Dimensional Eroders

Chapter 229 Lang's Gentleness, Cuisine of the Undead

Under Bailang's urging and coercion, Xia Jing, who was alone in the room with the zombies and had been tortured, put the camera into the monster's hands in a daze. She didn't wake up until she was captured, she broke out in cold sweat, and started a series of screaming fights.

In Room 1 not far away, the screams of two girls came out again.

The terrified Xia Jing led Ophelia, who was already screaming tired, and the two stimulated each other, and the tone climbed to the peak, causing the eardrums of the tired and numb zombies to tingle, and another round of rage broke out. This lively atmosphere infected the neighbors. Duke, who was about to faint from crying in room 2, cheered up and howled again, which drove Feng Ying in room 3 to burst into a burst of 'hum haha! ’ call.

For a while, ghosts and wolves were howling on the roof, tears and snot poured out, and the door was knocked fiercely, but the shout of "Wow, wow, wow, oh, oh, no load, no load...!" was particularly ear-piercing.

Squatting on the ground, wearing the protective shield, Feng Ying, who was using a set of chaotic cloak and stick techniques, specializing in zombies, shouted to the door: "Bailang, I want more, I want to hit four!"

"Get out, zombies don't cost money? Your bravery has been recognized by me, and you have passed the test." Bai Lang rolled his eyes.

"No, I still want to play!" Feng Ying retorted.

"You can play if you want, ten papers! One paper for one zombie, otherwise it will come out."

"You're such a disappointment, I'll write! I'll write! Add an hour to me, this time I'll type three."

Bailang turned his head and said to Kotaro beside him, "Go, get three more zombies to serve in Room 3."


At this time, Yuan Xin beside Bailang was also paying attention to the monitoring screen. The two girls in Room 1 are in a state of extreme panic, showing you a mental breakdown anytime, anywhere.

She couldn't help sighing: "If you do this, you will frighten them."

Bailang heard the criticism and blame in the other party's words, turned his head and said seriously: "It doesn't matter. Entering this doomsday and collapsing world, you must adapt as soon as possible and have corresponding awareness. I also had good intentions and did not harm or torture them. On the contrary, I really want to help her grow up quickly, let her mind mature, and I have already done sufficient protection."

"I can understand your original intention, but your means are too drastic. A few of them can't bear it."

"Step by step? But time is too late. They have already touched the 'paradise', can they return to a stable and comfortable life? Duke may be able to, his world is more harmonious and safe, but Ophelia is absolutely impossible. She has been Chuanhuo Paradise is marked, doomed, and our Chuanhuo Paradise has the highest death rate. And she is destined to enter the Paradise to become a contractor. Everything I do is for their sake, and Paparazzi Paradise is not a good place."

Bailang sighed sincerely:

"I can't bear to see such a beautiful, lovely, pure and well-behaved girl fall into a tragic and dark situation because of her weak personality. There are too many scumbags and liars in the paradise, and danger is everywhere in the mission world. She has such a Beauty is the original sin, and she cannot rely on others. If she wants to hate, just hate me."

Bailang said fearlessly that he, the Virgin Lang, does good deeds and never cares about other people's opinions, as long as he is worthy of his conscience.

Does he like to torture beautiful and cute little girls, and base his happiness on other people's pain? absurd! He is helping the other party, teaching the other party, and making the sister paper become independent and self-reliant.

"But if you go on like this, they will only have a nervous breakdown." Yuan Xin looked at the surveillance screen in room 1, the two girls hugged each other, shivering as they were forced into a corner by the zombies, with tears and snot flowing all over their bodies.

"Time waits for no one! What I want is 'collapse therapy'. If you don't break, you can't build. If you break, you can build. Don't worry, I'm a professional."

The straight iron man, genius doctor Lang, shook a psychological treatment book called "Overload Psychotherapy-How to Heal a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Patient" in his hand.

This book comes from other universe paradises. It is the 14th reprint of the Waaagh Advanced Witch Doctor Advanced Series series by Isan Publishing House.

Since taking these part-time tasks, he plans to learn some knowledge of "psychiatrist" to better help patients. Not only to heal their bodies, but also to save their souls.

This is also one of the manifestations of Bailang's tireless pursuit of medical advancement.

Yuan Xin rolled her eyes: "I didn't question what you mean, but I think you are too eager for quick success and want to achieve it overnight. This method should be carried out in at least three days. First scare them for 45 minutes, then rest for ten minutes, four rounds in the morning , Four rounds in the afternoon, relaxation and relaxation, it is best to arrange a gymnastics time to exercise the muscles and bones, and arrange an eye exercise in the afternoon, don't cry and hurt the eyes, so as to achieve the effect. You blindly exert extreme pressure and mental intimidation, On the contrary, it fell to the bottom.”

