Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 198 Protagonist Protagonist Protagonist! Who is the real protagonist template?

When Bailang's third "truth drift", he originally planned to return to reality directly, arrange the scene, and then bring a new big surprise to the other party.

However, he suddenly received a reminder from Paradise, which made him fall into a daze.

"What TF?!"

[Due to your frequent and boring operations, you entered the Land of Truth three times in a very short period of time. You triggered the clues related to the hidden title 'In and Out of Truth'...]

[In and Out of Truth (Dark Green Title): You who frequently walk on the edge of the "Gate of Truth" have a unique intuition and a keen insight into the root core of the world. After wearing this title, your "perception attribute" will be strengthened with additional specialties (world root perception), making it easier to perceive, capture, understand, and contact the "truth, rules, roots, will, heaven..." of different worlds. World Affinity +1% (constant); in this world, get 'Formation Without Formation'. 】

[Title activation conditions: In any world, enter the truth (root, heaven) at least three times in a very short period of time, you can get clues related to the 'title'; Activate and wear this title directly. Progress 4/10]

[Remarks: The title of the same series also has 'roots of entry and exit'. In and out of the moon, in and out of the vise, in and out of the oven, water pump... (fog)]

After Bailang read the reminder sent by the paradise and understood it for a while, he was shocked!

Cruel, domineering, and friendless!

Normal people will never enter and exit the door of truth frequently in a short period of time like him. In fact, if it weren't for the pressure from two enemies, he wouldn't be able to do such a 2B behavior, injuring one thousand enemies and self-damaging eight hundred, wasting 3/5 of Newton's redstone.

Therefore, even those high-level contractors who know the hidden opportunity of the 'Gate of Truth' and have enough 'Philosopher's Stone' as travel expenses, it is impossible to enter more than 10 times during a mission. If the requirements are not met, even if you accumulate 5 or 8 times in one mission, you will not be able to obtain relevant clues.

It was also a coincidence that Bailang got the "title clue" after three consecutive hairpin turns. Therefore, this 'title' is currently hidden very deeply, and its value is undoubtedly high.

The more he thought about it, the more Lang could feel the hidden value behind this 'title'. It may be very precious in this world, but in other worlds, it has even more heaven-defying effects.

The world of steel refining is probably the first choice for the easiest way to get the title of "In and Out of the Truth" series. Only this world has the lowest threshold for accessing the "root of the world". Even so, there are very few plot characters who entered the truth in the original work, and they paid a tragic price. Only Edward has entered three times.

Bailang's current behavior is completely a bug.

But even with bugs, it's not such a good card. Switching to the moon world, it is difficult to enter the root once. Throughout history, how many magicians can do it? What's more, there are ten times in one mission!

Even the jeweler can't do it, so Hei Tong's 'false entry and exit' should be overthrown. Even if the 'root of entry and exit' is brushed out, a '♀' symbol must be added, which is the title issued by the Witch Space.

If it's a fairy universe like Journey to the West, Fengshen, and Honghuang, wouldn't it be necessary to comprehend the Dao ten times in a row within the time of one mission, and trigger the vision of heaven and earth?

Another low-energy "bleach migrant worker's world" needs to obtain the king's key and enter and exit the Lingwang Palace ten times; if it is the five-village weapon fighting world, do you need to incarnate "Ten Tails Jinchuriki" ten times in a row? Turn on the six-way mode ten times? Or is it Thanos' "Ten Wearing Infinity Gloves"?

In short, after much deliberation, Bailang wanted to achieve the title of the related series. The task world that is too high-end is extremely difficult, while the low-end world does not have 'heavenly way, planetary will, or root' at all, so triggering is out of the question. Only in the world of steel refining, as long as you gather enough redstone, you can enter and exit frequently...

"Good baby! Really good baby!"

After figuring out the value of this 'title', Bailang's eyes widened.

He has completed 4/10, and he is only 6 times away from returning. Rounding up means that he has completed! However, the redstone reserves on his body can only be supported once, and this is an opportunity to prepare for the final sale of the 'Evil God Seed'.

After calming down, he found that the difficulty of swiping 'In and Out of the Truth' was low, and the gold content was also low. Only in this world, the effect is the strongest, and it comes with "Nuzhen Formation" for free; if you go to other worlds, it will be greatly discounted, only the world perception +1%.

It is equivalent to the 1-99% version of the innate Taoism, or 1% of the two rituals. Going to Naruto World, it is impossible to defy the sky, maybe it is easier to comprehend the fairy mode?

