Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 1291 Feng Ying: I'm here to negotiate!

After a brief exchange, Feng Ying inquired about a lot of new news, and silently recorded it in the [Small Satellite] for induction and integration.

At this time, the little boss who was in charge of welcoming Er Luo also made a gesture of invitation, leading 'Von Jack' into a luxurious ship hotel. This is the occasion where the cadres under Ksitigarbha usually entertain distinguished guests and negotiate with partners/hostile forces.

Erluo had been here a few times, and took the elevator to a private room on the third floor.

At this time, sitting in the room was a melancholy middle-aged man who had met three times. He had a sad mustache and was looking at the beautiful scenery of the underworld outside the wooden window with a wine glass. Beside him is a beautiful female ghost with a Chinese painting style, playing the guzheng to add to the fun.

The oriental-style wooden window has its own filter, which filters out the screams of the dead and resentful souls in the Styx River, and increases the color saturation, just like the beauty of a mobile phone, making the originally gloomy, desolate and terrifying Styx scene present an alternative The underworld is quiet and beautiful.

Feng Ying likes the design of these private rooms very much, and plans to ask her father to customize a set for herself after returning home, and move into [Holding Hell] as a private residence.

"Misses, please sit down." The man asked the ghost to change to a brisk tune, and at the same time invited Erluo to take a seat, and asked, "Miss Feng contacted me suddenly, what do you need? As long as it's not too much, I will definitely satisfy you next time." .”

Pay attention, the man in front of you is called Xiaoshuai... Wrong! The melancholy uncle in front of him is a third-tier contractor in the "Ksitigarbha Team".

After entering the mission world (Dou Tomb Continent), obtain the qualification to lead a fleet. Using the analogy of the "Four Emperors" in Pirate World, it is already at the level of Captain Fan. On weekdays, apart from her main job, she is also responsible for taking care of Feng Ying and meeting Erluo's various wonderful requirements.

After all, [Ksitigarbha] is a dignified high-ranking boss, it is impossible to condescend to curry favor with Feng Ying all the time. It is enough to arrange a 'familiar' to monitor Erluo's safety, and another subordinate to take care of the two of them on a daily basis.

Feng Ying also knew what was good and what was bad, and she didn't want to be too much of a monster to cause trouble. She only contacted the other party for a meeting when she had special needs, and put forward the needs in a very reasonable way. They are usually easily satisfied by the other party.

"Not too much, not too much!" Feng Ying waved her hands again and again, expressing that she is a good boy, "I contacted Uncle Le today, and there are three small things in total."

While talking, Feng Luoli squinted at the other person's wine glass, and suddenly started to move, with an occupational disease attack, and asked: "Uncle Le, drinking alcohol is harmful to your health, I wonder if you have heard of our new 'Goji Berry Renewing Life Tea' launched by our [Health Account] ?"

The middle-aged man hurriedly sat up straight, shaking his head and refusing: "Don't talk about it! Don't talk about it! I'm an alcoholic, I've got an old problem, I can't get rid of it, I don't drink tea, I don't drink tea!"

Just kidding, who doesn't know that these two poisonous lolis used harsh industrial raw materials to brew "highly toxic industrial alcohol" to poison the bottom sailors?

"That's the first thing you did to me?"

Feng Ying: "Of course not. The first thing I mentioned to you before. Our sisters have a small business, and we don't have a lot of contacts. We hope to obtain some powerful 'mythical level' biological limbs. It would be better if they are complete."

The man suddenly understood: "Are you talking about the 'dragon of the underworld' that was hunted yesterday? There are many teams participating in the hunt, including aborigines and contractors. This giant dragon is not a god or demon, but a powerful one." The monsters in the underworld have the fighting power of demon gods. If there is a suitable [god tomb] stuffed into it for a few years of sacrifice, it will be a top-notch 'god and demon'; it is also excellent to make a 'god and demon clone' choose."

The middle and low-end gods and demons in "Dou Tomb Continent" have a very high rate of change of ownership. The production cost of "Little Gods and Demons" is not high, and they are often replaced by contractors after they die. A giant dragon, compared to other weak carriers of 'gods and demons (corpse)', it can be called the best.

Feng Ying looked disappointed after hearing this: "So, we have no chance?"

"If the dragon's body is intact, you really have no chance, and will definitely be auctioned off by other forces at a high price."

Feng Ying was taken aback for a moment, and said pleasantly, "So we have a chance?"