The big sister who is also black-bellied and merciless shakes her head and criticizes: "You, you still have too little experience. If you take such a strong drug as soon as you come up, they are bound to collapse."

"So it's like? I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed, thank you, Sister Yuan, for your guidance."

Bai Lang heard it made sense, and immediately accepted it humbly, reflected on his own shortcomings, and fully demonstrated his excellent quality of being modest and studious.

"Hey, I care too much about them too. Sister Yuan, do you know? When I was a child, I was a spoiled, lazy, good-for-nothing. Except that I was a little more handsome than Duke and had a better relationship with female classmates, we were equally mediocre. Enterprising, playful and tired of learning. (Duke: Say it again?) So when I was involved in the "Paradise of Fire", I was in a desperate situation and hit a wall everywhere. Desperate and helpless."

"Therefore, I deeply understand that it is my incompetence, laziness, and lack of effort that have caused all this. If I develop good moral habits from an early age, practice martial arts hard, and understand the evil of human nature, I will behave in a certain way in Paradise. It will be better. Because of my failed case, I don’t want Little Duke to repeat the same mistakes. This meatball is only eight years old, and I entered the paradise at 21. I almost survived. Even if I work hard in the future, it will be difficult to catch up A genius like Feng Ying."

"But Duke is different. I see the shadow of my childhood in him! Under my training, he started from the starting line at the age of eight, and he will lead me by a full '21-8' years!"

"13 years!" Yuan Xin reminded.

"Yes! This is a full 13 years of advantage! When he is selected into the 'Dream Space' at the age of 21, he will definitely be more promising than me. Even if he returns to his hometown this time, he will not enter the paradise again. After After the baptism of this summer camp, he can still be reborn, shape the heart of a strong man, grow into an elite in his own world, live up to his parents' expectations, and become a pillar of society."

"Ophelia is the same, she is so young, she has beauty and the talent of 'rough stone', she is blessed by nature. A good girl like her should not be deceived by scumbags, nor should she suffer from misfortune, but she is too naive and too easy to believe Relying on others, I, Bailang, as a conscientious and moral person, can't bear to see her in trouble? So I want to help her, use practical actions to let her understand each truth, and grow into a good girl who is independent, self-improving, clean and self-loving! All tragedies happen.”

Bailang expresses his feelings straight from his heart. He has been a civilized, polite and positive person since he was a child. Helping the kitten sisters on the planet Somogo, three missions to the paradise, helping others, passing on the golden spirit, saving lives and healing the wounded... He has been using his own methods to promote positive energy.

Although he will be misunderstood by the world and be discriminated against and ridiculed by some readers who lack discernment, he will continue to do it unswervingly. This is his persistence. He is so great, but he never said it, and swallowed all his grievances.

After hearing this, Yuan Xin fell into silence, and said helplessly, "You are a good person!"

"⑧Wrong! I think so too!"

Bailang gave a thumbs up and grinned. At this moment, it was like the possession of "Locke Li+Akai". His optimism and positive sunshine touched everyone on the scene...Combined with the screams and wild laughter from the three houses, it was extraordinarily weird and touching.

When the two talked, they didn't turn off the microphone.

At this moment, Xia Jing, a DV girl in room 1, shivered and huddled against the wall with Ophelia, while eavesdropping on the conversation between Bailang and Yuan Xin. From the anger and fear at the beginning, to the current emotion.

She was so frightened that tears suddenly filled her eyes. Although she was still angry with Bailang's cheating trial, she had accepted the other party's kindness. At this moment, a flame ignited in the girl's heart, and a moving force erupted in her heart. She suddenly became brave, raised her leg and kicked the zombie, and quickly bent down to pick up the unbroken camera.

The next moment, the girl who was crying with noodles shrank back to the other side, and with Bailang's encouragement, raised the camera to shoot the other girl who was crying with noodles and shrunk into a ball.

"The plan works!"

Seeing the weak chicken No. 3 on the screen suddenly explode, Bai Lang silently gave Yuan Xin a thumbs up. The words just now are not only from the heart, it is also a psychological tactic.

‘I really have the potential to be a psychiatrist. '

"Gontaro, Duke in Room 2 has fainted from fright. Go and pour him a basin of cold water, then feed him a 'Snickers bar' to replenish his energy, and encourage him to keep working hard. At noon Add two chicken legs, and ice cubes!"

