou Township], and used it as the 'artifact embryo' she chose, and completed the fusion with [Mother's Box].

Originally, Silly Fuzi was worried about how to steal as much technology as possible from [Sour Garden].

Although she has the artifact [Mother's Box], and has been granted a lot of authority to transfer information. However, the [Mother Box] is highly intelligent as a private terminal. She only needs to master the most basic cultivation principles to operate the equipment and take care of the plants through the [Mother Box].

And she doesn't need to know many detailed 'technical content'. Even though she can learn in detail through the [Mother Box], the actual content is too much and too obscure, and her brain is limited, so she cannot fully remember it.

It is even more undesirable to put the [Mother Box] into [Baotou Township] and run away. Countless failures are enough to prove that the high-end anti-theft technology of [Sour Garden] is several generations ahead of his father.

But after a few times of exploration in 403, she found a way to break the situation, that is [servo skull + mother acetate box] to forge an exclusive artifact.

And use the [skull private server] to record and engrave the data circulated in the [Mother Box], and then transfer it to the [Baotou Township] in a private way, evading the anti-theft technology of the sour garden, and stealing a lot of knowledge.

If he took out the 'Servo Skull' rashly in the 'Sour Garden', it would definitely arouse the vigilance of the old elf monk. This thing is obviously not inferior to 'Garden', and it shouldn't appear in Fufu's hands.

With the special environment of 403, it is reasonable for her to take out a bunch of mushrooms from [Baotou Township].

Well, that's what Fufu does. Not only did he return to the 'Sour Garden' with a skull, but he also brought a basketful of hallucinogenic mushrooms to the old monk. He kept praising this stuff in sign language, and hoped that he could apply for a [Plant Culture Room] ] to incubate.

The smart silly Fufu not only found a way to systematically steal knowledge and technology, but also planned to use [Sour Garden]'s superior "God and Devil Food Cultivation System" to upgrade her mushrooms.

Wouldn't it be great to use the high-end "God and Demon Laboratory" to cultivate your own mushrooms to create "divine strains", and then record the relevant cultivation techniques and data, and reproduce them in [Baotou Township] in the future?

Although the old elf monk was surprised by the sudden appearance of the [Servo Skull], he scanned and checked it repeatedly.

But on the one hand, everything is possible in 403; on the other hand, before submitting the 'skull', Fufu had already formatted it cleanly, without leaving any hidden dangers or clues, and finally passed the judgment smoothly.

As for the painting style of "QR Code-Magic Loop Chip", something is obviously wrong, there must be something strange in it!

God knows how much black technology is hidden in [Tomb of the Gods]? When the 'Continent of the Gods' was built, countless [law fragments] were inserted. The magic side, the technology side, the immortal side... everything. So it is not surprising that the 'Magic Seal-Servo Skull' appeared in the chaotic turbulence.

In the end, Sharf obtained the exclusive artifact: [Mother's Acetate Skull Box]

Be the first loli to get the artifact in this year's "Delicious Kids". The strongest point of the exclusive artifact is that you can develop a unique "exclusive magic skill" according to your own ideas and preferences, combined with the original functions of the artifact.

Without hesitation, Sharf chose the most important [monk photosynthesis technology] in the 'Plant Cultivation Institute' as her subject, and then replaced the monk's light-emitting bald head with her own artifact 'mother skull' ', releasing the divine light of 'special spectrum'.

During this process, Fufu reduced the process that originally required 'monks' to read the "Teaching Book" to think and understand and finally release the "Light of Wisdom" to "send the teaching book data to the sacred binary mother's skull box, and make a high-speed long-distance transfer in the loop." , and finally released the exclusive magic skill of "Divine Spectrum".

Because the technology is ready-made, Fufu's 'exclusive magic skill' was quickly developed.

She doesn't need to "seriously read the scriptures" to get the [artifact] to automatically emit a divine spectrum to illuminate plants.

Even, you can use the same [Mother's Skull Box] to switch between different spiritual scriptures and release different frequencies of divine spectrum: the light wave of the Green Church, the ray of Christ, the light of Buddha... It is more convenient and quicker.

After learning about Fufu's "divine skills" developed with the exclusive artifact, the old elf monk gave him high praise: "You are such a smart and good boy, delicious Sarfu!"

But after the praise, the old elf monk did not adopt the suggestion to popularize the 'Servo Skull' in [Sour Garden].

Because using the "servo skull + mother box" can inherently input hundreds of different scriptures, by switching data, simulating the "divine spectrum" of different frequencies is indeed much more efficient.

But the problem is also very prominent, that is, the lack of 'soul'!

Fufu's [Frequency Modulation Divine Spectrum] magical skill is ingenious, but the spectrum emitted must have the word "false". The real light of divinity requires the injection of 'soul'.

Every monk's head has a blank mind, which will continue to mature with the long experience of "reading and chanting", accumulate a unique "personal understanding", and release more and more wise light.

This is something that servo skulls cannot do. This is the same as the cyber prayer wheel. Even if you break a hundred mining machines, you can’t upload your merits to Lingshan, because you don’t have a ‘heart’.

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