The man nodded: "There are several forces that hunted the 'Dragon of the Underworld'. In the end, not only did they distribute the loot unevenly, they also blasted the 'Dragon of the Underworld' to pieces during the hunt. The body was too damaged, and the essence was divided among several parties. The remaining residue can no longer serve as a 'god and demon' and be sent into the tomb."

Jack sighed happily, "What a pity!"

Feng Ying: "Then can we recycle?"

"I left a broken claw for you, which is the left front claw of the giant dragon. It has two fingers broken off and is relatively intact. It is a gift for you. In addition, there is also a piece of 30 kilograms of broken dragon meat. That's great, but it's free. This is the share allocated to you [Yangsheng] from the logistics and food supply of the Grand Fleet."

It was only then that Jack realized that they were also contracted private dining halls at sea officially authorized by the Grand Fleet. They should have a share of the 'dragon meat remnants' obtained by the Grand Fleet.

As for the 'Dragon Claw' in good condition, it is not a welfare but a 'commodity'. This kind of material is needed by both the contractors and the aborigines, and it can be regarded as a small gift from the Ksitigarbha King to show his favor to Feng Ying.

Not much value, full of heart. It's not too flattering, but it also gives Fu Luoli enough face.

"Thank you uncle!"

The middle-aged man said again: "We have another item here. If you two are interested, you need to pay an equivalent transaction item."

Jack asked curiously, "What is it?"

"A tongue of the dragon in the underworld was originally taken away by one of the forces involved in the hunt. The quality is quite good, full of dragon breath energy. Our team's gourmet contractors have also appreciated it, and it is one of the top ingredients of the 'dragon'. "

After the middle-aged man gave a description, Little Jack was a little drooling.

Feng Ying asked, "Can such a good thing be left to us?"

"It was originally impossible. That team handed over this 'Dragon Tongue' to us (Jizo Regiment) Team 7 (Sea Canteen), and appointed food contractors to cook it into 'resonance food'. It's a pity that this team The fleet went too well yesterday, overestimating itself, and was defeated in today's "God and Demon Hunt". Lost several core members, the ship was severely damaged, and continued to replenish supplies, and could not stay in the underworld. Arrived at the Seventh Division and exchanged a batch of healing potions."

Erluo understood that the most essential part of the underworld dragon had been divided. Now there is still a top-quality 'Dragon Tongue' in the canteen of the Jizo Mission, which can be transferred to the two of them as a favor.

Immediately, the two lolis whispered to each other, and Jack said that his [Split Bottle] had been filled with 'Industrial Health Tea', and he was short of such a batch of natural Baolai wine.

[Underworld Tequila Health Tea] sounds very good.

Feng Ying said boldly, "Let's make a price!"

After finalizing the first deal in a few words and winning the first 'Superior Health Tea' for Jack, Feng Ying started to talk about the second matter.

At this time, she offered [Work-study program, vacation internship! ]'s nirvana, hoping to get more exercise. Opening a 'private restaurant' in the Grand Fleet is too simple and challenging. She longs for a more fulfilling life, so she doesn't waste her time.

"I hope to participate more deeply in the work of [Ksitigarbha Mission]'s great exploration of the underworld. I don't expect any high-end and important positions. I just want to find a real job that can exercise my professional ability and gain knowledge."

After listening to Feng Ying's request, the cadre didn't believe her at all.

The past few rounds of dealings have allowed him to see Feng Luoli's true colors of "no gain, everything has a purpose".

He has all the recent activity information of [Healthy Latiao Account] in his hand. Including taking the initiative to come to the door to attract customers, Huwei Huwei used the name of "Ksitigarbhatuan" to forcefully promote the "monthly subscription package"; and among the indigenous sailor groups of the Grand Fleet, the eyes and ears of the "Latiao Brotherhood" were virally expanded, extending their tentacles to different Small fleet, build intelligence network.

Now, obviously the time is right, and these two lolis are planning to start a new life again. That's why you have a cute and honest face, what kind of work-study opportunities are you asking for?

"Can you tell me what kind of work you want to participate in? It is impossible to fight on the front line."

Feng Ying was full of approval for this: "I also know that Uncle Zang is worried about our safety, so he doesn't allow us to go to the front line. Even watching the battle from a distance is not enough."

Seeing her being so upbeat, the man said with satisfaction, "It's good that you understand."

"We have a sense of proportion, so we want to ask for a new errand. Can you arrange for us to contact and visit those private fleets that have successfully captured the 'God's Tomb' in the name of [Ksitigarbha Mission]. Go to the 'God's Tomb' they laid down 'Long experience, visit and record it?"