The contestants in room 1 cheered up, but the little fat guy in room 2 was paralyzed with fright, which is not okay.

Suppressing the chills in his heart, under the tremendous psychological pressure, Kotaro, who was forcibly nailed through his thighs and fixed in rows opposite the benches, trimmed his nails and pulled out his teeth, fled as if he had been amnesty on site.

Although his psychological quality has surpassed that of the four people who underwent close-range courage tests in three rooms, he endured the discomfort and fear in his heart and pulled out teeth, manicured nails, and made up for the zombies, which actually tested and tempered his heart even more .

"You are really amazing. After being tossed by you like this, they will soon be reborn." Yuan Xin was full of emotion.

"Since I have accepted the task, I have to complete it beyond the standard. I have to be responsible for my own work." Bailang said modestly, then looked at a bone in Yuan Xin's hand, "Huh? There is an aura of undead in this bone!"

Yuan Xin turned this bone back and forth between her fingers: "You can see, this is a rib I took off from a skeleton."

"Why do you want this? Aren't you here to collect ingredients?" Bailang asked suspiciously.

"I have to say that I am very lucky. The value of this world is far beyond my imagination. After I asked and investigated at the market yesterday, I found that the monsters in this world can be divided into three categories: mutant beasts, monsters, and undead... Originally, "mutant beasts ' should be the key research object of my journey."

Bailang nodded, and only mutant beasts are suitable for humans to use, and they are only a small part. Many mutant beasts are also unusable and contain toxins.

"But the other two species are even rarer and rarer to me. I have also experienced several missions. Those worlds are normal, and the weirdest one has ghosts and monsters, but my strength was limited at that time, and I was not qualified to hunt them. Therefore, monsters and undead are beyond the scope of my cooking skills. This time I have the opportunity to get in touch with them, I am really happy to see them, and I decided to take the most common skeleton among the undead as the main research content.”

"Shrimp?" Bailang was shocked after hearing this, "I can understand your feelings. You must choose monsters, they are equivalent to higher-level 'magic ingredients'. Why choose 'skeletons'? Are you sure this thing can also be used?" eat?"

"Of course, don't you think it's bold and novel to use undead as ingredients? Once it's done well, it can completely create a genre..." Yuan Xin showed an ambitious expression, "Take skeletons as an example. Looking at them from another angle, they are just bones. Isn't it natural for bones to be used for stew? And these movable undead are undoubtedly more wonderful than ordinary bones, and can also be treated as "magic ingredients". If the "ordinary skeletons" lose nutrients, then those powerful skeletons, and even What about the Skeleton King? Every bone contains powerful energy..."

Just like Bailang has unlimited talent in the field of medicine, this cook is also unconstrained in the field of cooking, imagining the possibility of fancy skull bone soup.

"But that is dead energy, which is completely opposite to life force, so it cannot be eaten at all."

Bailang shook his head, this is like turning a ball of flame into ice cream. Or it would be as ridiculous as trying to make a 'popsicle' into a hot pot.

"No! Superficial, one-sided. Everything can be used as food, no one has succeeded, but the correct cooking method has not been found yet... Take the root bone as an example, its biggest problem is 'poison'. The bone contains A 'dead poison' that can kill the vitality of all living things, my next step is to reverse the poison..."

Bailang was full of confusion: "Is this also possible?"

"Of course, I'll prove it to you."

In this way, Bai Lang and Yuan Xin, the contractor from the "Gourmet Paradise", watched and instructed the newcomers to exercise their courage, while communicating in a friendly atmosphere, exchanging a lot of information, and seeing and hearing from other worlds.

The world this lady lives in is as technologically advanced as his previous home on Earth, and slightly inferior to Somogo. It is also a strange planet, and has experienced 'dimensional erosion'. The continent where she is located, with the Song Dynasty as the dividing line, has spawned a brand new "Li Dynasty", and in just 90 years, it has achieved a global technological explosion.

That world's 'food culture' is prosperous, and there are also extraordinary powers. Yuan Xin is a contractor of the internal strength system, but the gourmet paradise will follow the "gourmet route", and the contractor must solidify at least one culinary skill. Just like a paparazzi paradise, everything focuses on shooting, broadcasting, and intelligence gathering.

There is something urgent during the day today, so I don't start work until after dinner, so the update is relatively late.

The 4K chapter will not be disassembled... there is only one update, so let's go to sleep after reading it.

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