Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 968: Get rid of him, I will give 2 billion

Fury is dead and died in the hospital! Steve was in trouble and was listed as one of the suspects.

After investigations by Steve and Carter, they found a clue related to the assassination of Fury, and the clue pointed to South Africa!

The news was brought back by Natasha. She hurried back, added some equipment in the mansion's arsenal, and kissed on the sleeping Xin Han's face, and told Jane and Honghou to take care of Xin Han, Then he left in a hurry.

As the elders of S.H.I.E.L.D., Frye and Steve ’s friends investigated the truth of this matter. Natasha was obliged, so she decided to go to South Africa with Steve. An agent trained as a super warrior ... Falcon!

At the same time, Howard and Tony, who were invited by the Department of Defense, are already in Washington to conduct confidential talks on specific matters related to the Department of Defense taking over the Stark Enterprise Weapon Department.

After the planes of Natasha and Steve took off, a tall, white-haired old man with glasses in the building of the Washington headquarters of SHIELD looked at the plane taking off on the screen and said to the side: "Wait When the plane flies out of the high seas, shoot it down! "

"Observe the sir!" Bullock of the "crossbones" smiled insidiously, and then said to Pierce: "I really want to thank you sir this time, if not you, I will be held by SHIELD for a lifetime!"

The crossbones were last broken by Xin Han's limbs and revealed his identity. He was imprisoned by Nick Fury in Aegis Bureau, hoping to be able to interrogate information about Hydra from his mouth.

Unexpectedly, this time Nick Fury had an accident, Pierce released him directly and let him take over his former armed squad.

His team members have long been developed into a member of the Hydra, and now at least half of the entire SHIELD has become a Hydra member or controlled by the Hydra.

So much so that there is a saying in the organization of Hydra, ‘Hydra, SHIELD, is two sides of a coin’

"Because of that person, we have postponed the" Insight Plan ". Is this time this time ...?"

Before Brock finished, Pierce interrupted: "Forget the" Insight Plan ", that person had an accident. According to the information we have, the person fell into a lethargy. I will ask you to bring him back. This woman was also brought back together, and we feel that he and her have great secrets! "

Pierce snapped his fingers, and the civilian agent on the side struck the keyboard a few times in succession. A beautiful woman picture appeared on the display. If Natasha was still at SHIELD, she would recognize that this woman was exactly After the red.

A look of surprise appeared on Brock's face: "What happened to him?" Then his face changed: "How could he be in trouble, not fake news!"

Pierce shook his head: "No, it has been more than a month, and it will definitely not be fake news. I will call Eagle Eye to cooperate with you. He does not know our affairs. Be careful when you talk!"

"In addition, you are not allowed to do excessive things to that person. Our scientists have to study him carefully. It is very likely that he will discover the secret of his longevity and strength. This is what we need most, and it is more important than the insight plan. Ten thousand times! He will be the lucky star of our Hydra, I have this hunch! "

The color of ecstasy appeared on Brock's face, and he grinned: "Relax, I won't play him!"

For Bullock, in the New York S.H.I.E.L.D. branch, being abused in public has become a permanent pain in his heart. For him, as long as he can revenge, he can even die with the enemy.

This time he regained his freedom and had the opportunity to avenge himself. How could he not be happy?

"I'm going to New York now!" Brock finished, picking up the pager and contacting his teammates to gather, while striding out.

When the Brock Armed Squadron flew to New York, a Rattlesnake missile approached Natasha and Steve's plane. A few seconds later, the plane exploded and the life and death of the crew was unknown.

At the same time, Pierce and a senior official of the Ministry of Defense met with Howard and Tony. The content of the conversation was not pleasant.

Howard and Tony held cigars in their hands, breathing out smoke, watching a group of heavily armed men pointing their guns at their soldiers, showing a disdainful smile.

Although they had undergone rigorous inspections before this meeting and did not carry steel armor, the two fathers and sons had no fear, because the two played a pivotal role in the country. Tucker Group was one of the economic pillars of the country And no one dared to move their father and son. If there is no evidence of the crimes committed by the two, even the president ca n’t take them.

The other two had undergone Xin Han's transformation and practiced some martial arts, but they were afraid that they could kill everyone in this room.

What's more, Howard and Tony, two big and small foxes, how could they not use their own defensive means.

Howard said towards Pierce: "Pierce, all old friends, what do you mean?"

Tony stood up, pointed his cigar at the soldiers who followed him with guns, and then said to the top of the Ministry of Defense: "Do you know the consequences for me?"

The high-level senior shrugged helplessly: "The two Mr. Stark, Director Pierce of S.H.I.E.L.D. Board will give you an explanation. Our Ministry of Defense only cooperates with S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

Pierce smiled faintly: "Howard, Tony, this time I just let you stay here for twenty-four hours. It doesn't mean anything else. In addition, our action is not aimed at you or Stark Enterprise!"

Howard smiled stiffly: "Well, Fry, when will you be Pierce?"

Pierce's face appeared solemn and a little heavy said: "Fery was assassinated a few hours ago, and we have reason to suspect that this matter is related to the mysterious` `Xin '' in the Avengers!"

When Howard and Tony heard this, they both showed a weird look, and at the same time quieted down and returned to their seats.

Seeing the performance of the two, Pierce asked curiously, "Aren't you surprised? I know, Howard, you must be related to this Xin. You also have a good friend with Xin according to our information. ..... "

"Wrong!" Howard interrupted. "I want to correct you a little bit. We are brothers and Xin is Tony's uncle!"

Tony nodded helplessly: "Although I don't want to admit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but it is true!"

Pierce smiled: "Since that's the case, don't you worry?"

Howard took a sip of cigar and tapped on the table in front of him with his hand: "I want to teach him a long time ago, help me beat up hard. If you do this, I will give you a billion meters!"

Tony added: "Get rid of him, I will give 2 billion!"

Howard simply patted the table: "How much is 2 billion, you have to kill Xin, I will give you the entire Stark Group, how?"

The two fathers and sons glanced at each other and laughed: "Okay, don't you just rest for twenty-four hours? Any entertainment, beautiful girls, and fine wine. Come on, let us two relax!"

Pierce and the top official of the Ministry of Defense glanced at each other, wondering if the pair of unscrupulous fathers and sons were crazy. Are you sure what the brothers and uncles just said are not for fun?

The former swallowed foam, and he began to have an ominous hunch about the plan of action. (To be continued.)

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