Feng Ying talked eloquently: "I think this [Underworld Expedition] is a huge project. The fleet is mixed with fish and dragons, and there are many forces. At the beginning of the right path, we must work together, but it will become more and more scattered. Some people get enough I lost my aggressiveness; some people didn’t share the loot evenly; some people were weak and couldn’t keep the loot, and were blackmailed by others... Therefore, I think it is necessary to make statistics on the income of different fleets! Especially [ God's Tomb] is a core resource."

Fu Luoli said righteously: "If these [Tombs of the Gods] that have been successfully dug out can be notarized and managed in a unified manner, not only will internal conflicts be eliminated, but also huge profits can be created. So why not give us an identity and arrange for us to conduct statistics. Let's 【Ksitigarbhatuan】It is not to steal by chance, but to bring fairness and notarization to safeguard the interests of vulnerable groups. At the same time, take advantage of the advantages of the official organizers to establish a "platform" to provide various related services for these "little gods" to earn Expenses. Those small forces occupying the 'God's Tomb' also save a lot of energy, which is a win-win situation!"

The expedition to the underworld has just begun, and Feng Ying has already analyzed the feasibility of large-scale profitability from the perspective of "centralization and unification". What are the profit points?

Hearing the middle-aged man nod again and again, he deserves to be a top student. Being able to speak well, it's no wonder that the 'health tea' business is spread all over the Grand Fleet.

He understands all these reasons, but it is slightly offensive to come to 'visit' and register the trophies of other forces, and it is easy to cause dissatisfaction.

But having said that, if this rule can be established in the early stage of the expedition, it will indeed be beneficial to the future layout of the [Ksitigarbha Mission] in the underworld. It is also full of benefits for those small forces that attack the 'God's Tomb'.

It's just that this work cannot be done by the [Ksitigarbhatuan], the food is too ugly. On the contrary, it is quite appropriate to entrust this job to two lolis and let them make white gloves.

After reporting this question to [Ksitigarbha], the man asked about the third thing about Erluo's visit.

Feng Ying: "The United Fleet's massacre of gods today was so loud that even our 'Little Mao God' could hear the screams. I wonder if I can visit the 'Tomb of the Gods' in [Charon]? In advance Accumulate some experience. By the way, after this [Charon] dog belt, is it reformatted and a new [God and Demon. Charon] is set up as a substitute; A brand new Hades?"

After conquering the next "God and Demon Ruins", the contractor's forces usually choose to drain the value of the "God and Demon", and then format the "God Tomb" to customize a new "Exclusive God and Demon" according to their own needs To cultivate.

Only the weak aborigines are attached to the [gods and demons] and sacrifice everything for their awakening.

"I do know this. Many high-level contractors in our team are applying for the exclusive [Tomb of God]. After 'Charon' is killed, the team leader will remodel the 'Tomb of God' to create A new 'God of the Underworld' joins our 'Ksitigarbha God System'."

Jack became excited: "Don't throw the dead [Charon (God Corpse)] around, give it to us, okay?"

"..." The man paused for a moment, then shook his head and said, "[Charon] is a level 5 demon, and even a fourth-level contractor would be tempted. Although [Walking God] sounds a little low, but the other party's authority Covering the five great rivers of the Styx, there are a few revived and active "Gods of the Underworld", and their influence penetrates into the underworld of other myths. Even the abandoned "God's Body" is still extremely valuable. It is still the old rules, if you want to get it" Body of Charon', an equivalent barter must be offered."

Feng Ying: "Okay! I'll contact Qian right now. [God Tomb] is useless to us, but the 'God's Body' is bound to be obtained. You can't sell 'Charon' in advance without warning."

"I'll contact the captain."

Feng Ying: "By the way, we want to go to [Charon God's Tomb] to visit the application for internship. Just take a look, don't mess around, you can send someone to accompany you to supervise."

After the negotiation ended, Feng Ying and Little Jack bid farewell to each other, and happily rode back to the [Health Spicy Bar]. Immediately after that, they communicated with Bailang of the [Shuijinglong] through the ‘Tomb of the Gods’, introduced their experience in the underworld, and finally began to ask for money to buy [Charon’s Body].

Bailang hit it off right away, and released a batch of [Carp Xuantan] as a reward for a 'private mission' to Feng Ying. I hope that Feng Ying will use this thing as a trade for [Charon], and more importantly, to reveal his [Raliyah Project] to Ksitigarbha a little bit, so as to arouse the interest of the other party.

Immediately, Fu Luoli reluctantly ran to the deck, jumped rope for an hour, and finally completed the 'paradise mission' and got this reward.

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