Dimensional God: The Void Ring

Chapter 1009: The use of space and time

"Remember to keep your mouth alive and interrupt your limbs to seal off your skills!"

Xin Han said this to Xiao Feng, Ximen Chuixue and Zuo Qianhu. ?

If someone else hears it, he will definitely feel that he is arrogant and unrealistic!

Because this monk, monk, and vulgar are the top masters of Buddhism, Taoism, and Demon, the strength is already a half-step longevity. If it is a realm, even if the three men of Ximen Chuxue have just broken through and touched the threshold of Wu Zun, With these three masters, a real difference!

It is absolutely impossible to win this situation on the Lunar Star.

But Xin Han has absolute confidence in his three people!

There is no other reason. The three masters of the three sects of Buddhism, Taoism, and Devil. Although their realm is high, in this lunar world, they are taking the path of their predecessors, and they are trained step by step. Although the realm is there, it does not represent the real combat power.

On the other hand, the three of Ximen Biaoxue, Xiao Feng, and Zuo Qianhu, although slightly lower in level, have each found their own martial arts. They have reached a state of fascination with their own control. When they move, they are wonderful, and all means are handy!

Just like swordsmanship, Xin Han lowered his strength and degree to the same level as Simon Blowing Snow, and the two were just a tie. In terms of swordsmanship and kendo understanding, even he could not pass each other.

The same is true of Xiao Feng, facing Xiao Feng of the same strength.

Zuo Qianhu's sword technique is unique and self-contained, and his understanding of the sword technique has reached an unbelievable level.

All in all, Xin Han expected the understanding of these three martial arts, the use of moves, and the three masters of the magic Tao Buddha who had come from afar!

In addition, the masters of Tongtian Pavilion have all received a variety of natural materials and reborn, and their physical qualities are actually comparable to ordinary warriors, so Xin Han only said the words before!

And the facts are exactly the same as his guess. Although Simon Chuixue and Xiao Feng were seriously injured again, and everyone was bloodshed, they still managed to fight each other with a tenacious fighting spirit, and they were not weak for the first time. There was no slight joy on his face, but he realized the gains of this battle carefully.

The only thing he struggled with was Zuoqianhu. He confronted the master of the magic door. The tricks were strange and unpredictable. Several times he nearly died. However, Zuoqianhu was more ruthless than the opponent and released a flaw that allowed the opponent to penetrate. Entering the body and pulling the distance closer, he cut the opponent's arms with a knife and kicked the opponent's leg bones.

Jin Jin

However, he also invaded the body because of the strange magic skills of the other party and the highly toxic carried on the blade. If he was not rescued by Xin Han, even if he had undergone the transformation of the perfect T virus, he would die. this.

Although the three of them all achieved victory through injury-for-injury, the three masters were extremely satisfied. This battle allowed them to break through the limit, and the realm was raised again, and they entered the state of Wu Zun. (Equivalent to Yuanying Realm)

If you recover from the injury and play with these three again, I believe the winner will be much easier.

Tian Shan Tongmao looked clearly, Xin Han said to him: "Ximen blowing snow sword Dao is really the peak, the highest I have seen in my life. Xiao Feng's on-the-spot swing is definitely higher than his real strength. The mentality is not bad, that is, the understanding of their own martial arts is even worse! "

Wu Yazi, Zhang Sanfeng and others nodded their heads, and what Tianshan Tongmu said was what they thought.

Wu Yazi frowned and said: "Apprentice, it seems that this Taiyin star land is very rich, and there are countless masters. Only this time there are three Wu Zun peak masters, so it seems that I doubt that the legendary longevity is not just a legend. , I think the three masters of Buddha, Dao and Demon certainly have masters above Wu Zun sitting in town! "

Looking at the apprentice nodded, Wu Yazi said again: "In this way, if we rely on our gang of old guys and these little guys, it will be difficult to break out of the sky on this lunar star!"

As soon as Xin Han reached out, the three Buddhas and Dao demons disappeared, and then said to Wuyazi: "Master, rest assured, I have considered this matter long ago, and I will give you more strength this time!"

Returning to Xuanwu City, Xin Han first went to the warehouse to fill a large amount of Lingjing mine, which was enough to fill the hall of the city's main palace ten times, take out a few barrels of Shenquan, and put a half of Zhizhi on the side.

Then said to the masters and Wan Wan: "I have a way to increase my cultivation by a thousand times, so everyone can practice with confidence around me!"

The masters moved in their hearts and asked in unison: "Like before?"

They remembered the fact that Xin Han had given them the magical spring water to make them reborn. At that time, they made great progress and directly rose to the peak of Wudao Jindan, which is the peak of Wuzong. Originally they thought it was the reason of the spring.

Now that I want to come, I can absorb the conversion so quickly, but there are other reasons for it.

Xin Han nodded and smiled: "Exactly!"

He smiled with a bit of bitterness in his mouth. His magical power in this time and space realm originally thought that he could ripen plants and was useless, but today he can quickly improve his cultivation level. Muze World Reborn

The time in one's own field has been increased by a thousand times, so that one person's practice in the field for one day is equal to the outside world's practice for a thousand days, which is equivalent to three years of practice.

Let these masters practice for three years, why should the cultivation go further! ! !

It is a pity that he has tried it before. At this time, the space-time domain is actually immune to himself, which can affect others, but not himself.

In other words, the golden finger added by this practice is useless to him, you said it is not depressed!

Seeing all the guru sitting cross-legged, this spread the field to the extreme.

Xin Han also sat down on the spot, absorbing the thunder and lightning elements cruising around him and practicing Yuanshen.

This practice is ten days, and for the masters sitting around Xin Han, this retreat is exactly thirty years!

A whole hall of spirit crystal was used up. Not to mention, Xin Han took the spirit crystal out of the void space in the middle, filled the hall several times, almost all the production of the spirit crystal mine near Xuanwu City this year Used up.

Xin Han understands this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Why did someone say that the masters are all piled up with resources, even if they are talented, even if they are unqualified, they need a lot of resources if they want to become masters quickly .

In this hall, all the masters, including his witch wife Wanwan, all broke through to the peak of Wuzun, and Zhang Sanfeng, Wuyazi and Ximen Fuxue successfully broke through Wuzun and reached Taiyin Star , The so-called 'long life'! (Corresponds to the transition period)

Both Zhang Sanfeng and Wuyazi are well-accumulated, and it is natural for them to transform into dragons in case of storms. For the ten days of Xin Han, it is 30 years of hard work for them. It is not surprising that they have continuously broken through the realm.

What really surprised Xin Han was Xi Men blowing snow. This swordsman who only insisted on kendo, with the help of a single kendo, passed others and successfully torn open the shackles and promoted the realm of longevity.

Xin Han is very satisfied with this. In his plan, conquering the lunar star and occupying all the Lingjing mines will be done by these masters. There are three masters who are comparable to the robbery period. He can also go to it with confidence. I have a leisurely day.

He intends to deal with the matter here, just find a world to relax completely, and before that, he will return to the real world to see his friends! (.)8

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