Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 961: Iron Bar Broken Mountain, Yukun Town

The Buddha statue of Qianshou Guanyin gives people the feeling that compassion is peaceful, but it is not a pleasant thing to be truly locked by Guanyin Qianshou.

Destruction and killing are the most intuitive feelings.

Supporting his princess Iron Fan next to Xin Han, he even felt a sense of powerless despair at this moment. He only felt that nine days and ten places, all directions, all were the palms of Guanyin, and there was no way to dodge or resist.

The kind of breath that kills immortals like ants directly defeated the resistance of the iron fan, only to wait for death.

But at this time, a violent momentum suddenly erupted from Xin Han's body beside her. A powerful air wave directly lifted Princess Iron Fan out of the attack range of Guanyin.

When Princess Iron Fan looked back, Xin Han had grown to four or five feet tall, taller than before, and all the blood vessels had been stretched. One by one, like a dragon, it was cruelly attached to the body surface, like a hill. His muscles swelled up, showing strength and masculinity, and directly swelled the tattered book gown.

The sound of "Dong Dang" is endless. This dense series of sounds, such as the sound of defeating the leather, is the sound of Guanyin's thousand arms hitting Xin Han on his palm.

What surprised the iron fan and Zixia was that although Xin Han was attacked by Guanyin every time, he would definitely take a step back, and at the same time blood would spout out of his mouth, but then his body would swell a little. After a thousand palms, his body grew to There is already some power in the world.

At this time, Xin Han's eyes were red, just like the bull's eyes after the demon king was turned into the original form.

At the same time, I don't know what the reason was. A layer of blue mask with a thickness of several feet appeared on Xin Han's body surface. From a distance, it looked like Xin Han was trapped in a big blue water ball.

A leaf that was blown off by the wind in the distance was blown in the air by the whirlwind of Guanyin and Xinhan's momentum. Before being smashed, it strayed into the blue gas mask.

A horrified scene appeared, and the leaves withered instantly, then dried into powder, and then disappeared.

Guanyin finally moved. She noticed that the blue gas mask had the strength of years.

Xin Han was full of violent breath all over him at this time. He had lost his temper this time. In any case, he did not want to bow his head in front of Guanyin, nor did he want to be manipulated.

In fact, Xin Han also knows that the fist is reasonable, but at this moment, he has just become a fairy, and he has been accustomed to the wind and the water. He has not reversed his thoughts, which is stubborn for ordinary people.

Fairy! Seeing for a long time, the sun and the moon are the same, and the world and the life are the same.

I have become an immortal, why should I be at the mercy of others?

It was with this anger and dissatisfaction that Xin Han swallowed ten violent medicaments in one breath. This violent pharmacy was developed based on the Hulk gene, and one can explode ten times the power.

Ten colds of Xinhan are taken at the same time. This is a method of taking that they have not tested by Gal. No one knows what kind of results they can produce.

Boom ~! Xin Han's momentum exploded again, like substance, making the air within ten feet of the body thick, and the thickness of chopsticks flashed in the void, a flash of lightning thunder.

This is the vision produced by Xin Han's thunder and lightning, the energy burst to the extreme.

Ten violent potions drank, not only did Xin Han's power explode to the extreme, but all the power in his body was running at full speed and strength.

This outburst of momentum is already hidden in the same direction as Erlang Xianshengjun, even beyond. Zombie husband, you can't borrow corpses to fill souls

It must be said that the mutant gene of green fat can be said to be the most difficult to explain in the Marvel universe. There is almost no upper limit for the explosion. At least for now, no one knows where the upper limit of the power after the green fat rage is.

Compared to the green fat, Xin Han ’s mad potion is a simplified version, but at the moment, the measurement of ten sticks makes him burst out of incredible energy.

"The poor monk said that the ants are ultimately ants!" Guanyin's face moved slightly, but Xin Han still didn't pay attention to it.

With his hand gently waving, the willow branch with the golden light struck Xin Han again, this time there was no Erlang Zhenjun, see who can help you out.

For things that Guanyin didn't expect, the willow branches spread out from the golden light, after entering the blue mask of Xin Han's body, quickly decomposed and collapsed, just like a fairy law with time, and the mana gradually dissipated.

When Xin Han was one foot in front of him, the whole branch of the vine had collapsed and was not in shape. The little golden light was the purest Buddhism. It was only the structure that the branch of the vine broke and destroyed, but the original Buddhism was still there, but strange Decomposed into the most source of energy, into the gas mask.

Make Xin Han's momentum to a higher level.

"Can I absorb my Buddha's elemental strength?

Before Guanyin entered Buddhism, it was the Taoist Jinxian who naturally understood the reason why his Buddha's elemental power was absorbed.

A hint of teasing flashed on Guanyin's face: "How can I control the years, how about the hundreds of rivers, what do you think you have!" After that, I will use the willow branch in the Yujing bottle, and when I pull it out again, the willow branch All branches and leaves were stained with a drop of water.

When the wrist turned, this was like a golden dragon whipping towards Xin Han.

This time, the golden branches spread into the blue hood, and there was a trace of collapse, and a blue light radiated from the many water droplets, and they immediately recovered.