Now he is also a man with two 'titles', and he has a lot of experience in this regard. Originally, Lang planned to get the title of "Medical Department", but now he changed his mind. The prospect of "In and Out of the Truth" is too good, and he has completely exploded the two idiot titles of "Field Amputation Maniac and Legend of Fastest Stitching".

Although the effect at this time is very poor, it is a stepping stone to visit Gaia, kneel and lick the way of heaven, and comprehend the local power system. As for increasing the gold content, he also has some ideas.

In the future, as long as there are holidays, you will frequent the world of steel refining, enter the "gate of truth" again and again, use behavior to strengthen the "concept" of this title, and the gold content will naturally increase slowly. Or, carrying this 'title' to complete a feat of entering the true root in the Moon World can continue to refresh and strengthen its value.

At this moment, Bailang's mind was full of coquettish manipulations, and then he thought of the biggest obstacle to obtaining this title: travel expenses!

His savings can only come one more time. If he doesn't want to pay his body or empty his ability bar, he must get more 'Sage Stones'. And snatching the 'Sage's Stone', how can it compare to making it yourself?

Bailang immediately turned his head and looked at the gatekeeper: "Hey, I have a question, how much is the complete set of refining knowledge of the 'Sage's Stone'? How much will it cost to complete the 'Sage's Stone information' I have in hand?"

The gatekeeper, who didn't know there was a 'title system' at all, had to come to Bailang to answer.

Just when Bai Lang discovered a bigger secret than the 'Gate of Truth', the two contractors who were in another land of truth also received a reminder from Paradise:

[Due to the frequent boring operations of No. 1449032, you are extremely short...you triggered...]

[The current progress is 3/10. 】

Not only was Lang shocked at this moment, even the other two contractors went crazy.

"Ahahahahaha, a rare title! No, no, no, this is a legendary treasure-level hidden title, which can only be triggered under extremely harsh conditions...Ahahaha, I am indeed the protagonist!"

The embarrassed young man suddenly laughed wantonly. This feeling... an adventure! Proper protagonist mode! I am the strongest!

A bunch of familiar routine stories immediately appeared in his mind. The real protagonist, often like him at this moment, is driven into desperation by despicable and shameless powerful enemies all the way, and finally, in the despair of being unable to resist the near death, he grasps a chance of life, and even obtains a great opportunity.

Isn't he like this now? (Three major illusions in life)

That despicable villain Altlander tried his best to pull himself into the root three times in a row, causing serious damage to his foundation and vitality, but he sent such a 'hidden title' in front of him. Sure enough, the scene at the next moment is destined to be my adversity bursting out, killing that garbage, and enjoying all of this alone!

At this moment, he didn't even feel any resentment towards the 'gatekeeper' who forcibly robbed the 'travel fee' before. In my head, a lot of tricks appeared instead...

Not only the mentally ill young man, but even the mature and stable man with the sword couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart at this time, and couldn't help but be full of coquettish operations.

Although he resented Bailang's despicable and shameless behavior, he couldn't help laughing wildly when he thought of the value behind this 'title'.

God's will, this is God's will, God's will is with me! Is this the legendary 'adventure of the protagonist'? (Three major illusions in life)

Although everyone stays in the truth for a different time, the time to return to this world is synchronized.

Bailang repeatedly wrangled with the gatekeeper in the truth, and took the time to heal the wound before returning fully armed!

As for the two 'protagonist templates', to be honest, he doesn't care.

Lang never thought of himself as the protagonist. He has worked hard every step of the way to this day! His ability column is all added with the "embers" earned by his ability!

I, Bailang, never take shortcuts, have never encountered any adventures, and every strong enemy is fair and just, go all out to die openly and aboveboard! The strength of the whole body has been honed through hard work! Even if krypton gold and embers are added, it is to save time, not to force a breakthrough when encountering a bottleneck! Even the clue to the title of 'in and out of the truth' was paid out with real money!

That's right, I'm not the protagonist by luck, I'm the boss template holder who relies on strength, 'hard-working genius-krypton gold non-chieftain! '

"Let's fight to the death, trash! I give you glorious defeat!"


I have been sick for the past two days, and I have no energy to pay attention to chapters and comments. Today, I found out that the hall master 'Meng Meng Da in the Asylum' and the rudder master 'Fan Yuan Prison' have suddenly evolved. First of all, thank you for your support. I am very happy. The recovery speed is +1, +1...Secondly, the addition is first recorded in In the small book, the addition of Xiying'I don't complain' has never been added...Let's pay it back slowly in the future.

Finally, this volume is almost finished... It seems that the writing is not very good? OTZ

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