Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 975: No. 1 God

How about Daizongfu? Qi Luqing is gone.

Chong Shenxiu, Yin and Yang cut faintly.

The **** bodied Zeng Yun, decided to return to the bird.

It will be Ling Ling's top, a glance at the small mountains.

This is the poet St. Du Fu, who praises Taishan, expressing the shock and emotion in his heart. Even if he has never been to Taishan, he can feel the majestic and magnificent Taishan, Yuanzhu Yuezhi and Wuyue, among the people, who have never been to Taishan. With the majestic weather that climbed to the top overlooking the mountains.

At the southern foot of Mount Tai is the famous Emperor Xingong Dai Temple.

Dai Temple, commonly known as the "Dongyue Temple", was built in the Han Dynasty. It is the place where emperors of all dynasties held the Zen ritual and worshiped the Taishan gods.

As before other temples, there are many fortune-telling priests or people who make a living from it. Most of these people are connected to the temple, or they are the priests in this Dai temple, and the income from the temple is also to the temple. Pay the enshrined.

Speaking of these, most of these people also understand the Zhouyi, four-post, bone-touching, and face-to-face methods, but they are not scammers, but they are still inaccurate.

But more than half a year ago, something strange happened in front of this temple.

One day, a fortune-telling booth was suddenly added in front of the temple. A Taishi chair was placed behind an eight-century table. On the chair was a handsome young man wearing a white ancient Hanfu gown and holding a meticulous Taoist temple.

This little gentleman has a rule for fortune telling. It counts once, and guajin is not priced at twice, and only one person is counted every hour, that is, two hours. When to close the booth depends on your mood, sometimes even one day There is no stall, and sometimes you can take a day with a book of scriptures.

To say that Mr. Xiao looks good, it is really impossible to pick, with red lips and white teeth, like a star, it is more handsome than those little fresh meat stars, but a erected "the world's first **** calculation" gold flag is behind it. , But it makes some people dare not compliment.

Both the fortune-tellers around me and the tourists who watched every day felt that this little gentleman was not very old and was too loud.

But the strange thing is that if someone else is like that, it has long been called the Taoist priest in Dai Temple, or the scenic area management party has been blasted away.

But this handsome young generation alone has nothing to do, and there is a middle-aged Taoist priest at his side who is waiting at any time. When the little gentleman is idle, reading the scriptures, serving tea and pouring water, serving him well.

When this little gentleman had just set up a stall, because of his young age, he could not win the trust of others, and the business could be said to be incomprehensible.

It was not until someone recognized that the Taoist priests who served the little gentleman behind him every day were quite famous Taoist priests in Dai Temple, and once the host even served for a few days in person, which attracted the attention of others. Thereby, there was the first local tyrant who dared to eat crabs.

The local tyrant spent ten thousand guajin gold at first, but it was too expensive at first. But three days later, the local tyrant came to the guarantor and gave a few loud heads without giving up.

It turned out that the only son of the local tyrant had a life and death tragedy, which was calculated by this little gentleman in advance. Although he was doubtful, the local tyrant still took good precautions when he went back. I did not expect what happened afterwards. It's not bad at all, and the son of the local tyrant also escaped.

So far, the name of the fortune-telling has spread completely, and the people who come to ask for hexagrams and inquiries every day are endless. Not only local tyrants, but also ordinary people have spent tens of thousands of yuan to ask this little gentleman for guidance.

However, no one who has been instructed thinks that the money is worthless. Each one says that the **** is accurate and the **** is calculated. Therefore, the name of the world ’s first **** is more and more extensive, and even thousands of miles and thousands of people are admired. Come and ask for questioning.

Later, some colleagues were jealous of this little gentleman and reported to the relevant departments, but as soon as the investigation results of the relevant departments came out, this little gentleman's business became more prosperous.

It turned out that half of the fortune-telling income of this little gentleman was donated to the Taishan Taoist Association for the repair of Taoist temples and monuments, and the other half was donated to the surrounding orphanages. He had never received a cent of it.

To know its daily income, plus the gratitude of the believers, it ranges from tens of thousands to tens of millions each day. After a month, this can be said to be an astronomical figure. Even if you do n’t get a penny, how can you not be so temperamental? People are convinced.

In the end, folk rumors are that many government officials and even senior officials from the central government have come to ask Yi Bu for help.

This also led to Mr. Xiao ’s fame growing day by day. In the end, people who come to ask Bu every day can be described as a crowd of people, plus Mr. Xiao only counts one person every hour, if it is ranked, it will be ranked after a few years. Endless.

Later, the Dai Temple host thought of a way to discuss with Mr. Xiao every time to draw a lot among the people who came to ask for divination. The red draw was drawn as a fate, so that many disputes could be reduced.

On this day, a group of nearly thirty people was taken by the tour guide to the first stop of the mountain climbing Dai Temple.

These people are all in their twenties, and they are classmates who have graduated from university for a few years. They have once again gathered together to visit Taishan and recall the time of their former classmates.

When I saw the side of the gate of Dai Temple, there was a scene of fortune-telling stalls surrounded by people and people. Some of these people asked the tour guide what was going on.

The guide said with a smile: "This is our new attraction in Taishan. The people who come here every day can be described as endless ..." When I was about to explain the matter of Mr. Xiao.

"I only heard that this little gentleman's surname is Xin, but I don't know his name. The Taoist in the Nadai Temple called him Mr. Xin!"

A charming and attractive woman in this team said: "It's true and false, I think that the little gentleman is younger than us. Is he twenty years old, but he is really handsome, even I am tempted!"

The tour guide laughed: "That's no longer the number, look over there, those girls are the support group of Mr. Xiao. They come every day to give gifts and refreshments. Unfortunately, Mr. Xiao is said to be a practitioner, and he refused all!"

The woman turned back to the quiet face, but the strong young man smiled and said: "Ye Fan, you are a local tyrant now, it is better to count!"

Her words aroused unanimous applause from her classmates. In fact, these people are also very curious about this little gentleman who needs a lot of money to calculate a gossip. I do n’t know if the calculation is really as accurate as the tour guide said.

Ye Fangang was about to speak, but listened to another ordinary young man in the team who had a gloomy look in his eyes and disdained: "Such scammers also believe that only fools will count!"

He said so, the scene was suddenly cold.

The tour guide was not happy: "This gentleman can't talk nonsense ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Mr. Xiao's daily income is generally used for the repair of Taoist monuments, and the other half will be donated to the nearby orphanage, but it is not a fraud ! "

The beautiful woman who spoke before quickly hurried forward and stopped in front of the two: "I'm sorry, my classmates are also unintentional!"

She said that the young man who talked before felt a little faceless and immediately said: "Don't care, Lin Jia, was it a liar? If you don't believe it, I will expose him!"

As he separated the crowd, he squeezed forward.

"Liu Yunzhi, don't mess up!" The girl named Lin Jia, unstopped, Liu Yunzhi had squeezed past the crowd from the front.

The guide stomped anxiously: "Why is this man like this, what quality!"

Lin Jia turned to Ye Fan and said: "Ye Fan, you are in good health, go and stop him!" There were too many people in front, Lin Jia looked dazed and couldn't dare to squeeze in.

Ye Fan smiled and said: "There are so many people, there will be nothing wrong, let's see and talk!" (To be continued.)

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