Although Xin Han's body fell into rage at this moment, his consciousness was exceptionally sober, and he could clearly feel the violent endless power of the body and endless pain. These are the effects and side effects of taking ten violent potions.

After the willow branches and vines entered the realm of time and space for the second time, the power of time and space did not lose its effect. They still destroyed the mana structure of the golden vine branches with the sword-like years, but the water droplets exuded huge The amount of breath of life is constantly repairing the traces left by the years.

According to legend, the jade net bottle in Guanyin's hands gathers water from all over the world and condenses into dew. In addition to its heavy weight, it also has boundless vitality and can live on all plants and plants.

At the moment, Xin Han's grinning face showed an ironic smile, and he waved his hand violently. The wishful gold hoop stick came out of the space and reached his hand. With his body shape, the gold hoop stick expanded directly to the thickness of the water tank, ten feet long .

"Break me!" Although the gold hoop is only an acquired spirit treasure, it can be called a **** iron and has its own unique features, that is, it can increase in weight as its body size becomes larger.

When Sun Dasheng pierced the sky with a gold hoop, he always stood on the ground, not because it was too big, but because it was too heavy.

At the moment, Xin Han's strength is still improving. It is effortless to hold the gold hoop with a thickness of a few dozen feet.

As soon as he shot, he set off a violent wind and directly hit the golden willow branch with the golden hoop.

It is said that Yi Rou Ke Gang, but this stick came from Xin Han, clever and clever, breaking all methods with one force, everywhere strength, the entire golden awn was shattered instantly. Ghost King is in power, it is easy to spoil his wife

With a bang, the shattering along the golden branches spread all the way up, threatening the willow branches themselves.

"Sure enough it's here with you! It's so arrogant to make trouble under the eyes of the poor monk!" Guanyin recognized that this was the real gold hoop, and his heart was angry, and his wrist turned again. Then the willow branch shook suddenly, and the golden light broke from it, again A golden twig of vines shone out, drawing it under Xin Han's rib from another angle.

Regardless of Guanyin, Xin Han took a big step and rushed towards the other party. With a mad devil stick method in his hand, he immediately released a big move of "group demon dance" to slam the whole body up and down, while trying his best to shoot, It was like the second nuclear explosion, where the strength passed, leaving a deep gully on the surrounding ground.

The two great strengths collided again and again, Zixia, the iron fan, and the Niu Demon who was injured by Guanyin over there, they all retreated back and forth.

Especially the Bull Demon King, he did n’t expect the little white face chased by him for a few hours, so crazy that it was so terrible that he could face the big Luo Jinxian!

Xin Han rushed all the way. In addition to boundless strength, a faint thunder appeared. The sound of wind and thunder spread far away with the roaring wind.

Regardless of how Guanyin's willow branches changed, they were all suppressed by a stick, shattered, and exploded, and they stared at Xin Han and rushed to the Guanyin seat.

Just before Xin Han approached, Linkong jumped up, breaking the mountain with great force, and suddenly hit Guanyin.

Guanyin Liu raised her eyebrows: "Unrestrained!" Put away Yangliuzhi, holding the jade bottle upwards.

I actually used this sheep fat jade bottle to touch the gold hoop rod. The golden light on the ‘boom’ gold hoop stick collided with the blue light on the jade bottle, and the time was like a short stillness.

Heaven and earth, all the immortal Buddha powers observing this battle showed a surprised expression, but I didn't expect a little mysterious immortal to be able to fight this step with a big Luo Jinxian.

Although they all know that Guanyin has certainly not used real strength, it is also commendable.

Many Taoist Zhenxian even considered whether they should go against the Jade Emperor's will and rescue Xin Han.

With a bang, the Guanyin remained in place without any change, and Xinhan, who was like a dragon, collapsed and flew more than a hundred miles away with the golden hoop.

All the creatures within a hundred miles of the radius were swept by the energy erupted by this blow, and instantly turned into powder.

"You evil and evil killing again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even if you drop a supreme treasure, the poor monk will kill you!" The supreme treasure is just the reincarnation of Sun Wukong. Since it can be reincarnated, you can reincarnate again As far as Buddhism is concerned, as long as the true spirit is immortal, it is nothing.

At this time, Guanyin has really raised a killing opportunity for Xin Han. Even if he discards the Supreme Treasure, he will kill Xin Han.

I saw Guanyin Zijing's bottle, on the willow branch's body, took a leaf, and gave it a flick, the leaf quickly enlarged and wrapped towards Xin Han hundred miles away.

Xin Han had seen this move. In the desert, Guanyin had already killed the Monkey King Qi Tian.

It was only at this time that with the defeat of the attack, Xin Han ’s medicinal power from the green fat gene burst, and the power was violent again, which finally affected the knowledge of the sea, the thinking became chaotic, the power became chaotic, and the whole person was in violent, I didn't even realize that the killing was coming.

He was acting instinctively at this time, so he had to use the strongest attack to crush the opponent, and somehow he instantly put away the gold hoop under the instinct.

Reaching directly, like the water surface, it ripples in the void, and I don't know where I reached, and I grasped something!

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